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vado retro

liberty bell get back to work. dont make me come over there!!!

Mar 20, 07 4:21 pm  · 
work for idle hands

yeah i'm an idiot

Mar 20, 07 5:03 pm  · 

i also agree with steven on the global warming front. the entire movement has lots of merit regardless of the warming reality.

for those interested in an unblanced view from the other side (in response to the unbalanced view offered by gore et al), bbc4 has a website explaining the salient arguments from the docu. here

i was more like yourself wonder-k til i started doing phd and was forced to re-consider the scientific method. my research is based on sustainable urban form, in particular the compact city theory. When i began looking into the literature it was easy to find all the common ideas represented about benefits and such. but as i got deeper i found an enormous amount of info that contradicts them 100%. There is so much of this in fact that the consensus is now that we haven't got a clue about what we are talking about and pretty much have to start again, this time discarding the polemics...which is where my own work comes in.

anyway...i suspect global warming is a bit of the same thing. there is so much info out there we can pretty much prove whatever we want. in such instances i think learning about both points of view is more important than ever. my bias is still towards the gore-ish side of things, but am now a bit skeptical of the more shrill claims (like the one about malaria-bearing mosquitoes moving north with warming, which is such incredible rubbish; malaria is NOT a tropical disease and the worst oubreak in recent history was in friggin russia)...

kay...will desist with the prosetylisin. nothing worse than a sceptic in a house.

Mar 20, 07 9:39 pm  · 

Jump- are you designing eco-cities? I've been thinking about starting a thread dedicated to that idea. Other people beyond arup must be working on this...

If you make sustainable design an ethical issue, then you can avoid all the thorny scientific questions and condemn the skeptics to burn in hell!!!! hee hee hee!

Mar 20, 07 10:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

yuck...i feel like today was a very lame day on archinect. almost nothing inspiring (or even interesting) at all...really makes me just want to post a bunch of bullshit about the threat of hungry bears waking up from hibernation.

my beef with global warming is that there are only three possibilities here. 1- its getting warmer, 2- its getting colder or 3- the temperature is holding steady. considering that earth is a dynamic environment, #3 is very unlikely. so inevitably its going to be getting either hotter or colder. big deal, so what, etc.

having said that, i am significantly concerned with our use of resources, especially the manner with which we have been burning through the cheap energy of oil/petro and for what? to build more wal-marts and otherwise degrade out habitats for the sake of corporate profits? i guess i agree with steven ward and it's probably worth noting that i also have some sympathy for james howard kunstler...althought i know that's likely to draw some ire given his new urbanist proclivities.

Mar 21, 07 12:33 am  · 

As far as Kunstler is concerned, I'm more offended by his repeated use of the word "faggotry" as a pejorative than any of his ill-researched, well-meaning new-urbanist rants. I would be inclined to agree with many of his prescriptions if he wasn't such a disagreeable human being.

And... Wal-mart is now poised to be the largest consumer of green energy in North America. It's getting very hard to tell who the villains are anymore. I miss the simplicity of the W's first four years.

Mar 21, 07 1:30 am  · 

puddles, today or this year?

Mar 21, 07 2:21 am  · 

you DID seem a little cranky yesterday puddles. what, you didn't like my moose?!

kunstler's 'new urbanist' proclivities don't bother me. there's room for that. the new town that duany designed that has just been developed about a mile from this house where we're staying - "norton commons" - is one of the few things out here that doesn't suck. yeah yeah, it's the same cutesy old charleston crap that you'd expect in a dpz project, but the planning model is so superior to everything that is ALREADY growing up around it.

here's the irony. the developers may be in a bind if they can't get some commercial development in their 'town center' soon. they've built it and it's empty. but the issue doesn't seem to be geography. lots of roadside commercial has grown up around the commons - in fact, because of it.

norton commons residents are the draw, the market, but these commercial developers cannot see a way of changing their models in order to occupy the 'town center' and are clearing the entire perimeter so that they can build their bullseyes (buildings at centers of parking lots) along the roads feeding into the commons.

so is a new urban development like this sort of like recreating the dead-city-center-surrounded-by-suburban-pollution, but in fast forward?

Mar 21, 07 7:17 am  · 
liberty bell

Thta's a similar case to Indy's West Clay development, Steven - the town center, though lovely and somewhat pedestrian-oriented - is essentially empty. Retail doens't seem to want to take that risk?

Mar 21, 07 7:20 am  · 

anybody else itching to be the 300th post on the breuer thread. i would, but i don't have anything new to say. i was hoping 300 would be 'the charrette results are up!'

anyway, every time i log on that 299 taunts me...

Mar 21, 07 7:50 am  · 

You could post something about Girl Scout cookies, Steven. That seems to be a popular thread spark/killer these days.

Mar 21, 07 8:57 am  · 
vado retro

we call west clay stepford wife ville. that said, we do as much work there as possible. i went to the developer's anniversery party last summer. the food was good and free as was the booze. it was held on ronald reagan green and i threw up a little.

Mar 21, 07 9:17 am  · 

Hope you weren't tossing girl scout mint cookies...vado

Mar 21, 07 10:21 am  · 

i agree with steven about 299 post on breuer thread. my name is up there and i feel like i am causing a familiarity disdain.

Mar 21, 07 12:24 pm  · 
brian buchalski

that 299 is very tantalizing...who will dare touch it now?

Mar 21, 07 12:45 pm  · 

anybody else think evilplatipus is going through PMS on this thread?

Mar 21, 07 12:55 pm  · 

i like the 300 being "the first feature-" or "the charrette proposals-" are up comment. sorry Orhan....hang in there buddy...

Mar 21, 07 1:15 pm  · 

i am going to dentist this morning. no big deal just a regular clean up.
they charge me 135 per clean every 4 mounths and i think it is little too steep since the rate has been carried over from my smoking days when she had to clean the tar and the nicotine stains.
i think today i am going to bring it up and say,
"hey i am kind of broke guys".

to hook the whole post on an architectural node,
tonight a friend of mine invited me to the young and promising architects' party somewhere on sunset blvd where there are going to be a lot of faculty people from the local architecture schools. who knows maybe there is a story there...

Mar 21, 07 1:21 pm  · 

its raining hard, the weather is just warm enough to curl up and forget about archinect today. I'm even having a hard time reading the longer posts.

Mar 21, 07 1:25 pm  · 

what was that movie where the guys started there own school? Anyway I was looking at that link treekiller pointed to and that's all I could think of

esp seeing kids killing themselves trying to impress NAAB for accreditation right before graduation

perhaps we should do - start our own archinect school of architecture - dean of school abra,
studio professors liberty & vado
professors in sustainable desigh dubk & treekiller
Jav can take history & culture
school mascot the garwondler

the rest of us can be faculty & visiting jurors

paul is there enough funding?

Mar 21, 07 1:32 pm  · 

tk- absolutely. While I know that archinect would like the grad school fervor to be a bit more contained than that (yes, buckity could have asked those questions within existing threads), the response seemed really overblown.

Mar 21, 07 1:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

From the news: an excellent article on the whole global warming thing.

Mar 21, 07 1:45 pm  · 
vado retro

well its that time again. another milestone six thousand posts and 47 of them have actually been about architecture. to celebrate the event i am posting this video as it is one of my all time faves...

Mar 21, 07 1:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

Woohoo vado!!

Mar 21, 07 1:49 pm  · 

hey thanks techno.

i am glad AP got his name back, because (i confess), i tried to sign on his name last weekend and it was refused to me too (i did tried some other names since treekiller told me it was possible, and now i decided i am not going to be a like a your name type of person anymore unless somebody says go ahead and make my day, but even then, i realize i can do that as abra)
anyway AP prankster thing was gonna be a non-architectural prankster and sort of mischivious just like the garwondler trio. not that dizzy gillispie is one of favorite musicians, i think use of his name can be limited to weekend posts. of course i don't think there are any weekend type activities, as we know it, left for AP, since he committed himself to archinect writers guild.

i don't wanna be anonymous.

Mar 21, 07 1:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm relieved to see AP back.

And I'm tired of being anonymous too, Orhan I mean abra. But I don't want to let go of liberty bell - should I do a combination screen name, like "liberty bell/Donna Sink"?

Nah - as I just pointed out on archinect blows, my real name is right there on my profile.

That article I linked to above is great.

Mar 21, 07 2:04 pm  · 

I agree with you about the anonymity, lb, I added my real name to my profile last year during the first YB infestation.

There's something about having my name up there that makes me check my posts for spelling errors before hitting that button, and I think that's a good thing.

Mar 21, 07 2:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So is there a way to really "spell check" posts, or do you have to old school it, and do it yourself?

Anybody seen any of the AFI films slated for the AFI Film Festival Dallas?

Mar 21, 07 2:31 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Evil-p gets pms often it seems.
Please no one else change your name, I confuse easily.

Mar 21, 07 2:35 pm  · 

I like maintaining a certain level of anonimity for those random wierdos out there, but then I'm not completely anonymous either. Every time I post my portfolio, my resume's right there in the profile. And I'm becoming less and less anonymous every day, as I've met about 10 archinectors in person now.

Mar 21, 07 2:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I haven't met any Archinectors. But then again, I do only have 90 comments. 100 seems soooo far away....I...Just....Can'

Mar 21, 07 2:43 pm  · 

Sarah, no automated spel chzek, I'm just trying to train my eye to catch the worst stuff before it goes out there into the world.

Mar 21, 07 3:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

They should work on that for Archinect 2008, or are they on 3.0, or ... how is Adobe numbering theirs now...Oh yeah, CS.

Mar 21, 07 3:09 pm  · 

Archinect Vista

Mar 21, 07 3:20 pm  · 
Chili Davis

While it is still in it's development stages, it will be known as "Archinect Longhorn." Only in the future will we learn of it's God given name, "Archinect per Corell."

Mar 21, 07 3:38 pm  · 

I would vote for Archinet Discovery Version 007

Mar 21, 07 5:20 pm  · 

and I thought we were going to not refer to its name like Prince or Belazbub

Mar 21, 07 5:25 pm  · 

"The Web site formerly known as Archinect?"

I rather like being anonymous..... except for the 25+ of you that I know and talk to, of course. Perhaps it's because I kind of steal away with my thoughts and ideas and then just kind of let it all out in one big flourish when I'm good and ready. If I did have my real name up here, it would likely be strictly business.

Also, I want to say that I am glad that Archinect weighed in on that thread and didn't delete it. I found it odd when seemingly innocuous threads got deleted.....

Mar 21, 07 5:47 pm  · 

This was my saturday morning, so as you can imagine been moving some snow with the help of one Frito Jack.

Mar 21, 07 6:02 pm  · 

Oh man, I can't believe I just went over there fed the damn troll again. Sorry. Last time.

Mar 21, 07 6:46 pm  · 
vado retro

kool doggy snooker. i could not possibly teach at a uni as i personally suck. however, i would be glad to tack up low paying drafting jobs up on the lobby bulletin board!

Mar 21, 07 6:52 pm  · 

sounds perfect can join the rest of us come crit time

Frito name for a dog with snow on his face

Mar 21, 07 7:21 pm  · 

i'm hoping for archinext to be named ocelot or iNect...

if you want a spell checker, use firefox!

TK is not anonymous ;)

Mar 21, 07 8:52 pm  · 

tree, sorry for not getting back to you, but would we try again for sunday?

oh, and could i get my original name back, please? i just wanted to try out Kracklite to see if anyone would pick up on the reference...


sad, so sad...

i will say that i am blushing about the comment on my possible hotness. i think that mystery might have to stay a little while longer...

Mar 21, 07 9:38 pm  · 
Ms Beary

love that doggie!

Mar 21, 07 9:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

Goddammit beta I KNEW that name sounded familiar! But it's been at least 10 years since I've seen that film. And you know your hotness is tangible, not just possible.

treekiller, I wondered why suddenly all my posts have little red Word-like spellcheck action going on - it's because I switched to Firefox! Thanks for illuminating that for me. I suppose I should go ahead and add treekiller, Strawbeary, architechnophilia, etc. to my library, so it stops trying to tell me those names are spelled wrong!

I'm finishing up a punch list tonight, thrilling evening! but then I look for barn door sliding hardware online, that could be fun -, here I come!

Mar 21, 07 9:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oops - I accidentally removed myself from post notification for TC - this is the only one I want to know about. So I'm posting now to re-check that box. And off to grainger...

Mar 21, 07 10:16 pm  · 

i'm happy to have the name back too (had to use my 'get out of jail free' card)...and Kracksutures, sorry if my comment that you could switch and switch back compelled you to change yours.
misinfo, my bad. embrace your ken, kin. ;-)

anonymity...i only lurked before starting my schoolblog (which had my name attached from day 1) i've never really experienced it here (well, maybe way back in the day, during archinect's first manifestation when user names were disposable)...but i understand those of you that would rather stay nameless to the masses.

...actually, after a couple days as Dizzy, when i couldn't get 'AP' back on my own, i considered changing it to my full name, like Steven and Orhan etc...

so, anyone here responsible for the Rem Koolhaas comment on the SAVE ME thread? looks like another switchster to me...

snooker - great dog. Frito Jack owns that pile of snow. nice house too...

back to portfolio.

Mar 21, 07 10:51 pm  · 

I was just the opposite- I wasn't anonymous at first, and got freaked out by someone, which prompted me to become so.

Mar 21, 07 10:55 pm  · 
vado retro

when i worked at a now defunct bookstore in albucrackee. brian dennehy came in one sleepy saturday afternoon and bought up a bunch of tony hillerman novels. brian is a big dude. then a couple of years later i was walkin in to a little bookstore and tony hillerman was walkin in also and we talked about the weather. good times.

Mar 21, 07 11:16 pm  · 

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