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I find desperate housewives comes they didn't add a housewive of colour or definitive race until after numerous protests by some of their investors...

its not just white guys...

anyway - all this debate is just making me more heated to see the movie tomorrow

Mar 19, 07 1:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think i'd forget about movies...the bears are coming and they're hungry...try to stay alive

Mar 19, 07 1:49 pm  · 
brian buchalski

and yeah...i'm still alive

Mar 19, 07 1:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK: WWTC do?

I love my Flickr account and love keeping up with all-y'all on your Flickr accounts.

But tomorrow the "old school" way of signing into Flickr disappears, and you have to have a Yahoo account.

I don't want to give Yahoo as much personal information as they are asking me for. I don't want to have anything to do with Yahoo. I just want to manage pictures online and see what my friends are doing with their pictures online too.

How do I circumvent this?

Mar 19, 07 1:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Whats wrong with yahoo? Just curious. I'm not a Yahoo fanatic or anything.

Mar 19, 07 2:27 pm  · 
vado retro

those guys at yahoo are a bunch of deformed lezbos!!!

Mar 19, 07 2:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yahoo wants to know my gender and my birthdate - both are required information - and I am certain I'll get more spam if I sign up with them.

Ar there any alternative to Flickr? Photobucket, perhaps?

Mar 19, 07 2:30 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

They must not use Gender as a decision in the spam I get. I mean really, do I really need a larger penis?

Mar 19, 07 2:32 pm  · 
brian buchalski

everybody needs a larger penis. and how come bears don't have to wear pants

Mar 19, 07 2:34 pm  · 
vado retro

call garwondLer!!!

Mar 19, 07 2:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Guess it is equal opportunity.

Mar 19, 07 2:37 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh...i think i'm losing might want to stay away from me

Mar 19, 07 2:39 pm  · 
vado retro

at this rate i'll have 6000 posts by sundown.

Mar 19, 07 2:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What are you at now Vado?

Mar 19, 07 2:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nevermind, I see. 5973.

Mar 19, 07 2:46 pm  · 
vado retro

thats not why i wanted to have a larger image to look at kristin :P

Mar 19, 07 2:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

Well I just told yahoo I'm a 17 year old male living in Schenectady (their zip code is 12345, cool, huh?).

If another alternative to Flickr comes along I'll take it. But I'd want to take all my archinect contacts with me.

Still no MySpace for me. Should I do it? Perhaps as a 17yo boy from Schenectady?

Mar 19, 07 2:53 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I only have a MySpace username and password just so I can laugh at how lame the people I went to HS turned out. Thats mean, huh. But I don't think it asked me for Name, Age, ect. At least I didn't fill any of it out.

Mar 19, 07 2:55 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm posting so much that a 17 year old from schenectedy thinks i am at home today.

Mar 19, 07 3:06 pm  · 

Marble statue of the Ephesian Artemis. (125-175 A.D.)

Artemis was the Greek goddess, the virginal huntress and twin of Apollo, who supplanted the Titan Selene as Goddess of the Moon. Of the Olympian goddesses who inherited aspects of the Great Goddess of Crete, Athene was more honored than Artemis at Athens. At Ephesus, a goddess whom the Greeks associated with Artemis was passionately venerated in an archaic, certainly pre-Hellenic cult image[1] that was carved of wood, and kept decorated with jewelry. Robert Fleischer identified as decorations of the primitive xoanon the changeable features that since Minucius Felix and Jerome's Christian attacks on pagan popular religion had been read as many breasts or "eggs"— denoting her fertility. Most similar to Near-Eastern and Egyptian deities, and least like Greek ones, her body and legs are enclosed within a tapering pillar-like term, from which her feet protrude. On the coins minted at Ephesus, the apparently many-breasted Goddess wears a mural crown (like a city's walls), an attribute of Cybele (see polos). On the coins she rests either arm on a staff formed of entwined serpents or of a stack of ouroboroi, the eternal serpent with its tail in its mouth. Like Cybele, the goddess at Ephesus was served by hereditary hierodules called megabyzae, and by (korai).

Mar 19, 07 3:11 pm  · 
vado retro

dont put all yer breasts in one basket...

Mar 19, 07 4:45 pm  · 

lb like you I'm anti yahoo - occurred when i was finding their files in folders I didn't want them to...particularly microsoft access files with client information.

But like you I also wanted to keep my flickr account, so I set up a new yahoo account just for flickr...I dont care if its spammed...and honestly so far its been pretty clean.

Sorry to anyone who emails me there - I don't check it often

Mar 19, 07 5:02 pm  · 

lb, I was going to suggest doing exactly what architechno did.....set up a Yahoo account and then use it for all future sign ups of any kind so all the spam goes there.....I had a bunch of my political emails routed to my Yahoo account and I'm much happier for it.

I'm glad you decided to stay with Flickr! I'm uploading some pictures tonight!

Mar 19, 07 6:31 pm  · 

PS. You should definitely get a MySpace account. It's hilarious. However, I would go with a fake identity of a legal age. Wouldn't want any cops knocking on your door.....

Mar 19, 07 6:31 pm  · 

what'S myspace? (joke)

can't afford anymore time wasted than i spend already at archinect, so no accounts anywhere myspacey or flickr-tastic.

LB, a movie! wow, so jealous. my wife and i only get to see a show when we visit her parents in the countryside (babysitiing is unheard of here). you is very lucky.

Mar 19, 07 7:08 pm  · 


any of you see "the great global warming swindle" ? a documentary made to counter the biases in gore's flick...with alternative biases, of course.

some weird paranoia at the end of the show, but the science at the beginning sure makes me wonder. real science, not bush-science, is presented. but totally contradicts many of the concepts gore presented.

ie, co2 is plausibly questioned as engine of climate change and evidence presented for possibility that warming is more related to solar sunspot activity than greenhouse gases...and apparently co2 is not a significant cause of climate change anyway, according to the climate record in ice cores etc (in this show the co2 lags behind warming, not preceed it; a significant difference from what we are usually taught).

they do not talk about the kealing curve at all, however, which i think is a bit fishy...

still, def recomend watching.

Mar 19, 07 7:19 pm  · 

[img] width=400[img]

Mar 19, 07 8:33 pm  · 


Mar 19, 07 8:34 pm  · 

for diabase


i joined myspace (as some of you know) this past Fall, after much pressure from a certain friend. i finally gave in because he and a handful of other UF grad students set up MySpaces for their thesis projects (at the behest of their thesis chair...they were all studying in Italy during the Fall of their final year, so the pages were set up to accomodate satellite chair-ing, they use the pages for the posting of abstracts, working bibliographies, drawings etc.)...

well...the only way to follow the projects was to have an, i gave in. after following a few of the more interesting thesis projects for the fall semester, i became frustrated with all of the unsolicited friend requests from so and so hooker and such and such singles group blablabla...

so, now i only check it when i get an email notification from wonderK or some past friend who's name i recognize. ((my 6th grade girlfriend and my first long-term high school girlfriend (9th and 10th grade) both found me on there...))


back to workin on portfolio...WOOHOO!

so rationalist, i'm interested to hear about your UW interview...

Mar 19, 07 8:53 pm  · 

Yes, but you have to enjoy my comment sprees, right Dizzle?

jump, I have no problem with people who dispute the science. However, no matter the cause of the global warming, all the projections still say that most coastal areas in the world will be underwater in 80 years if we do nothing to stop the emissions. It's not getting any's not like the ice is going to refreeze somehow, unless there is a giant sudden climate shift, and that would be equally disasterous. I mean, am I the only one seeing this?

Mar 19, 07 11:52 pm  · 
brian buchalski

you won't find a myspace account for puddles. my music biz friends haven't been bugging me about it. and i did not set one up.

but less talk about my space...tell me about your space?

Mar 20, 07 12:27 am  · 
liberty bell

OK, this is too damn funny - a brief film - as posted by faster then the speed of beef.

Mar 20, 07 12:53 am  · 


Mar 20, 07 1:06 am  · 

thanks for posting that again, lb or I might have missed it!

Mar 20, 07 1:06 am  · 

nice. the disappointment on that guy's face is palpable.

Mar 20, 07 1:08 am  · 

i agree wonder-k. hell i been a believer in the keeling curve and all it implied since i first read about it in the 1980's.

but the science pointed out in the documentary basically says that co2 has absolutely nothing to do with global warming, that the increase in atmospheric co2 is the result of warming, and not the other way around (very important!), and that the warming spell we have entered is the result of the sun, not emissions caused by humanity. they offer a lot of reasons that are largely credible as far as i can tell for this being the truth of the matter...but i remain skeptical cuz i been a believer for so long in the gore-ish version of the science. still, it is intriguing.

you are not the only one seeing the possible problems. what we are doing to ourselves and the plant is foolish, short-sighted, and just plain silly. still, i think it would be better if the science were slightly less would be nice if gore didn't bugger some of his facts up too...makes it too easy to dump his good arguments along with the exaggerated ones he uses to score points.

Mar 20, 07 7:54 am  · 

i've been less concerned with the doom-and-gloom global warming issue. i stand by the old tried and true: 'we're making the world an uglier, trashier, less-healthy place in which to live and we're using up the resources upon which we depend faster than they can be replaced. let's stop it.'

if global warming becomes the only issue we try to work against, we'll still not be thinking holistically about the effects of our luxurious lifesyles on our environment. "sustainability" is about a lot more than global warming but i'm afraid the growing political attention to global warming will end up causing knee-jerk point-and-shoot reactions and blindered policy.

Mar 20, 07 8:06 am  · 

well (and simply) said, Steven. that certainly an argument that is less subject to the issue's baggage...if that makes sense.

wonderK, i certainly enjoy your comments, even though that green bagel made me momentarily queasy (although i suppose that was technically a "bulletin"...freakin' myspace jargon...)

alright...9am. time to start working.

Mar 20, 07 9:01 am  · 

oh, word (phrase?) of the week: "the steven-candidate-olator"

Mar 20, 07 9:05 am  · 
vado retro

i had voted in every election that i was eligible for except the first one. the 1980 presidential election. in this election, the only politician who i actually reviled was elected presidente of amerika. so i voted and voted and voted and for some reason the people i wanted to win, never won. so i didn't vote in the last election and the republikans lost. i take it as an omen.

Mar 20, 07 9:08 am  · 
vado retro

you know who has a lot of myspace friends? alice cooper thats who.

Mar 20, 07 9:10 am  · 

Did anyone else have a hard time posting to archinect lastnight? It kept sending me to a RPG site even when i tried to report it. Very weird thse hackers

Mar 20, 07 11:17 am  · 

Anyway this was the post I wanted to make in response to WK

- whilst I strongly believe in global warming I believe some of the reported effects are a little off centre particularly when you see reports on increases of natural disasters, etc. Not that I dont believe them - I've seen living proof of it. But I also think these things are in cycles...and with it will probably / likely come the dimise of (wo)man (just like the dinosaurs)

so that said...

here's a simple calculation - how many inches would the polar caps have to melt in order to reach sea level....seems like a trick question

second many inches of would the polar caps have to receed to submerge a coast that's 30ft/10m above sea level

WK keep on the fight - there are more of us treehuggers around esp on archinect and I think we should all buy some land in colorado it might become coastal any minute now

Mar 20, 07 11:22 am  · 

Thanks architechno....

With regards to the weather and increased environmental disruptions, etc., I like to think about the butterfly know: a butterfly flaps its wings in China, which causes a slight breeze and before you know it there's hurricane force winds in British Columbia. Of course this is an exaggeration, but I think it's important to remember that we don't operate in a vacuum and the Earth, however sturdy it might be, is still susceptible to our trashing of it.

I know I sound like a broken record sometimes. I hope you guys don't mind. Talking about it constantly helps me crystallize my thoughts about it which prepares me for discussing it with people who actually don't get it.

Also how funny would it be if Ohio eventually became beachfront property.

Mar 20, 07 12:46 pm  · 

I generally go with Steven's arguement as well.... at the very least, nobody can reasonably expect us to believe that humans are helping the planet. But lately I have been increasingly distrubed by the freaky weather this year.

Mar 20, 07 1:09 pm  · 

wk- grist has a great list of 'talking points' to thwart any skeptics attempts to blame global warming on something else...

fyi- ohio has beach front property on lake erie, where you can even go surfing in cleaveland.

onto other topics - this thread brought back memories of the great interior design rebellion from last year. I do like maya lins work and do like the association of interesting women with a women's health center. I just think that a wall of photos is just tacky, shows no imagination, and is rather condecending on both the women visiting the health center and the women featured in the photos. Ms. interior designer at th big healthcare design firm in california, please chose some real art for your project or invest the money in a better design!

Mar 20, 07 1:17 pm  · 
vado retro

help the earth...
sell yer car
quit yer job in an industry that uses enormous resources to produce meaningless products
quit having babies
stop flying in jets
grow your own food
kill yourself

repeat as needed

Mar 20, 07 2:45 pm  · 

i missed the airbus landing yesterday in lax and most likely i will not see the take of this evening due to overcast weather.

Mar 20, 07 2:56 pm  · 

meet Thumbelina, my new friend.

Mar 20, 07 3:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've not been posting today because I'm so swamped I've been trying to be efficient. I even enlisted vado in calling to remind me every now and again that I need to be efficient today, so no archinecting.

However one small thing has distracted me - a pair of cardinals is working on building a nest in the tree about 8' outside the window where I sit. The male is busy busy busy, bringing sticks and disappearing into the shrub, while the female sorta hangs out closer to the ground. Maybe she's "with egg" already and he's rushing to get a place built for them?

It's really cool.

I need to update that "...look like" thread, that pic of me is so old. But it will have to be later.

Mar 20, 07 4:18 pm  · 

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