
Thread Central

I will not link to it. It's not worth anyone's time, even to ridicule. But I hear the new MST3K is really good if you enjoy ridicule!
Apr 9, 17 6:04 pm  · 

Satellite o ' Love!

Apr 9, 17 6:55 pm  · 

Jared Kushner J. Press Camo outfit for the eternal Mid-East wars.

Apr 9, 17 8:13 pm  · 

Coming to a J.Crew Fall Catalogue near you.

Apr 9, 17 10:52 pm  · 

Finally saw David Adjaye's DC museum in person.  Granted, I only saw the outside, but I'm disappointed.  

It's just another box with a hat on it.  

Apr 10, 17 12:59 pm  · 
Husband threw me a surprise 50th birthday party last night. I was 100% surprised, had no idea! And had a really fun time. But today I will be a bit hungover.
Apr 12, 17 7:54 am  · 


Apr 12, 17 8:59 am  · 

Happy birthday, Donna!

Apr 12, 17 9:32 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Happy Birthday! 50 is the new 30!

Apr 12, 17 10:38 am  · 

After all the good things I heard about the show, i had to tune in to watch Fargo last night.  2 minutes in I was done, Ewan McGregor, and Joaquin Phoenix putting on that accent was just too much, not to mention how overdone it was by the rest of the cast.  As a native North Dakotan, I just couldn't bear it, is that really what makes the series?  Maybe that, and how dull and unintelligent folks from the region are portrayed, makes folks from the coasts feel better about themselves I guess.  Lazy writing, poor effort, and rampant stereotyping, awful show...

Apr 20, 17 10:38 am  · 

Welcome to my world. As a person from Appalachia, I grow very tired of our portrayal in movies/television.

Apr 20, 17 11:16 am  · 

History channel goes so far as putting subtitles on their shows about the region.

Apr 20, 17 11:17 am  · 

Try the first season. I haven't seen the newest one yet but I don't get any of the stereotypes you mention from the first (or second) series.

Apr 20, 17 12:21 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I haven't watched TV in 8 years, highly recommend it.

Apr 20, 17 2:22 pm  · 

Ewan McGregor's attempt at that accent irked me in much the same way another Star Wars character's voice did, who shallest not be named. td - I'm getting more to the gist that everyone on the program was inept, nothing got done during that episode in a way that showed anyone possessed a shred of skill or competency. Hell, the scene where Ewan McGregor 2 was talking to Ewan McGregor 1 and Joaquin, the utterance of them seeing themselves as "international businessmen" was written in a way to show how clueless they are, and they're the successful ones! Yeah, I'll probably watch next weeks episode, I'm hoping the story can rise above the tropes...

Apr 20, 17 3:55 pm  · 

If it's any consolation Ewan Macgregor isn't even in the first two seasons. And I understand what you're getting at - to which I'll say the majority of characters in the shows run are anything but inept. I can't speak for Season 3 yet, but I'd be optimistic that the show will once again rise above the tropes to find humanity in its story.

Apr 20, 17 4:35 pm  · 

Whered you get 16k?

Apr 20, 17 1:54 pm  · 

I had no idea that Paul Newman was an Architect, or is he....

Apr 20, 17 7:22 pm  · 

“Operation Vandelay Industries"

My day is made.

Apr 20, 17 7:25 pm  · 

Did you see those fees? Pretty cheap...

Apr 20, 17 8:56 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

This guys commits 7 years of fraud with a fake stamp but no M Arch grad working in an office without a license can so much as call a wallpaper rep and call themselves an architect to order samples without a reprimand. Great system we got here.

Apr 20, 17 9:27 pm  · 

Nobody thought to go to the NYSED website and verify this guy's license for seven years?

Apr 20, 17 9:48 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Is it that easy to write fake prescriptions too? If so, I have a new business plan...

Apr 20, 17 10:07 pm  · 

"deceiving hundreds of New Yorkers – including families and senior citizens — with the sole goal of enriching himself"

Not one of the better big-money fraud schemes I've heard of... $200,000 over seven years? Ouch.

Apr 21, 17 4:26 am  · 

I wonder if the clients or occupants felt defrauded during the process. Were they happy with the services he provided? Did anyone think 'Is this guy even an architect?' Or worse, could anyone tell the difference at all?

Apr 21, 17 11:40 am  · 

I have to wonder if the guy had any employees.  I was close to taking a job out of school with a design build firm that was ran by a repeat offender, scamming folks with fake design work whilst having no qualifications.  He seemed to live it up pretty well, always dressed nice on his social media stuff, had a few young designers on staff.  So I got the invite to interview, looked a little deeper, and immediately cancelled.  That company was defunct less than a year later, but, he's back at it again from the looks of his whoscammedme page...

Apr 21, 17 4:23 pm  · 

It's always been a little weird to me how easy it is to get a fake stamp. I could look up literally any architect in the state and order a stamp with their name and license number. Do the stamp makers even verify your credentials when you place an order?

Apr 21, 17 7:06 pm  · 

David: My dad, who was a professional engineer, had exactly what you describe happen to him. Some guy found his engineering license information in the public record, had a stamp made, and then used it to stamp engineering drawings. He only learned about it when some litigation developed and he was notified of the suit. He had no trouble extricating himself from the suit since it was obvious that he was not involved, but it does make you scratch your head.

Apr 21, 17 10:12 pm  · 
AIA National just voted to go to war with Costa Rica.
Apr 26, 17 3:32 pm  · 

Practicing engineering without a license...

Apr 27, 17 7:22 am  · 

That one is a gray area, and sounds like someone was pissed they were proven wrong. Besides, we all know they alter the light timing to get more tickets. It's a well known fact here in Chicago.

I don't think the guy should have received a fine. He had a hypothesis and used his training to prove it. That's scientific research to me - although I can see a potential HSW argument (a grasping for straws one at that, so perfect for today's governmental climate).

Apr 27, 17 10:53 am  · 

laughable, nonetheless

Apr 27, 17 10:57 am  · 

Agreed. Go after someone that knowingly violated a law to build/engineer something that potentially endangers the public, not someone doing research. Hell I can think of some people, like all the building designers claiming to be architects (Rick, this isn't calling you out - there are many others that do this).

Apr 27, 17 11:13 am  · 

He referred to himself a "professional engineer" in the body of his letter. The fine was strictly for misrepresenting himself as an engineer, based on that statement. It had absolutely nothing to do with his traffic light analysis.

Apr 27, 17 12:31 pm  · 

I must have glossed over that. In that case the fine is warranted.

Apr 27, 17 12:38 pm  · 

The original reporter ran this with a "fined for unlicensed math" headline, and it has continued to be portrayed that way. The reality is the traffic division was annoyed by his letter so turned him in for calling himself an engineer, and the engineering board was happy to fine him for it. There are no math cops in Oregon.

Apr 27, 17 12:48 pm  · 

Oh absolutely - someone was petty AF and turned him in. I wonder what would have happened if he just said "engineer" - kind of ties into boards apparently not giving a damn that IT companies are using "Solutions Architect", UX Architect, and the like.

Apr 27, 17 12:52 pm  · 

Balkins I was quoting from his own lawsuit against the state - not an OSBEELS document.  Fyi all of this occurred following two years of him emailing OSBEELS - it wasn't an issue of calling himself an engineer once - they warned him in their responses and he came back with more emails insisting "yes, I am an excellent engineer" and further detailing his practice of "Electronics Engineer" in Oregon.  This was also after he'd previously tried to sue the city over the traffic light timing and that case got thrown out, after which he attempted to peddle the traffic light story to 60 Minutes and CBS News, among others. 

Remember how the staff at OBAE referred to you as a "known pest"? This guy is even more pesky.  Let that be a cautionary tale.

Apr 28, 17 7:22 pm  · 

Richard if I were you I'd focus less on whether or not you have a legal right to practice architecture in Sweden from Oregon (because A. nobody seems to be arguing against that at all - you just for some reason feel the need to keep repeating it; and B. you're not actually practicing architecture in Sweden and are very unlikely to ever do so, so it's all moot anyway). What I'd focus on if I were you is that the boards in Oregon have a clear history of going after people who aggravate them - and you have a history of doing so, and of already been investigated by them in the pas - so why keep poking that bear? Mr. Järlström seems to have done so on purpose, and seems to have sought publicity over this issue - but he has the resources to fight that fight for sport. You on the other hand clearly have extremely scant resources, as evidenced by your boasting here over coming up with +/- 11k to put toward your student loans as if that is some sort of accomplishment, even though you're in your late 30s and don't pay for groceries, rent or utilities, so could reasonably have amassed hundreds of thousands by now if you'd only get a job.

Apr 30, 17 1:21 pm  · 

Still peanuts. The upshot is you don't have the resources to do what Mr. Järlström is doing in deliberately riling up the board for the sake of notoriety. It seems like you're trying to bait them, or bait others to report you to them. If they ever do fine you and/or ban you from ever gaining a license in OR, you won't be able to afford to defend yourself regardless of whether they're right or wrong, so why stir up trouble?

Apr 30, 17 6:55 pm  · 

Who are you "defending yourself" against though? It just seems like you're trying to pick a fight. Nobody here is arguing with you about your right to advertise services in Sweden, so why keep bringing it up? That's a strategy that works well in gaining publicity for people who can afford to stir up charges from the state and then sic their legal team on them to clear it all up. For somebody without that luxury it's a bad strategy to pick a fight with the state, or try to rile up others to report you to the state, because you won't be able to effectively fight the fines, or the restrictions on your future license privileges - whether or not the state is in the wrong.   At present nobody here on Archinect is arguing against your right to advertise services to Sweden, and the state has not put up any objections either, correct? So why not continue as you're doing, quietly, and stop trying to raise objections?

Apr 30, 17 8:47 pm  · 

Hey suit yourself. The board's never going to say "we're fining you because you're annoying us", but Oregons' boards sure have a history of coming up with charges against people who have made pests of themselves. Lawyers know when it benefits themselves to shut up, and they don't broadcast hypothetical defenses to charges that don't exist yet. If you can't afford to pay lawyers to fight those charges, don't annoy the board. It's that simple, though I know you well enough to know that you likely won't learn until you owe tens of thousands in fines and legal fees.

Apr 30, 17 10:06 pm  · 

Who is telling you to hide? I'm saying stop attaching your situation to this other troublemaker's. Be quiet. Stop picking a fight with the board.

Look, you know there's enough out there that there could easily be a legitimate case against you.  For a long time you did have your google page set up to identify you as an "Architect", and identifying your location as Oregon. This whole offering services in Sweden only thing isn't going to fly to explain that. The cached version of that is still easy to find.  You're a sitting duck.  Stop quacking unless you've got the 20k for a good defense lawyer.

Apr 30, 17 10:28 pm  · 

Should the links about law suits and whatnot get their own discussion- or is there an existing one?

Apr 28, 17 8:16 pm  · 

Saw this book advertised today and thought of David Cole: Portman's America & Other Speculations.

Forums seem to have died down lately ... hope it means everyone is busy with work.

May 3, 17 12:39 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

busy? I'm swamped.... and little TC distractions to steer me away.

May 3, 17 12:49 pm  · 
Swamped. So busy, both work and volunteer activities and family responsibilities.

Michelle Obama was amazing, though. And we got to meet Phil Freelon and his wife along with many other wonderful people.
May 3, 17 3:06 pm  · 

To be very honest, I've stopped posting because the emails are irritating.  I don't really want to get an email about thread updates.  So, unless it's juicy, I've decided it's not worth it.

Can we get an option to turn the damn emails off, please? And I know there is the check box.  I still get emails from this thread, even though it's not checked.  I don't want emails period. Don't want them if it is a response to my post.  Don't want them if it is a response to the thread. 


Oh, and get off my lawn you whippersnappers. 

May 3, 17 4:25 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

whippersnapper is the name of a great craft brewery near my house.

May 3, 17 5:10 pm  · 

I've never received an email from any thread / reply. The box at the bottom of the reply is unchecked by default for me... 

Not sure what happened with your settings senjohn.

May 3, 17 4:37 pm  · 

I get replies from everything.  Regardless of the status of the checkbox.  My checkbox is not checked on this thread.  I get responses.  And I don't have the opt-out option in the emails.  So, I'm just stuck with them.

Some emails come with an opt-out.  Some don't.  But once I opt out, I start getting emails again if I respond to the same thread. 

Mind you, that despite my curmudgeonly demeanor, I'm actually a 30 year old, reasonably tech-savvy person.  It's not an issue of me being computer illiterate.  

May 3, 17 5:15 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Ricki B, also know as captain obvious, strikes again with pertinent pointers.
May 3, 17 6:24 pm  · 

About the time the inline replies went live I started automatically getting emails about threads I had commented on regardless if I wanted them or not. I've been able to click the "unfollow" link at the top of the screen, but it comes back now and then. For example, my post to TC earlier somehow opted me in to receive notifications ... I never checked the box.

I'm in senator john's demographic too. Not an issue of being computer illiterate. And yes Ricky, I rarely check the email associated with the account. No need to offer any advice.

May 3, 17 11:50 pm  · 

senjohnblutarsky - we've blocked all outgoing emails to you from our mail server, so you shouldn't be getting another comment notification, ever.

For anyone else that is reporting they're getting notifications for new comments (not a response to your own comment) for threads that you aren't following, please forward the notification email to [email protected]

We have extensively tested this and can't find any instances of an email going out to anyone who isn't following a thread at the time of receiving the notification. If there's a bug somewhere we'd appreciate your help to try to track it down. 

May 4, 17 2:46 pm  · 

"We have extensively tested this and can't find any instances of an email going out to anyone who isn't following a thread at the time of receiving the notification. "

In my case this wouldn't have been the issue. It turns out I was "following [the] thread at the time of receiving the notification." The issue was that I never opted in to following the thread when I started receiving the notifications. Now that I have opted out by clicking "unfollow" I'm not getting them. The question is why did I start following the thread in the first place if I didn't make that selection?

May 4, 17 2:56 pm  · 

In making the above reply, it automatically opted me in to receive notifications for this thread

May 4, 17 2:57 pm  · 


May 4, 17 3:00 pm  · 

Wow, there's the bug! We'll get this fixed.

May 4, 17 3:00 pm  · 

Thanks BGH

May 4, 17 3:02 pm  · 

Thanks for the fixes. If the bug is fixed, feel free to remove my blocking of the emails. I don't mind the ability to follow things occasionally. But, getting emails for threads I wasn't subscribed to, or had repeatedly clicked unfollow wasn't my favorite thing ever.

May 4, 17 3:28 pm  · 

We'll unblock your emails after we fix the bug that EI helped us find. We totally get how annoying it is to not be able to stop unwanted email notifications!

May 4, 17 3:29 pm  · 

This is fixed now

May 5, 17 10:52 am  · 

So in this current form, if I switch jobs or go out on my own I will no longer be able to have insurance, or get to choose crappy second-rate insurance and pay a lot more for it due to my existing conditions.

Thanks Trump. You're the best.

Sorry for going political, but the fact that House Republicans are celebrating a bill that will hurt Americans nauseates and infuriates me.

May 4, 17 2:50 pm  · 
I know, Josh. As an architect with a 30-year career I can honestly say that for the last decade health insurance has been the NUMBER ONE influencing factor on whether to start/maintain my own business. Those supposedly pro-business Republicans refuse to acknowledge that health insurance has an economic impact.
May 5, 17 8:01 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Head on up North. It's nice and cosy up here.

May 5, 17 8:26 am  · 

im about as libritarian/conservative as it gets, and I can't stand the current healthcare system. I think its about time we scrap the current system and start over. For the amount of $$$ we spend on healthcare we should be getting way more and worring about way less.

May 5, 17 9:02 am  · 

I also think it' s crazy that healthcare is intertwined with a persons employer. This is a huge restriction on employee movement and holds down salaries across the board.

May 5, 17 9:03 am  · 

ACA de-coupled health insurance from the employer/employee paradigm.

May 5, 17 9:42 am  · 

true, though it hasn't taken hold yet

May 5, 17 9:52 am  · 

Shell, I'm guessing you might disagree but Universal Healthcare is the way to go. And health insurance should definitely be decoupled from employment.

May 5, 17 11:00 am  · 

I also think it' s crazy that healthcare is intertwined with a persons employer. This is a huge restriction on employee movement and holds down salaries across the board.

That's a feature, not a bug.

May 5, 17 11:30 am  · 

Josh, I'm coming around to a single payer system.  I just think the current system has been cobbled together and doesn't really work for anyone.

May 5, 17 11:43 am  · 

Completely agreed there.

May 5, 17 11:48 am  · 

The President agrees too, he just doesn't know it.

May 5, 17 12:39 pm  · 


May 5, 17 3:08 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^ and fictional

May 5, 17 3:11 pm  · 

Uh, first, it says Jesus, not Christ, and b. I have photos of Jesus.

May 5, 17 4:45 pm  · 

start a new job on monday, Senor Project Architect has a nice ring to it though I think I'm too young to be a "senior" anything.

May 5, 17 9:04 am  · 
Congrats on the new job. I have to admit that the Spanish-speaking portion of my brain read your misspelling as Señor Project Architect. So I'll say buena suerte as well.
May 5, 17 9:33 am  · 

I'd rather have Señor Project Architect

May 5, 17 11:01 am  · 

(Miles is back. Shhhh! Be quiet or we might scare him away.)

May 7, 17 4:35 pm  · 

I'll be alright as long as this place doesn't turn into Rickipedia again.

May 7, 17 6:27 pm  · 

Good to see you back.

May 8, 17 12:34 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Ricky is apparently an expert of wolves now.
May 7, 17 7:32 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I'm shocked... I was sure you were some sort of wolf whispering shaman.

May 8, 17 8:06 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Dingos are technically cats.

May 8, 17 11:49 am  · 
Non Sequitur

pretty sure.

May 8, 17 2:40 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

According to some, sure, you can see them as canines, but specialization is just a matter of opinion. Plenty of others see dingos as cats, some even sharing the same sub genre as whales and tortoises. I think those are called marsupials but I am not sure.

May 8, 17 3:58 pm  · 


May 8, 17 4:55 pm  · 

Maybe the Dingo ate your baby!

May 9, 17 12:50 pm  · 

This....this was the conversation that made me finally ignore Rick.

May 9, 17 3:48 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

For anyone interested... there is a blizzard outside my office window.

May 8, 17 12:29 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I think the snow will just add to the floods.

May 8, 17 2:40 pm  · 

Woahh long thread over here. *Grabs some popcorn*

May 8, 17 8:21 pm  · 

If this hasn't crossed your SoMe yet it is heavenly.

May 8, 17 9:53 pm  · 

They're cool looking critters. Apparently they're used for food purposes by some groups. I'm sure the presence of this video will cause some sort of backlash against eating them... But I'm over here wondering what they taste like.

May 9, 17 8:01 am  · 

Not even going to touch Rick's beaver comment.

May 9, 17 1:53 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Hey now. Beavers are sacred creatures.

May 9, 17 2:29 pm  · 

The mating habits of the capybara, courtesy of wikipedia, have me laughing hysterically with my son: "When in estrus, the female's scent changes subtly and nearby males begin pursuit.[30] In addition, a female alerts males she is in estrus by whistling though her nose.[22] During mating, the female has the advantage and mating choice. Capybaras mate only in water, and if a female does not want to mate with a certain male, she either submerges or leaves the water.[22][27] Dominant males are highly protective of the females, but they usually cannot prevent some of the subordinates from copulating.[30] The larger the group, the harder it is for the male to watch all the females. Dominant males secure significantly more matings than each subordinate, but subordinate males, as a class, are responsible for more matings than each dominant male.[30] The lifespan of the capybara's sperm is longer than that of other rodents."

May 9, 17 7:15 pm  · 

I love my job. Do you think the scientist who discovered that capybara sperm are the longest-lived sperm of the rodent family loves his/her job?

May 9, 17 7:17 pm  · 

I ran across a couple of Capybaras in South America when I lived there. My mind immediately went to The Princess Bride and the R.O.U.S. that live in the Fire Swamp. Never got the chance to eat one though. I do have a wallet made from their leather stashed away in a box somewhere.

May 9, 17 1:57 pm  · 

Yep, R.O.U.S. was my first thought, too!

May 9, 17 7:11 pm  · 

I'm feeling a bit of disillusionment right now. How's everyone's Wednesday? 

Also, here's a dingo with a dog and a heifer

May 10, 17 3:40 pm  · 

That's me in the middle.

May 10, 17 5:01 pm  · 

That's me in the corner.

May 10, 17 5:31 pm  · 

that's me in the spotlight

May 10, 17 7:51 pm  · 

Losing my architectural religion. Less isn't More, Mies.

May 10, 17 10:01 pm  · 
Josh, I was charetting all morning towards a 12:30pm deadline. Then I took our new intern out to lunch and had a beer. Midday drinking can be a mistake and boy, I'm feeling it now. Sleepy.....but I'm not complaining!
May 10, 17 4:20 pm  · 

Gotta go with gin at lunch!

May 11, 17 10:16 am  · 
Non Sequitur
Donna, midday drinking is never a mistake.

My Wednesday went fine. I had to drop the hammer on my gc for several issues, one included threat of withholding final compliance letters. Another issue was my realization that they cast the curbs off center at the main entrance and they were actively trying to "correct" the issue without my knowledge. I also released 2 projects for permit, another is ready for tomorrow, and had 2 other project charrettes.

Beers tonight!
May 10, 17 5:43 pm  · 

Wednesday? All those little boxes on the calendar look exactly the same to me.

May 10, 17 5:57 pm  · 

Just getting going on my house.  I'm really struggling with not picking out every little problem.  They've already forgotten two foundation things.  I had them fix (sort of got fixed) one.  The other can be done later. 


My sanity (what little there was) may be tested. 

May 11, 17 9:43 am  · 

What happened in the Gensler wants to see my portfolio thread that caused it to get taken down?

May 11, 17 10:23 am  · 

The OP requested that it be closed

May 11, 17 10:38 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Boo urns.

May 11, 17 11:12 am  · 

Gensler didn't want to see it after all.

May 11, 17 5:53 pm  · 

I would renege the offer to see the portfolio after seeing the lack of effort the OP put into the application as well. Good for the OP that they recognized that. Bad on the OP for posting it in the first place.

May 12, 17 11:16 am  · 

Curious to know why Archinect allows a post like this to be removed at the request of the OP, but this one was left ... even after the OP's name was stricken from the community (only to come back later).

May 12, 17 11:18 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Probably because Balkin's name is already out there while the other was a fresh grad looking for their first job.

May 12, 17 11:45 am  · 

Because the one that's gone was requested, by the OP, to be deleted and the other wasn't.

May 12, 17 11:46 am  · 

Good bye. I'll just continue on with my business.

Good Bye to this worthless forum. I'm not going to accept any webcast, interview or whatever from this forum.

Please delete my account, administrator including this thread and all posts FROM me on this forum.

Thank You.

MAY 22, 16 3:13 PM · REPLY

May 13, 17 1:59 am  · 

^ You must have missed it then

May 13, 17 1:59 am  · 
vado retro

At lunch, Capybaras require Caipirinhas.

May 11, 17 1:09 pm  · 

I like the new inner reply feature to comments. Can't ever recognize this place anymore!

I went over my post history and lord knows how the fuck was I not banned back then. Hilarious, but kinda annoying. Also, the forum is very slow these days. Perhaps for the best. 

Is there a sub on reddit where professionals shoot shit these days? Or somewhere else? I finally got banned from all other forums that I like to torture.

May 11, 17 10:02 pm  · 
Hi Rusty. Nice to see you here, too.

Friday. Thank goodness.
May 12, 17 7:00 am  · 

How can you tell?

May 12, 17 8:37 am  · 

it's on google calendar. are you retired miles?

May 12, 17 2:17 pm  · 

Everyone should watch this:

May 12, 17 11:56 am  · 

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