
Thread Central


is there a test for being an asshat?  whoever invented that Myers-Briggs scam certainly must score high, wouldn't they just?

Mar 15, 13 4:40 am  · 

That would be psychological type ASHT, right? 

Worked till midnight on some cabinet drawings that are due today, then got up at 5am to finish.  I thought these kind of hours would stop when I became an employee?!

Mar 15, 13 6:29 am  · 


I think that if someone scored high on the test I linked, they would be an asshat.  At 20, the narcissism supposedly "starts." The higher the score, the bigger the hat.  It could even require a tophat, and a cane.

Myers-Briggs is rooted in Jungian psychology and the collaborator, who has the name of the test, probably devoted her life to it.  This kind of stuff has to be statistically validated.  Also, Myers-Briggs is seldom, if ever, administered alone.  It is usually given with 1 or 2 other tests, typically in a HS or college career aptitude testing scenario.  It's thematic and the career themes that link up to the types seem about right.

Mar 15, 13 7:56 am  · 

i got lots of respect for psychiatry and social workery, but i find aptitude and personality tests like that miss the point entirely.  people aren't that easy to peg out. 


lol donna.  that is actually kinda sad. 

about work...i dunno about you donna but i  spend crazy amounts of time at my university gig.  i'm helping to run the program so administration is a big chunk of it, but even setting that aside its a lot of work.  Architects are not the only people who work late on a regular basis.  everyone is expected to do it nowadays.  which takes the fun out of it completely.  Entirely impossible to justify being a smug arse if everyone is pulling all-nighters and turning their jobs into way of life.   Very disappointed with work ethic lately. 

more hippies would make things better.

Mar 15, 13 9:25 am  · 

sometimes, i kind of like those personality tests.  same with reading your personality based on your sun sign or the time you were born.  i think the problem is in what you do with them.  telling someone they shouldn't be an architect based on the results of a test seems just wrong.

on the other hand, telling someone they shouldn't be an architect because of the limited potential might be acceptable.  ya, i changed my mind.  we should be telling kids not to be architects because of their personality profile.

Mar 15, 13 10:06 am  · 

I believe in Palm Readings as much as I believe in personality test.

Mar 15, 13 11:14 am  · 

snooker, let me read you palm;

hmmm. ya, probably shouldn't go into architecture.  you palm lines say high competition drives wages down, there is a common lack of business sense among the sect of people who need good business sense, unemployment in the field is higher than it should be.  maybe consider healthcare or finance. 

palm reading is totally viable.

Mar 15, 13 11:33 am  · 

sometimes, i kind of like those personality tests.  same with reading your personality based on your sun sign or the time you were born.  i think the problem is in what you do with them.  telling someone they shouldn't be an architect based on the results of a test seems just wrong.

That's why you integrate the results of various tests.  The popular one is the Strong Interest Inventory.  It speaks to the "personality fit" with an occupation.  However, it doesn't address skills or aptitudes.  Other tests identify those criteria.  Together with the Myers-Briggs, those 3 tests could pull up a viable career path. 

Sun signs are funny.  While I don't believe in it as anything more than a coincidence, it's interesting that over 3/4 of my friends over a long time have been in the same element group.

Health care or finance?  That's funny, too.  Studying business often garners the same reaction as architecture:  "Skyscrapers and big bucks."  The one thing about business is that, except for some push for a GPA, most people who study it are fairly laid-back and have a "what will be will be" attitude toward employment, especially if only equipped with a bachelor's degree, and are content with company jobs that provide them with a decent salary and an acceptable baseline of respect.  Some use it to run small family businesses, like restaurants, and others leave because there are no big bucks and sometimes not even that much stability ... and go into nursing, teaching, engineering, and a bunch of other fields.

Mar 15, 13 12:25 pm  · 

Put that in your tachistoscope and smoke it.

Mar 15, 13 4:55 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

What is funny is that is still how many mental disorders, like Narcissistic Personality Disorder are professionally diagnosed - via a questionnaire. I wonder if I am the only 'Healer' (Myers-Briggs) that went into architecture. How do you do paragraphs here?

Mar 16, 13 7:06 am  · 

i've taken some of these tests. i actually have a relation who works for an hr company that puts a lot of stock in myers-briggs and similar - and consults for business hiring based on them! from my results, i think they're about as trustworthy as numerology, astrology, and fortune tellers. i might trust the i ching more. it scares me that corporations would not only pay this kind of consultancy, treating these tests like science of a sort, but then base their hiring decisions on them. luckily, most architecture firms wouldn't be able to afford them!

in other news, i get to see donna today! 

[oh, wait.] 

In other news, I get to see Donna today! 

Mar 16, 13 8:42 am  · 

as trustworthy as numerology, astrology, and fortune tellers. i might trust the i ching more

^-- that's what i'm saying.  they're all good and reliable sources!  tarot cards too.  and augury.  of course the i-ching is a 3,000 year old language, so anything that has been dependable that long would be a bit more reliable  :)

i wouldn't make any important decisions based on these alone, but maybe sometimes your horoscope or whatever can help you decide on something if it's that or a coin flip. 

happy st. pat's day.  Have fun Steven and Donna.

Mar 16, 13 10:08 am  · 
vado retro

the clusterfuck of not which school to apply to but which to attend after acceptance has begun.

Mar 16, 13 11:18 am  · 

I thought, "I Ching" was loose change in the pocket  rattling around.

Mar 16, 13 12:41 pm  · 
vado retro

 That's why you integrate the results of various tests.  The popular one is the Strong Interest Inventory.  It speaks to the "personality fit" with an occupation.  However, it doesn't address skills or aptitudes.  Other tests identify those criteria.  Together with the Myers-Briggs, those 3 tests could pull up a viable career path.

Sun signs are funny.  While I don't believe in it as anything more than a coincidence, it's interesting that over 3/4 of my friends over a long time have been in the same element group.

Health care or finance?  That's funny, too.  Studying business often garners the same reaction as architecture:  "Skyscrapers and big bucks."  The one thing about business is that, except for some push for a GPA, most people who study it are fairly laid-back and have a "what will be will be" attitude toward employment, especially if only equipped with a bachelor's degree, and are content with company jobs that provide them with a decent salary and an acceptable baseline of respect.  Some use it to run small family businesses, like restaurants, and others leave because there are no big bucks and sometimes not even that much stability ... and go into nursing, teaching, engineering, and a bunch of other fields.


Mar 17, 13 5:35 pm  · 
vado retro

 I am starting a new thread that is about other threads. You can talk about other discussions taking a place in Archinect and make cross references to a particular link, picture, response and whatever else you deem necessary or entertaining or thought provoking about the other thread. thus the name: Thread Central

here are some examples of comments that comes to mind:
* hey did you read on --------- thread ------- thinks frank gehry is good. hahahaharhar..
*i can't believe he said that. how stupid of him. asshole.on top of it he is got hundreds of posts. gimme a break.
* this is the best thread.. fuck the others..
*****Thread Alert******
read the -----thread yet??? there is a dog fight going on between ----- is about gondolas and pollution in Venice..see you there.
* yeaah, i don't read that thread either. its kind a boring.
*i am thinking about starting a discussion about ------------- ---- ---- will you guys in Thread Central post in it and say wow it a great thread?. it was about time 'somebody' (insert my name please) picked up on it.. and discuss it?

like whatever..

Feb 12, 06 9:35 pm

i wonder if some body is going to start athread about Dick Cheney shoot a man? probably norm has got some info on that. i wonder what vado will post on it. it is kind of his alley..
Feb 12, 06 9:47 pm

I'm thinking of posting this in the thread thread:

"*****Thread Alert******
read the thread thread yet??? there is a dog fight going on between abracadabra and manamana. it is about post-whoring and pollution in brain cells...see you there."

I almost did, actually, but then I thought better of it.-


Mar 17, 13 5:36 pm  · 

bump i am off to bed. back to work after a week away for training. i am sure there will be some long days to catch up.

no st patty's celebration for me this year.

Mar 17, 13 9:08 pm  · 

also i have a good bit (300-400) of vinyl, started out as mostly classic rock/jazz but now that vinyl is hip again easy to find re-released or new contemporary on wax. i love the artifact(yness) of a turntable and LP.

Mar 17, 13 9:11 pm  · 
Louisville has good beer, great urban design funkiness, excellent bourbon, and wonderful people. Was good to see you Steven! (We were able to enjoy 3 out of the 4 this weekend. Next time we'll have bourbon too. I had some after you left, Angel's Envy which was delightful.)
Mar 18, 13 7:12 am  · 
vado retro

it's that time of year! Go Hoosiers! Go Bulldogs! Go Lobos!

Mar 18, 13 7:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Back to school. :~(

Less than 12 weeks left, though!
Mar 18, 13 8:13 am  · 

so i guess when the pope prays for his team's victory, god actually listens.  gonzaga will win it all!

Mar 18, 13 9:09 am  · 

rusty is right.  hot karl robbed again!


Go Crimson!

Mar 18, 13 9:25 am  · 
vado retro

technically four indianastan teams are in. but i don't count notre dame as an indiana team to we got IU, Butler and Valporaiso. Fun

Mar 18, 13 12:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, why DO you call it Idianastan?

Mar 18, 13 2:13 pm  · 

lets go Rams......whoo

Mar 18, 13 3:19 pm  · 
vado retro

you would have to ask Puddles.

Mar 18, 13 3:32 pm  · 

i researched this because i thought it was important :

brian buchalski
Sep 25, 07 5:34 pm

i've got nice tan too...still in the west indies :P
vado retro
Sep 25, 07 6:27 pm

I'm as white as my Jallabiya since i never leave my gold plated mini harem.
Sep 25, 07 6:28 pm

what up, vado?
Sep 25, 07 6:29 pm

are you pimpin hard in Indianistan???? Gold plated double-wides, motha fucka!!
vado retro
Sep 25, 07 6:40 pm

well indianastan is located in the mideast.

Mar 18, 13 4:02 pm  · 

I thought Queen of England started the Indianastan thread? Was it puddles?

Mar 18, 13 4:05 pm  · 
vado retro

 i researched this because i thought it was important :

brian buchalski
Sep 25, 07 5:34 pm

i've got nice tan too...still in the west indies :P
vado retro
Sep 25, 07 6:27 pm

I'm as white as my Jallabiya since i never leave my gold plated mini harem.
Sep 25, 07 6:28 pm

what up, vado?
Sep 25, 07 6:29 pm

are you pimpin hard in Indianistan???? Gold plated double-wides, motha fucka!!
vado retro
Sep 25, 07 6:40 pm

well indianastan is located in the mideast.

This is indeed IMPORTANT!

Mar 18, 13 4:23 pm  · 

this is a bit earlier.  i can search back to about 2004ish, but not mention of indianastan before this one.  was indianastan mentioned before '06?:

vado retro
Aug 2, 06 9:47 am

chatted with my friend oana. she was stuck in budapest waiting for the bus. just like that zztop tune. this was 2a.m. indianastan time.

Mar 18, 13 4:42 pm  · 
vado retro

i miss chatting with oana.

Mar 18, 13 5:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm still confused, and I miss Puddles.  sniff.

On another note, I may have to e one of those crazy parents that camps out in line all night to get my child into dual-language kindergarten.  And it's going to be cold.  I hope somebody is around FB or Archinect to entertain me!

Mar 18, 13 5:56 pm  · 
A toast to crazy parents!

Good luck sarah.
Mar 18, 13 7:47 pm  · 


What is the second language being taught along with "Texas English"?

Mar 18, 13 7:55 pm  · 

two-way bilingual? 

Mar 18, 13 8:38 pm  · 

There are some great things in life. Here are two of them: speak at least another language and play a musical instrument.

Mar 18, 13 8:47 pm  · 

Found it.  Back then we were able to joke about Ted Nugent being president of Michiganistan.  Now the uttering of his name makes me retch - everyone has gotten crazier and more short-tempered, including me.


Jeepers did we have fun here back when the economy was good!  I miss le bossman and ochona and A and puddles and all those fun people.

Mar 18, 13 9:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
It's one of those Spanish one day, English the next, sort of deals.
Mar 18, 13 9:09 pm  · 

English? So 20th century. I'd put my money in Spanish/North Korean combo.

Mar 18, 13 9:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Nice, rusty.

It's already cold!! 57 and falling!
Mar 18, 13 10:53 pm  · 
You're a rock star Sarah!!
Mar 18, 13 11:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
If I was a rock star, people would be waiting in line to see me!
Mar 18, 13 11:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I survived!  Temps bottomed out at 43 degrees.  It sucked.  But I got Abram all signed up, and even made it to work on time!

I did skip my first period lecture, opting instead to let the students regale me with stories of their spring break.  One kid skinned and butchered 3 wild hogs, another went to South Padre with his grandparents, and the rest just slept, played video games, and watched movies.

Mar 19, 13 11:49 am  · 
vado retro

did any of them skin their grandparents?

Mar 19, 13 12:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

No, but apparently there were 6 girls, in only their skin, running down the street one night in south padre.

Mar 19, 13 12:21 pm  · 

Damn those Texas start young....the again maybe they are want a be Janis Joplins. 

Mar 19, 13 11:27 pm  · 

I spent an hour last  night researching Hot Dog Toppings Around the World.  For the PTA, of course, because we are a global-focused school that brings our IB curriculum into every aspect of our school community, including the spring Fling Fair food.

I do enjoy learning new things. Even about hot dogs.

Mar 20, 13 9:02 am  · 

i'm curious donna, has anywhere else in the world come even close to chicago in their quest for the perfect dog?

Mar 20, 13 10:04 am  · 

Taking claim for world's best hot dog is just like taking pride in being the best Wallmart store designer.

Mar 20, 13 10:23 am  · 

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