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go for it observiant.  no idea what you are talking about but sure you will be able to turn it into a shit storm of posts.

School would be one.  Work would be another.  I'll let SOMEONE ELSE start them. 

With reference to the above and my IDP adviser, "multi level" is a pyramid scheme.  To spring that on an intern is unconscionable.  That's not what they are there for.  Hated having to change out an IDP adviser who was within 5 years of my age and I viewed as sort of a friend.

Mar 6, 13 8:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
No, at least in Texas, you cannot charge tax on services.
Mar 6, 13 9:29 pm  · 

ah that is cool sarah.  it is something we are always fighting over cuz it adds up, with architecture.  very expensive. would love to not have to deal with it.


on unrelated note : RIP stompin tom connors

Mar 6, 13 10:41 pm  · 

The tax on architectural services proposal has happened in various states over the years.  I don't think any of the proposals have ever come to pass.

Jon Stewart taking a leave of absence for 12 weeks?!?  Who will I drink my nightly bourbon with?!?

Mar 6, 13 11:05 pm  · 

Consumption tax = sales tax?

Weird, never heard of sales tax on services.  Sounds like a bad idea.  We have enough regressive taxes; we need to increase our progressive taxes and move on.  The poor and middle class are already paying more than fair share and can't shoulder much more burden. 

Mar 6, 13 11:22 pm  · 

manta, been thinking of you lately as for the last two weeks at work I find it seriously difficult to find time to pee. Just for five minutes, just FIVE MINUTES I feel like I can't stop!!!

Mar 6, 13 11:23 pm  · 
vado retro

just wait until the pee tax goes into effect. the jindal wants to end income tax and increase sales tax. the sales tax here is almost 10 percent now and we aint even got a dog catcher. a pack of stray dogs has gotten into the zoo twice now and killed some goats and other animals that were on loan from another zoo. wtf???

Mar 7, 13 12:19 am  · 

donna did you see that John Oliver will do 8 of the 12 weeks as guest host?

might be good...

Mar 7, 13 8:43 am  · 

I'm hearing rumors that AECOM/Ellerbe Becket maybe closing up their Minneapolis office. They've been getting rid of their top heavy staff, Jon Buggy is gone, and rumored to have joined Gensler. Interesting.

Mar 7, 13 11:53 pm  · 

so anyway, there is a blog about zaha at harvard.  i didn't want to interrupt their serious conversation of selling books or whatever is going on, but why is that guy wearing a scarf inside?  i believe he was referred to as a "moshen."  i know it's still sometimes cold this time of year, but shouldn't harvard be able to offer more reasonable climate control?  or do you suppose there is something more sinister going on, like he's trying to hide a hicky or something?

Mar 8, 13 10:26 am  · 

Moshen (or sometimes slam dance or slamming) is in a hard rock -, punk - or metal concert in the pit wildly beat. A kernel is a group moshende or slamdancende (a weak form of moshen) people who join concerts usually directly to the stage. It is a kind of outlet for people to a hard rock concert. In the fierce and turbulent past of the punk and hardcore you sometimes had a head walk: as the name says it ran over the heads of the audience.

Mar 8, 13 11:44 am  · 

I wear scarves inside frequently, both for warmth and style.

Can I complain for a moment about construction terminology?  I've heard the term "horizontal column" more in the last three weeks than ever in my life.  There is no such thing as a horizontal column. If it's vertical, it's a column; if it's horizontal, it's a beam.  Even if it's a wide flange that has the *shape* of a typical column, it's still a beam.

And now everyone's talking about the "metal work" going on. To me metal work is either decorative, or if we're using slang, it's ductwork.  Installing metal studs is"framing" or "stud work", whether they're metal or wood.

Jobsite confusion abounds when p[people don't use the right terms! Of course, all the contractors are currently over on Contractor-inect complaining about the dumb architect who doesn't even use proper terminology.  Sigh.

Mar 8, 13 12:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What if it's a fancy Corinthian column, being transported to a job site, on a flatbed truck?  Then could it be a horizontal column?


So I'm going to do something tonight that terrifies me.  I'm going to a Sikh temple/church, and I'm taking Abram with me.  Because it scares me so much, I have determined that I HAVE to go.

Mar 8, 13 12:44 pm  · 

Has anyone seen the TV news showing the shark migration up Florida toward NC where they are THICK in the waters off Florida?  I like to vacation in the Gulf/Panhandle, but use the hotel pool for swimming and the beach for the beach.

Mar 8, 13 1:14 pm  · 

maybe a horizontal water column?

i would agree with the sentiment that a column holds up a beam which holds up joists.

sarah, there is a fair chance the sikhs will be the nicest people you ever met.

Mar 8, 13 2:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm sure they will be.  It only terrifies me because it is something new and unknown.  

Mar 8, 13 2:22 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

How about a masonary column?

Mar 8, 13 2:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Is that a cross between masonry and missionary, cause then I'd think it'd have to be horizontal...

Mar 8, 13 2:40 pm  · 

I had 6 dirty jokes come to mind within 15 seconds of reading that. Apparently, at 30, I still have the mind of a 14 year old.

Mar 8, 13 7:22 pm  · 

Architectural terminology is a daily frustration. I don't care if you call it "spicy bulgarian chicken" in your submittal, as long as it passes the industry standard tests (ASTMs and such) I can translate that to 'oh, you mean hanging rods'.

Lately NPR has been focusing on stories of long term unemployed architects finally getting jobs. And construction picking up. And all kinds of happy economy stories. I want to be really happy about this, but am too spiteful at the though that finance shits in my city are doing lines of coke off of multiples of asses at the same time again. 

I'm overworked and unhappy. 

Mar 8, 13 8:26 pm  · 

Hang in there, rusty, be it on a hanging rod aka spicy bulgarian chicken or just by your hands.

Sarah, yes.  I'd say a column being transported on a flatbed is safely called a horizontal column.  But it's not functioning in any way beyond existing, so it's…an adjective not a title? Anyway, very funny example.  And I m SO PROUD and in awe of you going to a Sikh temple and taking your child.  You are a really good mother.

Mar 8, 13 10:55 pm  · 

I had 6 dirty jokes come to mind within 15 seconds of reading that. Apparently, at 30, I still have the mind of a 14 year old.

I'd say a dirty joke thread is in order.  I'll leave that authorship up to someone else, but I might contribute.

Mar 8, 13 11:05 pm  · 

Quite cool Sarah.  Not sure why it would scare you but glad you are working to broaden both yours and your son's horizons a wee bit.  Do let us know how it goes and if the fear was warranted...

Mar 9, 13 1:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
It went really well. Abe and I went in, took off our shoes, and had his bandana properly tied ( I lack the gangster gene). Then, we walked into the prayer room, IN FRONT OF ALL THESE PEOPLE, placed a dollar in the box, knelt, and placed our heads to the ground. It was terrifying. And then when Abram sat up, his head covering came off, and he panicked. I blushed, and we hurried out. It was some initiation.

Then we went to the dining hall, met people, and ate. Abe had pizza, but I wanted to try Indian food. I had a yogurt that they make themselves from milk, it was sour. Very sour. Then I had a dal that was like some sort of stew with green peas and hard squares of cheese. It was spicy, and different. I had to eat it with a spoon because I couldn't get it to work with the rotti (wheat tortilla). The sweet rice was ok, but took some getting used to, but the chai tea was amazing, the little round, sticky donut holes, for lack of an actual name, were good.

I talked to a few students, and they explained what was happening, and Abe just ran around with all the other kids.

After a few hours, the put their sacred book to bed, and a man walked around handing out a holy food. It was a mush that you eat with your hands. Tasted like a cross between peanut butter and oatmeal. Pretty good.

I'm glad I went. Everyone was very nice. There were lots of stares, and I felt out of place, but not uncomfortably so. The whole religion is about service to others, and being kind. I'd love to read their book, but its hard finding it in English. And the whole service was in Punjabi, so I have no idea what was said. Still, I'm glad I went. It was fascinating.
Mar 9, 13 9:41 am  · 

sharks, florida, spring break; here's to good eating, and great times for all, especially those tiger sharks!! go get em!

Mar 9, 13 1:18 pm  · 

Ever had a GOOD shark steak?  It can be delicious.  I've had some shark that was way too dry.

Mar 9, 13 1:33 pm  · 

i'm rooting for the sharks in this scenario, as i loathe spring breakers. but, i would be interested in recipes for spring breaker meat, not for me of course, but for my cousin, Mose, and his family, on the beet farm.

Mar 9, 13 3:18 pm  · 

I loathe spring breakers, too, since they only used to go to a few spots and have now discovered others.  I just flew home to California for my own "spring break," so I didn't partake.  Relaxed with friends or went skiing, if there was still snow in the mountains, but avoided all the alcohol, drugs, and stupidity.  That said, some of the Spring Break places (Lauderdale, the Gulf, and South Padre) are fantastic in "shoulder season," when less crowded.

Mar 9, 13 3:23 pm  · 

sarah sounds like you had lassi, mattar paneer and gulab jamuns.

I am off to Wisconsin tomorrow for work. should be first snow in a few years.

also go sharks!

Mar 9, 13 3:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Yes to the last two, but the yogurt wasn't a drink, and seemed spicy.
Mar 9, 13 8:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Oh, and I love shark. Yum!
Mar 9, 13 8:48 pm  · 

I just noticed it but, how long has there been the "Activity Stream" feature of the site? Anyone using it?

Mar 9, 13 9:52 pm  · 

Oh, and I love shark. Yum!

Where is most of the shark Americans eat fished?  Atlantic Florida, the Gulf, Hawai'i, Asia?

Mar 9, 13 10:25 pm  · 

Morning all,

Sarah maybe raita then?

Brian do you mean the "Work Updates" feed? it went live when 3.0 did...

Mar 10, 13 10:00 am  · 
vado retro

most people survive shark attacks. the shark's initial bite is not much harder than a human's. they are tasting you to see if you are a seal. also, sharks cannot digest bones, so they really don't want to eat humans. it is mostly all a case of mistaken identity when they eat humans. a great white has a 600 psi bite while an alligator has around 3000 psi. chomp. chomp.

Mar 10, 13 10:39 am  · 

And most people bitten by an alligator die from the massive infusion of different strains of bacteria that a whole assortment of antibiotics can't control fast enough.

True about the great white.  They want a blubbery seal.  However, the most dangerous to humans is the smaller bull shark.  They are not happy with one bite.  The keep attacking.  They are the ones more likely to be found on Florida's Gulf side.

Mar 10, 13 11:18 am  · 

Nam, nope. "Activity Stream" ... Look just below your username in the black sidebar.

Mar 10, 13 12:45 pm  · 

huh, never noticed that...

Mar 10, 13 11:11 pm  · 
Looks like you can follow people that have profiles set up. Does it tell you who is following you or notify you when someone follows you?
Mar 10, 13 11:16 pm  · 
I'm reading s fun Bill Brydon book on the history of the house that includes this line: "One architect was certain electric light caused freckles."

Architects: always emphatic, frequently dumb.
Mar 10, 13 11:28 pm  · 

brydon knows observant...?

Mar 11, 13 4:30 am  · 

hey - someone has to generate content in the forum.

Mar 11, 13 9:36 am  · 


Mar 11, 13 10:09 am  · 

Will - find your way back up onto that Sistine Chapel fresco ... lol ... and avoid the second-hand smoke these days.

Mar 11, 13 10:44 am  · 

Sorry, guys I meant Bill Bryson, of course.  It's a fun book.

More on passing impressions of architects in the general public: did you all see Saturday Night Live's Dating Game spoof this weekend? The total loser contestant - or perhaps winner, depending on your view of the world - was an architect "...looking to 'build' a lasting relationship".  Love it.

Mar 11, 13 10:46 am  · 

link to the snl skit donna mentioned since it's culturally relevant:

architects have no game.  except for will galloway, who hangs out with the boys on the ceiling of the sistine chapel.  maybe he can tweet us updates from the conclave tomorrow?

Mar 11, 13 11:11 am  · 
vado retro

architects who do have game have an assistant taking pictures of themselves doing architect things. ie looking at a roll of drawings or gazing out over a metropolitan skyline and looking thoughtful. i have started doing this. i give my phone to my cambridge(the real one) educated girlfriend so after the pic is taken I can post it immediately so people can make fun of me.

Mar 11, 13 11:21 am  · 

architects have no game.  except for will galloway, who hangs out with the boys on the ceiling of the sistene chapel.  maybe he can tweet us updates from the conclave tomorrow?

Yeah, Will has game, as does Donna - both invested in being "way cool" and cryptically and tersely saying the right thing.  Loser architect, really?  Rent the old movie "Revenge of the Nerds."  In the end, one of the popular sorority girls ends up doing it with one of the nerdy fraternity guys ... and she is orbiting.  It was in a tent or some dark contraption.  All along, she thought she was with one of the guys from the cool fraternity.  Was she surprised when the lights went on!  "Crazy, Stupid Love" was a movie on the airplane last summer.  In reality, Ryan Gosling was the schmuck and Steve Carell had it mostly together and didn't need to be coached.  The teacher where Carell's kid went to school dug him.  Gosling could only pick up barflies. The movie "Man on a Ledge," OTOH, was excellent.

Me?  I'm rooting for a Latin American Pope.  Those are the areas where the church can lose more ground in terms of membership.

Mar 11, 13 11:22 am  · 
vado retro

has anyone ever named an office Stu Stu Studio after that Phil Collins song? they should cause that is a catchy tune.

Mar 11, 13 11:23 am  · 

has anyone ever named an office Stu Stu Studio after that Phil Collins song? they should cause that is a catchy tune

No, but we've thought of signing our drawings in a-school (in print) as Art Z. Fartsy.

Mar 11, 13 11:26 am  · 

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