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put the sugar, bitters, and fruit in first, muddle it up till the sugar is dissolved then throw in your ice, bourbon, splash, drink, repeat, repeat, repeat.

....maybe that's means and methods.

Dec 2, 11 9:18 am  · 

Agh, postal, it IS means and methods! You could get sued if someone smushes their finger while muddling! ;-)

Dec 2, 11 9:21 am  · 

looking forward to seeing pics donna!

hi nam.  busy as heck here.  client meeting tomorrow morning and struggling to get ready.  also am in charge of this conference in tokyo.  starts in 2 weeks and i am busy making booklets, last minute arrangements for speakers, worrying over a 24 workshop we decided to take on...gonna be tense for a wee bit i think.

on upside our new flat is less than 20 minutes away from the office and much closer to university too.  commuting is totally coolio now !

Dec 2, 11 9:24 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I've been here, nam, but didn't have anything to contribute to the current conversations.  It's cold and rainy today.  Yuck.  I don't think I could ever live in Seattle/Portland/Upper West coast.

Dec 2, 11 10:25 am  · 

That DOES sound good Donna.  I may have to try that out. 

Good luck with the client meeting Will as well as the conference prep.  I am confident you'll rock out both of them.

Dec 2, 11 11:11 am  · 

Old Fashioned General Notes:

1.  These notes apply to the creation of an "Old Fashioned" as documented and specified within these documents.

2.  These are not ol' timey general notes and should not be applied to vintage, retro, antique, or otherwise things your dad, grandpa, pappy, papa, opa, etc. has told you stories about; unless of course it was what they used to drink for breakfast when they were your age.  That of course was an "Old Fashioned".

3. Prior to the manufacture of said old fashioned, all dimensions of glass, fruit, and bourbon shall be verified.  

4.  Imbiber shall verify their own tolerance for bourbon.  Coordinate with bourbon manufacturer prior to manufacture.

5.  Bourbon shall be as specified and installed in one continuous pour.

6.  Architect shall not be responsible for any gross mental errors, shenanigans, trips, falls, philosophical thoughts, or unexpected nappy times as a result of the work.

7.  Architect will take full credit for giving you the courage to talk to that guy/girl on the other side of the room.  Credit to be received in the form of fist pounds as specified.

By the way, I specify all my fist pounds as "exploded."


Dec 2, 11 11:43 am  · 

will that looks like a very interesting symposium. any chance of you providing review/live blog/other forms of press coverage for Archinect?

Dec 2, 11 12:33 pm  · 

please return 2 (two) full glasses to the drink review department (half-full/half empty glasses with NOT be accepted).

Dec 2, 11 3:06 pm  · 

Steven's adjusting to a household of 7...and not drinking nearly enough Old Fashioneds.

Dec 2, 11 3:13 pm  · 

been busy as heck too, but just now have resurfaced. both final reviews are over, and the manuscript is away. back to the normal load of revising two abstracts for CELA, writing syllabi for next quarter, trying to develop a project that can get funding through grants, blogging, archinecting, being a dad, and maybe fabricating a few Old Fashions.


Jump, do you have any travel funds to bring in a yankee to talk about resilience? I could write a kick-ass paper in the next few days ;-) (sorry I missed the call for papers - let me know about it next year).

Dec 2, 11 3:15 pm  · 

barry i would have invited you except our funding is limited to asia and africa.  the powers that be have decided talking about asia and africa can only happen if the people doing the talking are actually travelling from asia and/or africa.  it is one of those frustrating things bureaucracies seem to generate without trying.  however if you can get to a city in the region a lot more becomes possible.

@ nam, i am going to be MC for the event so no live blogging on my side but am hoping to write something after the fact, especially if the workshop comes out.  we are going to try and bring architects together with planners economists and social scientists and try to come up with innovative ways to deal with disaster in light of the last half year of activity (and non-activity).  barriers are supposed to break down and cetera but lets see how it goes.

just had news studio next spring is going to be quite a blast. 

well back to my rhino model.  and detailing.  by the way, after all this university work and planning for talk-talk being in the office is like a drink of cold water in a hot desert.  this has gotta be the best job in the world.

Dec 2, 11 3:33 pm  · 

I think I'm Just "Old Fashioned"  

Dec 3, 11 9:53 am  · 

well not that "Old Fashioned"....I don't always wear a bowtie when I drink....hick---up!

Dec 3, 11 8:46 pm  · 

Thread Central is for old people

Dec 3, 11 9:19 pm  · 

welcome, cowabunga!

Dec 4, 11 7:57 am  · 

I see cowabunga....and what do I think....???? "CowBells"  Lets have more cowbells.

Dec 4, 11 8:20 am  · 

Brilliant, Steven.

I had an Old Fashioned at a bar last night and it was tasty but it wasn't as good as just straight bourbon.  I think I'm back to the basics from now on.

Dec 4, 11 9:37 am  · 

i always wrestle with that. if a bar has a pretty inventive cocktails list and they're $10 vs a $9 bourbon, i feel like i should try a cocktail since i'm out. i can pour the same bourbon for less at home any day. but then i'm often disappointed by an overly sweet or strange concoction and wish i had gone neat. 

Dec 4, 11 3:16 pm  · 

when in San Fran I had something that was a bourbon version of a pisco sour. so good.

happy sunday evening yall.

Dec 4, 11 7:37 pm  · 

TC is for old people?  sounds about right.


pisco sour!  I haven't had one of those in years... 



Dec 4, 11 9:29 pm  · 

I made guacamole with pomegranate seeds and pineapple last night.  It was delicious.

Seriously, you guys, I'm thinking about becoming an employee again.  It's either that or grow my business big enough to hire some people to be around all day - being alone is making me a nutcase - but I don't see that as a possibility.

Dec 5, 11 11:34 am  · 

wow donna - really? maybe one of those co-op places would work? or, if you want one hell of a commute, we can make some space here...


Dec 5, 11 12:05 pm  · 

yeah what about those shares space offices for creative types. They must have them in Indy?

Dec 5, 11 12:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, if I lived in your area, Donna, I'd either let you come do your work at my house, or I'd just bring Abe and myself to yours.  Just to hang out, and keep from going stir crazy.

Dec 5, 11 12:47 pm  · 

Actually Gregory I do want to talk with you about it offline - not about me commuting to Atlanta!  But about the place that mid-career self-employed architects find themselves in relation to the quickly-changing profession.

And yeah, Nam and Sarah, there is actually a co-op space I could join - I'm on their board! - but at the moment my 1/2 time teaching schedule doesn't make it work.  Maybe next semester.

Dec 5, 11 1:01 pm  · 

funny thing happened when i created my archinect blog. i wanted to add admins that i trust, and i added ms. sink, but now i'm not sure if that was cool, or can we add more admins?

Dec 5, 11 1:23 pm  · 

Of course it's cool with me, beta, except I have no admin powers anywhere else on the 'nect, does that matter?

Dec 5, 11 1:40 pm  · 

Oops, wait - I think I just re-assigned admin capabilities to you, beta, and now I can't admin any more.  Will we be like Chip and Dale going "After you", "No no, after you", "No, I insist, after YOU" ad infinitem?!

Dec 5, 11 1:45 pm  · 

Of course it's cool with me, beta, except I have no admin powers anywhere else on the 'nect, does that matter?


I fear the day when donna is granted admin privileges on archinect.


all must bow down before the mighty hand of donna, admin warrior princess!  or she shall smite thou!


oh - I bet paul has a "smite" button (in the shape of thor's hammer) which makes a thunder sound when he deletes posts.

Dec 5, 11 2:08 pm  · 

can you hire someone part-time donna?  we have 4 people working for us now but only one of them is full-time and 2 are students.  it is nice to have a mix of people in the office and it means we can take on work that is otherwise too much for us to manage timewise.  that sort of thing is kind of chicken and egg is suppose.  need people to take larger projects but need the larger projects to pay for the people....anyway, definitely a more lively atmosphere since we started hiring.  no more going crazy sitting alone ;-) def recommend.


Dec 5, 11 5:03 pm  · 

.....melt that is so awesome. Looks the next archinect meetup is going to be held in Japan. I'm sorry that you have both have to leave your pets behind - that can't fun. 

Crazy two weeks - final critique tomorrow

Dec 5, 11 7:30 pm  · 

thanks for including me beta! it has been one final arc school jury after another. it is nice to see the conversations in juries start to shift a little. social concerns are more welcomed than previous years. sign of the times definitely pronounced in student projects. next year, one more school to teach design. the drive-by architecture teacher here.;.) next two weeks we'll be editing the vdl sessions, unless anybody interested watching few people talking about architecture for two hours, no way!! great material and some funny moments included..

guest 1-  "i am a formalist"

guest 2-  "i am a formalist too"

orhan-  "mmm, how does it feel to be a formalist?"

Dec 5, 11 8:03 pm  · 

David- sorry I haven't responded to your message on Fb. Haven't forgotten about it just been a little busy.

Dec 5, 11 9:24 pm  · 

donna, are you not practicing with a partner anymore?

tomorrow morning i'll give the last lecture of the semester and then have a few studio reviews and the semester will be over... yeah!

oh, and of course the drudgery of grading papers...

Dec 5, 11 10:15 pm  · 

Phillip I'm doing some work with a partner and some on my own, but we have never shared an office space - we work out of our own homes.  This morning he was here for two hours as we worked on some stuff together, and right after he left I posted here that I'm tired of working alone - it was nice to have him here!

Dec 5, 11 10:20 pm  · 

I'm in the thick of grading this week (and trying to revise two conference abstracts too). Had the unpleasant task (with a repeat later this week) of telling a student that they are being failed out of the program - he seems to have taken it well. ugh that was hard!!!

guess I gotta get my groove back on!

Dec 5, 11 11:42 pm  · 

final crit was tonight. We celebrated with sorrell laced with white rum. Good times. Treated myself to tacos after with friends. Good times. All that remains before the holidays can truly start is grading and final preparation for the CAA validation. 

Barry I'm going to push and get that application ready for the new year. I'm trying my best

Dec 6, 11 10:54 pm  · 

That's it, I need to move to a school where profs are allowed to drink with their students!

It's 12:30am and I'm struggling to learn DraftSight for a meeting tomorrow morning.  I feel like an intern again.

Dec 7, 11 12:33 am  · 

what the hell is DraftSight?   I'm really getting Old Fashioned.


Dec 7, 11 9:10 am  · 

Draftsight is a free Autocad clone.  Very, very similar in function, though I have quite a bit still to learn.  I'm about to try to print a pdf for a meeting, wish me luck!


Dec 7, 11 9:13 am  · 

David an application for the position at Cal Poly? Morning all!

Dec 7, 11 9:18 am  · 

draftsight looks almost identical to autocad! sweet, it's on mac too!

Dec 7, 11 9:54 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

OH Donna, I LOVE YOU!!!

Ok, that came out a bit more orgasmic than I intended, but I've been yearning for an ACAD program, and this is wonderful.  You just made my day.  Merry Christmas to me!

Dec 7, 11 1:18 pm  · 

Where is My Big AutoDesk Hammer....

Dec 7, 11 1:37 pm  · 

I love the free cad options out there to break the balls and chains from autodesk. Especially when we need to get a little project out of the door quickly.

Dec 7, 11 1:43 pm  · 

ah that is quite cool donna.  a huge chunk of architects in japan use something called JW-CAD which is a freeware autocad-like software as well.  it has a few great functions that i occasionally miss in autocad even. 

but last week i talked with a visitor to the office who spends a lot of time talking to architects in the USA because of her job and she was surprised at all the models we have.  i guess everyone is BIM-ing out there and even autocad is on the way out...?

i think we will likely move MORE to physical model-based design instead of less.  our designs are so much better when we work that way.  is that totally crazy?

Dec 7, 11 4:41 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

Nam yes the Cal-Poly post. My contract comes to a close in the Fall Semester of 2012 and I'm fishing out there and being able to teach alongside Barry and rub shoulders with Orhan is well to die for.

Anyway it's recommendation time - I've knocked out about a dozen of them for students looking to go to Grad school. Impressive when we graduate less than 40 years per annum.

Dec 7, 11 5:08 pm  · 

will - your office still designs stuff?  most firms stateside stopped doing that years ago.

Dec 7, 11 5:13 pm  · 

Ya were to damn busy wrestling  in the mud....

Dec 7, 11 6:33 pm  · 

Hey David, hope you're sending a few students this way! LA needs more Caribbean culture.

Only one recommendation letter for me this year.

I haven't designed anything in the last 4 years - I'm starting to miss the satisfaction of seeing something built. (but I don't miss ACAD or BIM).

Had a talk earlier with a student interested in pursuing land art in grad school, anybody know of a MFA program that would be a good fit? or have most fine arts programs gone all academic?

Dec 7, 11 6:36 pm  · 

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