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Good morning all,

I have eaten too much these past few days.

Also jump any thoughts on this Japan's youth turn to rural areas seeking a slower life?

Is it a new post Fukushima phenomenon or just a trend/lifestyle piece?

Nov 27, 11 12:51 pm  · 


Nov 27, 11 7:40 pm  · 

Too many choices.

OK, first the complaining: I watched, for the first time in a decade, a lot of morning TV in the last four days.  If those shows truly represent the level of concern that most people in this country have we are headed down the toilet.  I've never seen so many shrill, over-made up, saccharine people hyperventilating as they describe the latest thing we all need to buy or risk being outcast.  

The nice part was I was watching this in a cabin on a lake with a beautiful view, lovely woods to walk in, and NO internet!  I did manage to have a nice quiet Thanksgiving and caught up on a LOT of sleep, finally.  My parents, on the other hand, crash-landed a Cessna 310 in Sedona Arizona and luckily are not even bruised!  Thanks.

Nov 27, 11 9:37 pm  · 

(dammit - facebook has me whipped. i wanted to just 'like' donna's post).


yikes about your parents. that's a little too scary. and not the first parent's near death experience i've heard from this holiday - another friend's mom woke up at 4am, day before thanksgiving, rolled around a bit decided to get up to go ahead and make coffee... discovers her house is on fire (faulty wiring). didn't smell the smoke - it started on an outside box. 

Nov 27, 11 10:28 pm  · 

Gregory I try to 'like' things on Archinect all the time.  It's like pressing the clutch when driving an automatic - just happens!

Nov 27, 11 10:43 pm  · 

glad your parents are safe donna.


@nam, well i guess some folk are doing that but don't think it will make a large difference.  rural populations are slated to drop by 25% in the next decades and japan's population is supposed to drop back to what it was in the 1960's, but this time instead of everyone being 30 years old and fired up to rebuild their nation 1 in 3 will be over 65.  gonna be interesting.  even tokyo will shrink.  

i love visiting the farm myself but not sure many city folk know what they are in for.  it's quieter but this idea of economic security in a field of wheat (or rice) is strange to me.  farming is stressful and hard work in my own experience, much as stressful as life in the city really.  maybe it is a different game than when i grew up as a kid. 

i would love to have a big yard and a space for a horse or two though.  definitely miss that part of life.  wish there was a way to have foot in both worlds for real.   perhaps the model will come some day where such a thing is possible....



Nov 28, 11 2:41 am  · 

nam - I think this is a global trend among educated young adults... and it's not just about going rural.

Nov 28, 11 7:58 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Brewed a batch of german pilsner over the weekend with hops that my father-in-law grew. It is a little early to make such decisions, but I'm ready to commit to a new years resolution: to homebrew all my own beer in 2012.

Nov 28, 11 8:26 am  · 

Okay kids... time to come clean.  BF/future husband and I are looking to move to Japan in the coming months for a variety of reasons.  I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to find a design job with the limited amount of actual design experience I have and the competitveness of the industry, but but I'm going to try.  Unfortunately I'm sorta mentally/emotionally paralyzed at the moment despite the fact I'm excited about the new venture.  I've already talked to jump about a few things, but if any one else can point me in the right direction that would be great.  The most important thing I think is getting my resume in Japanese format and get my portfolio formatted.  Does anyone at the top of their head remember which thread discussed the various resume formats?  I remember seeing it.  Thanks all.

Nov 28, 11 8:32 am  · 

melt, I don't remember which thread that was, as I never follow resume threads.

But more important: holy cowabunga!!!! JAPAN!!! How awesome!! I am so excited for you, what a greta time to make a total change, I'm so itching to do so myself and I am SO excited for you!  Can you bring the cats along?!

Nov 28, 11 9:00 am  · 

Thanks Donna - we're looking to bring one daog and one cat along, since my white and black cat has taken it upon himself to disappear.  My gray kitty is too feral and would not do well being a completely indoor cat.  BF/future husbnad will be leaving behind one of his two pups as well.  Only small dogs survive in Tokyo.  Please send positive vibes our way.  It's a huge undertaking we have before us, more so for me than for him.  He's only been back three years.

Nov 28, 11 9:20 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

wow! how very exciting!

Nov 28, 11 9:31 am  · 

melt, what is your schedule? Are you selling your house? I love logistics of things like this!

Nov 28, 11 9:37 am  · 

melt - that's exciting!


will - nam, I think it has more to do with people increasingly wanting something more tangible from their labor... and with farming there's also some giving in and letting nature do it's thing.  although... will, is it true that Thoreau, Emerson, and the Transcendentalists are popular in Japan?


semi-related: have either of you seen the Korean movie "castaway on the moon?" 

Nov 28, 11 11:16 am  · 

I planted 40 tulip bulbs on Sunday and 24 daffiodils....hardly wait for Spring!

Nov 28, 11 11:29 am  · 

I also spilled coffee on my computer keyboard. So took it apart  washed it off in the kitchen sink and dryed it out with a hair dryer and compressed air and put it back together again  and it is working.  What a way to start a work week.

Nov 28, 11 11:31 am  · 
vado retro

donna so glad everyone is okay. very scary!

my brother is in japan off and on for the next several months getting some factory up and going.

tumbles you go girl! where'd your facebook profile go? i miss seeing those pics of you and your gf's mechanical bull riding!

melty??? japan!!!! awesome. i have a friend who goes there often and teaches asian studies and translates novels etc. i'll see if she can give us any pointers.

today i am making roasted butternut and acorn squash soup and raking leaves.


Nov 28, 11 11:34 am  · 

Nice to see you vado!

Nov 28, 11 11:46 am  · 

That would absolutely wonderful vado.

Donna - I think for the time being I'm just going to rent out the house.  We're looking to move as early as February/March.  UGH!!!  Completely overwhelms me just thinking about it.

Nov 28, 11 12:05 pm  · 
vado retro

sent a message to my friend, melty.

donna so nice to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i called you! twice!


Nov 28, 11 1:01 pm  · 

vado, you sound vibrant, happy and helpful. very inspiring.

Nov 28, 11 1:44 pm  · 

too lazy to submit this for news:'s new series: dream cities.


could be interesting...

Nov 28, 11 2:24 pm  · 
vado retro

melt i sent you a link on fb.

Nov 28, 11 3:08 pm  · 

melt color me jealous. but seriously sounds like a fun change. Donna do you want to move to Japan or just generally?

I too am beginning to get comfortable with the idea of a big change in my life (geographic, personal etc) in next year or so. not sure why though.

as to your question toast, no i haven't seen the movie.

I do agree though about the desire for tangible effect re a return to farming etc. The bit of time i worked in carpentry construction while in grad school really made clear to me the difference in types of satisfaction. that being said i find that if i try hard enough and succeed, at anything, the satisfaction is forthcoming. That and learning to be satisfied which i find more able to do as i age. 

snook + there is no there, sounds like lovely holiday weekends. i wouldn't think you planted bulbs before winter, is it to give them a chance to settle roots down before spring?

Nov 28, 11 7:06 pm  · 

Thanks all.  Nam - don't color yourself jealous yet.  There is a lot of work to be done.  I haven't actually told my as I fear what they may say/do when I tell them I'm moving half a world away in a few months time.

BTW - glad to hear your family is safe Donna.  That must have been scary as shit.

Nov 28, 11 8:25 pm  · 
snook_dude was 65 degrees here hopefully those lil bulbs will get feet before the cold really hits.  My biggest worry is squirrel miners....they can be bold lil guys... so my dog has a full time job this winter.

Donna glad your parents are safe.  I lost a contractor friend this weekend to a motorcycle  accident.  Kind of a bummer way to start the week.

Nov 29, 11 8:26 am  · 

Sorry to hear about your loss snook.  So sad, especially with it being Thanksgiving.  My thoughts are with you.

Hehehehe... squirrel miners.  So true.

Nov 29, 11 8:38 am  · 

totally shitty snook


@ donna about the fame of thoreau, Emerson, and the could be so, but i am not enough of a fan to have notice. 

i did notice that anne of green gables is really popular here. and miffy. 

Nov 29, 11 10:17 am  · 

test comment.

Nov 29, 11 1:52 pm  · 

did you pass?

Nov 29, 11 2:11 pm  · 

With flying colors! (We were testing out the new option to follow a thread using the checkbox under the comment field)

Nov 29, 11 2:14 pm  · 

hmmm... I think I might start my own archinect blog... 

Nov 29, 11 8:44 pm  · 

you should... what sold you the new group blogging feature?

Nov 29, 11 8:54 pm  · 

Nice toasteroven!

How about a 50+ author Thread Central group blog too? ;)

Nov 29, 11 10:18 pm  · 

paul, wouldn't that just mean converting TC to a group blog?!?

i'd start a blog, but it's hard enough keeping my own going. would have been great 4-5 years ago!

Nov 30, 11 12:41 am  · 

nam - I've been thinking about it for a while - a few of the threads I've created would probably work better in blog form - plus there's a built-in audience at archinect (which, if I had used another platform I'd have to work harder to build).  I'd still like to remain anonymous, though.


IMO - TC is too nebulous/exquisite corpse to become a blog... blogs are more about recording discrete and self-contained thoughts, while threads (especially the long ones) are more stream of consciousness and can take much more interesting turns.

Nov 30, 11 10:00 am  · 

Hey Guys - I'm supposed to give a lecture tomorrow on HVAC integration, or electrical systems integration, into good architecture. Besides Pompidou, what do I show?  I'm drawing a total blank.

Nov 30, 11 8:59 pm  · 

There's a Richard Rogers building in Princeton that does some wild mechanical and structural stuff. What about Richards Medical Lab?

Nov 30, 11 9:30 pm  · 

talk about reyner banham's "architecture of the well tempered environment"...

Nov 30, 11 11:14 pm  · 

there are probably some other british high-tech examples too...

Nov 30, 11 11:15 pm  · 


I might be able to help. check your FB... examples worth looking up are the Masdar HQ and California Science Center in SF.


Nov 30, 11 11:38 pm  · 

Thanks Barry! I have Cal Science in there already, its nice to contrast its elegance with Pompidou's over-the-top techy-ness!

Nov 30, 11 11:45 pm  · 

donna, define integration?

the work of transsolar and their thermally active buildings (esp. SANAA @ zollverein) is a gem of integration. same with zumthor's kunsthaus bregenz...

Dec 1, 11 1:28 am  · 

Bump... TC was getting way too close to the bottom for comfort.  Hope all are having a good day.  Back to my window and door schedules.

Dec 1, 11 3:36 pm  · 

bump da bump...everyone must be Christmas Shopping now that the Euro Crisis is over.


Dec 1, 11 7:20 pm  · 

I made (then drank) an Old Fashioned tonight.  Not as good as my dad's, but quite tasty.


Dec 1, 11 11:01 pm  · 

i love old fashions.

morning all, being oncall all week (including nights and weekends) has put me in a bad mood. been dead around here.. where's jump, sarah, david, Steven and all other tc regulars, busy working?

Dec 2, 11 8:16 am  · 

An Old Fashioned?  Never heard of it, what's in it?

Nam, I hope your mood lightens with the onset of the weekend.

Tonight I'm meeting BF/future husband's dad and step-mom.  Wish me luck.

Dec 2, 11 8:30 am  · 

Good luck melty!  If you need an Old Fashioned after, here it is:


2 dashes bitters

1/2 teaspoon sugar

splash water (I use sparkling)

maraschino cherry (no cherries in the frig, so I used a grape)

orange slice


Frankly with the morning I'm having I feel like I could down one right now!  But I'm headed to the bus shelter site, 3Form is going in today, so maybe my day will look up!

Dec 2, 11 8:59 am  · 

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