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Wilma Buttfit

I have a Roomba. Defintely a girl.

Dec 31, 11 9:07 am  · 

I Think our dog Frito Jack would kill a Roomba...with all the hair he sheds.


Dec 31, 11 3:03 pm  · 

btw we have a dyson animal....I'm not crazy about it.  It is hard to clean because of all the ins and outs that make it look like a rocket ship.  I break the thing down a couple times a year to give it a good cleaning.  I'm amazed at how much dirt it holds inside itself after you empty the  storage container.  I'm always fighting with the mrs. to empty it after using, cause it you don't it has a foul smell next time you turn it on.  Wish he would come up with something as simple as his fan and now fan heater.


Dec 31, 11 3:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My mother doesn't have a dyson, but she got some sort of febreeze filter for her vacuum. It smells nice when she vacuums now, like oranges, I think. I wonder if they make one of those for the dyson. It could help your mrs out, snook. Valentines day gift?

Dec 31, 11 3:40 pm  · 

or a Valentines day gift for me....I could wear it around my neck when I'm cleaning house in my skivies...not a pleasant sight I might add....I'm sure she would be alot happier with Brad Pitt.

Jan 1, 12 5:19 pm  · 


just in case anyone forgot what Santorum means for America.


Jan 3, 12 10:30 pm  · 

oh man - an election year...I predict everyone getting all worked up over the current republican field when it's going to end up being harvard man vs harvard man in the end anyway.


hey donna - have you seen this:  naplab?

Jan 4, 12 5:48 pm  · 

beta, i don't think any candidate needs to be compared to *literal* fecal matter. bullshit, yes. [dreading this election season and the pending incivility.] that naplab graphic is way cool. louisville needs one! time to get busy!

Jan 4, 12 6:18 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

that's terrible, beta. I can't believe Santorum took the first caucus. It doesn't mean anything - there is the christian evangelical right in Iowa (santorum supporters), and then there is everyone else which makes up the majority. Everyone else's votes were split among the other candidates. Dreading the election year too...

Jan 4, 12 6:26 pm  · 

What tint said: Santorum did well due to deeply right-wing-christianist rural caucusers.  No chance of him doing well in an overall election.  And the spreadingsantorum campaign is really an amazing example of the early crowdsourcing power of the internet - it's been around for how many years? Long before Santorum pondered a run for president…though knowing him he's been dreaming of being the World Dictator since he was 5.  I read a comment on a blog about him that sums up my feelings about him perfectly: every time I see his face I want to punch it.

Yes, that naplab map is amazing - I don't own one yet, but it's gorgeous in real life too. Edited to add: my neighborhood is the little white name above Broad Ripple in the bend of the river.

Jan 4, 12 8:07 pm  · 

there's only one way this election year does not go into civility dump, and that's if huntsman gets the nomination - that still may happen - but unfortunately that may mean obama losses the election.

Jan 4, 12 11:41 pm  · 

didn't know huntsman was running. 

don't imagine santorum will be serious contender nationally. 


that map is quite cool.  wouldn't mind one of tokyo.  wonder how hard it is to put together...

Jan 5, 12 10:32 am  · 

it's kind of like the ork posters...

Jan 5, 12 10:41 am  · 

wow totally.  would def order one of tokyo.

Jan 5, 12 11:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I don't know about the concervative right voting for Santorum. Isn't he catholic? While I realize that Catholics are Christians, many still believe they drink blood and will ceded control to the Vatican. Heck, my own grandfather voted for Nixon, the first time he ever voted republican, because he didn't want a catholic in he white house. And I always forget Huntsman is running. I don't know anything about him. He looks pretty meek and mild to me. Is he the other Mormon? That would be the exhaustion of my Huntsman knowledge.

Jan 5, 12 2:44 pm  · 

i think being catholic is forgivable sin now.  santorum is great as cartoon character, mildly psychotic, super hypocrite and champion of fighting the nasty (of the every sperm is sacred persuasion).  don't think he adds up to much to admire as real person -  wouldn't call him particularly christian myself. 

It's really sad that the far right keeps putting up these religious fascists onto the national stage.  makes usa seem crazy and scary to folks out here.  the japanese reporters always look so scared being the only non-whites in the vicinity.  they keep getting looks from the audience like roadkill is speaking or something. 

Jan 5, 12 5:22 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

The santorum community in Iowa was organized under a local conservative politician and activist. Wikipedia says santorum gave this guy a million dollars for his endorsement! Whoa!

Jan 6, 12 8:22 am  · 

I'm sure a lot of us would endorse santorum if he gave us a million dollars.

Jan 6, 12 9:54 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hey, Techno, I dreamed about you last night. Strangest thing. You were introducing me to tables at Gwynyth Paltrows garden party. Apparently, Abram and her kids are friends. In any case, you were wearing a Kelly green, cotton Santa suit. You were very friendly and a bit giggly. It's weird to dream about real people you've never met.

Jan 6, 12 2:25 pm  · 

Santorum is more of Evangelical/Traditionalist/Restorative Catholic and not a Social Justice Catholic.

Jan 6, 12 8:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta, I don't even know what that means....

Jan 6, 12 9:47 pm  · 

it means he cares more about how you sit at the table more than whether there is food on the table.

Jan 6, 12 10:39 pm  · 

God will that's a perfect description.

I've gotten so much work done this week, unfortunately it meant not being able to actually ENJOY Angus' time off from school - I had to push him off to grandma's and others so I could go to job sites.  I am taking him to Arizona for spring break, though!

Jan 6, 12 10:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ahhh, I get it, now.

I just sent an email to an old Italian friend that I haven't talked to since 2004.  I wrote the two worst lines in Italian history, and then the rest in English.  I feel so American.  Bah.

Jan 6, 12 11:26 pm  · 

archinect is under touch down bookie attack!

Jan 7, 12 9:49 pm  · 

Tell me bout it. I almost felt compelled to throw a Benny on the game.

Jan 7, 12 10:28 pm  · 

Ugh, Orhan, they're back.  What a pain.

Jan 8, 12 1:21 am  · 

Holy spambbots, Batman!!

Jan 8, 12 7:19 am  · 

Whoa! 11 pages of sports related topics. When big, gigant, green head accused me of driving away users from the forums, I had no idea how right he was. 

Jan 8, 12 8:59 am  · 

So you're a bookie, rusty?  Seems lucrative, how do I get in on it?!?

Jan 8, 12 11:54 am  · 

Donna, if I were you, I'd put all my monies on Cincinnati FC. The world series is theirs to lose!

Jan 8, 12 3:17 pm  · 

I'm still alive.  Coughing up a lung, but still alive.

Santorum is indeed very scary.  I too like what I hear from Huntsman, but unfortunately I don't think he's going to win the nomination.

Jan 9, 12 8:24 am  · 

clearly the OP on the "far more better" thread is a congressman.

Jan 9, 12 1:38 pm  · 

Congrats Orhan and Donna finishing 1-2 on that list (over there). Good showing Steven Ward (but no medal this time). The rest of the list has a peeping-tom quality to it. haha on unicorn and his goat.

Jan 9, 12 2:30 pm  · 

Nifty! Cool graphic presentation. So, I'm just assuming some of the rankings are a result of the question: 'Who the hell is *this* joker and why does he talk so much?!'

Jan 9, 12 8:19 pm  · 

Hahaha exactly Steven.  And yes it is a very cool graphic presentation.

Jan 9, 12 9:25 pm  · 

donna, does angus kow that he's an archinect superstar with TWO appearances on the top 11 discussions of 2011 list?

Jan 9, 12 9:51 pm  · 

Happy Belated Holidays All

Congrats Orhan you are Outstanding teacher to us all!!!

Jan 9, 12 10:34 pm  · 

Sarah I love your dream. Sacha, my wife, says your description, "friendly but giggly" is not far off a description of me. I'm not sure I could pull off the green cotton Santa suit but I'm willing to give it try.

I can't image a Catholic running for politics. The guilt weighs too heavily. We had elections just before the new year, and we now have a deacon (& coffee farmer) as the minister of education. Should be interesting.

Jan 10, 12 12:32 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

David, do you still get giddy when you type "my wife?"

Jan 10, 12 12:08 pm  · 

LOL Sarah I was going to ask the same question!

Jan 10, 12 2:57 pm  · 

Three very, very sexy men in this room (one only via representation).


Jan 12, 12 12:06 pm  · 

who are other two? Obama and Lincoln? hi TC>?

Jan 12, 12 1:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Looks like brad Pitt, Lincoln, and three other women. Why weren't we invited, Donna?

Jan 12, 12 1:47 pm  · 

I watched "Money Ball" last night and damn if Brad didn't do a good Job. 

Jan 12, 12 4:02 pm  · 

Brad does a good job at every damn thing.  I swear he's got some special hold over me! Have to admit though, snook, I loved Brad in Moneyball but I also developed a huge crush on Chris Pratt in that movie, plus Parks and Rec.

Yes, Brad, Obama, and the portrait of Lincoln.  I  love his craggy face, and that whole setting free the slaves thing makes him a hottie too.  I'm pretty sure you can see Angie in there, in black with a white necklace - another yowza for her.



Jan 12, 12 4:24 pm  · 

Where did you find that photo Donna?  Morning all. It's cold here today.  My cough is finally loosening up and I didn't wake up this morning with a head full of mucus.  Yay!!!

Jan 13, 12 8:29 am  · 



Nam found this, bless him!

Jan 13, 12 8:57 am  · 

Morning all! I didn't realize until I got to work today that Monday is a holiday. YEah! Hopefully I can finish up some outstanding things and get back to people that I owe an email or two, to.

Donna I actually got that link via Javier's blog here

Jan 13, 12 9:23 am  · 

Damn, he's hot, how do I get that hot?

Jan 13, 12 9:53 am  · 

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