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thassa tuf one wonderk.

i haven't moved the whole house for a few years now, but have changed countries many times over the years. the only thing i ever shipped was clothes and books. it was the cheapest and easiest way. the rest of my goods i gave away, and i guess will probably do the same next time it happens. it is actually kind of liberating to be able to put everything you own into a few suitcases. and it is so much easier now that the world has turned digital. it makes the zen view much easier.

my wife was a terrible cook when i met her. she is totally awesome now. when company comes i still do the fancy stuff, but have given up trying to outdo her daily fare. not that it matters if she can cook or not though. she has her own expectations to meet and no need to add mine into the mix.

i think women under-rate themselves sometimes. many of my heroes, particularly in the realm of physics, and chemistry, are women. for their sake i find myself personally more worried that women are not involved more in science and other endeavours than i am concerned about who does what household chore. which is what makes the above kind of interesting. somehow we all spent time talking about whether women should be expected to do housework, but basically nothing about what women would do instead. even if women have left the kitchen, the discussion has not.

May 7, 09 6:56 am  · 

my Ms B.....She is the mechanic when it comes to any thing needing fixing with the exception of the car. She can open up a dvd player,
computer, toaster pull it apart and have it working in no time. It was not something she learned from her mother. It was from her father as he was the master tinker man. He actually started out fixing copiers and worked his way up the ranks to be the Number Two guy in Brazil an international company. Although he was a lousy father, straight out of "Mad Men." This was one gift that he gave her.

I started cooking when I was a kid cause mom was off to college and well with 6 kids at home things were a bit crazy, but we all managed to survive. I worked four summers and during the weekends at a Camp as the "Camp Cook." One summer was at a primative site, so I got very good cooking for twenty over a campfire. I had a room mate who was a chef in a Mobil Four Star Restaurant, and when he got off work he would come home and clean out the icebox of what every I had made for dinner. So I always figured I knew enough around the kithen that I could survive. Then along comes Ms B and she loves all things Food. She studies food and all things about Food. She changes things up all the time so we Brazilian, Mideastern, Chinese, French and Good ole Meat and Potatoes. I just get out of the way except when it comes to Chinese Stir-Fry and Omlets. She lets me dance around the kitchen making to many dishes dirty and complements me on the outcome.

She also knows her way around a Mac Computer and as well as an IBM platform.

She likes me in a pressed shirt and slacks when I go out cause that is something which came from her Grandmother. I think it was something that came from her father as well. Aparently when he was starting out he only had one good set of clothes so he would at the end of the day stop at the laundry and leave his dress shirt and slacks and change into something more to his meger upbringing and stop by in the morning on his way to work and change into the shirt and slacks that he had dropped off from the night before.

I did learn how to iron and was quite good at the task. So when she sees me iron she always getts a bit of a smirk on her face....which is saying why don't you just do it all the time.

Anyhow back to Architecture.....I think she is far superior to me as an Architect but well she really participates on a causal basis. She looks over my shoulder and always has improvements on what I'm working on and always takes what advice I give to her and makes it even better than I imagined.

May 7, 09 9:05 am  · 
Living in Gin

I've got a ticket to the premiere of Star Trek at the IMAX theater at Lincoln Square this evening. In watching the trailers, it looks like it takes the best of the original series and throws in a bit of Star Wars and Batman Begins. So far it's got a 94% rating on, and I'm pretty psyched about it.

May 7, 09 9:31 am  · 
brian buchalski

an ihouse, really? iwonder if apple will sue

May 7, 09 10:09 am  · 

doesn't look slick enough to merit the 'i', does it? sort of bumpy and clunky.

May 7, 09 10:19 am  · 
Living in Gin

This is hilarious... I just learned that one of my project managers is the proprietor of the scariest bar in Brooklyn. In addition to owning a dive bar, he's also a pretty damn good architect.

He designs stuff like this during the daytime:

...And apparently holds court here at night:

May 7, 09 10:40 am  · 

This was the most interesting part...

"And while Mr. Frankel acknowledges that he has been arrested for “backroom action,” he claims that the Cocktail Lounge has long been cleaned up, and that the bar’s reputation as a den of sin is wildly exaggerated."

May 7, 09 10:53 am  · 

I've reached that point in parenting where I'm thinking in rhymes.
Is it from reading Dr. Suess every night, or from loosing my mind?
Is this condition contagious or just a sign of the times?
Those books do the trick in making going to sleep more refined...

May 7, 09 12:43 pm  · 

ha tk, that's pretty funny. I can see myself falling into that kinda thing when the time comes.

LIG, pretty cool that one of your PM's runs that bar. Sounds like quite a joint.

shameless plug: 3 Questions for 8 Emerging Voices

regarding moving - since we're about to move 1,000 miles away, we've spent the last 2 weeks or so considering what to do about our stuff. we've determined that it will cost less to move everything (furniture, books, clothes, etc.), rather than getting rid of bits and pieces and still having to move some of it...
oddly enough, it turns out that the least expensive option is to have movers come pick our stuff up in Manhattan, store it in Brooklyn (the moving company, a Budget contractor, does this as part of their service), and have it delivered to St. Louis in August. if we did it ourselves the price would be about the same (with truck rental, hotel stay/s, gas, tolls, storage, etc.), plus we'd be giving +/-5 days of our time to the task.

puddles, someone emailed me that article this morning...a prospective client!

and Steven, iagree...the i-suffix does suggest an aesthetic, which that house definitely does not have.

May 7, 09 1:05 pm  · 

AP - Check out this thread before you hired a moving company. I've heard horror stories of people's stuff being held hostage, not showing up, etc. b/c of smarmy companies. I wouldn't want for you and the GF to get screwed.

May 7, 09 1:19 pm  · 

AP be VERY, VERY leery of ANY moving company. we moved 1200 miles using ABF and had very good success.

nice piece too.

May 7, 09 1:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've read similar horror stories on a neighborhood discussion forum I frequent. The general consensus seems to be that the big national names like Mayflower, United, and North American Van Lines are generally reliable, while many of the smaller outfits are to be avoided. My own family's experience tends to back this up. If you go with a smaller outfit, be sure to find people who can personally vouch for them.

May 7, 09 1:26 pm  · 

thanks for the caution,
we're currently planning on using Budget Van Lines, which is actually a broker...but they screen the contractor's they use, and they only use "fully licensed and insured" DOT certified companies. anyone have experience w/Budget Van Lines?

I've seen the thread linked by ****melt, and I've checked out the movingscam site before, but I've always opted to do it myself (rent a truck, etc.).

ABF ends up being a few hundred dollars more for our move vs. Budget, and they don't do the actual moving, whereas Budget has a crew come and pick our stuff up, and move it in once we're in STL...

May 7, 09 2:01 pm  · 
brian buchalski

that's the scariest bar in brooklyn? shit...every bar in detroit looks like that

May 7, 09 2:45 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I used to think I was in a scary bar when I saw blood stains on the floor. Then one night I walked into a bar that had blood stains on the ceiling.

May 7, 09 3:06 pm  · 

Being a homeowner sometimes sucks. Today is one of those days.

May 7, 09 6:07 pm  · 

melt....ya I would be more flighty....if I weren't a home owner...

May 7, 09 6:18 pm  · 

LiG, i always thought good architects where a little like dr jekyll and mr hyde,, i guess your pm fits the role

May 7, 09 7:32 pm  · 

very cool article, AP.

funny about your PM, LIG. based on the example of his architecture you gave i get feeling he is better/more interesting bar owner than designer.

May 7, 09 8:17 pm  · 

AP, great looking feature... i am going to cook your chicken breast recipe tonight w/ +,- improv.

sorry for going on and on about editing threads but i had to get it out there and i hope it helps. i know many people don't want to be edited and i agree.
however it was little getting out of hand.

i feel tired after looking two dozen student projects yesterday. my class at cal poly is doing an elementary school project and we had the mid terms. overall, i think i got the class focus and i am happy with the turnout.
teaching is a very rewarding engagement and students thanked me for constructive criticism and helping them to see the positive aspects of their projects. that is like a priceless award for me.

cal poly pomona is a very resourceful place with various well respected engineering depts., and a semi institute called regenerative studies, where students do research on latest architecture and nature related strategies, green buildings, bio technology and more. here is a picture from regenerative studies facilities which i am planning to do something.
going to school is like going to countryside three days a week for me. i sure appreciated.

more here

May 7, 09 9:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

Orhan, I think it's good to have one of those inward-focused discussions here on Archinect every now and again. No problems.

Having a student "get it" is amazing, isn't it? A great feeling.

May 7, 09 9:16 pm  · 

I too am for open. But at some point...

Sounds like Cal Poly Palmona is turning out to be a great experience.]

May 7, 09 9:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

So we're almost at page 300, does that mean 30,000 posts? I guess that's page 301, isn't it.

Non sequiter: I'm ready for dessert.

May 7, 09 9:25 pm  · 

i had the pleasure of throwing gasoline into a fire today that might just burn down my firm. We owe $50k to a consultant for work done over a year ago (we're owed over $300k by the client). For the past 6 months, I've been trying to sweet talk them into waiting ever so slightly longer till we get paid so we can pay them. Per my boss' direction, I wrote a letter to the consultant that instantly enraged him, though the purpose was any but that. Now maybe the lawyers can handle this and allow me to get back to doing stuff I enjoy!

Beta, we may need to use some of your joisey connections or LiG's pm...

May 7, 09 10:13 pm  · 

if it involves legs and certain sport utilities, let me know and i can do it for a *small fee, and per diem of course.

May 7, 09 10:16 pm  · 

Orhan - you don't have to apologize. That photo above is absolutely gorgeous, if I weren't' so tired I'd take a look at the others, but at least it will give me something to do tomorrow. It makes me happy to hear that you are enjoying your teaching position. Actually it makes me happy to hear when anybody is exciting about what they do.

TK - :o( hope everything turns out for the better. I'll be sending good vibes your way.

And on that note, I am off to bed to pass out. G'nite all.

May 7, 09 10:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aw, melt, you're so wonderful. Also, I hope your homeownership woes aren't too awful - is it the crack, or something new?

May 8, 09 7:24 am  · 

LB - it's my carbon monoxide detector. It's been going off every 36 hours or so b/c it needs to be replaced. The only problem is it's a special one that hooks up to the security system (that I don't use), so I had to special order it b/c you can't find it at the hardware stores. Cost me freaking $74. I can't just yank it out either b/c it'll still make the system go off. It's not a zone that you can bypass. I thought about calling the security company that installed the system to come out and replace it, but I'm sure with parts and labor it would cost more. So until it shows up I'm stuck with running down to the basement to reset it when it goes off and then running back upstairs to turn off the keypad too.

Home ownership is a bitch this week.

May 8, 09 8:34 am  · 
liberty bell

We had one of our hard wired fire alarms start randomly beeping in the wee hours for awhile, then beeping every ten minutes or so throughout the day.... Tried replacing the batteries, resetting all the alarms etc. Finally had to replace the whole unit, like you. It is indeed annoying to have your house beep at you constantly!

May 8, 09 8:39 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, think of all the exercise you're getting!

I'm tired of eating pizza, so I'm not making any tonight. Which leaves a hole in my "Man-Menu Fridays;" any suggestions?

May 8, 09 9:33 am  · 


May 8, 09 9:46 am  · 

Orhan, let us know how the chicken turned out, and post a pic if possible. I'm curious what changes you may have made...

also, I'll agree w/lb that the discussion about censorship etc. that you began seems to have been useful. jafidler called it "naval gazing" or similar, and while he is in a way correct, it is sometimes necessary and productive, especially since this community is relatively young and constantly coming to terms with itself.

****melt, that's a serious bummer about the smoke alarm. Ours went off when I was away one night recently (weekly indoor soccer game) and the GF wasn't sure what to do (we have a gas stove so it could've easily been a leak).
Since she couldn't get in touch w/me, she ended up calling the fire dep't. They came in full force (a truck w/sirens blaring down the street, 6 fully decked out fireman with axes etc. in our lobby...I guess only 4 came up in the elevator to see what the deal was). The battery was dying.


Man-wich would definitely work for Man-Menu Friday's, but if you're feeling a bit lazy, just buy a rotisserie chicken and eat it with your hands. After you've devoured most of it, you can boil the carcass and make chicken stock for soup.

May 8, 09 10:57 am  · 
vado retro

A friend of mine will be jamming with Seal today on Oprah.

May 8, 09 11:05 am  · 

seal + jamming + oprah = *does not compute*

May 8, 09 11:09 am  · 


Ya AP - I actually did that at 3am on Tuesday morning. It was awesome!!! NOT!!! Fortunately b/c I think I sounded so calm the FD did not have their sirens blaring, just their lights. Their "sniffer" did not detect any carbon monoxide and all they ended up doing is hitting the reset button on the damn thing. I felt like such a stereotypical blond, but I guess it's better to be safe than sorry, right?

SH - what about having Husband grill up some flank steak? That's rather masculine.

May 8, 09 11:57 am  · 

Oh and AP - if you continue uploading photos of your dinners to your flickr site I may just show up on your doorstep one evening ;o)

Do you make your own pico de gallo? YUM

May 8, 09 12:00 pm  · 
vado retro

Well I don't know bout Seal and I don't know bout Oprah but my friend Frank does jam bro!

May 8, 09 12:08 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I saw the premiere of Star Trek last night on IMAX... Very cool movie, even if you're not a hardcore Trekkie. This movie sort of does for the Star Trek franchise what Batman Begins did for Batman and what Casino Royale did for James Bond, but with more humor and optimism. If you are a Trekkie, there are plenty of subtle gags and inside humor to keep you happy.

In many ways it's the polar opposite of the 1979 Star Trek: The Motion Picture. While that movie took an hour's worth of story and needlessly stretched it into a 2-hour snooze-fest (no doubt trying to mimic Kubric's then-recent 2001 masterpiece), this movie takes what could have easily been 4 hours worth of story and crams it into 2 hours of film time. If anything, maybe it was a little too fast-paced, as I think it could have used a few more introspective moments, but overall it was a great film. I can't wait for the inevitable special edition DVD and sequels.

May 8, 09 12:24 pm  · 
vado retro

did they beam down to the gangster planet? was harry mudd there? did they confuse some fembots? I love you. But, I hate you. was the ship taken over by furry furballs? who played khan? did kirk get beamed down to a planet to fight a dragon being and build a gun with the minerals and ores on the planet?

May 8, 09 12:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm a total PTA mom today. But since high waist jeans are coming back into fashion, what will the new "mom jeans" look like? Hip hugger flares, I guess.

May 8, 09 1:18 pm  · 

tell me it ain't so LB! mom jeans??????

Yeay! got my GRHC slide show under 5mb, so now I can email it at my leisure, otherwise I'd be chasing down the fed ex truck this afternoon.

May 8, 09 1:37 pm  · 

AP, by the time i got home, the dinner was already in the pan a la tina... it was delicious. just marinated with o. oil, garlic and later s&p with boiled red potatoes and arrugula on the side. cooked just right!

in school, fire department is on our ass and students now have clean up their studios every friday. actually it is a great practice for them and i have always been critical about people throwing their cardboard and paper refuse on the floor and expecting the poor school janitor will clean up after them...

May 8, 09 1:42 pm  · 

i am all for color striped jeans with flare to come back!

May 8, 09 1:44 pm  · 

those high waisted jeans are back to hide those tramp stamps?

May 8, 09 2:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think you have to be tall to pull of the high waitsed jeans, and you have to tuck in your shirt. Im not tall, so you wont see me in them, but the super low rise ones dont do much either. Same with shorts, I cant find any that dont either look trashy or momish. Maybe I'll jsut wear dresses and skirts. Lucky me, Im a girl.

I've settled on a basic menu of smothered fries (made from fingerling potatos broiled in the oven) and chicken wings. Did you know those things cost just as much as breast meat! Its crap meat, and should be more akin to thighs and drums, since it is a dark meat, and therefore should be much cheaper. Bah.

May 8, 09 3:55 pm  · 
vado retro

waiting for my friends appearance with seal. unfortunatly having to watch the rest of Oprah.

May 8, 09 4:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

wait, oprah is on already there? it doesnt come on until 4 here. which one is your buddy, I'll try to look for him - asuming the winds will allow me to get channel 8 today.

May 8, 09 4:33 pm  · 
vado retro

he was the guy playin the saxophony.

May 8, 09 7:11 pm  · 
vado retro

i guess its in oprah's contract to show her and her white girlfriend dancing to the music at least five times per song. wtf?

May 8, 09 7:12 pm  · 

Hey folks, should we consider starting over at 300? Would that even work? I'm just wondering. This thread is so big I keep thinking it will break the forum, which of course is ridiculous but nonetheless....

On a totally unrelated note, behold the awesomeness of the hamster with surprisingly large balls that can't stay awake. Ah ha ha...

May 8, 09 10:53 pm  · 

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