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I love Sennheisers...

A friend gave me a pair of the ones that are collapsable..

they were amazing sound quality and compact for storage.

Dec 14, 07 3:13 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm not sure why, but something about the little ear buds is just really uncomfortable for me.

For tunes at work, I use a cheap pair of Sony headphones I bought for about $20 or so. If they get lost or broken, it's no big loss, and they actually sound pretty good.

At home, I have a 15-year-old pair of Sony studio monitor headphones, the same model (MDR-V6) you'll often find in recording studios, radio stations, and DJ booths. They're slightly on the bulky side, but the sound quality is excellent, and they've held up very well over the years. I just replaced the leather ear pads, and they're once again as good as new.

Dec 14, 07 5:44 pm  · 

Those are sweet headphones. Are the as sound isolating as they appear?

Dec 14, 07 6:11 pm  · 

is starbucks the windows of the morning beverage world?

i don't mind starbucks. actually, i don't care about starbucks. or tullys or the other clones. not enough to hate them anyway.

more funny, i just saw on tele that NL is thinking of building an island shaped like a giant tulip. they were inspired by manmade islands in dubai.

yesterday i went to get new glasses and was introduced to clip on earphones that work through bone conduction. surprisingly sounded good, though i guess since they don'T cover the ears at all there would not be much sound isolation...

good luck, architechnophilia!

Dec 14, 07 6:46 pm  · 

woh....I am sorta drunk. I finally get to do this! or not. maybe I'm not that drunk. I think I've sobered up a bit since I started typing.

yes they are sound's like a foamy earplug with a speaker in it. I was worried about comfort, but it's not bad. they just take a while to position right. Earbuds drive me batty, but these are canalphones..they sit in your ear canal. I am going to call an audiologist and see how much custom molds would cost to get that perfect fit.

one thing I have learned...I need to keep my ears cleaner. and I thought I was such a neatnick! I got these to go with my new Ipod's my first ipod...and let me say...IT SUX!!!!!! How are these fucking vibrator powering little pieces of shit so popular?




six generations and you still can't implement on the fly playlisting? my old Rio karma could do that in 2003. in terms of being an easy to use, enjoyable music player, the karma was light years ahead of apple's 2007 best. I sit here looking for one on ebay just so I can enjoy using my DAP again.

and don't get me started on itunes. I've see adware that was less anoying. This has to be the single worst piece of software I've ever seen next to anything made by roxio. wanna put songs on the ipod? gotta wait till it's fully charged, or else it'll drop the connection randomly. sure! lock up windows while you're transfering! I didn't want to do anything else anyway. No! I don't want to sign up for the itues music store and see fucking john mayer's stupid ass face every time I open the program. stop asking.

Johnathan Ive, If I ever meet you, I'm going to kick yoyy in the nuts.

Dec 14, 07 9:50 pm  · 

Except for the exams and extra credit I still have to grade (don't get me started), I, too, am now done with my first semester of grad school. Super cool.

I've still only gotten 6 hours of sleep in 3 days though, and I have a hankering to see I Am Legend, so I'll catch up with you guys later.

architechno....thanks for setting me a plate. Pizza sounds delish :o)

Dec 14, 07 10:36 pm  · 
vado retro
Dec 14, 07 10:37 pm  · 

‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮҉ i divided by zero

Dec 15, 07 1:52 am  · 

Well, I'm walking here in 2 hours and 45 minutes. I didn't sleep at all last night. I'm pretty nervous about the next few years. I'm more worried now than I was waiting for my grades last week.

Anyone else have this problem when they graduated?

Dec 15, 07 7:17 am  · 

"divided by zero?" - not sure I understand Apurimac but okay

vado, I'll send you a bag too - guys just remember to email me your addresses.

Okay so the panels are up - yippee | but there is a downside. here's the list.

1. the printery is locked - I can't find the owner or any of the employees. So we don't have any handouts to give.

2. the radio station (we only have one local) announced the wrong time for the start of the exhibition. So we have had people showing up two hours earlier. Ack

3. only the lights on one of our light trays are working, the electrician left and hasn't come back yet

Dec 15, 07 9:39 am  · 
vado retro

techno i'll get you my address dude.

well we got a minor to perhaps major snowstorm goin on in indy. have spent the morning putting the cart before the horse ie lookin for cool housing and archi firms in boulder, lafayette louisiana and madison wisconsin as exgf/future wife has interviews with fine institutions for higher learning in these places. also following the cat around waiting for the inevitable hairball. also making turkey blackbean chili (i'm only crying cuz of the onion, honest!) and listening to world cafe on vermont public radio via the internets which is playing the free's fire and water right now. rock n freakin roll.

Dec 15, 07 12:56 pm  · 

I came across a really cool firm in Madison recently... can't remember the name for the life of me, but it looked awesome... I'll see if I can find it.

Not sure you'll find too much in Lafayette, though. :(

I love the World Cafe.

There is snow everywhere here and I slept in until noon! I've had kind of an emotional rollercoaster of a week. In a good way. I have some news but don't feel comfortable releasing it under my own name. Hmm, that's the first time that's happened...

Anyhow, n_ and WonderK--you will appreciate this!

Dec 15, 07 1:19 pm  · 

you'll be fine rfuller! Have a great day, it's one of those memorable ones.

Invention I need to figure out and make millions off of: breathalyzer login for computers. Thank god I don't seem to have done any damage here (too drunk to navigate away from my email), but I was pretty bad last night, and absolutely should not have spoken to anyone whether by phone or email.

Dec 15, 07 2:50 pm  · 
vado retro

we had snow. then freezing rain and then more snow. fortunately, the weekend weather people were doing a live feed from their parking lots showing us how to use icescrapers. wtf?

Dec 16, 07 9:11 am  · 

i kinda miss the cold weather. the brutally clean air of -30 celcius on the prairies is kind of an iconic memory for me.

here all i gots is chilly, dirty air, and its probably not going to snow in tokyo again the way the global warming thing is going...

more weirdness, today i took familu to shinjuku and we went past a donut shop where, i kid you not, hundreds of peple were lined up round the corner and up the stairs and on a bridge, just to buy a box of donuts. that is hard core food liking people. there is a sign saying that the wait is xxx minutes out front, and guards/helpers/ donut-men yelling out to remind everyone the line starts way over THERE thank you, and the wait is 2 hours so enjoy.

2 hours for a donut sounds nuts, but the place, KRISPY KREME is always like that. i have never walked by without the line up.

...some people get ice and snow and unhelpful newspeople...some get krispy kreme donuts...after a 2 hour wait.

Dec 16, 07 10:25 am  · 

well, krispy kreme IS good... funny though, jump, in the USA they are going out of business and closing up most of their shops! Dunkin Donuts which make stale dry donuts are winning and over here it seems like there can only ever be one of everything... so DD it is. shame.

Dec 16, 07 10:50 am  · 

@ Vado - We were supposed to get all that too but it must have stopped at the border as we only had snow yesterday morning and then some rain yesterday afternoon. As I look out the window though, it appears the snow has started yet again. We'll see just how long it lasts.

@ Jump - That's a funny story. I do enjoy me a fresh Krispy Kreme every now and then but I don't think I'd ever stand in line for 2 hours for some. Is it the only Krispy Kreme in the ?

Dec 16, 07 10:55 am  · 
vado retro

dunkin donuts has a vigorous ad campaign promoting the superiority of the masses in opposition to venti non fat white chocolate lattes and apparently its working for them. of course the ad exec who was explaining this strategy on npr of course is one of those venti non fat white chocolate latte drinkin people.

Dec 16, 07 10:55 am  · 
vado retro

ladies take note: brad will be on this week with george snuffalufogus to talk about new orleans and, yes fashionistas!!!, he will be wearing his hat!!! which is available for purchase at

Dec 16, 07 11:02 am  · 

myriam, I've been at work this entire week at can't see the link. When I tried to see it, our work's filter kicked in and said "THIS PAGE IS CLASSIFIED AS SEX."

I'll check it when I'm home and finally stop working. Someday.

Dec 16, 07 12:29 pm  · 
vado retro

n___ are you still wearing your bow???

Dec 16, 07 12:31 pm  · 

Wow n_ your work's filters are VERY stringent.

The snow has ceased. The weathermen were wrong, yet again. How surprising...not.

Dec 16, 07 12:54 pm  · 

Oops, almost forgot. Techno - how did it go yesterday? Hope it was a success. The article you posted here was quite interesting.

Dec 16, 07 12:57 pm  · 

@tuna the opening was a success, we had about 60 people come through some with their kids. Today we are again open, but its much more quiet - even though we have food. Its quite odd.

Dec 16, 07 1:26 pm  · 

I haven't taken the bow off since that glorious evening.

The work filter is pretty tough. It wasn't too bad when I started but they have really tightened it's control in the past 4-6 months.

Dec 16, 07 5:14 pm  · 
vado retro

i couldn't download the new albany indiana zoning regulations because it contains references to adult entertainment and -gasp- genatalia!

Dec 16, 07 5:30 pm  · 

Fishers and Evansville zoning regulations give a shout out to genitalia as well.

Seriously Vado and Liberty, what's up with Indiana's zoning obsession with genitalia?

(Please read in my Southern twang faux accent) If I didn't know any better, I'd go ahead and assume your state was filled with sinners. [i](End faux accent)[i/]

Dec 16, 07 5:55 pm  · 

^ Damnit, I wish I could preview on the longer threads.

Dec 16, 07 5:56 pm  · 
vado retro

well we got to know what zone our sin is in. so its easier to locate.

Dec 16, 07 5:58 pm  · 

I assume Las Vegas is all classified as zone SIN.

Dec 16, 07 6:01 pm  · 
vado retro

welcome to the sinzone! i like the name of that!!!

Dec 16, 07 6:02 pm  · 

The SinZone is my autobiographical reference to my college years.

Dec 16, 07 6:06 pm  · 

ha ha ha, n_ that page is definitely classified as sex.

Dec 16, 07 6:36 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm in the ZinZone which often leads to the SinZone

Dec 16, 07 7:18 pm  · 
some person

n_, it is possible to preview on longer threads. I've found two ways to do it:

1. Be on the first page of the thread when you click preview.


2. Copy your comment, hit preview, paste your comment, then click preview again.

Dec 16, 07 7:45 pm  · 

wow, reading that, I'm kind of an ass.

rationalist I'll buy one.

Dec 16, 07 8:03 pm  · 

myriam I love that link, thanks :o)

I'm back in Cincinnati now for a 2-week respite from Southern California. I doubt it will be much of a respite though, since the weather is so crappy here. It was a really rough week too, but I still feel compelled to be doing something, which makes sense since I only got done grading papers about 24 hours ago.

Anyway, I'm exhausted. I'm excited to have time to post again though!

Dec 16, 07 8:08 pm  · 

DubK - Glad to hear you made it to Cincy. Call me.

n_ Aren't everyone's college years considered The SinZone? I know mine were.

Dec 16, 07 9:47 pm  · 

hmmm, I think my college years were actually the CommitmentZone. The SinZone was partially in middle/high school, and I think I'm ready to re-enter the SinZone now. Except without the drugs, and rather less alcohol.

One of the undergrads asked me the other day how old I was the first time I smoked pot. The answer made me feel really, really, really old.

Dec 16, 07 9:59 pm  · 
vado retro

why were you fifty the first time you smoked pot?

Dec 16, 07 10:04 pm  · 

i had never heard of krispy kreme before i moved to tokyo. there are not many of them here as far as i know. 2 that i have heard of in tokyo, maybe some more around the country, but somehow they have captured the stomaches of the tokyo-ites.

sin in america is soooo funny.

Dec 16, 07 10:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

No donut ever approaches in deliciousness the taste of a hot Krispy Kreme. They are best fresh, but in Phoenix you can replicate that warmth and gooeyness by leaving one in a box in your car in July.

If Krispy Kremes are too lowbrow for you, of course, you can spend $200/head for dinner at Moto in Chicago, where they will serve you a demitasse of Krispy Kreme soup. Tastes identical.

Dec 16, 07 10:56 pm  · 

@ hot KRISPY KREME i love you all..

Please, cake as well.

Happy Sunday night TC.!!!!

Dec 16, 07 11:06 pm  · 

lbelle, you've been to Moto? i hear wondrous things of that place...

damn, i love living in the best restaurant city in america. altho my tastes tend to run away from moto and toward, say, meritage. oh meritage, how sad i am that you are closing... yet another bucktown travesty. le sigh.

also, private aside to lbelle and stevenward:

thank you very, very much for the advice. it came just in the nick of time and i read and savored every word. then i took it. so you should both feel gratified! i accepted the opportunity on my own behalf. thanks again for your very timely advice, it was invaluable and made me feel much more confident and excited.

Dec 16, 07 11:39 pm  · 

@vado, no! I've got a while til I hit 5-0. But to realize that some of the undergrads hadn't even started elementary school at that point in time.... urgh.

@liberty, I'll be in Phx. this time next week. Checking the weather, somehow we have the same expected lows there as in Seattle, but the highs in Phoenix are 20 degrees higher! God I miss the desert.

Dec 16, 07 11:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay myriam!!!! So glad to hear it - you rock, and you WILL rock in this new opportunity (sorry to talk in code everyone, but say good luck to myriam).

And, congrats to a-techno - sorry I've been so out of it here lately that I missed the enitre exhibition. What I see looks fantastic and I hope you get some down time now.

About Moto: go only for a special occsaion becuase it's expensive. And go with companions who are great conversationalists, because you'll be there for 3 hours. But it's an amazing unique gastronomic experience. Not the best meal I've ever had (though in the top five), but by far the most inventive, and perfectly, perfectly prepared and served.

rationalist, I miss the desert too. AND I miss the intersection of Broad and Pine in Philadelphia. How can I be so conflicted?!?

This week sucks for me, unless Santa brings me a miracle. Later everyone, happy Monday.

Dec 17, 07 7:08 am  · 

Anyone been to Alinea??

Achaz was named one of best chefs in country (was it last year)??

A double yeah-to Myriam and Architechno!!!

Dec 17, 07 8:11 am  · 

so after a busy Saturday opening, it was nice to join the frow on Sunday for a bit of finger food and exhibition viewing. Slight problem no one showed up. Catered nibbles for 60 people. We served ourselves. Then just as we thought the day was over we had a mad rush of 3 dozen people coming 6 at a time. It was brilliant - the food was already gone though. We sent it to some latin refugees that got ship wrecked/deposited here. We believe it was by this Miami?

Anyhow my internal clock is shot to hell because of this exhibition - I worked all weekend, and then when I thought i could catch a nap and re-focus, it turned out to be about 10pm. Sat around watched a movie and was back asleep by 2.30, by 5 I was up, went back to sleep, and then up again just before 7am. Jane get me off this crazy thing.

Dec 17, 07 8:46 am  · 

I've had an interesting morning thus far because I GOT IN A WRECK WITH MY SIGNIFICANT OTHER. HER. CAR. HIT. MY. CAR.

We were meeting up for breakfast this morning before our work weeks takes off. I was waiting to pull into a parking spot and I got hit from behind. My initial reaction was a vulgar stream of inner monologue name-calling directed to the person who hit me. Then I got out of my car and realized it was her. And she realized it was me. Then we started laughing hysterically. Many people witnessed the event and looked perplexed because we couldn't stop laughing, hugging, and listen to her desperate 'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, Are you OK? Is your car OK? You don't have whip- lash, do you?. I'm totally paying for your breakfast. I think everything is OK. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.'

Fortunately, there is no serious damage to both of our cars and we couldn't stop laughing about it over breakfast.

Dec 17, 07 10:06 am  · 
vado retro

sue her ass!

Dec 17, 07 10:44 am  · 

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