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Dec 9, 07 10:28 am  · 

I hate cold rain. Perhaps I'll finally get around to sanding my bathroom today and get a second coat of primer up as well. Yeah, right.

Dec 9, 07 10:33 am  · 

1 acre = 43 560 square foot

Dec 9, 07 10:37 am  · 

I was shocked that my firm didn't recycle paper when I started working. So I asked our in-house plotter guy to give me an average of paper rolls we use a week. Then I asked our ordering people how many reems of printer paper we go through a week. I busted out my trusty TI-89 and started doing some math. We ended up using approximately 5,192,555.3 square feet of paper a year

I knew that sounded like a ridiculous number so I wanted to convert it something more understandable. So I figured I would convert it to acreage. It's roughly 122 acres, which is bigger than the world's smallest country, the Vatican City (108.7 acres).

Imagine covering the whole damn Vatican with my firm's paper. I presented this to the head honchos and finally got them to recycle paper.

Anyway, the acreage to square feet conversion is now embedded in my head.

That is all.

Dec 9, 07 12:18 pm  · 

covering the Vatican in plotter paper - sounds like a cool site specific instalation. You should apply for an archinect fine arts grant!

Dec 9, 07 12:38 pm  · 

good work n_! thats more trees being saved then my efforts this year. *sigh*

just got a call from the airline, that chicago is experiencing bad weather delays and they wanted to change my flight to direct w/o having to change planes in chi-town. coolio, it's shorter and will produce much less carbon emissions. guess the first step towards change is awareness and I've become very aware of all the little energy wasting things I do each day. this job isn't helping my emissions...

Dec 9, 07 1:27 pm  · 

Jeez - that's a lot of paper. The old firm I worked for didn't recycle either and it made me sick how much paper went to the landfill everyday b/c of it.

@Evil - that would be a cool idea. I really liked what Christo and Jeanne Claude did to the Reichstag.

Dec 9, 07 1:54 pm  · 

Crap. Too big. Let's try it again

[img] width=418[img]

Dec 9, 07 1:57 pm  · 
Dec 9, 07 1:58 pm  · 

for some unexplainable, irrational reason, I love Christo's and jeanne's work - probably an early imprinted experiance on 5th ave in NYC in the way early 80's walking past a high rise wrapped like a christmas present, who knows.

Dec 9, 07 2:04 pm  · 
vado retro

god n_ that's almost as much paper as my novel takes up.

Dec 9, 07 4:00 pm  · 
Dec 9, 07 4:55 pm  · 

alive here even after a severe tar and feathering....more later.
we are all under a fungi! Still in High Spirits!

Dec 9, 07 6:26 pm  · 

I can't chat much - but I saw pictures of animals (very cute ones at that so I thought let me post one)

this is maddy (aka Princess Madeline) - you cannot resist her puppy charm

Dec 9, 07 6:32 pm  · 

right, tuna...that's what I was asking. (there's that scene where band-aid girl is holding up the ticket and going "leeloo dallas multipass"

Dec 9, 07 7:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Nothing goes with a Yuengling like an iPhone and Thread Central.

I volunteered to serve as an acolyte for two evening services at the cathedral, and I have an hour to kill before the second one. So, in true Episcopalian fashion, I headed to the bar across the street.

Of course, now there's a steady cold rain outside, and I didn't bring an umbrella. Looks like I'll be getting wet when I stagger back into the cathedral in a few minutes.

Dec 9, 07 7:54 pm  · 

Mana - HA! Band-Aid Girl. Very funny. I love it. I honestly don't remember that part at all. Still a good flick and I like all that the character represents... minus the band-aids.

@Atechno - OH NO!!!! You are right... I cannot resist her puppy charm. Or, for the most part, any four legged critter's charm. Very cute indeed. Give Princess Madeline a scratch behind the ear for me the next time you see her.

Dec 9, 07 8:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

SO: how was the office party, vado?

Dec 9, 07 8:28 pm  · 
vado retro

about as exciting as a party at 11 a.m. can be i guess.

Dec 9, 07 9:39 pm  · 

n_ great calculation - I could imagine it on a architecture sucks type t-shirt to ensure they recycle. 122 acress....that's all.

Dec 9, 07 9:41 pm  · 

Living In Gin..

Almost seems Catholic. Just do ten hail Mary's.

Perhaps just bring the cathedral to the pub next time.?

Dec 9, 07 10:17 pm  · 

you want cute animals? ok, i'll let you have it -- although be warned, once you've seen this, nothing else will ever look so cute again!

click me

Dec 9, 07 11:06 pm  · 

OMG myriam, you are so right. I want one!!!!!!!!! He's just the cutest thing ever. Too bad most of them aren't gentle like that.

Dec 9, 07 11:18 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Those are beautiful animals. I'm not really a dog person, but I absolutely love Siberian huskies, which have sort of a coyote-like appearance but without the aggression.

nam: Episcopalians are generally known as Catholic Lite: All the fulfillment, but only a third of the guilt. We usually don't even bother with the hail Mary's.

I've actually advocated that we open some sort of a bar/cafe/restaurant somewhere on the cathedral grounds or within the undercroft of the cathedral itself. Such a thing isn't without precedent in the Church of England, which is where the Episcopal Church USA has its roots.

Dec 9, 07 11:25 pm  · 

wonderK, you might like her other blog, here.

Dec 9, 07 11:33 pm  · 

yes, he is utterly exquisite, and i am utterly beside myself with jealousy.

Dec 9, 07 11:34 pm  · 

I'm glad this woman is finding herself, but her attitude towards a wild living thing kind of makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Dec 10, 07 12:22 am  · 

It bugged me at first until I read more about it and the coyote wildlife specialist who is helping her figure out how to raise / not raise it.

Dec 10, 07 12:27 am  · 

sure, I read it and can tell she loves it, I 'm just not buying it as being at all good for what she claims isn't her 'pet'

she seems to know a thing or two for sure. but if you are going to take a wild animal (or any animal really) into your home and treat it as a domesticated beast you have to realize that that animal's life is your responsibility until it dies. You can't play let's live with the cute little wild thing until it realizes what it is and then think it's going to live happily ever after. Coyotes aren't meant to be used for selling pictures on the web....

I'm sure some people aren't going to be happy to hear this, but if she really loved this coyote she would let it go live it's own life instead of selling it as a reason to live hers. She's making it less wild and able to live on it's own every day.

but whatever, to each their own. Coyote killing is a family pastime in a lot of places and she sure isn't doing anything worse than that....

Dec 10, 07 12:39 am  · 

My thought is that she's probably kidding herself about "letting it decide" as she has already made its decision for it--but at the same time, she's caring for an animal that would have been killed otherwise, and she appears to be doing a decent job, so I figure it'll probably work itself out for the best in the end. She'll never be able to simply freely release it into the wild, I'm sure, but there may be other options anyway if she can't take care of it herself. I didn't worry over it so much.

Dec 10, 07 12:45 am  · 

This reminds me a little of the argument earlier this year over whether or not to kill Knut the cute polar bear after his mother rejected him. Yes, he's not in his natural habitat so it's not the ideal situation, but for god's sakes, did you see him? There's a slide show here.

I understand how you could find yourself keeping a little wild animal like Charlie, and it helps that he's adorable. I saw the Golden Compass last night and between that and those pictures I just posted, I totally want a polar bear. However I also want a Vespa, just like the one that girl has, and I think a polar bear would be considerably harder to take to the vet on the back of a scooter. I would have fun trying though!

Dec 10, 07 4:07 am  · 

Emily Kemper I like the nom de plume; turning what is your birth name into a trajectory for expression. It is wonderful, pun intended.

I've always associated the colour orange with Wonder K for some reason...

However I'm not too sure how I feel about wild animals in domestic settings, but I suspect all animals have started that way. Mrs caveman wasn't too happy when they brought in the first sure it took lots of attempts with the dogs chewing at their toes before they thought it was a good idea. Worse the cats they had in those days...someone say sabertooth?

Dec 10, 07 5:17 am  · 
liberty bell

I read a bizarre novel called Troll: A Love Story, which included this theme of our desire to be near wildness even if by taking it in we're killing it. Very bizarre Finnish book, with sexual undertones (actually overtones) that I'm not sure I fully got - I think maybe there is a subtle Finnish attitude toward sex that I don't know about (being a dumb Yank) that would have made the book more disturbing/more esoteric if I had understood it.

That polar bear baby is too adorable, but it's in a zoo - it won't ever be released into the wild, right?

Dec 10, 07 7:01 am  · 
brian buchalski

too many pictures of dogs and cats here...we need something cooler like guns...and monnster trucks...and cheerleaders...yeah!!!

Dec 10, 07 8:20 am  · 
vado retro

at my last job we had a major client who ran a construction company and was a biig game hunter. he actually had a giraffe in his house. he went polar bear hunting and killed one. what a dick head anyway a polar bear is not advisable as a pet as they are ten foot tall and would rip your head off and suck your insides out and then floss its teeth with your skin.

Dec 10, 07 8:28 am  · 

my gramma used to take rich old people on tours of polar bear habitat in northern manitoba (churchill, actually). she has tonnes of pics of the beasties and they are def dangerous and beautiful.

my daughter has a great book about a polar bear that climbs into the narrator's house in midle of night only to wee on the floor and have a bath and suddenly leave as quietly as it arrived. But her favorite book is currently about dinosaurs. she is fact checking her english book on dinosaurs with her japanese book on dinosaurs. i think she is not sure she should trust anything written in english...

and just to be really random, my back is killing me cuz i have been mixing a tonne of concrete lately and those bags of cement and sand are frickin HEAVY. but we are saving deveral thousand dollars, so it is theoreticaly worth it. just wish i remembered i ain't in my 20's anymore before i volunteered to try this crazy stunt...

time for bed. night all.

Dec 10, 07 9:12 am  · 
Living in Gin

Happy Monday.

Big deadline this morning, so I guess I should be working on that instead of yapping here. Later.

Dec 10, 07 9:33 am  · 

I don't know if this has ever been mentioned before, but I think the next archinect tshirt should read:

WonderK I want to hear about your flowers.

Dec 10, 07 9:51 am  · 

The thing about everyone knowing you are involved is that you could never mention like jump did that you are having back trouble - no one believes you!

Dec 10, 07 10:43 am  · 

I have a final tomorrow which should be awesome. Unfortunately it is leeching into prep time for the final presentation I am giving on Thursday, which will probably be my weakest work for the semester. I'm still going to give it my best though.....

n_, I think that t-shirt would be awesome. If I saw someone I didn't know wearing it, I would randomly go up and start telling them stories. Great way to meet people! :o)

Dec 10, 07 12:30 pm  · 

Good luck on finals ...tumbleweed and DubK.

Dec 10, 07 12:48 pm  · 
too many pictures of dogs and cats here...we need something cooler like guns...and monnster trucks...and cheerleaders...yeah!!!

Good call puddles. Here are my contributions:

The New Barret M107 Semi-Auto .50 Cal with minimal recoil. It has the astonishing ability to drop any living creature. It can also pierce most armor and drop airplanes out of the sky.

This is, of course, grave digger.

And who doesn't like the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders?

I also propose we include pictures of people in imminent danger for good measure.

Dec 10, 07 12:56 pm  · 

1. <- the dallas cowboy has a bigger ass that the bull
2. grave digger is cool | the free world is divided between people who love grave digger and those people who prefer big foot. I [heart] grave digger~~
3. guns don't kill people, chuck norris kills people, and the m107 barrett removes their existence
4. good luck to all who have finals

I on the other hand have an exhibition to prepare for. It is so great having illustrators on contract to do your drawings for you (gives you more time to archinect in the coming hours/days before the exhibition). I will secretly include the image on the city wishlist thread in a few days

Dec 10, 07 1:03 pm  · 

few moments reprise at my hotel before round 2 of the client/site visit marathon starts. good thing I like Korean food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Just hope that we don't karaoke too late into the night like my boss did last week. I learned that they got him back to the hotel at 3am... No soju for me - whisky or beer only! wish me luck.

I like the cute animal/big gun/chuck norris tangent that tc has taken today.

I do want a wK flowers teeshirt in green. So Emily, what's the dealeo with the name change? did the big green head grant you editorial privileges or is the a school blog in the works. I keep on clicking the about archinect link hoping to see you pic up there with the other behind the scenes types...

Dec 10, 07 4:55 pm  · 

Can I have my WonderK I want to hear about your flowers t-shirt in orange or red please?

Dec 10, 07 5:26 pm  · 

LOL! Atechno I just clicked the link! Awesome! I've always loved that song.

Dec 10, 07 5:31 pm  · 

best wedding dance too?

Dec 10, 07 5:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Deadline met, sort of. I wonder if I can take my lunch break now.

Dec 10, 07 6:59 pm  · 
brian buchalski

all of you do realize that one of the unwritten rules of threrad centeral is that any body who mentions the infamous wonderk-flower comment is thus obligated to buy wonderk flowers...or at least buy flowers for somebody within the archinect realm*

also...little known fact, but about the same time as the whole groose pointe library super archinect moment, I did register another account in my true name ("brianbuchalski", you can look it up if you doubt me) and i had really wished that I had posted the grosse pointe library under that name...but I lacked the foresight. anyhow, I figured that i would use my real name for all the sincere, heavy & hreartfelt posts that would follow...but there haven't been any. that's kind of disappointing when you realize that you have very little of subatance to contribute.

*extra hint...if you buy flowers with you can pick up a pretty good bonus on frquent flier miles with a wide variety of airlines...something like 10 miles for every dollar spent...not too shabby

Dec 10, 07 7:57 pm  · 
liberty bell


You must have received some mental waves from me about ten minutes ago thinking about what I was about to post, because there is your name out there big as day....and I was not going to reveal it in this post, but now that you did, it's fair game:

I was on a jury today with someone who said to me "Donna, I didn't realize you know Brian Buchalski, I went to school with him" and I said "You mean puddles?" to which our mutual friend laughed and laughed...

Dec 10, 07 8:35 pm  · 

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