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brian buchalski

oh goodness...i'm getting frunk on rum & tab soda

Nov 8, 07 9:23 pm  · 
brian buchalski

I meant to say "drunk" not "frunk"..i don't even know what the hell frunk means...prbably something that mary blige just made up.

Nov 8, 07 9:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

A froofy drink like rum and Tab deserves a froofy result like being frunk.

Nov 8, 07 10:10 pm  · 

they still make tab? who drinks tab?

Nov 8, 07 10:36 pm  · 

hah. if you think tab is old, any you remember pic-a-pop? my da always bought from them...out house ranneth over with cola and grape and orange and ginger ale, by the crate load. but now? i don't think they exist anymore milk on the doorstep every morning (and butter too)...those halcyon days are past.

i have no idea what i'm talking about. not frunk, just dead drop tired.

but i did get to see the new mvrdv building next to sana's dior in omotesando this afternoon. nice. poop-colored,oh sorry, no that's not right, scratch that... CHOCOLATE colored bricks stacked very nicely...

looks better in reality than in pictures...impecable detailing. seriously fine workmanship. you can hardly tell it is dutch.

Nov 9, 07 5:52 am  · 

nice, jump. your last comment is perfect: dutch design built like it's not dutch is really something to which one can aspire, in'it?

Nov 9, 07 6:36 am  · 

i'm a fan of mvrdv but every time i see a good project by them, i eventually find a mecanoo project that does it a little better and with a little more humor and spirit. ten years ago, mecanoo would have been my dream job. mecanoo's not as big or known (yet) but...

anyway, there's something about these two firms (beyond old rem connections) that keeps them following a similar thread.

Nov 9, 07 6:39 am  · 

hey Steven I share the Mecanoo sentiment, often comparing MVRDV to the one trick pony which most of their buildings seem to be about. Nonetheless I applaud the work that both architects are producing.

Nov 9, 07 8:26 am  · 
brian buchalski

still alive

Nov 9, 07 8:28 am  · 

Ah more on the period furniture I am trying rescue

I went to make an offer, checkbook in hand. Speaking rather, matter factly to the sales lady (Carmen was her name...thought I could smooth her over by knowing this). I said to her, "I am here for the chairs...that one in th garden, and this one right here" - in hindsight I kind of sounded like a bank robber...nonetheless I digress. Anyway she told me that she couldn't just sell the stock without talking to the owner who's away until Thanksgiving...maybe I should over her some money to turn a blind eye whilst I lift them myself <<WWTCD??

Nov 9, 07 8:30 am  · 


Nov 9, 07 9:34 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, it looks like the Apple Store wants to hire me. I just hope working there on the side doesn't end up impacting my performance here at my daytime gig. Luckily my firm is pretty well-managed in terms of manpower, so the amount of overtime required has been kept to a minimum so far. My bosses here seem okay with me doing this, as long as my work at the firm isn't impacted. I've told Apple that I'd be happy to come on board, so long as they understand that my daytime job needs to remain first priority.

Has anybody else here taken on a side job outside of their full-time architecture thing, and lived to tell about it?

Nov 9, 07 10:00 am  · 

techno, I'm a wimp about such things so I'd probably wait until she talks to the owner.

Gin, no I've never done that, but I am thinking of trying for a holiday gig myself. Expenses have gotten a little out of control and that seems like a way out, but I don't know if it will work because I don't want to start until after finals, and everyone wants people by thanksgiving.

Nov 9, 07 10:13 am  · 
liberty bell

The year before I got married my husband and I both started moonlighting at a restaurant in Philly - Bridget Foy's, for those who know Philly. He was a waiter, I was a weekend hostess, and I got paid cash under the table. We did this to finance our wedding.

It worked out well financially, and the people at the restaurant were great fun, but it definitely took a toll on our energy levels. That said, I would think moonlighting now til Christmas would be a brief enough stint that you can manage it. Just try not to get sick!

Nov 9, 07 10:15 am  · 

A couple of old co-workers used to bartend one night a week and on the weekends. They said they liked it for the money but hated it b/c it really wore them out. If it's only for the Xmas season, I'd say why not though.
On a side note, a current co-wroker is trying to fix me up with a guy she only sorta knows. I haven't dated in eons. Not sure what to do.

Nov 9, 07 10:30 am  · 
Dapper Napper

I've always believed that an office shouldn't be concerned with what you do after 5:00pm if it's totally unrelated and you're still productive when you're on their time. Booze it up from 6:00pm to 6:00 am or work retail, it's none of their business.

Nov 9, 07 10:32 am  · 
Living in Gin

The last time I worked retail was a job I had with Circuit City in, umm, 1995. I hated that job with a passion and when I landed my internship at Perkins + Will that fall, I swore I'd never work retail again.

But now I've got a huge mountain of debt to pay down, and I need to get a new computer soon. Apple is about the only retail chain I could see myself working at and not hating it. They have a great corporate culture, I love their products, I admire the company, and the store itself is at least as architecturally interesting as most of the projects I work on during the day.

Hopefully it will be a good way to bank some extra coin, buy a nice new Mac, and make some new friends.

Nov 9, 07 10:43 am  · 

i think the last ten years of my life have been a mix of one or two jobs, or jobs and school or is getting harder as i get older to keep on working long days, but the switch in work pace and type sounds perfect.

about mecanoo, mvrdv, etc steven....this is heresay but supposedly egarat was the driving force behind mecanoo in early days and his move to own shop slowed the rest of the folks down a bit...which is why they slipped off the radar for awhile...

mvrdv is maybe the best of the rem-kids so far...but almost all of them lack rem's ability to twist the project kinky...and they all end up doing less interesting work than the master...good, just not AS good. am not sure what that is about really. like they got the method but not the reason for it, or got trapped in style or whatever...this is why plot often seems shallow to me, and mvrdv too, truth be told. but the latter seem to be coming out into their own work lately, which is a good thing.

something about rem's kink. when everyone else does it it just seems like porn. i guess it is just like SOM being the three blind mies. the master has something that can't be handed down no matter how bright the students are...

not sure if any of that makes sense, but am finished work for the day an am going to bed now...hopefully when i wake up it won't seem like i was writing frunk...;-)

Nov 9, 07 10:50 am  · 

best quote of the day rem's ability to twist the project kinky.[colour=orange]something about rem's kink. when everyone else does it it just seems like porn.[/color]

frunkness is contagious, but I think jump is right to an extent, I believe that it takes a while for many of the post-rem'chitects to find their footing both economically and stylistically (without the tongue in cheek). Think Zaha and FOA, I think they got it...makes me think who needs arch school rather go work for REM

Nov 9, 07 11:44 am  · 
 · orange?

Nov 9, 07 11:45 am  · 
colou r doesn't equal color


I'm getting hungry and cranky, so may just bail from the closing session at green build. I'll be back in my own bark tomorrow.

Oh, treekiller says Hi!

Nov 9, 07 1:34 pm  · 
vado retro

some rep just brought in warm homemade brownies! suck on that starchitects!!!

Nov 9, 07 1:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

vaod, I just met with our favorite gorgeous female GC. You'll probably see her at the airport as she leave and returns the same days as you (but she's going to France).

Nov 9, 07 1:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

vaod? Make that vado.

Nov 9, 07 1:40 pm  · 

I wish we had gorgeous female GCs out here.

Nov 9, 07 2:35 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'd get a pretty good employee discount if I were work there... That was a big motivator for applying in the first place. :)

The "techie" position at an Apple Store would be that of a Mac Genius, but apparently that involves a few days worth of training out in Cupertino and is only available for full-time employment. Not an option for me.

I still haven't heard back from them yet, though... I got an email from their HR person this morning saying they'd love to have me on board, but they had some questions regarding scheduling. I have a feeling they want me to work more hours than I can reasonably handle, but we'll see.

Nov 9, 07 3:06 pm  · 

So pretty!

Nov 9, 07 3:31 pm  · 


Hope this works. It's a rainbow just for you ;-)

Nov 9, 07 3:43 pm  · 

this place keeps getting more and more interesting. now existential atheists are having children...jeepers.

i like you meta, like the work and writings you've sent me in the past, but i have to agree with Kevorkian, i don't buy you're hardcore. i don't buy it because i can't believe you are going to look into your child's eyes and tell her, buck up sweety you are absurd, your tears are absurd, your skinned knee is because your mommy coddles you, and the emotion you feel is a construct taught to you by your mom, and no one but yourself will get you through it.

if your kid won't hate you, your wife will tell her, don't listen to your father he's been kicked in the head too many times...

these are fun times.

Nov 9, 07 7:33 pm  · 

no, he probably won't. He'll probably pick his battles, and skinned knees won't make the cut. The child will grow up a bit confused, and oscillate the rest of her life between feeling too much and not feeling at all.

Oops, wait that's me! Because meta reminds me of my own daddy, who's pretty hardcore, but in a quiet, private sort of way that sort of says he's given up.

Nov 9, 07 8:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

When did the world switch to using she/her as the go to for 'whatever the sex is' instead of just sticking with he/him? Is it really any different?

Sorry, just curious.

Nov 9, 07 8:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Soon after the Virginia Tech shootings, there was a thread here that got into a discussion about depression and mental illness. I remember finding metamechanic's comments on the topic to be incredibly ignorant and offensive.

Nov 9, 07 8:18 pm  · 

Thanks Gin - it's good to know I'm not the only one that found them so. Sometimes I just think I'm too sensitive.

Nov 9, 07 10:03 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Nov 9, 07 11:17 pm  · 

Sarah, I don't know, but I didn't mean it that way. I actually was identifying the mental state of what I would expect metamechanic's child to be with myself, which naturally makes me jump to she/her.

Happy Friday night all, it's sleepy time over here.

Nov 10, 07 3:10 am  · 

sarah i think the "father daughter" relationship is classic and kind of expected when used the way i did. consider the other, father son, and i think the phallocentric world would have no problem telling a boy to buck up, it's just a cut stop crying...

Nov 10, 07 5:46 am  · 

i may have misunderstood sarah's question but YES it'll be different raising a boy vs a girl. you might try to treat your baby like you would the opposite gender but it doesn't matter; boys come out boys and girls come out girls. it's kind of amazing.

the first time my daughter picked up a baby doll and started nursing it with a bottle - having never been shown this - i was kind of blown away. same when our friends' son became a little truck as soon as he started crawling. it's hardwired.

Nov 10, 07 8:29 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, re: she/her: I noticed in a lot of the pre-baby reading I did that the female was used more. personally, i think we're in a bit of a backlash period in this regard: for so long - forever, really - the male pronoun has been the default, and I think the world of written popular media is saturated right now with the female pronoun in an effort to make up for it. I expect in, oh, 50-75 years, we'll see an equal division of female/male pronouns being used.

Or, my preference, we come up with a new genderless pronoun. Maybe in 1,000 years, that.

Nov 10, 07 8:43 am  · 
liberty bell

The cherry-white chocolate-oatmeal scones just came out of the oven. Yum.

Nov 10, 07 8:45 am  · 

'it' is my prefered pronoun untill the revealing ultrasound. I've been also know to use 'he/she', but not 'shemale'. Sounds like time to resurrect the male thread and female thread, or do we need a 'daddy' thread to discuss the inner robert bligh singing lullabyes?

Off to get my LARE redline review to find out if I'm just incompetent or if the planning test was entirely subjective. Till later ya'll

Nov 10, 07 9:20 am  · 

just here to say that i am taking up knitting. tough stuff. knit 1 purl 2.

Nov 10, 07 11:10 am  · 

in many languages there is no gender based third person singular.
for example in turkish;
she/he/it = o (not zero, but letter o)
so if you guys find out if your baby is going to be he instead she, or she instead of he, just say "oh" and get it over with already.;.)

Nov 10, 07 11:14 am  · 

Beta- are you really taking up knitting? That's cool. I've been doing it for about four years now and I find it very therapeutic.

Nov 10, 07 11:27 am  · 
liberty bell

I referred to Angus, who was born in June, as "Junebug" when trying to stay gender nuetral while talking about him. Of course I knew he was a boy, but Brian and I kept it as our secret so no friends/family knew.

re: knitting: I've been doing some light hand sewing lately: mending things, hemming pants, replacing buttons, sewing hotrod patches on Angus' jckets. I have been sitting down right after work for a few minutes and sewing, and I have to say it's been a great form of relaxation therapy. Simple physical task, the sense of accomplishment, and I can do it while talking to the boys or watching TV. I've taken to actively looking through my closet for things that need mending, just so I can sew a little more! So good luck with the knitting, beta, it's a great idea.

Nov 10, 07 11:58 am  · 
some person

Are you taking mail orders, liberty bell? I have some pants hems and buttons that are in desperate need of repair!

And I suck at sewing on buttons. My work only lasts about 3 months, tops. :(

Nov 10, 07 12:02 pm  · 

the first five hours of driving long distances is relaxing for me and a great way to clear my head... No knitting for me (but I will try basket weaving).

lb-I may start using "mayfly" for my tadpole. thanks!

Nov 10, 07 12:56 pm  · 

my gramma taught me to knit before i was old enough to be worried about that he/she thing and what things guys were supposed to do, etc...can't remember any more, which is too bad because it would really come in handy now...

girls and boys are definitely different to raise. just like steven says. i also find that girls are smarter and learn faster. which begs the question why women don't run the world...

i don't know what the thread was about that everyone is referring to but i always coddle the girls when they skin a knee etc. my wife is the hardcase. i think that is natural too...women are very tough. much tougher than men. or maybe that is just japan?

Nov 10, 07 5:21 pm  · 

no no I'm more than convinced that women are tougher than men. Much much higher pain thresholds...hello childbirth. That's why women go through it not men...we couldn't handle it

Nov 10, 07 6:55 pm  · 
vado retro

my parents used to refer to me as "barfly"

Nov 10, 07 7:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Just to clear things up, I was only talking about the use of the term 'he/she' in the way that Liberty Bell answered, and would have to agree with her assesment of the situation.

As for all that other stuff, I never really thought about it. And aren't mayflies a kind of larva?

Nov 10, 07 8:09 pm  · 

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