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liberty bell


Leap and the net will appear. (I know you guys are sick of me saying that, but it's true and a saying I hold dear.)

DubK, that cubicle article made me sad too - I wonder why we, as a supposedly educated society, are so willing to put up with miserable surroundings like that. No wonder architects can't get paid!

Nov 2, 07 3:36 pm  · 
vado retro

i wish i had a cubicle.

Nov 2, 07 3:48 pm  · 

on a positive note - that rug really ties the cubicle together.


Nov 2, 07 3:50 pm  · 
vado retro

that oriental guy at the copier pee'd on it.

Nov 2, 07 4:01 pm  · 

at least there's an empty pint glass on the "side return"

Nov 2, 07 4:38 pm  · 

congrats afka 'beary...

i think that i'll be making the same leap next week (see my independent contractor thread for more details)... however, i just got back from a few construction sites and had a voicemail from my bosses boss wanting to talk about a promotion... i'll presumedly be meeting with him on monday and unless he blows my mind i plan on handing in my resignation at that time... just the type of stress that i needed to think about all weekend! yay!

Nov 2, 07 4:41 pm  · 


you know what's funny...i looked at that pic of angus
and wondered why his widow's peak didn't match
his hair...the archinerd in me...i also figured you wouldn't
have done that intentionally.

Nov 2, 07 5:04 pm  · 

on a random note...does anyone know where the salt point house
by thomas phifer is located specifically...and if you do could
you let me know via email?

Nov 2, 07 5:05 pm  · 

wK- at least they have macs!

enjoy the sci-arc party. I've been to a few. they are almost as good as the parties thrown at the AA... not quite as many celebs, and the beer isn't as good.

Nov 2, 07 5:15 pm  · 

HOORAY FOR QUITTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 2, 07 5:26 pm  · 

Congrats AFKA on resigning. DubK - we had a happy hour for her Tuesday night but unfortunately he and "the Janitor" did not show up. There was a huge CS project going out the next day and they had to stay late to get thing done. It's probably for the better, considering even with a few drinks I still think I would have turned into a deer in headlights. I know what you're thinking and yes it's pitiful indeed.

Nov 2, 07 6:20 pm  · 

Congrats AFKA on resigning. DubK - we had a happy hour for her Tuesday night but unfortunately he and "the Janitor" did not show up. There was a huge CS project going out the next day and they had to stay late to get thing done. It's probably for the better, considering even with a few drinks I still think I would have turned into a deer in headlights. I know what you're thinking and yes it's pitiful indeed.

Nov 2, 07 6:20 pm  · 
snooker sit drinking a beer after a marathon day of site meetings and client meetings while listening to the song "Whip Out"...

Life is Good!

Nov 2, 07 6:27 pm  · 

thanks for comments on blog all. we are quite happy with the work. only thing we can really want now is larger projects on the ground.

we did halloween for the neighbours again. halloween is not part of japanese culture. same as christmas it doesn't really happen. nor easter or thanksgving or any of the holidays i used to think emerged naturally from the ground somehow and must exist everywhere on the earth cuz they were so logical...

so, for my daughters friends we had a halloween party. i was out at work for most of it but when i got home stood behind a few doors and had the kids shout trick or treat so i could pretend i was a humorously disgruntled home owner behind each one. the kids dressed up; the boys as captain jack sparrow and crew, the girls as fairies (my daughters both have similar costumes to steve's). my wife, and the other mums, made home made foods for the kids and insanity reigned for half a day. i think the kids all enjoyed it.

we happened to be in canada for halloween 2 years back when our youngest was 1 yr old. she LOVED it, loved being dressed up, and even loved walking through the snow, which we don't really get here. i don't think it is odd to dress kids up. i don't think we are treating them as toys or pets by doing so (well, maybe a little, but is all part of their education as humans...maybe).

lovely pics steven.

funny thing but my girls weren't very interested in eating the candy they got for halloween. both gobbled up the rice cakes and left the sweets for later. it is almost worrying.

on other side note, my buddy shinji ohmaki i showing at the 21st century museum in kanazawa for the next 2 months. i posted an image of his string project last year i think.

anyway here are some shots form his blog; a reallt lovely spatial piece:

he had some budget this time and paid for my oldest daughter (and wife and youngest of course) to go to be model in the installation for his official pr pics for opening (today i think). we thought it would be a good experience for my girls to see some cool art and be part of the process in a wee way at least, so agreed to let her do it. i couldn't go, but my wife tells me the oldest was telling the photographer how some poses might look good and where she should stand for best effect. she is 7 years old. he and shinji were laughing during the shoot cuz she was being so forward, as if it were her own work. and my wife and i were worrying she would grow up shy...;-)

Nov 2, 07 6:37 pm  · 

@ jump
Your buddy's piece is pretty fantastic...

Congrats on leaving a job...I am sure Liberty Bell is right about a new one appearing..

Nov 2, 07 7:30 pm  · 

Oh and i realize that Jump hasn't left his job....
I just worded my last entry poorly

Nov 2, 07 7:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice looking spatial intervention, jump's buddy!

Have I mentioned that I've had a cold for the last three weeks and have coughed so much that I've strained a muscle in my ribcage? And have I mentioned how much liberal use of beer seems to help ease the pain? Well I have now.

Or maybe it's not the beer but the FINALLY today finishing the cabinet drawings I shoudl have done two weeks ago that feels so good. Now if I can just get the hood surround drawings done and the lighting package finalized this weekend I'll be happy.

I hope the Sci-arc Halloween party is fun!

Nov 2, 07 9:39 pm  · 

congratulations to LB on having the top 6 threads...



Nov 2, 07 9:56 pm  · 


after looking at the hammered thread i see why!

Nov 2, 07 10:06 pm  · 
vado retro

so i got home after picking up a nice argentine malbec and a couple of flicks to find six fire trucks outside my building. hung out and talked to the neighbors and waited for an all clear from the firemen. no fire thank goodness. drank a lot of said bottle and watched black book and hope i have a dream with carice van houten....

Nov 3, 07 12:04 am  · 

jump's buddy (shinji ohmaki) is doing nice stuff lately indeed.

he posted a few more images on his blog that look bloody nice, so will put here. apologies if they bore, but you gotta admit they are just super

the girl in red is my daughter.

shinji had 3 shows on in tokyo at same time last year. this year he has three shows at same time again, but 1 in beijing, 1 in seoul and this one in a few more coming up. next year i think it will be london. can't wait till he is fat and bloated so i can design his stupidly funky atelier...

Nov 3, 07 10:52 am  · 
brian buchalski

the image looking through the door is very alluring...i definitely would like to step inside

Nov 3, 07 11:13 am  · 

hi tc! sick with a really really bad cold...

love those images jump, just want to go rub my head against it for some reason.

Nov 3, 07 12:18 pm  · 

those images are absolutely incredible...

yay for jump's buddy...

Nov 3, 07 1:18 pm  · 

it's official... after meeting with a friend over coffee this morning, i'm going to quit my job next week and do my own thing...

in other news, i finally finished transcribing and editing the interview that i did with the guys from PLY Architecture...

check it out here!!!

Nov 3, 07 2:50 pm  · 

Jump those photos are amazing. I esp the love one your daughter is in. I can see why aml wants to rub his head on that stuff.

LB-How long have you been coughing? Straining a muscle in your rib cage doesn't sound good. Thought about seeing a doctor? I had a horrible bout of bronchitis last year. pretty much get it every year so I didn't really think anything of it and just did what I normally do to rid of myself of the phlegm. But it didn't go away. I sounded like a dying goose. After about a month and a half of hacking up a lung and irritating the crap out of everyone in the office, I finally went to the doctor. He said that although most of the crap in my bronchial tubes was gone, they were inflamed by coughing which led to more coughing. I was put on a round of steroids to help calm them. It took over three months for the coughing to completely subside. Don't wait too long, esp. if you are in pain.

Nov 3, 07 5:09 pm  · 

jump both of those installations have made me intensely want to go be in them. Thanks for the images!

Sarah... may I predict we will be seeing pictures of little Abram in a silly costume this time next year? Yes, yes, it's going to happen! I can feel it!


Nov 3, 07 5:18 pm  · 

architphil- great interview, you better slap a creative commons copyright on it ASAP! orhan has had problems with folks lifting his writings from archinect and not getting credit....

jump - nice pics.

Nov 3, 07 6:30 pm  · 

psst... tunamelt... it's her head.

Nov 3, 07 6:33 pm  · 

tunamelt sorry about the brochitis, I used to get it annually myself just around the time when winter finishes. It was always a painful two weeks of coughing and staying home with the dehumidifier. I have to ask though, do you smoke? Unfortunately it does encourage it...hence...

Steven Ward & Liberty Bell - I know I've said it before but you guys have beautiful children. And I'll add that too for jump.

And great news. The lady I mentioned on page 155 I think, and I went out last night - call it a safe date with other friends. Well we ended up dancing and drinking until about 3 in the morning and went back to her fantastic villa overlooking the sea, chatting until I couldn't stop yawning. Finally made it home about 4.30 in the am...I was hoping to catch the sunrise with her, but it would of involved driving to the other side of the island with tired puffy eyes and having to drive back in the sunlight so we decided not to. A good night had.

Nov 3, 07 6:53 pm  · 

thanks architechno. i would love to post pics of the girls but my wife would kill me. they are in my eyes of course ver beautiful

actually....they just went to 7-5-3 festival (for kids aged 7, 5, and uh...3; they pray to gods for luck at shinto shrine) with grandparents and dressed in traditional kimono. the youngest wore my wife's childhood kimono and grampa bought a new one for the oldest (luckily so; they are not cheap). they looked so pretty in their trad clothes and hair done up...

also, glad you had a good evening architechno!

Nov 3, 07 7:48 pm  · 

taht's awesome for you, techno. This isn't ehe same crazy gal you posted abut though, issit?

My big sucess for the night was housemetes & I being sent a pitcher of beer by some guy at the bar. I thought he was reasonably attractive, but he ddin't really try anything. Worseluck.

Nov 4, 07 2:28 am  · 

Aml - sorry, it's obviously hard to tell ;-)

A-techno - no I don't smoke, but I do suffer from allergies. Your evening sounded fantabulous. A "fantastic vlla overlooking the sea"... sigh. I heart the ocean.

Nov 4, 07 7:43 am  · 

TK, thanks for the copyright suggestion... i just added one...

Nov 4, 07 7:53 am  · 

rationalist she's definately not the crazy one. She's only going to be here for another 4 weeks, but its better than the post-work boredom I was going to be experiencing. And she has the sweetest little beadle <- the main source of attraction. Plus and you'll like this, we do brunch/ liquid lunch today

Nov 4, 07 10:13 am  · 
liberty bell

"beadle"....OK, any guesses as to what this means? I'm a little afraid to know! Glad you had fun, techno, and the strategy of getting out before the sun comes up sounds smart...of course you'll probably cross that bridge soon! have fun today!

Nov 4, 07 10:56 am  · 
vado retro

you got a purty beadle...

Nov 4, 07 11:02 am  · 
vado retro

five minutes to the game of the centurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry!!!

Nov 4, 07 4:13 pm  · 

beatle or beagle? or maybe I don't want to know what this is island speak for...

Somedays it feels like we're using TC for twittering... (ie, see vado's two posts above)

Nov 4, 07 4:18 pm  · 

click on picture to find out about the game of the century.

Nov 4, 07 4:27 pm  · 

I'm trying to figure out where the game is on TV out here in SoCal. I don't think they have it on TV actually. Crapola. But yay Colts! They just scored!

Nov 4, 07 5:40 pm  · 

so I've been pretty tied up with school lately. Did I miss per getting kicked out again, or did we finally chase him away? I saw he hasn't been posting much lately.

Nov 5, 07 2:30 am  · 

congrats and welcome back, jafidler!

Nov 5, 07 9:40 am  · 

oops...I meant to say beagle. I have a funny story to tell...but I don't have time to tell it. Its a good one...but I want to make sure you are all here/available when I tell it. More to come.


Nov 5, 07 10:02 am  · 

so, what, i sit here twiddling my thumbs until the tardy people show up?!

Nov 5, 07 10:08 am  · 
liberty bell

I have a funny story too - I'll tell it quickly, even though it is embarrassing. My partner and his partner are out of town, I'm here working and taking care of the cats. Three weeks ago, in the middle of the afternoon, someone came to the house and stole the copper downspouts from the back of the house - copper theft is a huge problem in Indy lately, it has also happened to two of my clients since July.

So I'm here alone at the house today, hear some banging on the front of the house, see a truck parked in the driveway, grab my phone and walk around to the front of the house and see three guys on ladders removing all the I called 911 (after some brief assorted "What the fuck is going on here?!?" type exclamations). About 30 seconds into my 911 call, the roofer, who I vaguely recognize from previous work on the house, pops out of the truck with my partner's partner on the line....

You can guess where this is going, yes, the work was legitimate and authorized and I just hadn't been told about it. So I called OFF 911 (very sheepishly) and was very embarrassed and feel dopey. Oh well - better safe than out $15,000 in copper, right?!?

What a silly way to start a Monday.

Nov 5, 07 10:20 am  · 

Work is ssssssllllllllooooooowwwww today. I hate sitting around doing non-billable stuff.

Nov 5, 07 10:23 am  · 

sometimes your partner is a dweeb, lb. given the circumstances of 3wks ago, it was absolutely asinine of him not to have told you about this work. he needs to bring back a bottle of wine for you when he comes back in town.

Nov 5, 07 10:23 am  · 

LB - why are they removing the copper anyway?

Nov 5, 07 10:25 am  · 
liberty bell

Well in my partner's partner's (you realize there are two people here, right? My business partner, his life partner) defense, this work wasn't supposed to happen until later this week, but in an instance of the regular framework of the universe beginning to come unraveled, the contractor called this morning and asked if he could come to do the work earlier! And arrived before I was notified.

The copper is old, they are getting new copper - I don't fully understand the reasoning either, as the old copper looks serviceable - and beautiful - to me.

Nov 5, 07 10:43 am  · 

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