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lb you are right - its a much better thing than hurricanes blowing through

so after a great steak & bottle of wine, I'm in a great mood for bed. Hoping everyone's weekend is going as well.

Sep 2, 07 12:55 am  · 
vado retro

hangin out after a morning of coffee drinkin and window shopping. downtown indy is hopping with daytrippers and they are busy setting up for the free concerts prior to the opening nfl game on thursday. i have been watching some world track and field on nbc. god the legs on those women. the 400 m and the highjumpers awesome.

Sep 2, 07 2:45 pm  · 

tumbles that is very very sexy. Are those red velvet curtains? Its a shag palace...brilliant. Question - are you going to paint it? I hope not

Sep 2, 07 3:41 pm  · 

Am I right in seeing that Mysteryman is back? He posted on the Whats your Sign thread... I am interested in how Angola was/is mate!

Sep 2, 07 4:37 pm  · 

The room looks great. Does it have a hard ceiling or is it open to above?

I just received this call on my voicemail:

"Hey. it's Stephanie from the office. I was working this morning in the office and I kept hearing a dripping noise in your workspace. Finally, I walked over to see what was going on. Apparently, a water pipe busted in the ceiling above and fried your computer and got all yout stuff wet. It looks like it ruined some drawings and most of the stuff on your desk. I called maintenance and they fixed the leak. I just wanted to let you know in case you came in and realized your desk was cleared off and empty. You weren't fired; a water pipe just busted right over your desk. Sorry."

Sep 2, 07 4:41 pm  · 

sorry about that n_ that is a real bummer. I hope you didn't have anything too important on your desk or saved on the desktop. Its a real bummer!

Sep 2, 07 4:47 pm  · 

I see Pratt is starting a campaign to recruit applications for Grad School, scratching head and rubbing belly. What the hell is up with
those guys. As I recall everyone was pissed off about not hearing from them last Spring in a timely order...

Sep 2, 07 5:11 pm  · 

n_ that sucks! At least it wasn't your personal just moved to that spot right? And isn't it really cold too? Sounds like a bad luck spot to me....

I can verify that tumbles roommate's room is quite cool. That photo does it justice as well.....I love the contrast of the grey and the OSB and the red curtains.

I'm working on structures homework today! I think I'm going to be "that girl" who does all of her assignments in matching format with little designed headers in Futura font. I can't help it if I've been practicing presentation for 10 years now. I can't do anything without trying to make it look good.

Sep 2, 07 5:15 pm  · 

snooker, I'm going to have to go search for what you are talking about.... and yes, Pratt is indeed Wack. On top of the late notifications, it was revealed when some of us finally were admitted that we were expected to take out above 60k per year in loans, with no assistance from the school coming to anyone who fell below a certain GPA threshold, which stacks things a bit more against architecture students than usual.

Sep 2, 07 5:23 pm  · 
vado retro

n_________________________________________________________________one consolation, your drawings probably weren't ink on mylar. another consolation i'm making you a cd! so life can't be that bad.

hi tumbles :) i like your room!

wk didnt you take structures as an undergrad? why are you doing it as a grad student? or is it sustainable structural design???

Sep 2, 07 5:33 pm  · 

snooker I saw that Pratt ad too! Maybe they have a little PR clean-up to do after last year's "wack-iness".....

vado, I did do one full year of structures as an undergrad. However, now I am in ADVANCED Structures.....a little scary!

And clearly, I am procrastinating right now so perhaps I should get back to it then.....

Sep 2, 07 5:43 pm  · 
brian buchalski

Maybe this is dumb question...but what is the deal with all the george bush library threads? I don't really feel like it's that big of a...ouch! a mosquito just bite me and it really hutrs! damn

oh...and everybody else is as seriously impressed with cameron's latest endeavor? not just another competitioin but a paradigm changing

Sep 2, 07 5:50 pm  · 

Dubbers, yes, I have now moved to the 'time-out corner.' It's cursed.

Thanks for the condolences to all. I was planning on stopping by today to see the damage but figured I'd enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend.

I have bad luck with water damage. I flooded my dorm floor freshman year in college and accidently caused 40k worth of damage. Keyword: accidently. A few years later in a college house, the toilet freakishly exploded next to my bedroom and it got all over my bedroom and closet. Now this. I think someone upstairs is getting my back for something I must have done as a small child.

Vado - a CD!!! I'm dancing a little celebration dance as I type away. Thanks.

Sep 2, 07 7:56 pm  · 
vado retro

why do you have to take advaced structures??? that seems recockulouso!

n_____________________________________________. i think its done... i think. but i have been known to do some rearranging of thangs.

Sep 2, 07 8:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

tumbles, the room looks great. i too love the OSB and metal - and since it is indoors, it should weather slowly and nicely. The doors are perfect.

n_, I am going to be so embarassed if vado gets a CD to you before I do - mine is finished, I just have to make the cover. vado, slow down, cowboy...

DubK: I can't do anything without trying to make it look good. Well let me segue into that topic by saying first: mightylittle, thank you again for the grilled peaches recipe. I made it tonight for the Labor Day cookout and it was, of course, a huge hit. Of course, we also arranged it on a lovely minimal white platter, with a chunky walnut serving spoon, and a little navy napkin as a spoon rest adjacent to the platter, AND I had Angus draw a little picture of peaches and tomatos on which I wrote "Grilled peach caprese" then mounted it to a wood skewer and stuck it in the food as a lable.

So: compared to the rest of the potluck, did we go overboard? Are we now those people who always have to show off and make their product not only out of fresh local ingredients and hand-grown basil, but also present it like it's a work of art? Are we losing friends because we make everything a considered decision and apply artistry to every act? These are the things I was worrying about while trying to enjoy meeting 30 new people.

Of course, even if people do think those things about me, am I going to stop doing them? No way!

Sep 2, 07 8:56 pm  · 

n, I think I lived in that dorm. Anyway, a guy a floor above me had one of those little miniature basketball hoops on his door. He threw the ball, missed--- and hit the sprinkler head, which went off, then the whole hall worth of sprinklers followed suit to keep the fire from spreading. Several rooms were completely ruined, and a floor and a half worth of carpet had to be redone. Oh, and I was shut out of my dorm during the prime paper-writing hours of 1am-4am.

Sep 2, 07 9:02 pm  · 

Liberty - your potluck overboard sounds like my dinner parties (haven't had one since returning). I just couldn't help myself but go all out. It got to a point where poeople feltl guilty after eating or when they invitied me over, saying "its not as impressive as..." But hey we are the designers of people's lives its what we are supposed to do.

well that's what I tell myself and extend that philosophy to you

puddles I think your mosquito took the red eye, because I'm now being bitten myself.

Sep 2, 07 9:06 pm  · 

Mine happend spring semester during exam week. Fortunately, my roommate and I found humor in the whole situation as we slept in a 10x10 CMU, windowless janitor closet in a neighboring dorm that night and following nights thereafter.

Similar situation except mine included a clothes hanger.

Sep 2, 07 9:06 pm  · 

Lesson learned.

Sep 2, 07 9:07 pm  · 
WonderK You are a trooper. You have really taken some (wet) hits for the team. Good luck getting your desk back in order.

vado, I am also taking Advanced Environmental Systems. It's all part of my program, which I am now explaining to people like this: "it's in the architecture school, and we are certainly studying architecture....however, while people in the Building Science major appreciate architectural theory, we actually want to know how a building works...."

Sep 2, 07 10:02 pm  · 

that's a bloody good description WK. What do you get when you leave there? A MSc? It just seems very technical, almost too technical to give a regular/ordinary M.Arch

Sep 2, 07 10:42 pm  · 

thanks's a 2-year program, and when I graduate, I'll have a Master of Building Science degree. I kinda like it because it makes me sound like a scientist :o)

and thanks tumbles. Not better yet, but I've given up trying and am drinking white wine now. Makes the work more interesting for sure....

Sep 3, 07 12:42 am  · 
Living in Gin

You wanted photos, you got photos:

Living room and kitchen of my new abode.

Living room

View from the living room (the skyline is much more dramatic at sunset.)

All photos taken with my iPhone.

Sep 3, 07 12:45 am  · 

Dude, that's pretty nice!! Are you seriously not staying there long? What a shame.

Sep 3, 07 12:52 am  · 

Wow. Everyone's living in such cool places. WK and tumbles's places are both awesome, Gin's looks awesome... I'm feeling intimidated! I don't get to live anywhere half so architecturally cool as that.

Sep 3, 07 12:54 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, I'll be staying here for a minimum of 6-9 months. I probably have the option of staying here permanently if I want to. We'll see how it goes, but right now I'd still rather have my own apartment in a nicer neighborhood. (Not shown in photos: cars passing by every five minutes with hip-hop music blasting at 3000 decibels.)

Sep 3, 07 12:59 am  · 

yup I'm confirmed for 1pm. They moved us around since the Iranian speaker was denied entrance to the US. I'll be in Louisville from Thursday to Saturday evening. then a day in Scottsdale at the FLW school and 2 days in Toronto.


Sep 3, 07 1:05 am  · 

looks/sounds cool lig. except the volume of music. beats gunshots and walking out your door to mysterious bits of blood on the sidewalk (my brother's place in vancouver was like that; totally freaked my mum out)...

that room in a room looks very coolio tumbleweed. nicely done.

classes sound very fun wonder k. is structures not normally part of masters degree in usa? we had 3 years of engineering and statics in undergrad and 2 years of structural "theory" in grad school (taught by ex arup dude) designed to teach us how to think holistically about the subject. anyway, gla

Sep 3, 07 1:12 am  · 

looks/sounds cool lig. except the volume of music. beats gunshots and walking out your door to mysterious bits of blood on the sidewalk (my brother's place in vancouver was like that; totally freaked my mum out)...

that room in a room looks very coolio tumbleweed. nicely done.

classes sound very fun wonder k. is structures not normally part of masters degree in usa? we had 3 years of engineering and statics in undergrad and 2 years of structural "theory" in grad school (taught by ex arup dude) designed to teach us how to think holistically about the subject. anyway, glad to see you so clearly enjoying the work. lucky lady.

update of crazy neighbours and construction. turns out the lady next door is completely sweet, but the guy 2 doors down is a nutter. he called the contractor 3 (!) times on a saturday to make sure he wouldn't be doing construction on the weekends. And he put a sign on our client's property asking us to not encroach on his land. damn. the client is gonna spend the next few years living in the same neighbourhood with this freak? wow. i am so glad i live in an area where people are not rich enough to be insane that way ;-)

Sep 3, 07 1:16 am  · 

oh, poot!

Sep 3, 07 1:17 am  · 

Oh, jump! I hate when that happens. ;o)

Yeah, thanks, I am enjoying it! There's a little bit of a temptation to think "oh jeez, homework, I don't want to do this" but then I look at it in the bigger picture and remember what the alternative is.....and I really prefer the homework. Oh, and structures are definitely part of what we call our "professional" degrees but not normally included in a post-professional, more theoretical degree. I.e., I don't think tumbles has to take more structures (correct me if I'm wrong)....

PS. Good luck with your client's crazy neighbor. Why can't we all just live together and be more easy going?

OK, it's 11 pm, my "hour of power"....time to get down to business.....

Sep 3, 07 2:02 am  · 
liberty bell

Thanks, techno, that's really how I feel about it and I figured other architects would feel the same.

DubK, good attitude!

Sep 3, 07 8:40 am  · 

just about 11pm here now. not sure is hour of power for me, but after 2 glasses of wine and the kids in bed it is definitely a nice feeling, even if i am working. this time of day is so cool, even in tokyo. the only thing i hear outside are the crickets, and am so glad we can open the windows cuz it ain't 38 (c) tonight for a change.

since 8 pm i have read 3 chapters of book to oldest (tinker bell fairy book is current favourite), reworked details for house next to crazy dude, and am now scanning maps for phd. theoretically only 3 more months of this puppy, then can rejoin the real world. wouldn't it be nice to sit down after supper and just chill?

Sep 3, 07 9:37 am  · 

i get the structures thing now.

in canada i think they have phased out the bachelor professional degree, so it means we have to do structures in m.arch too; it is still technically part of our "professional" education.

Sep 3, 07 10:07 am  · 

just a thought while i sit in my office for a second straight day; NEEDS - absolutely needs - a resident code official.

went to the Minnesota State Fair on saturday and saw many people that looked like they had women locked in their basement or were on the hunt for skins to complete their collection.

i managed to avoid horrible food, i did taste a fried cheese curd, it sucked. i did have a roasted ear of corn and ate nuts. i petted a bull and other cattle, saw a live spaying of a cat, saw the largest boar 1200 lbs. i want to be a farmer, and guess what, i can actually rent a bull and show it at the fair - defintely thinking about that.

Sep 3, 07 10:13 am  · 


when I went to the fair last week, i avoided petting any animals or stepping in their poo, ate 1/3rd of the order of cheesecurds (wow they were greasy and yes they sucked), didn't want to be a farmer (just wanted to drive a big tractor), saw live milking of a cow, enjoyed a milk shake, and didn't see that monster pig. I was impressed by the huge number of bad tattoos (that looked like they were inked in a basement in the dark) and how obvious the country folks were by their dress and posture compared to the city/suburban slickers.

Good luck with the deadline.

Sep 3, 07 10:25 am  · 

thanks killa. yeah bad tats and bad teef. i could tell the dif btwn city folk and country folk; city folk looked where they were stepping and country folk, well, stepped in the cow pies...

Sep 3, 07 10:47 am  · 

tumbles, I'm supposed to take some 'real' electives as well, but (perhaps because of the field change) I really just want to take absolutely every available graphic design class instead....

Sep 3, 07 11:56 am  · 

we had three friends for dinner last night. i made grilled summer food that looked great on the plate and tasted delicious.
everything was grilled on wood coal. mediterrannean eggplants, red-green peppers, tomatoes, onions and lamb grilled on wood scewers all on a bed of armenian flat bread sucking up the juices and to be eaten by knife and fork. all served in a 20" diameter clay plate with similar vegetables design on it. with wows and aahhs about the taste. no big deal on my part and i made evrything look easy in terms of cooking and the whole effort and have the time to enjoy all the company. oh, we had some great weed too.
everything was eaten. great conversation before, during and after dinner.started around 6;30 ended up around 12. friends across the street and down the block. he is a great lawyer who wins most of the cases he gets. his wife is a painter and an interior designer/chef friend whose husband is in chicago shooting batman, literaly, since he is the steady-cam cameraman who owns his equipment.
steady-cam is an important element in action movies and he is one of the best in the industry.

10;05. soon as i take a shower i'll go to the office. i was at home yesterday, i get a cabin fever when i don't go to my studio. it has been really hot in los angeles since last week and today is no different.

Sep 3, 07 1:10 pm  · 

oh, i forgat to write the most delicious chilled watermelon and grapes we had after the dinner.

Sep 3, 07 2:08 pm  · 

sorry no time to really chat been doing a charette for the last 3 hours fixing the country


Sep 3, 07 2:09 pm  · 

Apology to Orhan Ayyuce

Ok I went off over the deep edge in the Library thread and I want to say calling anyone neandrethals is wrong and indicates cultural surpremacy which is not how wanted that to come out. There exists a subculture in the mid-east that is a drag on their nations and increasingly the world, it is them who act like, not are, neandrethals. But this is an emotional topic as I have 3 relatives in the armed services only 1 in Iraq. Your right they are braver than I. None of the 3 see anything wrong with reasoning for war however they really are disappointed in the execution, the lack of Iraqi and middle eastern concern for the effort and lack of equipment like mine sweeper technology. Anyways if you want to continue the discussion we can do it via email, as these war/ Bush threads are just to one sided for me to participate anymore.

Sep 3, 07 2:32 pm  · 

guess what? a long weekend at home doing what my wife does all day is NOT a relaxing way to not be at my job. i'm more exhausted than ever.

Sep 3, 07 3:12 pm  · 

Ive been here at work sat, sun and today - although today I do practice xam for tomorrow building planning are xam 2 to go

Sep 3, 07 3:51 pm  · 
oh, we had some great weed too

<- I have my eye on you Orhan...

So elections are going on at home, I feel bad that I didn't get a chance to fly home and vote but oh well. I guess I'll be able to execute my sufferage rights another time.

On another gread note I finally got one of my social security checks for my sick leave. I was fearing it was going to be peanuts but it ended up being about 3gs more (about U$1500) than anticipated so I'm a happy man. The money goes straight into my investments that ultimately will pay for some self financed architectural project

Sep 3, 07 5:47 pm  · 

has anyone seen this? Brilliant piece of work that deals with public engagement. Interestingly I know that kind of work wouldn't be able to happen in most US/UK metropolis without some feedback from the FBI or federal govt. Interesting

Sep 3, 07 5:52 pm  · 


no sweat. understood. i have a nephew in an airborne unit who might be the next shipment to somewhere. i hope not, so far he has been kept here. he just got married too.
part of his training was to believe we are there to help democracy and that became de facto part of his 'job.' it is hard to make him think otherwise unless once he sees something that would make him think otherwise.
regardless of we shouldn't go there in the first place, united states totally miscalculated how crooked the aftermath of war would be with centuries long rivalary among the different ethnicities of iraq. a lot of them living under feudal environments once you leave the large cities like baghdad, basra, kerkuk, mosoul.
among other things, we, united states, were never able to seize upon a genuinely iraqi progression moment. we look like bunch of johnies who couldn't connect with iraqis let along help them. so, we are mainly occupiers to them.
chances are, we will be de-occupying losers after the next election.
i think democrats are going to win with big campaign coin of 'getting out of there.'
government must act fast to make progress in iraq. there is no time left and everybody knows it. we still can do it better but it needs some unprecidented moves by united states.
there should be immediate very-very high level united nations emergency summit about iraq with all the parties and immediate neighbors of iraq on the table. yes, this includes representatives of iraqi groups, president bush and ahmadinejad of iran, syrians with assad, turks, european and eastern countries and others, just to get some greatly less militaristic process going for iraq and the region. it would be like a civil momentum that includes all the parties.

start awarding more and more construction projects to iraqi companies and workers. iraqis are living under poverty. yet they are sitting on great reserves of liquid cash like oil. they have water, which is a great resource some of their neighbors would kill for.

i thought it was a major success in iraq to even set up a parliament and pass a civil constitution with fairly well educated politicians who were, against all difficulties, campaigned and got elected by the people who still went to polls and voted.
unfortunately more desparate the majority of iraqis get, and more exposed they are to everyday terror, harder it becomes to move forward.

it is pretty bad out there but if the world don't act fast, it will get worst and most likely it will lead to yet greater threats.
these are just some of my observations and ideas about the iraq situation.


good luck tomorow and make sure you have the right clearances in the interior planning part with all the furniture included. prof dorf, rip, is the ticket.

Sep 3, 07 6:44 pm  · 
some person

that's cool, techno. If only per could wrangle his projector to use it for something similarily beautiful.

Sep 3, 07 6:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

Good for you for apologizing, evilp. I think we all often get caught up in discussions and I have occasionally posted things I really regret later. It happens. Good luck with the exam tomorrow, if you know the rpactice exam, you know what to expect. You'll ace it, just watch your time management! That's what did me in the first time around.

Orhan, I wish that high level UN summit could occur. And soon.

Had delicious lamb burgers, asparagus, and kettle chips tonight. Strawberry pie for dessert!

Sep 3, 07 7:20 pm  · 

liberty bell: I chuckled inwardly when I read about your "hand-grown basil". you are deeply hilarious.

Sep 3, 07 7:27 pm  · 

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