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The movie I'm not sure whether I want to see is Stardust.... if someone described the plot to me, I would think it sounded like an awful B movie along the lines of Hocus Pocus from the 90's... but if someone told me who was in it, I'd think I wanted to go see it, partly because I adore Claire Danes. So I don't know whether it'll turn out to be one of those that's a suprisingly great movie, or one where you wonder why the hell all these great people signed on for.

I need to take a break from the 'unpaid internship' thread. I'm letting xacto get me too riled up about it, mostly because he keeps saying things like, "It's not my fault if you can't negotiate yourself a high enough salary" (emphasis mine).

Aug 27, 07 12:58 pm  · 
vado retro

i have to go back to the office and matlock is on! drag...

Aug 27, 07 1:02 pm  · 

i also adore claire danes, but perhaps in a slightly different way than rationalist.

went to the bosses house (which is also our offcie) for a bbq yesterday.

he provided grilled kebobs of all manner...beef with adobo, seafood, lamb, etc, with 4 different sauces...blood orange vinaigrette, cilantro chimichurri, yogurt abd preserved lemon, and indonesian peanut.

i brought a salad of grilled peaches with cherry tomatoes and fresh mozzarella.

i'm in the middle of three weekend bbq's in a row. weather must be improving here in the beginning of our late summer...everyone's bbq'ing.

Aug 27, 07 2:53 pm  · 

ML- I was expecting you to write that Claire was at the bbq... but the cookout still sounded like fun.

Aug 27, 07 3:02 pm  · 

oh yeah. claire danes way at the bbq too...forgot to mention that. she's staying with me for a week of R-n-R..wink wink.

tk - i meant to write again in the knives thread, but here's a good opportunity to anyway...

J.B. Prince is a great source for all manner of stuff. Knives, tools, etc. Decent prices too, not entirely great, but decent, and a killer selection. all the industry people go there for purcahsing, and they have a showroom in midtown NYC if you're ever there.

Aug 27, 07 3:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

mightylittle, can you give me a hint as to the grilled peaches recipe?!? I'm going to a labor day cookout and was asked to bring caprese, but that sounds like a great twist on it!

Aug 27, 07 4:06 pm  · 
vado retro

if u don't want my peaches doncha shake my tree.

Aug 27, 07 4:16 pm  · 

LB - it should hit my blog tonight or so, but here's the basics:

Grilled Peaches with Tomatoes and Fresh Mozzarella and Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette

You need the following:

A grill, pre-heated to med-high.

2 small containers fresh mozzarella (preferably bocconcinis because they're so cute and don't need slicing)..should be about 2 cups drained of little mozz balls.

1 pint cherry tomatoes, sliced in half

About 9-10 peaches. I used Frog Hollow's O'Henrys...they're a late season varietal with firm flesh which stands up to grilling real well...but you should use whatever's fresh and local.

15-20 leaves of fresh basil, finely sliced into a nice chiffonade. A few more leaves reserved for (gasp!) garnishing the platter.

Mix the mozz balls with the tomatoes and the basil and season generously with kosher salt and black pepper and a bit of extra virgin olive oil. Set aside.

Slice the peaches in half (Vertically, not horizontally) and remove the pits. Brush lightly with extra virgin olive oil and season generously with salt and black pepper.

Wipe your preheated grill with an oil dampened towel immediately before setting the peaches on it cut-side down, as it will help prevent stickage. Cook the peaches with the cover closed for about 3-4 minutes, turn them once 45º to get beautiful hatch marks, cook for another 3-4 minutes (cover closed) and then turn them over onto the round side for a final 2-3 minutes with the cover closed. Remove from grill and let cool lined up on a sheet tray at room temperature. They should have been cooked just-through yet not falling apart. Juice should have begun to bubble up a bit out from the cut sides. If you cook too far they'll be overly tender, cook not enough and they won't taste like a cooked peach.

Pour your tomato/cheese melange onto a nice platter and spread out evenly. Arrange peaches in an attractive manner and garnish with the reserved basil leaves.

The vinaigrette is simply 2 large Tablespoons of honey, warmed slightly, combined with 1 T dijon mustard and a 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar and 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil. Combine those ingredients in a jar with a tight fitting lid and shake aggressively.

Serve vinaigrette on the side.

Voila, and bon appetit...

Les Peches Fraises aux Grilles et un melange Tomate et Fromage!

check the blog later or tomorrow for some pics of my effort. good luck, it's easy!

Aug 27, 07 4:45 pm  · 

good grief. i just drooled on the drawings i'm checking.

Aug 27, 07 4:53 pm  · 
vado retro

can ya use canned peaches in heavy syrup?

Aug 27, 07 4:57 pm  · 


Aug 27, 07 5:02 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

wow, that sounded good

Aug 27, 07 5:46 pm  · 

ml- what's your blog's url? not listed on your profile... I can't wait to see more of your receipes...

Aug 27, 07 5:54 pm  · 

it's linked in the above post...

Aug 27, 07 5:59 pm  · 

tk- his blog is linked a few posts up.

that recipe sounds delicious, and we have big beautiful Colorado peaches coming over the pass daily.....

Aug 27, 07 6:00 pm  · 

opps, misses that subtle link. my brain is fried from designing a shopping mall all day. yeah, its part of that golf resort. not sure if urban design can qualify as sustainable design. orientation? everywhich way. minimal footprint? seems like I'm proposing to pave every inch. restoration of natural habit? maybe, this makes me feel better. renewable energy? thats part of sd/dd, not masterplaning. organic local farmers market? check! minimize grading? trying, but the site isn't level.

Aug 27, 07 6:07 pm  · 

yay for getting a spot for a farmer's market!

Aug 27, 07 6:14 pm  · 

hola everyone. Today I got a wake up call, my office is preparing for my release next monday. And I got my set of assignments - long list but doable in the 3 month schedule that they've given me.

So in line with everyone posting a link, here's mine

Aug 27, 07 8:40 pm  · 

ANyone seen this (not for office viewing) Men don't want to look at naken men

Aug 27, 07 8:47 pm  · 

techno - i'd wear those.

Aug 27, 07 8:55 pm  · 

lucky jump--i miss the hoff, and his random email blog stories. not that i've ever met him or anything, he's just an entertaining writer. it's fascinating to read about ex-pat experiences, isn't it?

Aug 27, 07 9:04 pm  · 

So I'm watching 2-1/2 men and what they have an architect was is gay. Its architect Monday on CBS apparently. Let's see if they go for the hatrick!

Aug 27, 07 9:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

What the hell is that nurse doing?!?!

I get it, techno, but! my partner and his partner love to look at naked men - no way are they buying any of those undies!

I agree myriam - I miss hoff's cynical humor. Lucky you jump - I'm jealous that you got to meet him (and I'm jealous of him getting to meet you!).

mightylittle, you totally rock, by the way! We made the grilled peach caprese tonight, I had just gotten some peaches and cherry tomatoes from the farmer's market, I grow the basil, so all I had to get was the mozz. Oh my was delicious. Totally, utterly delicious! I'm definitely taking it to the Labor Day cookout I'm going to!! (Steven, it's at the home of the couple you met here - I can't wait to see their kitchen, I'm hoping I can truthfully tell them that for $15K they can redo it - I would never tell my clients that number, but these people aren't my clients, and are willing to do some work themselves.)

Aug 27, 07 9:11 pm  · 

techno, I am highly disappointed. I was really hoping for some naked men there.

Aug 27, 07 9:24 pm  · 

i'll try find some nekkid people for everyone!!

Aug 27, 07 9:38 pm  · 

okay I must say that all this LA conversation is so making me jealous. I am hungry to join you all at least for one night of debauchery filled with whiskey, wine and the women of archinect. yea and mdler too. By the way I pronounce it mid-ler

Aug 27, 07 10:30 pm  · 

I always pronounced it em-dler.

I have bad news tumbles... I've got football tickets. Saturday. Kickoff at 7:15. I can't miss my last live game in the Coliseum, so I don't know if I'll make it. = (

Aug 27, 07 10:38 pm  · 

it's on, rationalist... Geaux Tigers, LSU #1!


Aug 27, 07 10:40 pm  · 

They keep telling me I should get football tickets but I have to admit it's not high on my priority list. So assuming I'm still invited tumbles, I will be there....

(I always pronounce it "mid-ler" too)

First class tonight. I already have several assignments that I am pretty excited about. I think this class will probably be my favorite.

And as for architechnophilia.....I've got a nice big futon with your name on it. Plan a trip! Come on out! I'll reserve a Mini Cooper with FlexCar and we'll do Marlin's tour!

Aug 27, 07 11:59 pm  · 

sorry had to be done.

Aug 28, 07 3:21 am  · 

well damn...that looks like ****.

one more time...

double sorry...that first pic didn't resize well a'tall.

had to fix it. carry on now...i'm off to be a viking.

Aug 28, 07 3:24 am  · 

i don't know about the $15k number, lb. our cabinets (from lowe's!) cost almost that. everything is too expensive.

Aug 28, 07 7:01 am  · 
liberty bell

They're planning to just paint the cabinets and do new countertops at this point, Steven. Maybe change out some of the upper cab doors to glass, change the handles...little things.

mightylittle, that's exactly how ours looked! Thank you again, it rocks!

I got up at 4:45 this morning to go outside and check the lunar eclipse. Clear, bright moonlight and absolutely gorgeous. Angus woke up when I came back inside, so I took him out to see it too. I'm fantasizing about him being old enough to really appreciate it - maybe 12? - and sitting outside in lawn chairs wrapped up in blankets drinking hot cocoa and watching the sky. I should post this on Sarah's thread! Nice way to start the day.

Aug 28, 07 8:52 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We are thinking of doing our kitchen. Originally we were going to completely remodel it, but it would just be a waste of money. So we are thinking of just refacing the cabenets and maybe doing concrete counters. Any advice?

Aug 28, 07 9:20 am  · 

when techno makes it up, I'll be sad not to be here.

I have assigned seating (no more student section crap, yay!), and have guaranteed parking only about a mile away, so I could probably do something like that, yeah.

Aug 28, 07 11:32 am  · 

cool LB,

i remember the solar eclipse when i was in grade 4 (so was around 9-10 yrs old) and totally loved it. never too early to get kids onto astronomy and science in general. my oldest (7 yrs old) loves it. we are very blessed with amazing science museum in ueno park...8 stories of very cool exhibits, including recent addition of 360 degree theatre. that's right you enter on a (mostly glass) bridge into an enormous ball, with videos projected all round you, including under your feet. it literally makes you dizzy is so real...

meeting with hoff was demonstrative of coolest part of archinect. would not have happened at all without this site. nice to know that it actually does what its name suggests, even way out here in the boonies.

Aug 28, 07 11:51 am  · 

indeed, I'm grateful to archinect for such things as well. WonderK and I have had to stop posting every time we see each other, or our lives would be wayyyy too online. A couple of people here have managed to make the leap from online-friends to real-life friends successfully, and they're a welcome addition.

Aug 28, 07 11:55 am  · 


we finally figured out how to make a blog, so if anyone is interested check it out


it is going to be mostly retroactive documentation of recent work for near future so should be lots of posts coming for awhile till we catch up, then will slow down to weekly thing as we make site visits to projects and show off (hopefully) interesting stuff. 2 projects on site til december so theoretically something worth looking at until then...comments are welcome

Aug 28, 07 11:57 am  · 

well i've had a shitty morning... woke up this morning and went downstairs to retrieve the dry cleaning from my wife's car... i noticed that she had a flat tire... being the gentleman that i am, i told her to take my car to work and that i would change the tire and then drive directly to my site meeting... after i got the spare tire and jack out of the trunk i realized that she had lost/misplaced the "wheel lock"... so i couldn't get the damn flat tire off... so i threw everything back in the trunk and just left it there... called one of my colleagues who came and picked me up and took me to my 9:00am site meeting... just got into the office... now i'm waiting for the contractor to come pick me up for my 1:30pm site meeting for another project... since i'm stranded at my office with no place around to walk to, my lunch is consisting of peanut butter crackers and skittles from the vending machine... which of course makes mightyL's peaches look even better...

p.s. i'm in the mid-ler pronunciation camp...

Aug 28, 07 12:11 pm  · 

oh yeah... and i never would have met AP without the 'nect...

Aug 28, 07 12:12 pm  · 

does that link work jump?

Aug 28, 07 12:13 pm  · 

there's a woman that works in my building that makes me think of
liberty bell as i imagine she would be...and kind of looks like her too
from the pictures i've seen...full of energy and conversation and
i've never seen her without at least a grin on her face.

that eclipse story makes me hope i have that kind of energy (and
thirst for knowledge experience) when i have a kid and my own practice...(or even now for that matter.)

in my experience meeting 'necters has been very positive...good
people that have been fun to get to know and talk to...even if it
does result in the occasional all day hangover.

Aug 28, 07 12:33 pm  · 

instead of waking up for the lunar eclipse, an atmospheric phenomena rolled over my house about 2am and woke us up with bright flashes of light, loud noises, heavy rain and gusty winds. second night in a row. It got cold afterwards, so I ended up sleeping with my head wrapped in the blanket. it would have been nice to gaze at the moon.

looking forward to meeting more 'necteurs.

Aug 28, 07 1:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks, lars. Your post made me smile. And yes, you will have the thirst for knowledge and thus will FIND the energy to follow up on it - having a kid makes you re-learn all that stuff we learned as kids, but this time around it's in utter amazement. For example, honey bees do a little dance that communicates to the other bees where to fly to find good flowers....that frickin' blows my mind, and it's presented in a kid's book as just an everyday fact, which it is!

Aug 28, 07 1:20 pm  · 
vado retro

i heard a good quote that was said by i don't know who... but i heard elliot gould say it...."there is nothing as artful as an uninhibited child at play." unlearn people unlearn.

Aug 28, 07 1:36 pm  · 

I'm grinning from ear to ear now dubK, now I wish I were flying there this weekend. Who needs Europe when you can see archinect'rs live!!

Aug 28, 07 2:04 pm  · 

Tee hee ;o)

lars, this is totally true:

in my experience meeting 'necters has been very positive...good
people that have been fun to get to know and talk to...even if it
does result in the occasional all day hangover.

Except I would probably say it "usually" results in an all day hangover! Speaking of, guess I should do some conditioning for this Saturday's BBQ, unless I want to spend another Sunday in a stupor....

Aug 28, 07 3:41 pm  · 

at 8:30 last night, the fog had already begun to roll in, and of course, by 3am when i woke to check on the eclipse, we were completely socked in.

couldn't see a damn thing. didn't even know which way the moon was...

oh well. better luck next time around.

Aug 28, 07 3:59 pm  · 

jump - I'm loving that blog good stuff (will blog't later)

Aug 28, 07 4:15 pm  · 

I miss phillippe's- where else can you get a $.15 cup o' joe and a great french dip sandwich (make mine lamb, double dipped).

...t... looks good. may be too late to recommend stuffing some insulation below the floor to muffle the pitterpatter of your feet walking cross the furred up ply. back in my h-wood days, we'd laminate a layer of cellotex below the ply for this purpose...

hey ML- need some recipe advice from the master chef: what to do with chard? got lots of it in my garden and looking for an alternative to sauteing it with garlic and having it as a side veggie. i want to make a main dish out of it. h,mm, do you recommend making a frittata? cassoulette? roasted with chicken? with my bounty?

Aug 28, 07 4:20 pm  · 

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