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architecture sighting: gehry's new building in ny, the one that looks like sails, is in a new maybelline commercial. that was fast!

Aug 15, 07 7:43 am  · 
liberty bell


Dear furniture manufacturers:

If it doesn't have a rod for hanging clothing, it's not an armoire!! It's a media cabinet and it would make my life a lot easier if you would label it as such!!

<end rant>

Aug 15, 07 10:36 am  · 
Ms Beary

thanks DCA, my walk is alright, no canals though. I walk by the corner where the day workers get picked up and a few construction sites...

Aug 15, 07 12:09 pm  · 

strawB- you better learn a few crude words in spanglish to put the macho day laborers in their place. like: su heuvos con muy pecito or tu madre es un burro. but be prepared to run!!!!

Aug 15, 07 1:09 pm  · 

Boy there seems to be a lot of Thesis threads lately. I would post mine, but I don't think it is worth a whole new thread. Anyone know of an old thread that is just for thesis?

Aug 15, 07 2:10 pm  · 
vado retro

yesterday was the anniversary of my thesis presentation. today is the anniversery of the spa day my exgirlfriend/future wife got me to celebrate.

Aug 15, 07 3:11 pm  · 

cool pictures Wk, I'm most impressed with the one of Wunderkitty curled up in the pull-alongcum-kitty bed

Aug 15, 07 4:01 pm  · 
vado retro

i bet there isn't a gap near the clinton libary.

Aug 15, 07 4:11 pm  · 

i think all you guys should get behind me in proclaiming the house of the future should float.
cause the world will be flooded
crappily constructued houseboats are the 'wave' of the future!

pun intended

Aug 15, 07 4:24 pm  · 

eek gads... there was supposed to be a 'on' in between are and the...

crappily constructed houseboats are on the 'wave' of the future!



Aug 15, 07 4:26 pm  · 

i kind of liked 'are the wave of the future' better...

Aug 15, 07 5:07 pm  · 

ok then just kidding... its supposed to be that way

Aug 15, 07 5:13 pm  · 

So, I win the "Shitty Person of the Day" award.

I have been planning on getting this scooter for the past month.....really ever since it was posted, I have been speaking with RA Rudolph about buying it off of her. I even sent her a deposit and had my friend out here go look at it for me. I was gung-ho about getting it, and RA said she would keep it for me.

Well, last night I went to actually get it and it was not what I was expecting. As there are no Aprilia dealerships in Cincinnati, I could not test drive one before I got out here, and it was just a lot bigger than what I had thought it would be. My friend did not realize this or mention it to me. It made me really nervous, and I just felt like I couldn't manage it.

Today I decided that I had to rescind my offer. I cannot spend that kind of money on something that makes me nervous or else I will never want to ride it. I can understand why they bought it to begin with, it's a great scooter, but it is just not for me.

Go ahead, call me names. I feel terrible. At least she made some money off of me with my deposit, that makes me feel a little less bad. Literally though, I would not have been able to take it home, that's how uncomfortable I felt riding it.

This whole "learning to ride a motorcycle" business has really put a dent in my self-perceived bad-assitude.

PS. RA Rudolph's house is beautiful. She and her husband designed it themselves. I would definitely recommend them to anyone who needed a designer, although she probably hates me now, not that I blame her....

Aug 15, 07 6:54 pm  · 

dub- sorry about the scooter, and sorry I missed the move-in shenanigans. Just got back from more Japan; and so here's another one of the blog-style montages ->

1 - 4. The day before departure; been up for 36 hours and no xacto wounds!

5. Wings over the Pacific

6. In all of my trips I'd previously managed to avoid Roppongi, but managed to get roped down there multiple times on this one.....

7. Yokoloco - nice containers

8. Freestyle construction in Harajuku. This place was some sort of rotating student/artist show/gallery.

9. 3Dprint! Actually the facade of this place was kinda cool, even tho it's not what I typically dig.

10. Never too far away. Wenod Records, Ebisu.

11. Shibuya, leading back to the love-hotels.

12. Olympics, Tange.

13. Yamanote, Harajuku.

14. Behind the Concrete Curtain in Okinawa.

15 - 16. Shuri-jo, Okinawa-Honto.

17. Rock formations down in southern Okinawa-Honto

18. Since most of the 'beaches' in Okinawa are super shallow people'll take glass bottom boats half a klick out to see the fishies.

19. Sheesaa, shisa, shiisaa. Made a token appearence in 1974's Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla.

20. Now this was pretty fucking cool. I'm pretty sure this is the same material used in the 4th Star Trek film to hold the whale in the Klingon ship so Captain Kirk could save the future. Inside were THREE young Whale Sharks. The window was prolly 150' by 30'.

21 - 22. Kerama, 2 hours off Okinawa-Honto

23. Minami-Okinawa-shi.

24. Shep strikes again! (sorry, Ben)

25. Very legit store under the Yamanote tracks, Shibuya.

26. Denari; Big In Japan!

27. Even more complicated from up top. Mori Art Museum was holding a Le Corb show that was pretty sick.


Aug 15, 07 9:43 pm  · 

is opening NYC stores this fall, yeay!!!!!!

appleseed- you have the most sophisticated image posting prowess of any archinectors, I love the nested/stacked montage. great job and welcome back.

Aug 15, 07 9:56 pm  · 

wow. seed of apple i didnt know you were a star trek geek

Aug 15, 07 11:05 pm  · 

MUJI has the best business card holders I have ever seen.

Aug 15, 07 11:50 pm  · 

That was probably the most professional post I have ever posted. My most sincere apolgies, bitches.

Aug 15, 07 11:51 pm  · 

n_ you are hilarious. Did you notice that glass that he posted a picture of, though? Didn't you say the glass on your building had to be shipped in from Japan? It reminded me of that since the glass on your building was like 4 stores high....

Applesauce, why did you go to Japan? Just for kicks? I've never been, I'd love to go sometime. I will be sure to hit you up for tips.....PS. I second tk's compliment on image stacking. Impressive.

Aug 16, 07 12:51 am  · 

don't ALL architects like ster trek?

very nice pics appleseed (sauce? lol) i have always wanted to go to okinawa but costs as much to go to italy so have never been further south than fukuoka...lucky person you is. just holidaying?

Aug 16, 07 2:55 am  · 

uggg... i've spent all morning with an auditor going over our files for a project that has federal funding... going through how the project was awarded to the architecture firm, the contractor, the materials testing engineer, etc... how annoying... at least she was cute though...

Aug 16, 07 11:50 am  · 

Yeah, just for kicks. A friend of mine and I had been planning a trip down to Okinawa for a while, and then I just added some time around it to visit friends in Tokyo-

Aug 16, 07 12:12 pm  · 

architphil, aren't you the one with a wife on this site too?!?

Appleseed, thanks for the pics. My cross-country pics aren't quite as interesting....ah, but I haven't posted the ones from Roswell yet!

I just figured out that today is not only rationalist's birthday, it is my roommate (stratus)'s birthday too! Happy birthday and good luck to both of them.....rationalist on finding an apartment, stratus on her final crits tomorrow (eek, that has to suck).....

Aug 16, 07 12:53 pm  · 

i totally love Star Trek and think Enterprise was definately the 3rd best aside from the original and STNG

In case no one hears from me in the next couple of days its because there is an impending hurricane passing through. It seems like it won't hit us directly but will dump a shit load of rain on our asses for the next 5 days.

Aug 16, 07 1:14 pm  · 

WonderK sorry about the Aprillia...I know you had your heart set on it. But you can't make a purchase like that if you don't feel comfortable with it. Otherwise it would be an oversized/expensive foot rest or something.

I hope you find a decent replacement. Its not hard saving the world

Aug 16, 07 1:29 pm  · 

Thanks, techno. I was really excited about it, but I am going back to my original plan, which was to purchase a Buddy. They cost about the same as the one I was going to get anyway, plus they get better gas milage, and are definitely smaller and more manageable.

Aug 16, 07 1:41 pm  · 

WK, yep, my wife pokes in here occasionally... she wouldn't mind that i said the auditor was cute (i assume that's why you commented)... she's cool like that... :)

that sucks about the scooter... but i think that you made the right decision... so what's the next choice? buddy? vespa? funky three-wheeled thing?

happy b-day rationalista!!!

'techno, good luck with dean on your little rock... it looks like we should be safe up here in florida (knock on wood)... but it could always take a turn north or be one of those weird boomerang storms that loops up toward texas and then comes back east toward florida... i hate this part of the year!!!

Aug 16, 07 1:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Actually, I'm looking forward to Erin, since its only a tropical depression now, and I'm in Dallas, it should just bring lots of clouds, and some rain to cool off the 110 degree temps we've been least for a little while.

Aug 16, 07 1:59 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

I had no idea Erin was even coming. I haven't watched any kind of local news in weeks.

Aug 16, 07 2:45 pm  · 

This thread is bullshit and a waste of space.

Aug 16, 07 5:00 pm  · 

didn't you notice the thread was started by mdler?

Aug 16, 07 5:10 pm  · 

Yeah, I normally dont comment on mdler antics, but this is just serious bullshit. My 3 year old is'nt as childish.

Aug 16, 07 5:14 pm  · 

seeing this sign on my walk to work this morning was a first, and it made me think a lot about why people have to travel thousands of miles to adopt an infant.

Aug 16, 07 5:39 pm  · 
vado retro

dental care is very important and mdler should be praised for calling it to our attention.

so orhan if you want a baby do you just wait there?

Aug 16, 07 5:48 pm  · 

That sign is interesting - the blue [calm and safe], the house icon [homely] the baby being held by someone [mother/father], with limbs active [healthy]: when in reality, the baby is being dumped at firestation NO.5 by a parent in probably a whole lot of stress and trauma. This makes me so sad.

Aug 16, 07 5:50 pm  · 

that sign is so sad...sobering that one would have to give
up their child for whatever reason..but it's good that there
are sites where people can surrender their child when there
are no other good options.

and it's true that it's a shame that people are more likely to
adopt children from half way around the globe than from
their own backyard. i've always had respect for people like
pat williams, former gm of the orlando magic, who had something
like 18 children under his roof..many or all of them adopted.

Aug 16, 07 5:54 pm  · 

Wk glad to see you have options with your scooter choice. I'll post an image that I hope both you and Liberty Bell will take caution of.

Aug 16, 07 6:36 pm  · 

Talking about walking in LA.

5 years ago, on Oscars Day, I walked from Gelsons Market on Santa Monica Boulevard via Sunset Strip to the Kodak Theatre, by myself. I encountered no other walkers which i found quite strange. Maybe because it was Oscars Day?

Aug 16, 07 7:21 pm  · 

talking about walking, my mother at 60 is going to do her first half marathon in a couple week's time. Yeah for mum!

Aug 16, 07 7:58 pm  · 
some person

talking about Polshek. I drove past the Newseum twice tonight. Gorgeous, well-articulated, yet modest and accessible.

Aug 16, 07 8:49 pm  · 

hurricanes are not fun. we get them here too, regular. not as damaging somehwow as ones in florida (i wonder why?).

we also got earthquakes, also regular. and they are scary. just had one yesterday at 4 in the AM. not big (4 point something in japanese scale) but in next prefecture so totally felt it. i reaally really hate it when my concrete building sways and twists under the strain. it is freaky to watch. i think is safe but this building is 30 years old and gets all of its resistence from shear walls only (no beams or columns in this puppy)...ehich were made according to standards of well...30 years ago.


Aug 16, 07 9:28 pm  · 

DCA, good call! I like the Newseum a lot. I know they are a big corporate firm but they do some good work. I hope they are good to their employees.

All of these earthquakes are getting me geared up for LA living....

Aug 16, 07 9:34 pm  · 

jump shear walls are in many ways best practice for concrete buildings - usually better if they are placed in a frame building but simple measures /pleasures. They do however have a greater displacement, my high school was like that and I remember the building swaying to the point that people fell to their knees...worse moment in such a beautiful building.

btw didn't polshek do Clinton's library/erection as well?

Aug 16, 07 9:56 pm  · 

Hey WonderK-
Just checked out the photos and they look fantabulous. Will send you mine as soon I get home and get a moment to finally download them. Thanks again for letting me tag along. I had an excellent time.

Aug 16, 07 10:55 pm  · 

Yay! tunamelt is here! (another recruit, tee hee)

techno, Polshek did indeed do the Clinton library. I like your name for it better though. :o)

Aug 16, 07 11:44 pm  · 

Wonderk....they might be good to their employees....but they weren't so nice to Douglas Cardinal, the real designer of the American Indian Museum. Their participation in the attempt to
destroy one of the most gifted Architects in the world, I have always found disgusting.

Aug 17, 07 7:38 am  · 
some person

Good call, snooker. I've heard of the story but never knew the full details.

Washington Post article about the design

hrm...I don't have time to search for the article that gives the real dirt about what happened. Do you know of any?

Aug 17, 07 7:54 am  · 

no more talk of shear walls and such please... i just took the lateral forces exam (which was really easy, btw) on monday and am now ready to purge all of that info from my brain... :)

Aug 17, 07 8:24 am  · 

it would be good to find out before we disparage polshek. i never thought of them as being at fault for the firing of cardinal or the more compromising design changes.

unless you consider polshek as complicit for coming in and trying to clean up what had become a political mess...never an easy task on any construction project, much less one in that charged environment.

Aug 17, 07 8:25 am  · 

Steven the Story Starts out like this:

Aug 17, 07 1:31 pm  · 

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