
Thread Central


vado, that's the whole reason I don't have pets. I feel like if you adopt an animal, they have to be with you for the long haul. Like a child. And don't even get me started on people who declaw their pets, and then ditch them later on.

Good luck, Gin!!!

Aug 10, 07 5:08 pm  · 
vado retro

its great that the half of thread central that have moved in the last month are getting there safely and settling in without hassle(except for gin's missing deposit) i'm thinkin about movin masself.

Aug 10, 07 6:35 pm  · 

tumbles, don't know how much time we'll have with the unpacking, but I'll mention it to WonderK when I get there and see what she thinks. Hopefully one of them has your phone number so we can call and let you know.

Aug 10, 07 6:44 pm  · 

l.i.g and i have actually met a couple times... he and ap
were at my party a couple weeks ago.

Aug 10, 07 7:03 pm  · 

and tumbled dew i noticed you'd been absent for a while...
it's crazy all the movement that's goin down.

Aug 10, 07 7:06 pm  · 

tumbles- downtown plans have been cancelled for the evening, as WonderK managed to get all of her shit into the apartment without the benefit of Garpike and I's incredible buffness. You're going to be at the thing tomorrow though, right?

Aug 10, 07 9:15 pm  · 

hi tumbles - you've been missed. TC has been creeping along. LIG congrats on the grade - amazing.

New news. I won't be going to my new job on Monday because they aren't ready for me. The guy I'm deputying for is out until the 3rd of September - so I dunno. Life continues I guess.

more later

Aug 10, 07 9:30 pm  · 

beer is good. just walked home from happy hour. hi!

Aug 10, 07 9:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, I looked at a moderately shitty place in Brooklyn this evening, and told the guy I'd get back to him tonight one way or the other about the room he had for rent, because I still had to check out another place in Harlem.

I went to Harlem and checked out the room, and although it was far from perfect, it was actually halfway decent. I told the girl I was interested in the room and offered to sign a sublease and give her money on the spot. She said she had to decide between me and one other person, but would give me a call with her decision no later than 10:30 tonight.

Meanwhile, there's a place I looked at in Inwood last Wednesday night that was by far the nicest place so far, and I expressed interest in taking the room. However, the people there are taking forever to make a decision, although I'm apparently their "top candidate" so far. Unfortunately, they're going out of town this weekend, and still want to meet a couple more people. (They're a lesbian couple and would prefer to have another female in the apartment, but seemed to like me.)

So I get back from the place in Harlem this evening and wait by the phone... and wait and wait. 10:30 comes and goes. At 10:50 I call, but nobody picks up. I leave a message. Still nothing.

So, at 11:00 I called the guy in Brooklyn to let him know I was interested in taking the room he had for rent. Unfortunately for me, the guy who showed up after I did put down a deposit on the room.

So I called larslarson and took him up on his gracious offer, and it looks like I'll be crashing at his place tomorrow night.

Where I go from there is anybody's guess....

Aug 10, 07 11:22 pm  · 


Aug 10, 07 11:39 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Thanks, snooker.

I finally just heard back from the lady in Harlem... She's decided to give the room to a couple of her friends from City College.

Aug 10, 07 11:40 pm  · 


Aug 10, 07 11:42 pm  · 

whoo, margaritas tonight, whisky tomorrow. DubK brings the party with her.

Aug 11, 07 1:57 am  · 

finding a pad in nyc is harder then finding a job... good luck LIG, you'll need every bit of it. Hang in there.

Aug 11, 07 10:20 am  · 

'Gin, I'm glad you have a place to crash for the weekend. Granted the situation that led up that seems to be unfortunate.

Aug 11, 07 10:48 am  · 

LIG go to Jersey City.

Aug 11, 07 11:03 am  · 
liberty bell

beta, isn't living in Jersey City just living in a state of irony?

(that's from a film - reference anyone (I'M not sure i reemeber myself)

Jeepers between places to live in NYC and the predictions of a big quake in California I'm feeling very worried about all our 'necter friends lately.

Glad you made it home safely from happy hour at least, Steven! ;-)

Aug 11, 07 11:43 am  · 
Ms Beary

So is this CREEPY or what? I was ruling the shuffleboard table at a local bar (that's not the creey part yet), I had several challengers thru the night so I met lots of people while kicking their ass at shuffleboard. One of which, we found out we both went to the same college (650 miles away from the bar we were at, so crazy in and of itself.) We kept chatting and discovered that we had lived in the SAME apartment building, same unit! 2424 Knapp, upstairs, the green building with the back porch overlooking the elementary school playground and the exposed insulation in the front bedroom closet! He was there 2 years before I was, we didn't have the same bedroom within the unit however, apparently I was in Troy's room, and he had what I know as Kelly's room. What a small world.

By the way, I never lost that table. Who knew I had such skills?

Aug 11, 07 11:51 am  · 
liberty bell

I just downloaded You Make Me Feel Like Dancing by Leo Sayer. Honestly, I can't beleive we didn't already have it!

Aug 11, 07 1:14 pm  · 
...gonna dance the night away...
Aug 11, 07 1:18 pm  · 

and I'm downloading 300 spoofs on youtube...somehow I feel you are being far more productive lb.

but on a serious note - what's going on with this weather. I was overcast all evening but it was like 80% humidity. Now the sun is out but I can't see the horizon over the sea (not as bad as it sounds I know). I think I need to gripe on GTC for everyone whose ever used styrofoam - not sure who else to blame. But if the weather continues this way I'm going to look forward to seeing polar ice caps floating passed my house

Aug 11, 07 1:23 pm  · 

not as hot here today so i've opened the windows! i've moved all the furniture to the middle of our dining room, spackled the cracks and holes, and i'm about to sand the spackle, tape the trim, and paint. my wife took the girls away for the weekend while i make my mess.

after the painting, i'll put down our new flor rug! a like-new dining room in just two days!

Aug 11, 07 1:30 pm  · 

speaking of mess, does anyone just want to kill every single person on that television show Design Star? come on admit you watch it. i watch it just to get angry, well that and laugh at the dolt from Minnesota make an ass of seems either they eliminated architects from competing in that show or members of our profession got some balls and said FU to shitty television design shows - of course Vern Yip is still there and has no qualms about selling shit to joe 6pack....

Aug 11, 07 1:39 pm  · 

spackle sanded, trim taped. break time again.

beta, that must be on cable? glad i don't have cable...

something i found via bldgblog, published as part of a manifesto in icon mag, from bruce mau, who should know better:

so long as architects self-marginalise by purposely excluding the business of development and its real burden of complexity and decision making from their education, from their business, architecture will remain a gentleman’s weekend culture, unwilling or unable to take on the heavy lifting and big problems, happy to polish fancy baubles for our urban entertainment.

i don't know a single firm in my little city that ...exclud[es] the business of development- even from its daily conversations. whether or not we have the money to get involved in developing on our own, we are an integral part of the development team when working with developers in commercial construction.

i admire bruce mau and have loved his writings in the past. but this statement simply shows his ignorance of what architects do. or the fact that his only experience with architects is with star designers who have little relationship to the profession at large.

Aug 11, 07 2:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

How is representing the best aspirations of our shared human culture via a built edifice not a "big problem"? You're right, he should know better.

Aug 11, 07 3:30 pm  · 
the weather thread

Aug 11, 07 4:21 pm  · 

Hi everybody!!!

Well, we did it, I'm finally here. Actually my friend Laura and I got almost all of my stuff moved in yesterday over the course of the day, and then a couple of friends showed up at 3:30 for the big stuff....and then we were done! I already took the truck back (thank goodness....driving it wasn't that bad but parking it was a nightmare.)

I am so grateful to rationalist and tumbles and garpike for offering to help, other friends out here have been calling today to help, but I am very glad to be done with the move. Unpacking is going quickly, which is good since I'm having people over tonight! I'm so silly, I show up one day and invite everyone over for a party the next.....what is wrong with me!?!? The apartment is still very disheveled but the pool deck is lovely, so that's where we'll be.

I am cracking up that you guys were "tracking" me. Actually my roommate has informed me that her classmates are awe-struck that she is living with "the famous WonderK" and one has asked for my autograph. Perhaps I should have my Glamour Shot taken with myself and WonderKitty and give him that, LOL.

Nonsense aside, I am hoping to get my pictures up in a few days and follow with blog posts detailing the trip. It was relatively uneventful but I took a ton of pictures and my internet has been spotty so I am hoping to get that worked out too.

That said, I am going to go get ready to see the crew for this evening! Talk soon.

Aug 11, 07 8:28 pm  · 

Gin, I've now experienced the ricockulousness of CarMax. They offered me $1700 for my car, that is worth at least $6000. Because I'd had the oil pan replaced last december, and the shop lifted it up to do the work, they said it "showed signs of extensive repair to the frame" because the lift left marks on the bottom of the car. WTF?!!!! Even if nothing had been done to the car except a checkup, the lift would leave those marks! The fucking frame is clean, never bent, never worked on. I tried to leave before they even gave me the printout of the offer. No way, no how. I'd keep the car in PNO status for a year before I would even think about it.

Also, the landlord of the place I'm applying for made me submit not only my financial aid information to him, but a fucking budget for the whole year. It made me feel like I was a friggin 18 year old college freshman.

So, overall, it's definitely a night that requires some drink. Fortunately, there's a bottle of Knob Creek chillin, waiting til it gets to dubK's place to get cracked open.

Aug 11, 07 10:01 pm  · 

Glad to see you are doing well WonderK - you've been missed. I was just looking at my postcard and wondering (pun intended) on your whereabouts and wellbeing. Enjoy the party - have a glass or two for me.

Aug 11, 07 11:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

Glad you're safe, DubK. Now be safe at the pool party tonight!

As of this morning I'm making an effort to switch from coffee to green tea. We'll see how well that goes....lately coffee has not sounded appealing to me, which I'm taking as a sign that my body wants a break from it. So I got some tea at the herbal store yesterday and I'm trying it out.

It's going to be a tough week.

Aug 12, 07 9:06 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh and tumbles, welcome back, no wonder TC has seemed so quiet lately!

Aug 12, 07 9:06 am  · 

good luck liberty. I found trying to make a hard switch from coffee to green tea was difficult. I just couldnt focus in the mornings. So I made a deal with myself that I would drink coffee in the morning (one flask) and then teas in the afternoon. And no coffee on weekends unless it was an expresso (two doubles) when I was at dinner. Its made a great difference to be of both worlds.

Aug 12, 07 1:16 pm  · 

elbell... you can do it!!! after graduate school i dropped caffeine altogether... no coffee, no dew... it took about a month for my body to get over the withdraw... just switching from coffee to tea shouldn't be too difficult...

Aug 12, 07 3:48 pm  · 

wk- glad you've landed, now you have the fun of learning a new city and starting classes... btw, when do classes start for you?

Aug 12, 07 3:51 pm  · 

made chicken mole from scratch for dinner- yumn!!!!! gotta start adding chocolate to more dishes. didn't take all day as some people warned it would - two hours start to table.

Aug 12, 07 8:19 pm  · 

went to brunch with WonderK at a place I'd always seen the line outside but had never stopped at before... the BEST buttermilk biscuits I've ever had. Tasty, and alcohol absorbant to boot.

Aug 12, 07 8:34 pm  · 


actually an hour or so ago. since i took the pic, all the furniture's back in and i'm eating dinner at the table!

Aug 12, 07 8:41 pm  · 

nice job Steven - what's the plaid flooring made of?

Aug 12, 07 8:54 pm  · 

it's a rug from flor.

Aug 12, 07 8:57 pm  · 

r- what was the place? eat well?

Aug 12, 07 9:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

Awwww, Steven, I miss the floral wallpaper........kidding! It looks great. For those who don't know, that little aqua blue thing in the top pic is a little "baby cup" that is way beyond cuteness when little Audrey sits in it!

Aug 12, 07 9:01 pm  · 

sweet. Did you do install it yourself

Aug 12, 07 9:02 pm  · 

Steven, nice work. I've been wanting a little patch of indoor turf from Flor.

barry, it was S&W Country Diner. Garpike should've come, I know I felt much better afterwards than I did before.

Aug 12, 07 9:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

If you don't know, tonight is supposed to be peak viewing of the Perseid metoer shower. I told Angus I'd wake him up at 1am to go outside and see it....I'll let you know later if I follow trhough on that deal or not!

A good article with great links is here, inlcuding links to the "Clear Sky Clock" site which tells you whether your location is likely to be good visibility or not for viewing.

Enjoy, all.

Aug 12, 07 10:00 pm  · 

it was a nice day working in the studio, re-arrenging the place for a change. everything on wheels so it makes it easy to change the orientation of my desks and face a different direction. my next investment should be a 20" w screen flat monitor to upgrade my 19" crt which is really 18" and which tires my eyes. i still have this dell desk top with p4 80gb and 512 ram which is okay since only 1/4 of the hd is full.
i will wet mop the place tomorrow morning. we have a new studio mate who is a landscape architect ant her husband is a photographer. i only see them few hours everyother day and my other main studuio mate is in france taking her yearly vacation of two mounths. it is really nice to work on weekends when the autoshop is closed and whole compound is quite. i usually take the mondays off and it is really a luxury to have a day off when everybody going to work on a weekend hangover and making extra rush with their cars.
i will walk to my work on days i don't have to drive anywhere (almost whole week, except job site visits if any). i live 1.5-2 miles from work and it involves some hilly segment which is great first thing in the morning.
it has been almost two years since i quit smoking and i just realized today i don't run out of breath when i walk uphill. great. i wonder if my lungs are cleaned up a little.
9 pm here and we just bbq'd some burgers and there is a potato salad to go with that. life is beautiful. small things matter. good night everybody...

Aug 13, 07 12:11 am  · 

barry, orientation starts for me on August 20.
Steven, great room!
Orhan, good job walking!
r, thanks for brunch!
lb, I'm emailing you.

And then, some much needed sleep. Take care everyone. I guess I now fall into that category of posters who you won't see show up until about 12 pm EST every day.....

Aug 13, 07 4:08 am  · 

that does sound like a good life lived in the details, orhan. looking forward to (someday) getting back to a walk-to-work life. the only down side of the job i took 1 1/2yrs ago is the drive. once i'm around long enough to have a good anchorage, i'm going to propose a different arrangement, i think.

and congrats on getting your breath back. that's a big one. i remember when my wife realized the same thing.

i'm going to try to enter it in the calendar but, for those of you near louisville, cameron will be giving a presentation at the ideafestival on 13 september.

Aug 13, 07 7:28 am  · 

Only two days worth of work this week!!! Then on to Seattle to [strike]try to[/strike] get this whole housing situation settled. He said he'd let me know whether I passed or not this afternoon. I anticipate being very distracted today. Honestly, I'm hoping that when he sees my stellar credit report and hears my rental references, that he'll feel badly about the whold budget thing. Because that crossed a line for me.

Aug 13, 07 10:31 am  · 

hey, why doesn't strikethrough code work here?

Aug 13, 07 10:31 am  · 
vado retro

going off of coffee must have done liberty bell in...she's m.i.a. today.

Aug 13, 07 3:42 pm  · 

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