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What? Where do you work, WTD?

Jul 10, 07 2:47 pm  · 

Ha ha....did she actually think it was Sunday?!?

Jul 10, 07 2:49 pm  · 

hey WonderK, I suggest the following:

a) Tell them this is a perfect opportunity to train someone else in your place on Project X, and that you would be happy to work with them in advance of the meeting to make sure they know exactly what to do in City X.

b) when they hem and haw over that, tell them, ok, I will go, but only if 1) it is scheduled DURING THE WEEK so none of your personal time gets used (p.s. I firmly stick by the "no explanation of why your personal time is important" rule--do not even say "this weekend is needed because I'm moving!" --it only gives people an opportunity to argue with your reasoning, and besides, it DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR WEEKEND. It is your federally-guaranteed time off, and they can go fuck themselves.) and 2) Trainee Employee X goes WITH you so that you can initiate them into the project.

Give them only those two options, or refuse. Not only have you already given notice, but more importantly you have already proved your worth above and beyond to your firm. Also, they truly do need to be kicked into recongnizing that you are leaving and realizing that they need to train Employee X to take over your position. It is the best solution for the firm AND for the clients. Any other option will simply do all three of you a disservice.

I do not want to hear that you are spending a weekend travelling for business this summer. Capiche?


Jul 10, 07 2:53 pm  · 

Also, Sarah--

For a long time Archinect would randomly send me notices of like all kinds of threads, even though I had checked NONE of them to send me emails.

I emailed Archinect about the bug and they said just to click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each thread's email, which I had never noticed before. It did work, though I had to do it for each thread, and TC keeps coming back again.

I think it's just some weird bug. They didn't really believe me when I reported it, so I just dropped it and figured it probably didn't happen to anyone else.

Jul 10, 07 2:55 pm  · 

Oh, I forgot to add, WonderK--

The beauty of suggesting Option 2 is that they won't want to pay for you BOTH to fly to City X, so they will probably just sigh and go, "fine, I guess it IS time to put someone else on the project......"

And that's the best thing for all concerned.

Jul 10, 07 2:56 pm  · 

Thanks myriam. Unfortunately they were trying to make me travel during the week, and my evenings are becoming increasingly filled up with activity as much as the weekends are. I've got no less than 3 going away parties to plan.....god forbid my parents step foot into the same room with each other.....and a whole host of other things going on.

Although I did just get an email from my client saying that if no one could make it out next week, it wasn't a big deal, as it wasn't urgent.

So...fingers crossed....I think I'm clear.

On a side note, I just discovered that I have a buttload of Hilton reward, we get free hotel rooms on my cross country trip! Yeah!

And yes, "buttload" is an official term.

Jul 10, 07 2:59 pm  · 


Didn't realize I had spent the last post of the page talking about "buttloads" of things....

Jul 10, 07 3:05 pm  · 
vado retro

to paraphrase blaise pascal, "all the misery of man stems from his inability to sit quietly in his room."

Jul 10, 07 3:07 pm  · 

WonderK- call me a cynic, but I very much doubt that she really believed that. My theory is that she either a)has decided to leave but is trying to get fired for the severance, or b)was feeling so hard-done by that she figured she'd see how long it took before we made some real effort to find her.

Jul 10, 07 3:59 pm  · 

765...I work for a glazing contractor...guys on the crew tend to get in a little trouble. the arrests are usually something stupid like a warrant for unpaid tickets, drunk in public, etc.

it's funny, they'll totally forgive not showing up because your in jail, but if you don't call and don't show up for a family emergency you get one chance. the same day one guy got arrested and didn't show, another guys wife had a miscarriage (he didn’t call or show up). The jailbird went straight back to work the next day, while the other guy got yelled at and warned it was his last chance.

Jul 10, 07 4:01 pm  · 
vado retro

it;s ez!

Jul 10, 07 4:12 pm  · 

all this talk about blogging. it's making me hungry.

i started a blog.

you all didn't know that. i didn't tell you.

it was many months ago, and it was over quickly. what has happened to my free time? i haven't updated in three months.

what's it about, you ask? food. of course.

my problem is that i feel the entries need to be meaty. developed. not off the cuff yelp/citysearch reviews. this makes keeping up with it challenging.

i need to embrace the short and sweet comments. perhaps if i share it with TC i will be emboldened to renew my efforts.

here's a taste:

Jul 10, 07 4:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Have you ever been to taste spotting? its a great food blog/master index of other blogs.

Jul 10, 07 4:22 pm  · 

nope. but there are literally tens of thousands of food blogs out there. oddly enough, i don't enjoy too many of them.

one of my faves though is EggsBaconChips-and-Beans which is of course a blog dedicated to the classic british fry-up of the same name.

funny stuff.

another cool new-ish aggregator is BlogSoop but it's specific to NYC and SF, which is fine with me because those are my two primary cities.

here's mine - if anyone's curious. hit me up if ya' like.

Mightylittle's agoodfoodblog.

btw - the blue ribbon pretzels primordial ancestor is on there too.

step-by-step instructions. even a small child can do it.

parental supervision is required. mightylittle™ is not responsible for bodily harm due to reckless kitchen behaviour. mightylittle™ does not necessarily endorse the idea of cooking at home. do so at your own risk.

Jul 10, 07 4:47 pm  · 

I screwed up cooking hard-boiled eggs the other day. I not only dropped them too hard in the water so they cracked and leaked egg out, I also didn't leave them in long enough, and got runny yolk all over my salad.

Jul 10, 07 4:59 pm  · 

mightylittle, your blog is making my mouth water! I think it's excellent and I would like to link to it....will you be updating it anytime soon?

Jul 10, 07 5:04 pm  · 

765 - that's called a 3minute egg in my kitchen. and it's supposed to leak runny yolk all over the salad! at least in the case of a classic Frisee aux Lardon where the runny yolk intermingles with the lemon juice and makes the dressing right on top of the salad. sublime if it's done right.

dubK - i hope to get back into the swing of updating it regularly. i find it hard to maintain a consistent voice, and as mentioned, especially difficult to get behind the idea o fshort posts.

otherwise, each one of those recipes takes hours to write the recipe, make the food, take the pictures, write the blog entry, photoshop the images, prep for web, upload, edit, re-edit, etc etc etc

it's a tough format.

i have to get some entries though for the county fair foods before i forget them all!

i have a backlog of restaurant reviews also...juggling too many projects at once me thinks. go ahead and link to it though. sign up for the RSS feed'll get notified when it's updated i think.

i work better under pressure!

Jul 10, 07 5:10 pm  · 

ya gotta love a food blog in which beer and pubs make regular appearances!

Jul 10, 07 5:12 pm  · 

I've been wanting to blog for a bit, but I'm sort of waiting on the archinect school blogs to kick off too figure out what I'm going to do. My problem is that I have two somewhat distinct subject matter I want to address: biking and planning/urbanism from a more pedestrian perspective, and design in multiple forms. Well, I guess those can coexist if it's something urbanism-focused, because that encompasses both of the topics more towards the periphery (biking and graphics, which would be hard to blend without a bridge topic). So it may be one thing, or the more design half might be part of the archinect school blogs and my bicycle actism might be contained elsewhere.

On that strange note, apparently it was a good thing that I couldn't make it to my first Critical Mass ride last week, as there were arrests made and apparently the group was physically chased out of Santa Monica by the cops. Ricockulous.

Jul 10, 07 5:35 pm  · 

although at some point i'll get some kitchen and restaurant design topics on the blog, for now, i've tried to keep it to cooking at home, dining out, and some closely related food issues.

it could easily morph into a dissertation on the pending/current debate on the farm bill. but i'll try and keep it more fun than that.

rationalist - you should start the bike one now, and once you know more about the archinect school blog project you can start that one too. let the bike one be a bit of a blogging primer.

SW - what good is a food blog without beer!?!

Jul 10, 07 5:45 pm  · 

m-little: developing a voice and keeping it consistent has been one of the hardest things for me to do on my blog (shameless plug). But when it (rarely) works its pretty rewarding.

rationalist: write about whatever what you want, it's your forum! Biking/Urbanism/Design sounds totally consistent to me.

Jul 10, 07 5:50 pm  · 

tumbles, it gets even worse elsewhere. In New York after arresting Critical Massers and telling them to get off the road, the NYPD apparently spent a whole day impounding legally parked bikes. There were even stories floating around of people who saw what was happening and came out of shops, apartments, etc. to keep their bikes from being impounded, to no avail. Not really sure why cops seem to hate cyclists so much, but I think I'm able to discern a bit of a pattern...

Re: blogging, I just can't come up with a NAME! I've been toying with the idea of something like "Design on Two Wheels", but it seems long and clunky. I'm going to have to think on this some more.

Jul 10, 07 5:58 pm  · 

I am seeing common threads here with Crystal Lite here and there. It sounds very fishy and I hope its not what my gut instincts are telling me.

Jul 10, 07 6:09 pm  · 

or along the lines of Crystal Light being a needy, whiny, possibly depressed, attention-seeking *****?

Jul 10, 07 6:20 pm  · 

tumbles - some of my most rewarding moments as a chef were cooking for my staff.

nothing builds employee morale better than good food.

well, except free beer of course.

but that gets expensive.

Jul 10, 07 6:20 pm  · 

oh come on, techno! You can't just leave us hanging like that...

Jul 10, 07 6:55 pm  · 

i'm not sure what i think of critical mass...there's obviously something
to be said for bicycling...i do it to work each day...but i think i can
understand why the cops hate them..although they are excessive...

they shut down whole streets...they stop traffic at major intersections..
why should they be any different than other major parades? and why
should they be any different than cars for that matter? in a
place like here in nyc it's not really all that safe...

with that said i think they did try to get a permit from the city and
they weren't given one near the convention...and they went ahead
and did it anyway. what was done to them after that was simply
wrong and eerily reminiscent/similar of a police state and tactics
that we'd expect from a dictator. suspension of rights and things
of that nature. at the very least critical mass makes us aware of
how f'd up the police and government's reactions can be.

techno...anything to do with your stalker? chemical imbalance,
depression, possibly bipolar or the like

Jul 10, 07 7:12 pm  · 

mighty! Radishes, avocados and parsley - funny I went to look at a green grocers' garden and that reminded me of my adventure

Jul 10, 07 7:24 pm  · 

techno...are you avoiding us? what's the conspiracy?

Jul 10, 07 7:29 pm  · 

a-techno, the salty island breezes have obviously begun to affect the brain.

that parsley, my friend, is actually cilantro. it's tough to identify on screen.

Jul 10, 07 7:30 pm  · 

rationalist to be honest I would love to see a blog/journalist rant about urbanism/architecture/graphics seen from the cyclist perspective. I've alwawys found it intersting how different cities are perceive depending on your mode of transportation - because in many ways it serves not just as your entry point but also the optic for your interpretation of it. It all has to do with the scales of perception

Jul 10, 07 7:30 pm  · 

I'm in love with that foodblog...that fusion fish sarnie looks great and I'm likely to try it out within the next 48 hours. I will let you know how it turns out.

a little co-blogger advice avoid using your camera phone when you go out to eat, it takes more time to edit, etc for publishing purposes despite the ease

Jul 10, 07 7:35 pm  · 

765 > I'm linking to your blog too! We've gone blog happy. I think I've used an unusually high amount of exclamation points today, as well. Apologies.

I have an announcement. This will come later. First, dinner.

Jul 10, 07 7:37 pm  · 

a-techno - i know, but the problem i've had is that i HATE being THAT GUY taking pics of his food before eating.

i'll need to either get used to being THAT GUY, or just not shoot pics of restaurant food. especially at's a total drag.

buildings are much easier to shoot in that regard.

glad you like it...come back for more over time...btw, that fish sandwich is just as good off the grill.

Jul 10, 07 7:37 pm  · 

sorry I was on the phone. Professional counselling for the member of staff that's resigning (still hasn't done it formally)

Yeah so I think crystal-lite might be dealing with some emotional things, and definately not typical. There are alot of similarites from the previous mentions, with the CL that works in my office. Now I'm no pysch but I've had to witness fairly intense things that have left me erkked

Jul 10, 07 7:41 pm  · 

Okay I was hungry before - but now my tummy is making funny noises and I blame mighty for that.

My uncle happens to be a chef, and really got my sister and I into it. Not just cooking, but thinking about ingredients and their compositions, etc. I have seriously considered professional training in the culinary arts as a back up in case archi-porn didn't pan out. Nonetheless one day I will open a restaurant whether it is doomed to fail or not, simply because people should enjoy life through a great meal. And a bar, because well even if life isn't good its hard to tell if you are pfish'd

Jul 10, 07 7:45 pm  · 

techno- I think there's no question about that. She's said that she was bulemic as a kid, she's now enormous, I've told you all about how she treats food and people in the office, so there's obviously some very big very deep self esteem issues there. Which is part of what makes me think that this could just be a cry for attention, sort of "well, I'm not going in to work, and we'll see how long it takes for them to care!"


I am er, quite far from chef-level, and can only claim a guilty addiction to Hell's Kitchen.


Now WonderK's being the tease!!! WTF? Just spill it, sister.

Jul 10, 07 7:49 pm  · 

so on that note (read blame mighty) I've decided to cook a rather hearty meal. See details here

Jul 10, 07 8:03 pm  · 

Had a wierd day today: It was fricking hot like 97% with humidity out of this world. So I go to meet a potential client cause their taking over a local bar/restuarant. My office used to be upstairs but we couldn't stand the stink of the smokers on Monday mornings so we moved out of the place. Anyhow, it is one of those conversations. I meet the woman who talked to me over the phone. She is young and a pleasure to the eyes. I talk with her for about 5 minutes, it is obvious she is the hook. There are two dudes their both in shorts,
both sporting about five days of beard growth wearing those loose basketball shorts and tee shirts. One guy must have gone to Woodstock it not there then certainly to Zap, North Dakota. Then again he looked more like a bong to Bruce, South Dakota type of character. You know with the long flowing pony tail hanging to the middle of the back. Well after drilling Ms. Delicious she finally figures out I know what I'm doing, asking a crap load of questions about Kitchens, bathrooms, exist requirements and the like. It is with every question I see her looking more to the the short haired guy with an equal length beard. It turns out he is, "Da Man." I get this long speach how the architect he uses most of the time is stiffing him for the project and he can do his drawings by hand and get them thru the system and why da heck should he use an architect cause he knows all about the night life of "Clubbing in da City" aka NYC.
I listen to his schlock, tell him I will give him a proposal tomorrow and then leave. Check them out on the web by their phone number to see if he is a high roller, or if he is slumming it.... yup looks like slumming.

He was telling me how if I waited to the end of the project it would be much better for him to pay me. Like ya know I have tons of people pressing me for money right once da club is open we be making some good cash and take care of ya good.

I don't think I have ever wanted to run from a potential client like I wanted to run from the dude. Ms. Delecious was still hanging and not a drop of sweat on her forehead or any where else....damn she was cool. Stuffed in the packet she gave me was her e-mail address.

Jul 10, 07 8:32 pm  · 

its not sarcastic Wednesday but...that sounds like a great project snooker!!

Jul 10, 07 8:37 pm  · 

Ok, dinner is done. Tasty enough for a single girl on a Tuesday, but I've been eating precious little lately. Just not that hungry. "announcement":

Archinect, meet Darcy. Darcy, Archinect.

I've been waiting for my bike for about 2 1/2 months now....when I ordered it they told me a month so I was like, "OK", but apparently Dahon has been slammed with orders. I don't know that I would have bought this bike had I known it would be so long, but now that I have her.....well she's gorgeous. And I'm glad I did support what seems to be a very good company, although they seem to be having some issues keeping up with their demand!

Jul 10, 07 8:52 pm  · 

that's a sweet bike, and its not girly! I would soooooooooooooo ride that - (wimper)if you let me (/wimper)

Jul 10, 07 9:13 pm  · 

wK- can you show some folding action pics of that babe Darcy? guess with Darcy in your life, there won't be anymore talk about scooters or electric bikes. ~:-(

Snooker, was her email hand written with a few hearts or just part of the official client contact info? If you dare touch their project, get a 50% retainer upfront. don't settle for less, then after you cash their check, then email the hook for a date.

Jul 10, 07 9:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Sorry I haven't been checking in on TC as often as before, but they're keeping us very busy at the Columbia summer program. Nothing much new to report there, except that my studio critic is smart as hell and seems pretty cool, and he seems pleased with my work so far.

On the job search front, I've got four firms that want to meet with me. One is for a short-term freelance gig at a 2-person office with potential for permanent placement; the other three are for mid-sized firms that seem to do decent (if not necessarily cutting-edge) design work.

One of the firms has gotten very positive reviews on, and is probably my top choice at the moment.

Another firm has no listing on that site, so their office culture is pretty much an enigma. Of the firms I've heard back from, though, they seem to do the best design work.

The fourth firm I just heard from today, and their reviews on scared the living shit out of me:

"Interns are given way too much responsibility and NO guidance or supervision. Boss is crazy."

"The boss once told someone that if they were going to be late because of a slow subway train, if it is after 9, you should get off at the next stop, go upstairs, call the office, say you will be late, and then go back downstairs and wait for the next train. Incredible."

"It is a very closed-door office. Husband and wife principals. Lots of fighting and illogical decision making. Nothing gets accomplished in the management meetings, but they take hours."

"Principals don't seem to know what they're doing or how to run a business. The workers suffer with poor office policies that lower morale. Constant threats about using office email for personal purposes, setting up cameras in the office, highlighting peoples names on the sign in list when they come in after 9:30, having a sign-in list, stupid stuff that drives you nuts."

Danger Will Robinson! That sounds like a clone of the firm I just left behind in Chicago, in every detail. I need to make sure Mom and Dad, having burned all their bridges in the Midwest, didn't suddenly decide to pack up shop and move to NYC within the past two weeks.

Thankfully their interview is last, so I'm hoping the first three interviews go well enough that I can simply cancel this one.
Jul 10, 07 9:43 pm  · 

that's scary LiG...I've worked in a place like that and everyone's life was miserable. I am excited for you though... it sounds like you have something great on the horizon. Can't wait to here more (especially about what you're doing in studio)!

Jul 10, 07 9:54 pm  · 

LIG are you going to Columbia on a full time basis after the summer programme?

Any chance you are going to show us some of the work you are developing?

Jul 10, 07 9:59 pm  · 
Living in Gin

If I end up at Columbia on a full-time basis, it won't be until fall of 2008 at the earliest.

I'll be documenting the work I'm doing there, but it probably won't be for a while... Right now I'm having a hard enough time keeping my head above the water with the workload I have.

Jul 10, 07 10:06 pm  · 

Danger, indeed.

D'oh! DubK, I should've know that's what the announcement was. Looks awesome, so get off archinect and take her somewhere fun! Darcy, meet Clementine:

Clementine, Darcy. You two'd better get along, as there's no shortage of playdates planned for you.

Jul 10, 07 10:06 pm  · 
vado retro

i guess everyone names their stuff except me.

so, i need some names for some of my possessions, perhaps i could get some creative input on some of my stuff...i need catchy and loveable names for the following:

shower curtain
router box
dvd player
toilet brush
office chair
box fan
litter box

Jul 10, 07 10:46 pm  · 

shower curtain should be called sheet rock (vado insert youtube here)

not sure whats a loufa but loufa seems good

Jul 10, 07 11:16 pm  · 

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