
Thread Central


lb, i am not saying this for my sake, and in fact i do not feel excluded. My goal is not to try to belong to this group or others, and to tell you the truth I do not want to be known here. However, I want to point out a troubling trend i see, it is for you all to decide what to do. The most worrying are the self-gratifying threads that read like highschool yearbook dedications.

Jun 22, 07 8:30 am  · 

and steven and lb, by looking at this site i do know that you all are the coolest heads around, and want to make sure you know that none of what i am saying about the "TC effect" is personal.

Jun 22, 07 8:32 am  · 
liberty bell

The TC effect is a valid question and concern, paper. Now I have to go discuss whether any of my 16 year old students have any valid concerns regarding the fact that I accidentally led them into a gallery yesterday that had bigger than life size photos of nude men on the walls. Later all.

Jun 22, 07 8:36 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Jun 22, 07 9:26 am  · 

sorry I let you down last night - I was watching Deadwood. many thanks to WK for putting 'Green Screens' out there for you. Glad you exposed the kids to some art - it's a tough process to seperate sexuality from nudity, but it makes people more sophisticated and tolerant.

never tried surfing archinect with out logging in - thats very cool that thread central is hidden from lurkers. There is a hidden forum of archinect for editors, administrators and bloggers - hope the green head doesn't suspend my privileges for revealing this - I never had to sign anything swearing its existence to secrecy when I got added to the about archinect page. No, we don't make fun of the other members there, so don't worry vado, mostly we discuss logistics of events like postopolis and other rather seriously dry topics.

This mornign got a critter stuck in my chimney!!!! I hear this scurrying back-n-forth and scratching in the duct connecting my (cold) furnace to the brick chimney... think its a squirrel (doesn't sound that big), since there are few signs of raccoons 'round here, though it could be a rat. RAT????? hmmm... don't think so. Maybe I should turn the heat on for a bit to make it uncomfortable for the critter (or asphyxiate it), so it will stop bugging me since my gateway to archinect is a few feet away.

Jun 22, 07 9:28 am  · 

Man, this thread is really insane...
113 pages, and here we are talking in a place where we just talk about the validity of the place itself. Is there any other place on earth where people spend time talking at that theoretical level? How is this not a proof of the necessity of such a thread?

Jun 22, 07 9:34 am  · 

I think that Katze was being ironic and facetious.

And for the record, I don't think that TC is "troubling" at all. I think that we operate in a very critical profession, and for those of us who are members on this site, it's nice to have a place where we can just pop in and say something completely random about our day, be it good or bad. Or perhaps promote a thread that we have started.....or even have a debate like this. Whatever it is, no one here has ever been less than encouraging, and if having a place where we can insulate ourselves from criticism - since we are surrounded by it on a daily basis - is exclusive, then I am happy to be part of that exclusive community!

As for the other threads....well, yeah, some of them are pretty dumb. Free country! Don't click it. Pretty simple.

Jun 22, 07 9:43 am  · 

the it's a free country, don't click it non-argument just ducks the questions completely and ignores that as a community we set out rules, explicit and implicit. Most people here hate the grad school threads or the X vs Y threads and are not shy to let that be known or sabotage them. But I should keep my comments on certain threads to myself because they offend the local sensibilities?

I am done, I already pointed out what I wanted to point out, I will watch what happens next...

Jun 22, 07 9:55 am  · 
vado retro

newbies and lurkers WoN'tYoUcOmEoNiN

Jun 22, 07 9:57 am  · 
Living in Gin

Thread Central: Archinect's Illuminati, Skull and Bones Club, and Freemasons all rolled into one.

Jun 22, 07 10:02 am  · 

Thursday and Friday, June 21 and 22 - for paperharbinger

nothing but love.

Jun 22, 07 10:11 am  · 

AP, I love that last picture.

PH, I don't even know if I'm arguing a different stance than you, I still don't quite understand what your problem is actually, so I'm going to stop wasting my keyboard strokes and go get some more coffee. You have a good day.

Jun 22, 07 10:27 am  · 


i think it's true that people are becoming friends and spend a lot
of time here because of that...meeting in person has made those
friendships more real...thread central is a place for those people
to check in with one another.

to say that because of this one thread people are exclusionary though
is sort of silly..there are hundreds of other threads...and i think it's
fair to hate the grad school threads..cause there was often one starting
up for every school deadline...maybe that community should've been
more insular and kept to one major thread talking about all
grad school topics..

i don't really feel like people are ignored or chided here in this thread..
if anything people are usually very helpful. for the most part i think
you're raising a read herring. people are becoming friends and you
could just as easily become friends with them (although you've already
stated that you don't want about exclusionary...).

Jun 22, 07 10:34 am  · 

'red herring' there ever going to be an edit button?

Jun 22, 07 10:37 am  · 

lars- only if you become an frequent contributer/school blogger in the eyes of the big green floating head- then you can edit your entries, but not your posts. senior editors have that luxury - I've only seen that power used once.

Jun 22, 07 11:13 am  · 

per? fuck, i hope my english isn't that bad.

I am not too cool, i am claiming lurker's rights, I'll post if I have SOMETHING to say.

Jun 22, 07 11:59 am  · 
maybe that community should've been
more insular and kept to one major thread talking about all
grad school topics..

Some of us really tried to keep to the commisseration thread and encouraged others to do so. But a million new people joined the 'nect and posted their threads without reading anything else, and that idea went down the tubes. So I don't know how one would enforce such an idea.


Anyways, I think that PH has a point: the "favorite archinector" and "archinect crush" threads aren't exactly community-friendly. I wouldn't say the same for TC. The list of TC regulars is constantly growing: architecnophilia and architphil are rather recent additions. And you'll notice nobody's exactly asked you to leave or anything, PH. So I would argue that the exclusivity of TC is an illusion.

Jun 22, 07 11:59 am  · 

rationalist you are right I actually like TC. I am calling it the TC effect only because it is the same group of people that post here that move to the "favorite archinector" and "archinect crush" threads. You do have to admit that the people that post here are limited and can be called a well defined group.

Jun 22, 07 12:04 pm  · 
vado retro

you' d think that these uni's that everyone is so hot and bothered about would catch on and supply some info to archinect?

Jun 22, 07 12:04 pm  · 

vado- Pratt tried after the "Pratt is WACK!" debacle. An admissions person actually visited, and we sat there and debated whether or not she was real or an imposter before I finally emailed her and discovered she was indeed real, and helpful (to a point: one person can't undo the wackness of Pratt).

Jun 22, 07 12:09 pm  · 

tumbles- yep! We were all ragging on Pratt so badly because none of us could get even our application status, much less any other straight answers, out of ANYBODY there. Apparently one of the architecture professors visits archinect at least occasionally, and noticed "Pratt is WACK!" getting so popular, read our complaints, and gave a heads up the the administration there. Then popped up the username "admiss" who was Judith Aaron, who I think is like the vice pres of student affairs or some such thing, inviting us to each contact her personally and she would straighten things out for us. For the most part she did, too, and at least one Pratt staffer seemed likely to be disciplined over the matter.

Jun 22, 07 12:25 pm  · 

yep, it turned out to all be a matter of talking to someone high up enough. Literally within half an hour of emailing her, I was admitted. I'd been trying for WEEKS just to find out when I would get ANY response through the regular channels. Though the impression I got was that Ms. Aaron does not typically browse archinect, but registered for the specific purpose of engaging in that conversation with us, and had been directed here by an architecture prof.

Jun 22, 07 12:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Mark Wigley of GSAPP fame has shown up here on more than one occasion, albeit on the heavier threads such as Postopolis. It would be nice to see him and some of his peers participate in a few of the more "pedestrian" threads and the grad school stuff.

Jun 22, 07 12:47 pm  · 
vado retro

man i gotta go back to work and matlock is on!

Jun 22, 07 1:01 pm  · 

although Mark Wigley has posted on archinect discussions, he's not been brave enough to enter the deadly TC

Jun 22, 07 1:07 pm  · 

to all unafraid to contribute, 5 months ago I was at about 600 posts

I blame TC for having such a warm and welcoming environment, for my massive increase in posts. Tumbles can second my ailment as its happen to her as well

come in, sit and enjoy yourself

Jun 22, 07 1:08 pm  · 
Living in Gin

And so it begins....

Up until now, this whole idea of moving 800 miles from Chicago to NYC has been just an abstraction. But today I finally began packing, and what had been a tastefully-furnished Lincoln Park apartment a couple hours ago is now beginning to resemble the warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark:

With that, the reality of this major life change is finally sinking in; up until now there had been a sense that I could still change my mind about the whole thing. Now, it feels like there's no turning back. I really hope I'm not doing something incredibly stupid.

Most of my stuff isn't coming to NYC with me just yet. It will be put into storage here in Chicago over the next few days, and then next weekend I'll load my Jeep with only the bare essentials I'll need while at Columbia for the summer (computer, clothing, studio supplies, cat, etc.) and hit the road. I have a secure parking spot for the Jeep reserved near a PATH station in Newark, and I'll take my chances bringing my cat into the dorm at Columbia.

Once I get permanent housing in NYC -- which will require me getting a job and a few paychecks under my belt -- I'll need to fly back to Chicago, load my shit into a Penske truck, and make yet another I-80 pilgrimage.

Jun 22, 07 3:43 pm  · 
vado retro

that scene was an homage(rip-off) of the end of citizen kane.

Jun 22, 07 3:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin


Jun 22, 07 3:56 pm  · 

aren't all homage's just thinly veiled rip-off's?

i mean, take my trademarked screen name for instance. it's a"homage" to zappa and all things small and tiny, but i've ripped it off both for my use and your amusement, and tumbles' too apparently ;-)

but i've taken it one step further.

i trademarked the shiznit.

so that skanky ***** user who calls herself mightylitte will feel the wrath of my counsel soon enough!!!

[evil laugh] moo hawr hawr, moo haw haw ahw [/evil laugh]

LiG - you're making a daunting, admirable and respectable move. good luck to ya'! i look forward to hearing more about it over the next few weeks. i'm in NYC the first week of august. maybe i'll give you a shout.

Jun 22, 07 4:17 pm  · 

came up while searching for a screenshot from the close of citizen kane.

Jun 22, 07 4:21 pm  · 

that's not a kid.

Jun 22, 07 4:53 pm  · 
vado retro

they get laid. but the girl gets flattened.

Jun 22, 07 4:54 pm  · 
Living in Gin

That looks like every meeting I've ever had with my project manager.

Jun 22, 07 4:55 pm  · 

which one are you LiG?

Jun 22, 07 5:13 pm  · 

tumbles thanks for the call to order. Hopefully the advice will allow them to make a decent rhum selection...for medicinal purposes of course :)

Jun 22, 07 5:16 pm  · 
vado retro

everyone should get his/her own personal firestair. that would really crossup the terrorists!

Jun 22, 07 11:33 pm  · 

or maybe those who cant get jobs at McDonalds should not be hired as security screeners at the airports

Jun 23, 07 2:17 pm  · 

whew, have been way too busy to be on here in a week or so, so I have just finally gotten caught up!

Two things:

tumbles--try for all your casters needs--they have heavy duty ones with neoprene wheels that won't make any noise on your floor, etc. (I agree the noise thing seems likely to be an issue if you don't get the right casters.) I've found the people who run that biz to be very helpful in response to questions of which caster will be the right one for your job, etc. They are all rated for load strength and the prices and shipping are reasonable (we got some pretty heavy duty ones for about $55 each last year.)

LiG--need any boxes???? I just unpacked and have 6 almost-pristine 12x12 boxes (perfect for books!!) that were never even TAPED up and I don't know what to do with them. I haven't thrown them out because it seems like such a waste but they are taking up tons of space in my apartment. Please use them and make me and Ma Earth happy!!!

Jun 23, 07 2:52 pm  · 

hi myriam!

If LIG doesn't need your boxes, will you save them for me and I'll pick them up when I am in Chicago in a couple of weeks?

Jun 23, 07 2:54 pm  · 
vado retro

havent you read your joseph beuys book? myriam those boxes can be art baby.

Jun 23, 07 3:07 pm  · 

Hey, I didn't know you were coming through town! Sure, I'll save them. I was actually gonna do a WWTCD about the boxes until I saw LiG's post. They are literally taking over my living room and I think my boyfriend thinks I'm trying to build a fort. He keeps looking at me funny when he opens the door and sees a towering stack about to crush him.

Vado, my stupid copy STILL HASN'T COME IN. Apparently the lead time on the stupid book is 3-4 weeks. I got so discouraged that I went down to Prairie Avenue (they didn't have it, either) and got Hans Ulrich's Conversations with Rem Koolhaus to comfort me. I need to call up the SAIC bookstore and see if they keep it in stock, just in case.

Jun 23, 07 3:40 pm  · 
vado retro

i just went to the indianapolis museum library and copied all but the last chapter. can't decide to start reading it or take a nap.

Jun 23, 07 3:48 pm  · 

hmm, pretty smart... dunno if our library system has it--i can't check the catalogue without my card number and i can't find my card. rats.

Jun 23, 07 3:49 pm  · 

I confess, I want to join the book club but with everything going on, I've barely had time to check TC, let alone every other thread. Do you think I could join after the first book or something? Although it sounds like you haven't even started yet, so maybe there is still time?

Jun 23, 07 3:52 pm  · 

myriam, I really hope your boyfriend is thinking you are building a fort and not moving out, as I made the mistake of thinking

Jun 23, 07 4:46 pm  · 

No don't worry they are very clearly empty as they sway and sometimes tip over in the breeze

Jun 23, 07 4:48 pm  · 

it's like my own private box ballet!

Jun 23, 07 4:48 pm  · 
vado retro

ms. deleuze, have you considered folding them?

Jun 23, 07 6:08 pm  · 

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