


I love Saddam Hussein. He's such a nutty old codger. I love how he's got the suit and the haircare going on, but you know he's nuts. Awesome!

Nov 28, 05 10:59 am

That topic <3 looks like a in I shit on Saddam...yeah!!!

Nov 28, 05 11:32 am  · 

i am sure tons docs and evidence in western chemical company storages and weapon industry archives are being sifted as saddam prepares to speak. one thing he knows well is, 'a lot'..

Nov 28, 05 12:34 pm  · 

I have to admit, ever since I saw a "softer", more hysterical side of Saddam in the South Park movie, "nutty old codger" sums up my feelings about him as well.

Nov 28, 05 1:06 pm  · 

at least the nutty old codger had control of iraq.
that's a lot more than chimpy and dick can say.

Nov 28, 05 1:08 pm  · 

i meant dick and chimpy. my bad.

Nov 28, 05 1:08 pm  · 


LOL, even!


Nov 28, 05 3:01 pm  · 
vado retro

saddam will rise again. with chaos in iraq,an occupying force that can be blamed for the chaos, a defiant saddam shown on television etc, this despot will use the trial and the media to his benefit. people will use him as a rallying cry. yes saddam did this but..., sure saddam used chemical weapons but he got them from ... etc. the cold and calculating side of me says they should of put a couple of bullets in the back of his head because this trial is going to backfire big time.

Nov 28, 05 7:51 pm  · 

I don't know whether this has been mentioned on the forum before but does anyone else find it slightly odd that a person of the ilk of Saddam Hussein is most commonly referred to as simply 'Saddam'? Isn't this first-name familiarity normally reserved for celebrities, or perhaps family or friends? I've noticed it's not just the tabloid press who refer to him this way; I've also heard it on respected national broadcasters such as BBC News.

Can you imagine the reaction if the media started to refer to George W. Bush, as simply 'George'. Don't think that would go down too well; I remember watching a briefing where one journalist (to the president's chagrin) referred to him as Mr. Bush, who then irately replied "Who?!", the journalist apologised and addressed him as President Bush.

I think it might have something to do with Saddam sounding similar to Satan….

Nov 28, 05 8:20 pm  · 

It has an air of 'branding' about it. You also have 'bin Laden.' But there are several Husseins in the Middle East.

ID it, tag it, and put it on the shelf.

And Satan? That's a bit of a stretch I think. Sodomy, sure. But not Satan...

Nov 28, 05 8:55 pm  · 
FOG Lite

I noticed a couple months ago that NPR had started refering to George as "Mr. Bush" rather than "President Bush." I saw it in the NYT once too, another sign of a vast left wing liberal media conspiracy?

Nov 28, 05 11:00 pm  · 

must everything turn into a bushwiser?

Nov 28, 05 11:04 pm  · 

I love saddam!!! Step off Che. Saddam is the new t-shirt icon for our times.

Saddam and his henchmen are making the Jersey mafia look like a bunch of housedads in lace panties.

How many lawyers and judges will he have to wack before people realize that he still runs Iraq?

Only the genius of Mr. Bush and Haliburton could transform a madman tyrant into a soon-to-be-liberator of his Iraqi people. And as i typed this up, several hundred terrorist in loyal service to Saddam have been newly minted.

Who is running the asylum?

Nov 28, 05 11:12 pm  · 

driftwood, I think sodomy is definitely a bit of a stretch ;-)

FOG Lite, yeah those left-wing media-controlling conspirators and their conspriracies….I shake my proverbial fist in their general direction. If Bush is irked by 'Mr.' then I'd pay to see his reaction to how Mike Molloy refers to him

Nov 29, 05 12:22 am  · 
brian buchalski

i have to admit that i have a bit of a fondness for saddam. what particularly struck me about the run-up to the iraq war a few years back was how un-informed many people were about who saddam hussein was.

sadly, many people seemed to be more informed by the likes of the south park movie than reality. for someone who was (is) america's number one enemy, how many of us could have answered some of the basic facts on the man? such as how old is he? (68, he was born in 1937) or what did he do before he came to power? (he was a law student before joining the revolutionary baath party) moreover, his peasant father died before he was born and he engaged violence as part of his strategy for rising to the top. in some ways, his story is very american (kinda like the corleone's in those godfather movies). he has been shot and has spent time in prison. and although some of his actions are hardly excusable (such as the mass murders), i believe that they are understandable given his context. iraq has been (and continues to be) a violent place, should it be any wonder that its leader treated his enemies harshly?

and that is the other thing that bothers me about how he is perceived...the people that he has executed tended to be his enemies and for that i believe the comparisons to adolf hitler are drastically exaggerated. hitler created factories...FACTORIES...for the systematic extermination of millions of people simply because of who they were, not because of what they had done. hitler was a madman, plain and simple who committed suicide when his demise was evident. saddam hussein, by comparison, is (by my estimation at least) a survivalist in difficult circumstances who would resort to whatever means necessary to keep his own ass alive. hence unlike hitler who killed himself, hussein endured time in a rat hole and the embarrassment of captivity and a trial at the hands of an enemy.

my suspicion is that hussein's big mistake was in under-estimating bush's wilingness to go to war against him. obviously, given saddam's actual stockpile of weapons and military capacity he never really believed that the USA would actually bother to stage an attack on his regime, particularly after the first gulf war in which he learned that the aggression wasn't worth it but that the publicity could be priceless if used. comfortable provoking the US and feeding off the notoriety of his defiance, i imagine that he felt he could keep his charade up for years...more similar to fidel castro than a world threat like hitler or stalin. at any rate, bush & co. were duped and both the people of america and iraq will pay the price in both money and spilled blood...sad, really.

i haven't yet had the guts to sport a che-style saddam shirt (although i considered it few years back, i'm getting too old for that shit now) and i now more-or-less agree with the nutty old codger assessment that seems to be so chic. at any rate, i don't mean to endorse evertything that hussein has done, but i feel strongly that the invasion was a mistake and unnecessary and i somehow would find it to be very amusing if saddam was found innocent and then freely re-elected president of iraq (likely just before he dies of old age anyhow) would be the perfect punctuation mark to just how useless war can be.

Nov 29, 05 1:14 am  · 

can't believe this hasn't been posted yet:

Nov 29, 05 3:56 am  · 

puddles, very thoughtful and well put. It's much too late for me to be caring about this but so many people have been duped into thinking that going to war to topple Saddam was the right thing to do, it's just baffling to me.

Nov 29, 05 3:56 am  · 
vado retro

saddam is another vestige from the colonial/cold war period. if europeans hadnt have created iraq the need for a strongman like saddam to hold it together wouldnt have existed.

also, the likes of him and the shah and marcos and samoza and pinochet and and and... and their behaviour was tolerated by the good old usa for decades as a foil to the commies.

for me though the stupidest thing about this whole invasion was that saddam the sodomite was a perfect foil against al quaida and we didnt use him. (i guess our great intelligence failure also included no one telling the administration that osama offered to have his guys help liberate kuwait from saddam.) now everyone's using us and guess what, we dont even know it.

Nov 29, 05 5:33 am  · 

I have little liking for the my nephew...the age of most people visiting this site... is dancing around Iraq due to two nut cases...and I think we all know who they are. No one drafted him,
and he is your protector, as his soul is in his mission. So if it not
be these crazy men, I want my nephew on our side because I know he is a rational person.

Nov 30, 05 8:56 pm  · 

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