
Quiting new job?


How to quit a job that started few days ago? I think it's not going to work out very well and another firm is going to hire me.

Aug 16, 05 9:43 pm
Josh Emig

Just be respectful and tell them the truth. It's not the greatest news to hear, but most employers understand that this happens sometimes. Don't waste any more of their time, especially if they are training you -- whatever that means.

If you were referred for this job, your friend, professor, dad, or whoever might be a bit miffed at you. If you landed the job on your own, don't sweat it, especially if you have another job lined up.

... Or just quit showing up.

Seriously though, almost everyone I know has done this at least once.

Aug 16, 05 9:54 pm  · 

well, go ahead and wait for the offer, then just tell them straightforwardly, "I don't think it's working out." There's no need to mention the other offer unless they ask. There's no need to catelog the list of reasons you don't like working there unless they ask, and even then you should be vague so that you don't come off as a whiner with a whole list of complaints ready at hand.

Aug 16, 05 9:55 pm  · 

Should I go in the office and tell my boss or just call him to save the awkwardness?

Aug 16, 05 9:56 pm  · 

Just catch the appropriate person (principal, project manager who interviewed you, whatever) in a quiet moment when you can speak in private and tell them that you have decided that you are not a good fit for this firm and that you have decided to resign. Follow this up with a brief letter stating the same thing, and stating when your last day will be. If this is a big enough firm to have a human resources person or division then make sure to send them a copy too. It's usually a good idea to write something like "I appreciate the warm welcome that I received here" and/or that you learned a lot and enjoyed your brief stay, blah blah blah. You do NOT want to say anything specific about reasons that it isn't working out (if you had any intention of staying and trying to work things out this would be different, but if you're definately leaving you should try to stick to strictly positive statements.)
When quitting anyplace, no matter how much you may have hated the job and are happy to leave, behave as though anybody currently at this firm may end up being your coworker, manager, employee, or boss at some other firm in the future - because that type of thing happens all the time.

If at all possible you should offer two weeks notice (yes, even if you've only been there a few days.) If you've already agreed to start somewhere else then this may be impossible, but offer to stay as long as you can. It's not good to walk out on a job with no notice, regardless of how recently you were hired.

Aug 16, 05 9:58 pm  · 

Speak to your boss in person. It won't be that awkward if you just stick to the "thank you very much for the opportunity but it's just not the right fit" kind of lines.

Aug 16, 05 9:59 pm  · 

Be a grown-up. They gave you the job; you owe it to them to show up and resign in person. This is part of being a professional.

Oh, and quitting has two t's.

Aug 18, 05 10:15 am  · 
el jeffe

let us know if you want our opinion on whether you should take to your boss in the morning or the afternoon.

Aug 18, 05 10:56 am  · 
job job

i remember when archimax was jamie king or lee or something like that.

anyway Bob, if you're going to make these many threads on every aspect of your new life as a professional, put serial numbers on them so that you have a paper trail established for the inevitable lawsuit.

That way, your attorneys have an easier task establishing negligence.

good luck Stan!

Aug 18, 05 11:02 am  · 

Man, I wouldn't want to be that unfortunate person dating you! You'd probably break up over a text message.

To quit a job is easy, especially within your probationary time. Just meet with your boss first thing in the morning and explain that the position isn't working out. Then, you'll shake hands and leave. Simple. I mean, it's not like you've worked there for a couple of years or anything. But, be completely respectful. You will more than likely run into your boss in the near future. The architecture community is very small.

Aug 18, 05 11:20 am  · 

yeah, have some backbone. get your ass in there and be big enough to tell your boss face to face. jeezus.

Aug 18, 05 11:23 am  · 

I worked at a place where a guy quit before 9:00am on his first day. God I miss that guy.

Aug 18, 05 11:28 am  · 

Another tid-bit from the trenches...

I knew a guy who accepted two jobs, tried them both out, then had his secretary call the other office to tell them he wasn't coming back after his first day.

Aug 18, 05 4:48 pm  · 

archimax, do you have to post every move you make?
What do you think?
go with that!

It's good to get a little advice from time to time, but gosh......

Aug 18, 05 4:52 pm  · 
brian buchalski

maybe you should just change your screen to "archimin" so that we stop expecting so much out of you

Aug 18, 05 4:54 pm  · 

my cousin, after three weeks walked up to his boss and told him "this is my last minute of working here" and then left. I've never respected someone more. He was then unemployed for 6 months, got addicted to many different drugs, accumulated $30,000 in credit card debt, and went into deep depression. that was all by choice however. He was a computer programmer, now he's in law school.

Aug 18, 05 4:58 pm  · 

Well, for the people who arent helping. I can absolutely post every move that I made in my life. But you also have the right to not read it. If you have to read and couldnt offer any good comments, stop whinning! I only post here because I thought most here are mature and experienced enough to offer someone who is starting out and have a lot of questions some help. If you cant help, simply shut up!!

Aug 18, 05 9:24 pm  · 

Wow, your sentence structure is much better when you're angry. You also make fewer grammatical errors. Maybe you should go to your next interview or ask for more money under such emotional circumstances. Is that helpful feedback?

Aug 18, 05 10:59 pm  · 

Unfortunately, Archimax, that's not how it works in the public sphere.

If you put yourself out there, you risk getting responses you don't want in addition to those you do. You don't get to choose who responds; that other phenomenon is called friendship.

By the way, "whining" has only one 'n'.

Aug 18, 05 11:37 pm  · 

Since when someone here suddenly care about grammas. You should be more concern about your own grandma, or is she dead already because you are old and dirty.

Aug 19, 05 1:33 am  · 

Yeah the extra "n' is for you because you whin like a baby!!

Aug 19, 05 1:34 am  · 


Aug 19, 05 1:55 am  · 

Yikes, you're proving your critics correct.

Good luck at your next six jobs. We'll see you in December.

Aug 19, 05 2:03 am  · 
job job

"Since when someone here suddenly care about grammas. You should be more concern about your own grandma"

Quint, that is some pure, 1 mg-alone-will-kill-you, un-cut comedy!! Where have you been keeping that? I overlook incorrect spelling because there's a lot of people here who's first language isn't english but that is a fantastic twist.

You've overlooked your real talent as a stand-up, Aaron (i think comedy club gigs come with free parking). please don't call me old and dirty

Aug 19, 05 8:21 am  · 

You know, someday archimax is going to be one of those one-man firms where people tell horror stories about pyschotic interviews.

A young intern will probably make the unforgivable mistake of asking if parking is included.

Aug 19, 05 9:01 am  · 

LOL, SuperHeavy

(sorry but that was funny)

Aug 19, 05 10:15 am  · 

Wait! Is Archimax the same guy who was complaining about Roger???

Aug 19, 05 10:26 am  · 

its not easy to quit.. (it's true)
but i think i'd be better if you'd show up and explain things as they are..
and if the guy yells at you. well. its a good thing you left..
if not, they'd respect you.. and you'll respect yourself as well..

Aug 19, 05 10:35 am  · 
paper tiger

this is too funny. thanks guys, it brightens my morning and gives me hope for the day that we can still be funny.

Aug 19, 05 11:38 am  · 

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