
i wanna talk about music


everytime i look at this album cover i keep thinking john lennon is concealing a pipe on one hand and a lighter on the other.

with this looks like bob marley is taking a hit off of a blunt through the side of his mouth...

Feb 22, 08 5:11 pm  · 

ha ha, yeah, it looks like they photoshopped the blunt (or more likely a spliff) out.

anyway, i've been listening to this stuff lately:

atlas sound a side project of some guy in deerhoof (a band i'm not really familiar with)


high places

Feb 22, 08 5:19 pm  · 

so, radiohead is back at grant park!

They will be headlining Lollapalooza.

When they played there in 2001 it was probably the best show ive ever seen. Definitely going to lolla for this.

Mar 7, 08 2:53 pm  · 

and NIN is rumored to be on the bill too!

i may have to plan a chicago trip since coachella let me down this year.

and speaking of radiohead, i was buying groceries @ my local stater bros. when "house of cards" came on. it was the last place i would expect to hear radiohead.

Mar 7, 08 3:53 pm  · 

Favourite bands:

Darling Violetta
The Gathering
The Cranberries
Modest Mouse
Agua de Annique

And of course more than that... But those are the all time favourites.

Mar 10, 08 3:48 am  · 

i now play amy winehouse exclusively on my mp3 as i walk home from yoga - i sing along like a looney. good stuff for a druggy

Mar 10, 08 10:09 am  · 

I have of late been revisiting a old favorite. Wowee Zowee by Pavement.

My hope is that they will one day reunite. I never got a chance to see them originally.

Mar 10, 08 12:51 pm  · 

the new Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds is out in Europe and will be out in North America soon....

Mar 10, 08 4:14 pm  · 

nam, you can still see malkmus solo! he puts on one hell of a show. i can't wait for the new album to finally come out...

Mar 10, 08 4:24 pm  · 

when i went to lollapalooza '94 at cal state dominguez hills i missed nick cave play. i had to choose between them and pharcyde...i saw them on stage though and they have black leather jackets on although it was hot as hell. they scheduled him and george clinton during, i love festival food: funnel cake, bbq ribs, fried artichokes, blended margaritas in plastic cups, watered down beer, etc...

Mar 10, 08 4:30 pm  · 
i now play amy winehouse exclusively on my mp3 as i walk home from yoga - i sing along like a looney. good stuff for a druggy

i did this with alanis morissette's jagged little pill without the singing along and the yoga...was alanis the first to say the term "friends with benefits"?

Mar 10, 08 4:36 pm  · 

mfrench, i think the new malkmus is already out.

dammson, yeah, there's just something about festival fare. it's not really great or anything, but it just goes right with the atmosphere.

ted, while i appreciate amy winehouse's talent and her voice, i just don't see what the big deal about her is. i like some of her songs and all, but it just doesn't really seem fresh. good to sing along to, though, "i won't go goo goooo!"

Mar 10, 08 5:13 pm  · 

i personally have a very, very difficult time taking the sudden preponderance of solo acts in the mainstream seriously.

If i hear one more arpeggiated piano ballad by a "strong independent" young woman type...
or one more acoustic guitar ballad by a "sensative fraternity" type... i cant be held responsible for my reactions...

Mar 10, 08 5:45 pm  · 

ha ha, lletdownl, that's funny. i like most of that stuff, but i do hear what you're saying.

Mar 10, 08 5:59 pm  · 

ive re changed my mind... the national's boxer is horrible... i had to take it off my i-tunes at work cause i cant even stand to hear it on random...

mistaken for strangers and fake empire are nice, but the rest of it drives me nuts... im sorry for those ive hurt by my flip flopping on this issue

Mar 18, 08 4:25 pm  · 

i enjoy it, but i like 'alligator' much better...the songs aren't as muddy.

Mar 18, 08 4:31 pm  · 

Oasis, The Stones, Sex Pistols, Beatles, The Smiths, Led Zep, Stone Roses.

Mar 19, 08 7:17 pm  · 

I just caught these guys last night. They were pretty f-king amazing..

Nothing conceptually groundbreaking was my first rock/metal show in a long while....
Had great fun!!


Mar 20, 08 8:21 am  · 

Mar 20, 08 8:23 am  · 

new guilty pleasure: 11h30 by danger. pure bubblegum electronica.

Mar 20, 08 8:40 am  · 

Pan America, Fridge, and more Loscil

Mar 20, 08 8:57 am  · 

so i caught vampire weekend @ the el rey in l.a. last week. i like their music, but their live performance left a lot to be desired (for me @ least). it just didn't really move me. they were fine, but that's just it, they were merely fine.

their set sounded pretty close to the way their songs sound on their album, which i guess says something about their technical skills, but when i go to a show i want to hear something a little different. the kids loved 'em, though.

their opening band, yacht, i thought sucked.

anybody else catch them live? if so, what did you think?

anybody else see a disappointing show lately? have we talked about concerts in this thread yet? (i'm too lazy to re-read through the past pages).

Mar 24, 08 6:58 pm  · 

its been a while since i saw a truly disappointingly show... the last i can remember was last summer...

Wolf Parade, whos album i adored, were disappointing live. Very, very sloppy... of course a certain amount is desirable but they were just out of tune, out of rhythm and way over zealous. That was a bummer.

last show i saw bout 2 weeks ago was Gil Mantera's Party Dream. That was my 4th show of theirs and i can not stress enough how insanely fun their shows are. They have an incredibly loyal cult following who never miss a show when they come to town. They draw a good and excited crowd, and rock like no ones business. They are consistently awesome and always on tour... GO SEE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 24, 08 7:07 pm  · 

yeah, i'm rarely disappointed at shows. all i ask is to be entertained, and vw didn't really meet my expectations.

party dream looks interesting (can't really blast music @ work right now). i'll check 'em out. i just missed them though. they were in l.a. a couple of weeks ago.

Mar 24, 08 7:21 pm  · 

Cat Power (Black Session at France Inter FM- MUST HAVE!)

Portishead (Third- new is always good)

Esthero (Breath from Another- has only gotten better with time)

Burial (Untrue)

Mark Farina (all 5 mushroom jazz compilations)

been rocking most of these non stop for the last little bit. the new Gnarls Barkley is good, but its just kinda riding the formula so...

if you're into good chill out music, check the things mentioned above

Mar 24, 08 9:08 pm  · 

also the Strictly Leakage album available from Atmosphere's myspace page. some pretty solid beats in there.

Mar 24, 08 9:10 pm  · 
Mar 25, 08 4:04 am  · 


And can't wait for the final tracked and mastered version of Third to leak.....

Mar 25, 08 8:12 am  · 

Hey namhenderson, I think you would really enjoy this mp3blog series at moteldemoka: Dark Stars in the Dazzling Sky

Mar 25, 08 8:53 am  · 

I'm listening to the new Hot Chip. It's aching compared to their previous albums.

Mar 25, 08 9:58 am  · 

Thanks, listening to it right now..

Mar 25, 08 10:00 am  · 

there are so many new/newish albums i still have to buy and get into...

i only last week finally bought of montreal's hissing fauna, but i still need to get

xiu xiu's new album which im sure is amazing...
beach house's new album which will be too late as im seeing them tomorrow and wont know any of the new stuff...
earlimart has a newish album out.
hot chip has a new one...

Mar 25, 08 10:28 am  · 

a little report post-sxsw here in austin.

saw a lot of great bands. the wailing walls did a good attempt at reviving prog rock with their new rock opera...if only they didn't look like a creedance cover band and their lead would connect with the audience. till we're blue or destroy rocked it out with a full stage of danceable post-punk nuggets. the sunburned hand of man caused me to stop in the street and ponder they're progressive/regressive psychadelic musical ruminations. two gallants were amazingly energetic and intense, as was langhorne slim all rocking it with pared down barely-electrified stage sets. die, die, die were an incredible reinvention of the pure animal energy of punk reconstituted and updated for the now. peelander-z was a japanese anime acid trip of funk and metal. the heavy danced lightly on marvin gaye while still keeping a solid rooting in their rock base. no image played a lackluster set, but did have some interesting attempts at sonic effects...just no structure. yo la tengo always shocks and amazes, this time playing their entire set standing up in a french style to merge with their surroundings at the french legation. atlas sound does one better than their relative act deerhunter in permeating sonic waves of spaced out ecstacy. shearwater throttled the life out of rock and found themselves in adult contemporary-land. laura marling whispered her way into our hearts and minds with a refreshing breeze of songwriting freshness. lightspeed champion couldn't quite pull it all together for the show, but did showcase his quirky lyricism. j mascis showed why dinosuar jr was such an innovative band and taught everyone a few lessons about how to captivate. thurston moore tried to re-capture his sonic youth but ended up sounding a little tired and instead complained about his technical difficulties. she and him showed themselves to be m. ward and zooey deschanel creating a fun little showcase of obscure old-timey lauretta lynn styled ditties. okervill river bombed the place with their latest and greatest looking like a rock band ready for the stadium circuit.

and this past weekend post-sxsw. mr. lewis and the funeral five gave a romping fusion of tom waits lyrical theatrics and rockabilly sensibility. vermillion lies stole my heart as well as most others in the room with their insanely quirky stage act and fun scream alongs and interactive songs. finally white ghost shivers showed up like the big top itself but their songwriting ended up getting stuck on the first sideshow act.

my wife also said that the new puritans were incredible.

also, to dread.....i saw vampire weekend last summer. i also thought their stage act wasn't anything special. in fact, other than standing in front of a crowd and playing, they don't really have a stage act. i saw them open for mahogany, which if it could get it's performance under control and even get close to approximating their recorded tunefullnes might actually be one of the next great bands.

Mar 25, 08 10:50 am  · 


I finally got to hear a Nadja song.....I have been trying to for a while. Although, i guess i could have just broken down and bought an album...

Mar 25, 08 1:05 pm  · 

Yes! I never heard of Nadja before the "Dazzling Stars...", but that track is really good. Likewise the electronic stuff from Tsukimono, Yellow Swans and Li Jianhong. I really like how the series seamlessly mixes drone, noise, shoegaze, psychedelia and doom.

Mar 25, 08 1:20 pm  · 

they have been playing a track from the new ELBOW album on KCRW...pretty nice

Mar 25, 08 2:43 pm  · 


May i just say.

Liars are openeing for Radiohead!
And i will be seeing them.......

It i sfunny having seen Radiohead on their last major US tour i am not really that excited about seeign them. But Liars!!!!!
It will be my first.

Mar 25, 08 2:54 pm  · 

nam, where you seeing radiohead?

Mar 25, 08 3:02 pm  · 


Mar 25, 08 3:37 pm  · 

i heard elastica's "car song" while driving today...could listen to it over and over...just makes me think of the nice weather coming and taking long road trips to anywhere...

Mar 26, 08 8:19 pm  · 

I listen to Elastica reguarly. The Menance album holds a very special place in my little designer heart.

Mar 27, 08 8:51 pm  · 

i just can't work late w/out some michael mayer.

Apr 1, 08 2:06 am  · 
Apr 1, 08 6:26 am  · 

someone mentioned Baroness and I'll 2nd, 3rd, and 4th them.

when I was down in NOLA a couple weeks back I caught Nile at the House of Blues. nothing says "awesome" like a black metal band that sings about Egyptian mythology...

Apr 1, 08 3:30 pm  · 

and I've been listening to a lot of technical stuff like Brain Drill (look 'em up on youtube), but I fear not many on here might share my interest in it.

Apr 1, 08 3:31 pm  · 


The bigups to Baroness previously was by me...
I saw them here in Gville. They killed...
As for Nile never heard of them, but will check them out.

Apr 1, 08 4:04 pm  · 

i'll look up brain drill...i'm into grindcore

saw suffocation a few years back play with cattle decapitation, behemoth, shadows of my favorite shows. suffocation played all the classics...

check out disgorge

Apr 1, 08 4:57 pm  · 

I have an original Shadows Fall demo cassette somewhere... this was from before Phil (from All That Remains) was on vocals...

I've also been on a HUGE thrash metal kick: Warbringer, Violator, SkeletonWitch, Municipal Waste, etc.

I'll check out disgorge, thanks!

Apr 1, 08 6:05 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

i really like

i heard it first

i also liked

can anyone suggest songs along that line please?

Apr 3, 08 2:29 pm  · 

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