
Where did everyone suddenly come from?

A Center for Ants?

Not to discourage use of this message board or be elitist or anything...

but where did all these new people come from? It's like someone suddenly opened the floodgates... was there an article on Archinect published somewhere prominent?

Jul 18, 05 8:36 pm

I was just noticing that lately too, all these questions regarding building program ideas, like a professor told their class to come here and ask for our opinion or something...

Jul 18, 05 8:39 pm  · 

i am suspecting 'justin hui' got all his summer architecture program buddies signed up.
or, it is Hernan Diaz Alonso's revenge..

Jul 18, 05 8:52 pm  · 

i suspect it's too many interns bored with their summer jobs

Jul 18, 05 8:56 pm  · 
big dead elephant

kids picking there thesis projects as well,

oh and also Im not new,

Jul 18, 05 9:07 pm  · 

I don't recognize any of you and I've been here since Paul was powering the site with a bicycle and Israel was in short pants.

Jul 18, 05 9:34 pm  · 

Went away, came back... new name...

Jul 18, 05 9:35 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

mus' be the darn GSD career disco kids. or the columbia equiv.

interns shouldn't be bored at their summer jobs. put em to work!!

Jul 18, 05 9:36 pm  · 

I Googled for "Hot DP Teen MILF Action" & it sent me to this site. That's how I got here a few weeks ago. So far, ya'll ain't done chit, what for Google done promised.

Jul 18, 05 9:48 pm  · 

maybe i am too blame

i have been very bored lately and have been posting under many different aliases

i cannot even remember who i am anymore

peace out,


Jul 18, 05 9:59 pm  · 


i ment to sign that

With Love!


Jul 18, 05 10:00 pm  · 

are you new when you've been around a while, but finally decided to have something to say recently?

Jul 18, 05 10:20 pm  · 

well, while you may not be new to archinect, you would be new to us. who knows who lurks in the shadows.

Jul 18, 05 10:50 pm  · 

how is that different from Montezuma's Revenge?

Jul 18, 05 11:14 pm  · 
Louisville Architect

not a new member, not per corell.

Jul 18, 05 11:20 pm  · 

i have been lurking and posting since 2000.

Jul 18, 05 11:21 pm  · 

e - the shadow knows!

Jul 18, 05 11:37 pm  · 

i have been here for a long time reading discussions etc. but just decided to start posting.

i always avoid doing the whole log in thing on web sites for as long as i can. i feel like i have so many user names and passwords on the net now i don't know what to type in from site to site. anyone else feel this way?

Jul 19, 05 12:19 am  · 

Yeah I was wondering about all the "new people".

I guess I am relatively new but I spend much of my spare time here so it feels like home.

And whoever said there was no anonymous posting on here was obviously not banking on people morphing into new screen names. I'll probably hold out until I get embarrassed about talking too much and then start a new one. Eh, probably not.

Jul 19, 05 12:32 am  · 
vado retro

i dont care about the newness. i care about the content of the post. which imho aint so good lately.

Jul 19, 05 1:18 am  · 
Ms Beary

I thought about changing my name when I felt people were getting to know me too well. But I didn't.
As for the student theory - I always wanted to be a prof, and I don't even have my masters.... a virtual prof, no credentials required! And if they are students coming to us with their ideas, we aren't being hard enough on them. ALL YOUR IDEAS SUCK!
The posts do suck lately, this one is my new favorite.

Jul 19, 05 7:55 am  · 

there needs to be an end to the god talk.

Jul 19, 05 7:57 am  · 

I agree.

Jul 19, 05 8:21 am  · 
le bossman

the god talk is obnoxious. there should be either architecture talk, or rediculous talk. i might be partly responsible for a few of these new people, however.

Jul 19, 05 8:46 am  · 

I think many of the people are coming here through which is a popular real estate gossip site run by the nytimes. They often have links to the discussion forums in archinect.

Jul 19, 05 8:57 am  · 
liberty bell

Hey, I tried to get a hot discussion going in the architecture>engineering thread, when I felt some lurking engineer-types were slamming on what architects do, but nobody backed me up - I was looking forward to a heavy "defend our turf" argument", but nobody else bit. And I'm out of town right now (on a job) so I can't check in regularly.

Steven Ward hasn't been around much lately, which makes the whole place a little dimmer (both physically and intellectually).

And when vado retro isn't piqued enough to throw in a hilarious trashy comment, you know things have gotten a bit dull. Hang in there with us, vado, we need you.

Summer doldrums, is all, I'm guessing.

As for screen names, if I ever change mine, it will be to my real name. I've got nothing to hide. But vado, I do love the name hoosiermama, I hope you'll keep that as my nickname. But I mostly just don't want to lose my post count - diabase, I'm shocked to see that I've surpassed you by a somewhat significant margin!

As to the students looking for programming ideas, you're right Strawbeary, we need to start being harder on them. Do a little resarch first, fer chrissake!! Point us to some similar things you've found, then propose what you want to do differently, then you'll give us something to discuss, rather than just "Hey what do you guys think of this idea?!"

Jul 19, 05 8:58 am  · 

like waves lapping against a sandy beach, the names on architect transform and morph...a tis a transient world my friends.
definitely more and more people are coming to our little backwater, i have to admit i've sent a few of my students here to see what is going on in architecutre and begin to self-educate themselves a bit...still some of the best pseudo-intellectual manifestoing in architectural discourse!

Jul 19, 05 9:07 am  · 

I've been so caught up trying to decide which town in the "best places to live in America" list will be my next home that I haven't even noticed any newbies....or phony screen names. How about we all meet in Naperville, IL to discuss what to do about this flagrant abuse of archinect.

Jul 19, 05 9:07 am  · 

thanks for the kind words, lb.

i've spent the last 3 wks turning the brains of teenagers inside out. i'm back. i think it went well.

Jul 19, 05 11:21 am  · 

i only here for the beer.

Jul 19, 05 12:07 pm  · 

I have browsed through these boards for about a year or so - but never really felt the need to post.

Then I moved to NY about 9 months ago and the topics have "hit closer to home"

Jul 19, 05 12:11 pm  · 

considering we're all made up of ancient molecules, no one is really that new around here ;)

Jul 19, 05 12:18 pm  · 

I've been here for a bit now, but certainly not "since Paul was powering the site with a bicycle." But I started coming here because a friend's professor sent his studio a link to the trans-material site in the Features section, which my friend forwarded to a few more friends, and I got bored and started exploring the rest of the site. I haven't recognized anyone else here, or been recognized (and I certainly think that those who know me in person would recognize me after seeing a few posts), so I don't think that's been the source of the big boom here, just a minor contributor.

Jul 19, 05 12:23 pm  · 
le bossman

yes, that is true. our molecules are as old as time itself. hmmmmmmmm.................

Jul 19, 05 12:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, and while I had read but never posted on the old archinect, I went away until went away for awhile and I needed something to fill the sad void. So I have Adam Greenfield to thank for my addiction!

Jul 19, 05 6:06 pm  · 

i found you guys on google. and so far, this has been a great forum (obligatory ass kissing) :^*

Jul 19, 05 9:42 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

i'm not actually here at all.

Jul 20, 05 12:36 am  · 
Vladimir Pootin

Hi... I'd forgotten my password.

Jul 20, 05 12:47 am  · 

Liberty - no suprise that you've exceeded me. I seem to be a thread-killer at the moment, and since it seems no one has a crush on me, I have been elsewhere licking my wounds ;)

Jul 20, 05 1:09 am  · 

diabase: I too have the kiss of death... don't know why. I go away but then the ideas keep percolating up again. I suffer from insomnia in fits... am addicted to this site. I feel I am generally hated, despite my numbers.

Jul 20, 05 1:19 am  · 

so us newbies havent got old archinect cred.

actualy i been getting my daily archinect news and image fix for aboot 10 months, just thought id chuck my 2 cents in recently.

Jul 20, 05 5:46 am  · 
Per Corell

Belive me , if someone is interested in the issues discussed he she will add graphics as arguments ---- now that is no problem for someone who don't just pop by as being banned from some right-wing usenet group but, when someone enter from there, be sure it is not about seeing the good details in some project, it is not about saying "that's good" or keep on striking in that direction no ; when newcommers start the useal usenet bullying ,exersise the tradisional colorless hippie hateing usenet issues --- then Srchinect be sure the site been alianised by dusty old rigid engineers who is not realy interested in beauty and the new architecture as much as continuing the group bullying that been the hell for so many in so many jobs.

The vorse thing to do acturly, ------ and please don't think I am not able to see thru these "arguments" , is to back up one of these dusty old usenet charecters trying to make this site into a copy of the usenet hate places ; you maby havn't found peace with the graphics lovers, but supporting any campain against the one who seem weakest at a site like this, only allow for bored old usenet fanatics, to create even more stinking ground harvest the only croft that you can, an even sader life.
Think about it, it is not just exiting new members that surface, look at their agenda, it is not allway's becaurse they realy fancy exiting new architecture they surface here.

Jul 20, 05 6:51 am  · 

fascinating stuff Per, enlightening as always ;)

Jul 20, 05 6:59 am  · 

is there a babelfish for per to english?

to seem weakest at a site like this has me buffled.

Jul 20, 05 7:50 am  · 

for the newby: just make bullshit comments about everything, so you'll increase your numbers and gain the respect of your peers.

forget becoming like BOTS or Strawbeary, those are enlightned minds...

Jul 20, 05 7:51 am  · 

come i to everywhere here see. hand open, hammer ground on. handle what no to break, splinter away. air for wing, singing, singing. what, no think hear think? heavy, heavy to book mind rule, screen police.

Jul 20, 05 9:01 am  · 
Louisville Architect


Jul 20, 05 9:02 am  · 

hmm...i wonder who or when you are considered new....i'd like to believe i'd been here for a while....(sigh)

Jul 20, 05 9:06 am  · 

wow per corell is now the devil as evidenced by his symbolic ascension to the mystical number...or but a wayward manic?

actually old on this site is being able to remember when israel still posted in the discussions and the front site read pimping architecture since 97...aha, the good old days...oww, laughed so hard at that one i threw out my hip.
why youngsters let me tell you some stories about the good ole days. back when this site was but knee high to a grasshopper and it was only populated by LA folks...yep, those were the times.

Jul 20, 05 9:25 am  · 

It's just le bossman registering multiple screen names.

Jul 20, 05 11:26 am  · 

can we freeze per in time at 666 posts?

Jul 20, 05 11:34 am  · 

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