


Recently after many years I started to play soccer (football).

May 17, 05 1:00 pm

do architects play on campus any sports besides frisbee?

May 17, 05 1:01 pm  · 

i used to do intramural fotball and basketball along with a bunch of friends in architecture. nothing like going to the fields across from the building for a 2 hour break, and then going back for an all nighter.

May 17, 05 1:17 pm  · 

no, pasha. we are all hippies who play frisbee and wear nothing but hemp.

May 17, 05 1:28 pm  · 


May 17, 05 1:29 pm  · 

did you get sponsored by mc donalds?

May 17, 05 2:06 pm  · 

My office belongs to a Design Firms ONly softball league. I also run marathons.

May 17, 05 2:20 pm  · 

i'm known to play contact origami on occasion.

May 17, 05 2:27 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

In college I ran track, sailed on the sailing team, and headed the snowboard club. Classmates of mine in studio included All-Americans in swimming and diving, and two other cross-country runners. Boo ya.

May 17, 05 2:29 pm  · 

played soccer and basketball in college, hockey and basketball at high school.

still ride the bike when i get a chance.

May 17, 05 3:29 pm  · 

do you have to be a hippie to play frisbee? no one told me...

May 17, 05 3:40 pm  · 

soccer, usually two or three times a week

May 17, 05 3:42 pm  · 

Practice football (soccer) team that play in a city wide 'construction league' with surveyors, contractors, engineers etc.

Nice kit complete with company logo and colours
Very competitive on the field.

May 17, 05 3:48 pm  · 

my office golfs and runs.

tried to do basketball and softball, couldn't get enough people together.

May 17, 05 4:40 pm  · 

I realy enjoy shooting guns as sport (great relief from studio)Cycling, Sailing, Skiing.
Seriously, there is a stigma about college architecture that you should deny yourself fitness, and health for that matter. I find that when I take time out of my week to do something physical that I am more productive for it.

May 17, 05 5:45 pm  · 

soccer, running, biking, hiking, snowboarding...

May 17, 05 6:56 pm  · 

body boarding, swimming, scuba diving

May 17, 05 6:57 pm  · 
vado retro

after a late night alcohol induced viewing of the deer hunter, me and my hunting buddies have taken up russian roullette. itza gassss man.

May 17, 05 9:07 pm  · 

At Cornell we had a men's intramurals football (soccer) team and a co-ed one.......I played forward on the men's team, and in the mixed one (lots of fun) I played fullback or even goalie...

volleyball and tennis are a lot of fun too, but I'm crap at those!

May 17, 05 11:37 pm  · 

we participate in an all architects softball league (in socal) =, a lot of fun. it is run by a fellow who has been in eric moss's office for many years - he runs a good program.

May 18, 05 12:49 pm  · 

divI top25 swimming - there were 3 of us in arch, and it was completely insane. we also had one men's bball and a track/c-c chick. although i would not change a thing, i would NEVER recommend the varsity athlete/arch combo.

May 19, 05 11:35 pm  · 

I play soccer almost everyday, mostly in my head while working at studio

May 19, 05 11:49 pm  · 

i can't imagine how you did that trigirl. i managed to end my college swimming career before starting architecture school. you ever hit morning practice after an all-nighter?

May 20, 05 10:35 am  · 

i played soccer for my school for 2 weeks, then quit because it allowed zero hours for sleep.

still found time to intramural football, basketball, soccer... plus lifting weights periodically to combat the weekend partying.......

regardless of how hard school is and will be, i will not sacrifice the other things in life that i get enjoyment/energy from.... there comes a time when you need to really understand what you are doing on this planet.... and its not to be a slave to the institution/profession. i'm not going to college again to study 20/7. i take it seriously, but other things are more important to me

May 20, 05 11:13 am  · 

fantasy football keeps my lats and quads in shape. frequent drinking really crunches those all important pecs and biceps.

May 20, 05 11:25 am  · 

we played wiffle ball homerun derby in studio. we taped out where homeplate was on the floor and started playing.
my friend had a killer knuckle ball and floater that got me almost every time.

oh yeah, I also liked to throw drafting stools off a roof, that shit was great at 2am.

May 20, 05 11:39 am  · 

we had a similar sport called "trace ball" that consisted of using the longer rolls of trace as bats, and a ball made out of throwaway sketches. we would run around studio using the peoples' desks who weren't up late at studio as "bases" like most of the things we did for entertainment at that hour, i remember it being a lot of fun, but now it just seems sort of ridiculous.

May 20, 05 12:04 pm  · 

we also played wiffleball in the courtyard at school, also.... late nite, when it was warmer out we'd go throw the football around..... one nite it ended up on the roof and that put an end to our precious little field trip pretty damn quick

i'm bored today, no one should have to work on friday's when it's sunny out

May 20, 05 12:12 pm  · 

we use to race drafting chairs around the studio.. the nice slick concrete floor was perfect..

one night a bunch of us had an all out battle with cardboard tubes.. it was knock the crap outta your classmate.. we still talk about that night.

May 20, 05 12:27 pm  · 

no kidding!
i'm all sorts of distracted today, as the idaho state lottery is filming a powerball commercial in our office because they like our elevators.

sorry to derail this thread a bit.

May 20, 05 12:28 pm  · 
Ms Beary

in arch school, we'd all be hanging out in studio and when it was time to go across campus for structures or something, we'd all walk together. Well, like 15-20 of us. And we'd find lik 6-7 things to kick across campus between us all. I bet we looked like high schoolers on a field trip now that I think about it. Nobody walks in a big group like that.

My favorite sports are canoeing (one of my best friends is manager of a canoe outfitter and he takes me everywhere, maybe someday I will get to do the boundary waters!) and biking. I like urban hiking too - something I'd like to think I made up. It's like a discovery walk, you just hike around, take the road or alley you feel like, tresspass. The neighborhoods change and you can really pay attention to stuff while walking. Excercise and stimulation for body, mind and soul. The world is a playground. Biking too. Me and my friends like to tear around town on bikes like some sort of wimpy gang.

May 20, 05 12:55 pm  · 

yeah, about once a week soph year - that was our killer studio year. our studios were only about 2 blocks from the pool, and in the winter i would wear my parka to studio. it doubled extremely well as a sleeping bag. we had workout at 545am, but paranoid to oversleep and miss practice, i would head over to the pool about 5 for a power nap. however, the facility wasn't open - our ass. coach had to let us in and generally she didn't show until 530. the bldg's huge exhaust ducts were located in the front of the facility, and i used to lie down on top of them, cocooned in my parka to doze as the nice, warm air functioned as my space heater. sounds kinda gross now that i think about it, but at the time that 30 min of sleep was so precious. as my teammates began to arrive they would wake me up to head inside. they must have thought i was crazy sleeping outside the campus rec facility. god, that year was really horrible.

May 20, 05 5:29 pm  · 

We had a decent half-pipe to skate at sci-arc for a couple of years (thanks Randall and the shop crew!), and there was a bit of skate culture among a few of the alumni. I am lucky to work/live near two great skate parks, both free. The new glendale bowl/snake run is sick.

Any other architects out there still skate past school?

May 20, 05 5:35 pm  · 

I occasionally skate, but I haven't been doing it consistantly so I have problems landing kickflips consistantly, etc. Been thinking about getting a long board and start bombing some of the mountains in Western MA.

May 20, 05 5:41 pm  · 

best friend gave me a new stick for my 30th b-day. woot.

i had given up my kevin staab to my gf's niece..

not use to the double kick-tale.. i'm trying to train my dog to pull me around the neighborhood..

May 20, 05 5:47 pm  · 

trigirl, ahh the swimming parka.. all kinds of uses for that thing. i think i still have mine around somewhere..

i know how much those 15 minute naps count.. we had 5 am practices all through highschool.. sometimes we'd try and get a few minutes worth of zzz's after we pulled into the natatorium parking lot.. but we had to becareful.. if we fell asleep and coach had to come wake us up... wow.. bad frickin' news.. where did you swim?

May 20, 05 5:52 pm  · 
Ms Beary

pixel - long boards are awesome! when a friend of mine comes to town, he brings a couple of long boards and we all take turns cruising around town late at night.

May 20, 05 5:57 pm  · 

U of Illinois 97-01
i grew up in indiana though.
and you?

May 20, 05 6:38 pm  · 
brian buchalski

in undergrad, i had a classmate who was on the varsity track and cross-country teams. in fact, he starred on both teams and after graduation i heard that he was sponsored for a while by adidas and was later the track coach at boston university.

i lived in boston for a while myself and i noticed he placed 51st in the marathon one year which is pretty good for anybody who didn't grow up in kenya.

legend has it that he never pulled an all-nighter, but did manage to run something like ten miles everyday. damn.

May 22, 05 10:51 pm  · 
le bossman

i ran the chicago marathon both years in grad school.

May 23, 05 12:22 am  · 

trigirl, nc state for a bit. then sewanee (university of the south)... swam hsa growing up..

May 23, 05 10:23 am  · 

le bossman is intense...mwaa ha ha

May 23, 05 11:41 am  · 

ether - hsa? you know emily wang?

May 23, 05 11:45 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

pixel -

western mass? there are some awesome hills out there especially on Route 2. the problem is traffic. but you can find some passes with turnouts to park. hills are awesome. you just fly down those hills.

get a good set of randall II trucks and have a blast.

May 23, 05 1:45 pm  · 

basketball 4 times a week. wooh

May 24, 05 6:43 pm  · 

Met a fellow architect from Italy while surfing suckouts the other day, he was like so is there some work for me over here, and I was all dude you need to work on getting shacked off the peak cuz its 8' and barrelling and the line up is heavy................

May 24, 05 7:48 pm  · 

simply the best..
the first rock star of football.
god bless..

Nov 26, 05 12:57 pm  · 

george best

Nov 26, 05 1:01 pm  · 

i still (attempt) to skate around philly when i get the chance. The best night was, after a long night of skating, falling and sweating my ass off, a kid i graduated with pulled up in his sick new car and was all "hey im working in so and so firm" not being an ass about it or anything but man did i feel like a bum, i had to make it clear to him that yes, i too had a job in a firm and that skateboarding was definatly a good way to work out a lot of aggression directed towards said firm.

Nov 28, 05 10:21 am  · 

I ran a 4:19 mile and 1:52 half - but that was before taking up smoking. I play air hockey now.

Nov 28, 05 10:59 am  · 

Auto Racing (SCCA Solo II)
Once or twice a month, take car out to the track and beat the sh!t out of it.

Nov 28, 05 11:46 am  · 

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