
Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

So, anyone else willing to admit that they're going to a midnight viewing of the new StarWars, or at least excited by it?

May 17, 05 12:32 pm

very excited, can't wait to see it. i'll propbably check it out next weekend though since i have way to much i need to finish first. too many spoilers on this one have clued me in already, but i'm still excited, especially since the reviews are so much better than before.

May 17, 05 12:35 pm  · 

I'm surprised it took this long for a thread like this to pop up.

May 17, 05 12:41 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

I have tickets for 7pm thursday . . . don't need to see it at 12:01am

May 17, 05 12:42 pm  · 

Enjoy, it was much better then phantom and clones but no where as good as the original 3. Too much of whiny Anankin and not enough of Vader.

May 17, 05 12:45 pm  · 

7:45 pm thursday. Taking the girlfriend who isn't too pleased about the whole star wars thing. But I don't care. I figure that if I have sit through those stupid VH-1 shows, then she can watch 2-hours of jedi decimation.

I would go to a midnight showing, but I'm squirrelling my vacation time. If not, I would be a mess all thursday...

May 17, 05 2:31 pm  · 

No midnight showing, but I'm actually excited to see it. It looks like Lucas is going to merge the visual aspects pretty well from part 3 to 4.
Saw a book last night at Borders and was glad to see things with angles in them instead of all that fancy aerodynamic hubub.

May 17, 05 2:51 pm  · 

going to be in vegas for the AIA convention when it comes out... think I'll wait until I get back home. Can see a movie anywhere, but I'd regret spending my time in vegas sitting in a theatre.

May 17, 05 3:01 pm  · 

are those aia conventions any good??? ive got an offer from this guy who wants me to carpool with him....

May 17, 05 4:53 pm  · 

dunno, this is going to be my first one. My boyfriend's office is paying for him to do some workshops, but mostly it's an excuse to go to vegas!

May 17, 05 4:55 pm  · 

Skip the AIA convention, go to the only building where the owner is so proud that he signed his name to it.

May 17, 05 5:30 pm  · 

You people are pathetic.

May 17, 05 5:46 pm  · 

and why is that ? are you steve wynn?

May 17, 05 8:30 pm  · 
vado retro

im waiting for the sequel to pulp fiction. pulp fiction 2: revenge of the gimp. coming soon to a theatre near you.

May 17, 05 8:53 pm  · 

Don't joke...there was talk of a prequel to Pulp Fiction....The Vega Brothers.

I suppose that would be better than some remake of a 70s TV show made really cool by setting it in present day.

May 18, 05 10:44 am  · 

i for one don't expect much. a bunch of visual eye candy with no dialogue. the first ones were great because they have dialogue. i guess that what happens when you leave hollywood for almost 20 years. you lose your craft.

May 18, 05 11:57 am  · 

Lucas didn't do the dialogue in this one, Tom Stoppard collaborated with him on the script for purposes of dialogue. For anyone not familiar with Stoppard, he's a pretty distinguished playwright and for someone as cynical as I have been about these prequels, knowing he was heavily involved made a difference.

May 18, 05 12:03 pm  · 

well, the reviews are coming out, and from what i've heard so far it seems stoppard didn't do such a great job.

May 18, 05 12:07 pm  · 

I'm having a star wars day tomorrow: first I have to watch menace and clones (never took the effort to watch them) and in the evening sith, what a beautifull day :)

May 18, 05 12:31 pm  · 

natalie portman: enough said

May 18, 05 12:42 pm  · 

I think that Lucas is going to impress in areas I didn't expect. I expected part 3 to be more of the same - ultrasleek, aerodynamic stuff, wild robots, etc. I was afraid that you'd watch part 3 and then part 4 and wonder where the continuity was.

But after seeing a book with pics of the ships, stormtroopers, etc., I'm glad to see that the boxy, unaerodynamic look of parts 4 and 5 have been introduced.

Face it, it would have looked like total crap for part 3 to have still had all that aerodynamic stuff, and then part 4 introduce the "fastest ship in the galaxy," a ship modeled after a bite Lucas took out of a hamburger, deviod of aerodynamics and littered with right angles.

So, I'm excited to see it, and I'm taking lotion along too!

May 18, 05 4:32 pm  · 


May 18, 05 4:34 pm  · 

You know, cuz my hands are going to get chapped with all that clapping.

May 18, 05 4:35 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

you guys have seen this right? Triumph

May 18, 05 4:37 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada
better link
May 18, 05 4:38 pm  · 

that was brilliant...

May 18, 05 5:15 pm  · 
Pete Dawson

I got a call from someone with an extra ticket - so yea Midnight -Star Wars.

May 18, 05 5:20 pm  · 


May 19, 05 12:37 pm  · 

best of the new three, MAYBE (still to be descided) on par with/better than Return of the Jedi. Relies too much on visuals to tell the story - dialogue is weak and the acting sub-par. Ewan McGregor does make a really good Obi-Wan Kenobi though, and he's the only person that really showed emotion well in the movie. Yeah, they tie up a bunch of loose ends, but not very well on some of them ("oh yeah, erase the protocol droid's memory" WHAT?!)

<sigh> not the movie that the New York Times made it out to be the other day...

May 19, 05 1:02 pm  · 

I saw it last night and thought it was great. The overall tone of the movie was a lot better...none of the cutesiness that made the other ones almost unbearable (Jar Jar Binks). Too bad Lucas can't go back and reshoot the first two. I can't even remember anything about the second one except the scene where Yoda was completely forgettable.

My only problem is with how antiquated Vader's suit ends up looking after seeing all the teched out droids and control pads throughout the movie. Its a tall task to try to make a CGI movie mesh with the originals and overall I think it was done effectively (although it seemed like a checklist of ends to tie up at the end).

Oh yeah...R2 is badass in this one.

May 19, 05 2:18 pm  · 

R2 has always been a badass.

May 19, 05 3:26 pm  · 

Did you see the new one? He does some pretty cool tricks.

May 19, 05 3:35 pm  · 

naw, not yet. but soon!

May 19, 05 3:46 pm  · 

R2's tricks are a cheap ploy to sell more toys with bonus features. Rockets on R2? The great thing about R2 in the first trilogy was that he had somewhat seemingly useless tricks but used them in an interesting way which made his character seem more humanlike. Now he is just some cutsey battledroid; I hate R2, thanks George.

May 19, 05 5:27 pm  · 
the righteous fist

all i saw was a bunch of paycheques bouncing around on screen. i can't believe darth's debut, looked like the simpsons.

May 19, 05 7:44 pm  · 

I thought it was extremely 'choppy', with scenes of one part closing and then showing scenes from another part of the movie. The saber fights between Anakin and Obi-Wan was not very believable and the last fight that produced the winner was even more worse: it was like, Lucas: "well, I can't think of anything, let's just let him do something to make him lose his legs and arms."

I almost forgot about this movie when I stepped out the theater. I thought the emperor is the best and Yoda second. The scene with Mace Windu is good. The rest: not so good.

I did like R2 scenes though. It was always a 'feisty one'.

May 19, 05 8:30 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

Best of the first three movies. This one kicked a lot of ass. Yoda does this thing where he throws his lightsaber into a storm trooper and then yanks it out. Damn cool. Wookies, Death Star. Darth Vader's suit was oldish, but it was sure shiny when he got it. The whole frankensteinian thing was pretty cheesy with him breaking out of the operating table. I thought it was pretty damned good.

May 20, 05 1:29 am  · 

Definitely the 'Empire Strikes Back' of the prequals. I would say #2 overall.

Many weak points, but what movie in the series didn't have them? I would also agree about the choppiness. They crammed so much into this movie it was sort of ridiculous. But regardless, it was the fall of Anakin Skywalker. They were slaughtering children for Christ's sake!

May 20, 05 3:06 am  · 
Israel Kandarian

jimmy smits' drop-top flying car was super corny.

May 20, 05 10:26 am  · 
Luis Fraguada

And please do not get me wrong. Natalie Portman is rad, but her acting in this movie sucked ass . . . actually, now that I think of it, her acting in all the star wars movies she has been in has been horrible. Do they not pay her enough, so she just puts out that much effort? Who goes to be with a headfull of curls and a beaded jeweled gown? I guess princesses do!?!

May 20, 05 1:24 pm  · 

i've come to the conclusion it's the dialogue.. none of the characters could act worth a crap because their lines were soooooooo bad.

May 20, 05 1:27 pm  · 

the dialogue in all of the star wars movies has sucked since the first couple lucas did. outside of the eye candy. the movies, outside of the first two he did, have sucked. eye candy is nice but, in my mind, it can not carry a movie by itself.

May 20, 05 1:33 pm  · 

I blame Lucas's infatuation with virtual enviorments for the bad acting instead of the writing. The script for the first trilogy is also horrible but when the actors are really in a desert instead in front of a blue screen the acting is more believable.

May 20, 05 1:40 pm  · 

hehe that dog thing was class!!!

May 20, 05 2:09 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

dog thing? you mean that weird iguana like thing that obi-wan rode for a while? the sound it made was very annoying. Do you mean something else?

May 20, 05 2:26 pm  · 

i'm guessing he was referring to your own link to triumph...

May 20, 05 2:28 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

of course, I keed, I keed!

May 20, 05 2:41 pm  · 

The dialog was great!!!...........


May 20, 05 8:13 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

that part where anikin and padme are out on the balcony and they are talking about how love has blinded anakin . . . craptastic.

Oh and right in the beginning when they land that big ass chunk of a ship and Obi-Wan says "Another Happy Landing." so bad

May 20, 05 8:25 pm  · 
Jordan Lloyd

My first viewing tonight was disappointing. Out of the first three films Attack Of The Clones was the best in my opinion. I thought III had terrible lines ("he has slayed even the younglings....") and thought it ties up a lot of the plot, it was just wasnt believable. Im sure with a plot like that, a 12 year old could of talked Skywalker into turning to the dark side.

May 21, 05 7:28 pm  · 

lol wisof, yes the iguana ;)

May 21, 05 8:06 pm  · 

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