
2012 M.Arch Applicants, Commiserate Here!



Well, I will contact them again... My already low income that will cease to exist when school starts.

Are you saying you were awarded both Tier 1 and Tier 2 grants for a combined total of 30k?
or just referring to their system?

I was given a Tier 2.

Mar 14, 12 1:00 pm  · 

I sent to GSD my Financial Aid form (for international applicants) yesterday. For work reasons, I was out of town when they sent the first mail talking about financial aid (I was literally in the middle of nowhere). And when I was back, I had like 250 emails, and I just missed that one. 

So now, I hope there still is some money for me, because life in Boston is waaaaaaaay more expensive that what I can afford (and scholarships here in my country are not too generous about living expenses... also, you have to pay back). 

They emailed me telling that they will answer me within a week.

An unrelated question: Does anyone here have applied or know someone who has applied to MIT Media Lab? 

Mar 14, 12 1:04 pm  · 

@jpugarte1: I applied to the Media Lab.

Mar 14, 12 1:10 pm  · 


Nice! Which groups did you apply to?

My preferences were: Kent Larsson, Joseph Paradiso and Neri Oxman.

I want to get the results soon, even knowing that are like 0.0000001% chances of being accepted. 

Mar 14, 12 1:18 pm  · 


Yeah i got a combination of both tier 1 and 2, i dont know what the difference is..

Mar 14, 12 1:22 pm  · 
"The Co-op Guy"

@ enmod

The acceptance letter from Cornell had the amount of scholarship, which is renewable and the wording makes it seemingly clear that it is merit based. I was also surprised at the lack of letterhead in the attached letter to the email, although I'm thinking it will look more professional when the actual piece of paper comes. I'm guessing that they accept more people than actually attend, some of which I'm sure are offered scholarships that would be freed up when those students attend a different school, but it is unfortunate that theres no way to know before making a final decision. Cornell is the most expensive school I applied to $43 grand!! Sheesh. (RISD is $40G, after scholarships they are practically the same). I am expecting some serious need-based grants from the Graduate School and/or the government. Michigan gave me a smaller need-based grant which really helps their chances. I'm sort of expecting the full financial aid package from Cornell and UW in whatever they are sending, but also it sounds like they are just sending the 'official' letter.. hopefully more info than just that! Not too impressed with the grad student work on Cornell's site so far, but trying not to judge that..

Mar 14, 12 1:51 pm  · 

tier 2 accounts for your parents income (or lack there of) as well. You dont have to report for grad schools normally, but if your family is poor, its probably better.

Mar 14, 12 1:53 pm  · 

hi guys!

got in MIT smarch with the fellowship consisting of a half-tuition scholarship and a fellowship stipend of 10K.

i am also a fulbrighter. fulbright never accepted MIT as one of my self-application option. the reason was "scores are not competitive" . for the upcoming fulbrighters: " always give a fight with  IIE for your school choices! "

still waiting from GSD

Mar 14, 12 2:12 pm  · 



I'm going for the M.ArchII, just put down the deposit.


any idea what you're choosing?

Mar 14, 12 2:22 pm  · 

@jpugarte1: Larson was my first choice.  I chose two others only because the application required it.

I was also denied from SMArchS.

Mar 14, 12 2:37 pm  · 

just accepted to cornell M Arch AP and PennDesign AP with $10,000 ship

oh and UVA

still waiting on gsapp

i probably applied to too many schools because its going to be a hard decision


Mar 14, 12 2:51 pm  · 

@ James Petty and other GSDers


Did you get both tier 1 and 2 grants as well. I initially received only tier 1 but then they sent me an updated list with only tier 2. Would be nice if they were able to combo the two...

Mar 14, 12 3:14 pm  · 


Me too, Larsson was the one I was interested in, but I wouldn't mind being with Paradiso or Oxman...

Have you been accepted in any program yet? 

Mar 14, 12 3:14 pm  · 

@jpugarte1: Nope. But if last year's results on are any indication, we should be finding out very soon!

Mar 14, 12 3:24 pm  · 

@otterson: no surprise here, your portfolio is excellent. See you in Cambridge!

@utaustin: doubt they combine them—they're "tiers" for a reason. Be happy with a 2.

Mar 14, 12 4:54 pm  · 

wait listed at GSD

out at Yale,MIT

waiting to hear from Cooper and GSAAP

anyone else wait listed? 

Mar 14, 12 4:56 pm  · 


That's what I had figured, but then FederallyFunded had said he had received both. Was wondering if this was an anomaly, or the norm.

Mar 14, 12 5:24 pm  · 

In at Penn with 10k!!! Pleasant surprise! Still waiting on Pratt, but Penn is first choice! Any others heading to Penn this summer for the prep course??

Mar 14, 12 5:39 pm  · 

anyone whose accepted to UW or Syracuse gotten anything in the mail from them yet? Both schools said packages were in the mail but I haven't received anything yet...

Mar 14, 12 5:51 pm  · 

Wow. Penn only offered me 6K in grants, but 54K annually in loans.

:OOO. Not headed to Philly this fall, for sure.

Mar 14, 12 5:54 pm  · 


Agreed, both UT and UW are splendid. I don't think I can get to either open house, but would love to hear inputs from anyone else who is going.

UW has been the dream all along, but I'm actually currently leaning UT as well. Everything I've read and everyone I've talked to is so overwhelmingly positive. It seems like such a solid school that's on the rise (agree on your prestige analysis), and I sometimes worry about UW being too stagnant or staid in its teachings. I also don't want to spend the next twenty years in Seattle and UT's curriculum feels a little more wide-lens to me without forsaking its own regionalism. I'd love to be refuted on that, but that's my read right now.

Also, love both the residency program and UW's abroad studios. I think they add both some really important depth to each. Faculties at both places seem great and UW seems to be bringing in some great new blood (griggs, corser). I'm really interested in design/build as well and would love to hear opinions on Alley Flats / Badanes studios if anyone has them. Initially 

Cash will be a big factor. Has anyone gotten their package / fin aid in the mail from UW yet? I know that UW is hurting from budget cuts, but I've heard the CBE does a pretty good job keeping its head above water facilities and materials wise. Fingers crossed

All in all, I'm pretty darn excited about the choice, but have no idea how it'll shake out. Anyone have other thoughts on UT or UW?


Mar 14, 12 6:50 pm  · 



hahah I hope so! Anyway, I meant if you were accepted in any program other than MIT Media Lab? (just curious, since we seem to have applied to the same programs)

Mar 14, 12 6:57 pm  · 

@ GSDers with tier based grants,

so is there any consensus on if they're combined or separate? I messed up my original fafsa because I didn't put my parents info, but have submitted a correction to apply for the tier 2 grants. anyone else apply for tier 2 after March 1st?

Mar 14, 12 7:31 pm  · 


Congrats on UPenn! I was also accepted conditionally if I complete the summer program. I also need to take Physics and maybe Calculus if they don't accepted the C- I got in community college back in 1998 (I feel old). Do you know if there is a way to take these courses concurrently with the summer program? I would think so since many of us are in the same situation.

Happy that I got in, but not sure if I am prepared to make such a big financial commitment (only got $5K funding) now that reality has set in--tough decision to be made soon. For now, I will just celebrate getting in  :)

Mar 14, 12 8:24 pm  · 

@ Lance Smith and others,

The GSD awards these grants based off of your own financial information (tier 1) or a combination of your information and your parents information (tier 2).

If you qualify for a T1 grant, you will be awarded that regardless of you and your parents eligibility for the T2 grant. In other words, the T2 grant is intended for students who can demonstrate higher financial need through the FAFSA and is sort of an upgrade over the T1. 

@FederallyFunded - Did you get a full $30k T2 grant or did you round up? I got a T2 grant of $26,900, and an extra 3k would certainly help!

Mar 14, 12 8:30 pm  · 

Somewhat skeptical of Funded's info...

Mar 14, 12 8:49 pm  · 

@ FederallyFunded
@ smwong

Could you guys please tell us whether you are a US resident or not? because that makes a huge difference. What I heard is that the maximum grants that international students can get is $10 000. But it varies for US students.

Please tell us your citizenship (or at least whether you are a US or nonUS citizen)


Thanks :)

Mar 14, 12 9:02 pm  · 

I only received $19K tier 2 from GSD... Really want to see what Yale will offer...

Mar 14, 12 9:03 pm  · 

@ Otterson

I am choosing the GSD for an M. Arch 1

@smwong:  i rounded up, i got a couple k more than you.. and thanks for clearing up the discussion.  I don't know how politically correct it is for us to share this info on the internet, but since we are doing it...w/e

but to clarify my position, i got a T1 grant and was told to update fafsa and be eligible for a T2.  Fafsa only takes a day to update processed applications, and the GSD was able to respond within 4-5 days.  Now, if my 28, 900 is combined or just T2, im not sure.  I suppose it is both combined.  

Anyhow, for the gsd'ers, i'd like to know who is going the the nyc thing and what it is actually 

Mar 14, 12 9:07 pm  · 

I will be at the NYC event - no idea what's going on though

Mar 14, 12 9:08 pm  · 

@march12012, I'm a US citizen. 

Mar 14, 12 9:26 pm  · 

good discussion... i think sharing helps us all figure stuff out

@fed fund

huh, I submitted my correction about a week and a half ago and still waiting... did you e-mail Maria?


anyone willing to live-blog or write about the nyc open house thing or the open house for those of us who are stuck and can't go?

Mar 14, 12 9:28 pm  · 

I received acceptance letter from Cornell.

Does anyone have an idea about how much Cornell will offer? I will know the amount only after I accept the offer.  Hard to decide.

Mar 14, 12 9:28 pm  · 

Does anyone have any insight into the M.Arch I programs of USC versus UCLA?

I know:
UCLA is a 3 year program but I would have some classes waived so I could take more electives.  I didn't get any scholarships (did anyone?) but hopefully I will get some continuing education scholarships next year

USC is a 2 year program and they gave me $15k a year, so the yearly price is the same as UCLA.

I've visited UCLA but not USC.  UCLA seems like it has much better student work, although I think USC just hasn't updated their gallery in quite awhile.  I love UCLA but it seems hard to justify an extra year for the same degree.

Mar 14, 12 9:49 pm  · 

@ Federally Funded, et. al.,

Is a Tier 2 grant also an award that you don't have to pay back?

Mar 14, 12 9:53 pm  · 

@lance I'd call the fin aid office, that's what I did..and I'm a perm resident for those who asked... In my opinion I'd probably go to the gsd even I was getting more aid at an other schools, id worry about the pedagogy at this point more than financials...taking out 22k vs 25k loan isn't such a big deal vs being at the right place for you studies. What can I say I might be thinking differently. We are talking about a 5-10k difference on a 200k investment. At lest that's how I see it... I'm going to the open house but I don't know if I'll b blogging anything. I'll def contribute to a discussion

Mar 14, 12 9:55 pm  · 

And anyone know is m.arch at gsapp decisions are out yet?

Mar 14, 12 10:04 pm  · 

@federally funded Nope...still waiting...and getting impatient

Mar 14, 12 10:15 pm  · 

@FederallyFunded, I agree with you about pedagogy ... and connections. The GSD has great resources, and their philosophy aligns perfectly with my interests. Still, even with generous grants, taking out 100k in loans will be a huge burden, especially if you have undergraduate debt like me. 

Mar 14, 12 10:18 pm  · 

does anyone have an idea whether ucla aud march 2 results are out>?? any news on that?

Mar 14, 12 10:47 pm  · 


does anyone have an idea about SAC(Frankfurt) ? how good is that school ?

Mar 14, 12 10:54 pm  · 

thanks @smwong and @fed fund for the info and advice... will be calling tomorrow. in the meantime.... waiting and waiting for GSAPP





Mar 14, 12 11:16 pm  · 

A question about GSD:

I was reading the GSD Student Guide handbook, specifically the Evening Van Service in Harvard Transportation section... 

Is it free? Does it take you from Harvard to your home (inside that radius they specify)? Or did I completely misunderstood what it says in there?


Mar 15, 12 12:32 am  · 

I feel silly asking this having not gotten acceptances from these schools yet, but does anyone know when the GSAPP and/or Pratt open houses will be held? I am hoping to make it out for UPenn's open house on 4/2 and since Philly is a lot closer to New York than San Francisco, wouldn't mind hanging around NYC for up to week or so if it meant I could get in on those open houses as well (assuming I got in).

Mar 15, 12 12:56 am  · 

@byen yup tier grants are need based scholarships

Mar 15, 12 1:01 am  · 


I haven't received any other details from UCLA yet.  I'm not sure if that means I haven't received any financial aid or if they're just slow.  I'm also eager to find out the details for the open house weekend, and whether or not they'll help out with travel expenses.... 

I've never seen USC so that's tough. I've gotten the impression that Wash U has a better program... and if you don't go to the UCLA open house i'll let you know how it is.


See you in St. Louis too!

Mar 15, 12 1:04 am  · 


Yes the evening van service free. Harvard also has a free general shuttle service that runs both later and more frequently than the evening van service (evening shuttle is used to take the overflow of students that would normally be waiting for the regular shuttle). I took massive advantage of it when doing CDisco a few years back. Also very useful for if you're ever going between the different Harvard schools (if you end up taking a B-school or JFK class as an elective). Also, it won't take you to your house, unless your house is at a designated bus stop.

EDIT: actually, if your house is anywhere along the bus route, the shuttle could make non-designated stops. "please inform the driver when boarding. Drivers will make requested stops whenever it is safe to do so."

Mar 15, 12 2:42 am  · 

@jason_sf: GSAPP open house is April 4th.

Mar 15, 12 6:51 am  · 

University of Toronto will be sending out decisions next week (Yvonne didn't specify if by email or mail).

Mar 15, 12 12:29 pm  · 

General poll: which would you choose -a free ride at a state university -lots of debt at one of the top programs in country Moral dilemma

Mar 15, 12 12:38 pm  · 

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