
2012 M.Arch Applicants, Commiserate Here!



after you sign in, you should arrive at a screen that says:

Application for Admission

Submission status: Submitted etc. etc.

When I scroll all the way to the bottom, it says:

Decision Status: Available beginning 3/13/2012

Your application decision is now available online


Hope this helps!

Mar 13, 12 5:49 pm  · 


SCI.arc?? Did you apply to SCI-Fi program?? Or they've started sending results from march I and march II programs??

I'm considering going to GSD Open House and NY Reception. However I'm not from USA, so anyone here from NY, Boston or Cambridge who could give some tips about cheap places to stay (hostels or w/e)

Mar 13, 12 5:49 pm  · 



no sign of it yet...that's how it worked with the HP admission....should i be worried that it hasnt showed up??

Mar 13, 12 5:55 pm  · 


You applied something else other than M.Arch, right?

Mar 13, 12 5:58 pm  · 

Two more decisions today:

MIT SMArchS- Out

Columbia MSAUD- IN

Only Cooper Union to go.

Mar 13, 12 6:13 pm  · 
ml3745 the only admissions decisions from GSAPP were for urban design?  No one has heard from the Architecture program yet?



got my addmission letter for UMD just now!

Tally as it stands now


PennDesign for HP -In

UMD for ARHP-In with $$

Mar 13, 12 6:23 pm  · 

For those still interested in UBC, just called their offices and they said that letters will be mailed out this week.

Mar 13, 12 6:46 pm  · 

@jpugarte1: the Pod Hotel in NYC is decent and cheap

@ml3745 and gsd110

Yup, I applied to Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design (post-professional). You guys shouldn't have anything to worry about. Good luck, by the way :)

@RandomWorks: congrats! What are you leaning towards?

Mar 13, 12 7:12 pm  · 

@phycon and kd489

I will be at WUSTL open house as well. 

Mar 13, 12 7:41 pm  · 

In at Columbia GSAPP too :)

Mar 13, 12 7:53 pm  · 
sofia k

@FederallyFunded - not sure what it's about. Assuming a lecture, maybe some hors d'oeuvres, mingling. You know, the stuff you do at the H. Club...

@jpugarte1 - Yes, Sci Fi. Hope you can make it to U.S.!


Mar 13, 12 8:20 pm  · 

@yascott: Congrats on your acceptance to Columbia also! I have no idea which way I’m leaning; I hope the open houses will help to clarify things for me. (The GSD is giving me the best financial package though.) What about you?

Mar 13, 12 8:58 pm  · 

@Raskladushka and FederallyFunded - I fully expect a great deal of whiskey swilling in smoking jackets.

Mar 13, 12 9:03 pm  · 

to anyone that has been admitted to the GSD....  Have they ever called you or anything? 

Mar 13, 12 9:05 pm  · 

@FederallyFunded: No call, just the package I received in the mail.

Mar 13, 12 9:17 pm  · 

@RandomWorks: I, too, have the best financial package from the GSD (strangely), and given that it's been a long-standing dream of mine to attend, I'll very likely end up in Cambridge. Look forward to meeting you at open house/in the fall (if you end up there, too).

@FederallyFunded: I never got any calls from the GSD, though I hear that if you took the TOEFL they might have called you for an interview.

@morgan2sims: awesome :)

Mar 13, 12 9:20 pm  · 

Ok I'm just asking because I got a call from one of their faculty on the admissions committee today.  He just congratulated and told me to meet with him at the open house.  I was just curious..

Mar 13, 12 9:31 pm  · 
The Great Northern

In at Cooper Union (MArch II) and Columbia GSAPP ( cash)

Mar 13, 12 10:45 pm  · 


I got a call one night last weekend from GSD, but missed it. Called them back and had a chat though, just about general stuff (impressions of the program, questions I had, etc).

Mar 13, 12 10:52 pm  · 

OK so just to be clear, GSAPP has -not- released decisions for M. Arch, right????

Mar 13, 12 11:17 pm  · 


I also got a call from the GSD... just a general 'welcoming' and any questions, stuff like utaustin2012 said. I hear it is actually customary for them to do this.

Mar 13, 12 11:19 pm  · 


Out at Princeton, Yale and GSD MArch II

Pending: Cooper Union, Cornell MArch II, UCL Bartlett MArch (RIBA pt2)

I have received an e-mail from the Cooper Union last week and they asked me to set up an interview. Still waiting for their reply....

Mar 13, 12 11:21 pm  · 

@Lance Smith


no releases for M.Arch at GSAPP yet...

so far from what i know GSAPP has released admissions notifications for MSHP, MAUD and MSAAD

Mar 13, 12 11:24 pm  · 

phew, all right, thanks @ ml3745... this probably means M. Archs really soon!!!

Mar 13, 12 11:28 pm  · 

Long time listener, first time caller here.


Anyone else lucky enough to be choosing between UT and UW?

Mar 13, 12 11:28 pm  · 

In at Cornell, out at MIT today. Haven't heard anything from GSAPP either. (as an M.Arch I applicant.)

Mar 13, 12 11:31 pm  · 

In at GSAPP AAD with no $, waiting on Cornell, Cooper Union and UPenn.

Mar 13, 12 11:57 pm  · 
"The Co-op Guy"

Received an acceptance email from Cornell this evening! Some $..

All my app decisions are finally in and accounted for!


In: U Michigan, RISD, Cornell, U Washington, first three with about 1/4 tuition, waiting on UW..

Out: GSD, MIT, Princeton, pretty much expecting those since EVERYONE applies there.


@byen01, @pillow

Cornell's program seems really intense and rigorous (a good thing I suppose!) Seems like people have an issue with their grad program because its only a few years old, but with such a solid B.Arch program it seems like their grad program would inevitably be strong as well since it was created by a well respected faculty. Also looks like there international studio/travel focus is pretty on par for caliber in other schools. Anyone here not going to Cornell for the reason of the program being young or have you found other concerns?  I'm hopefully going to make it out March 30 for their open house.. 

My initial reaction is to go for Michigan (also cheapest for me but willing to look past that) because there are some really interesting, diverse faculty doing all kinds of work - from the über conceptual to mapping/geography, to more trad/passive work. I'm focused on getting a technical yet interdisciplinary and international education, and it seems like UM has a great program for this. I don't really know enough to judge the other schools until I go talk to faculty and visit... Such a hard decision, but a great one to have. This next month will be crazy!

Mar 14, 12 12:35 am  · 


I'm also in your shoes.  Both great places to be that is for sure, but damn difficult to decide.  Sure helps that both open houses are on the same day too...Will you be attending either of the open houses?  Anyone else out there attending either of the open houses? 

Any thoughts on your end?  As of now I'm leaning a bit towards UT because of the residency program, public interest design program, weather/Austin seems awesome, and possibility for specialization in sustainable design.  It's ranked a bit higher too, not that that really matters though.

UW does have some awesome faculty though, excellent opportunities abroad, and the wood shop is second to none.  Seems as if lots of firms in Seattle specifically try to hire UW students too.  Have heard its an exciting, up and coming program really focused on the urban scene in Seattle.  I just don't know if I'm correct in assuming UT is considered a bit more prestigious.

Would be great to get your input/anyone elses.

Mar 14, 12 1:38 am  · 
Ankita Chachra

I have got through  UC Berkeley and GSAPP Columbia for Masters in Urban Design..Super excited but equally confused now..!! 

I need to choose.. please anyone and everyone.. do share your point of view.. 


Mar 14, 12 5:28 am  · 

anyone heard from delft? or applied to hyperbody there?

Mar 14, 12 7:51 am  · 

@"The Co-op Guy" 

what's the scholarship you got from cornell? was it merit based??

if it is i guess i didn't get it. In the letter, they said something like "Also, we have placed your name on a list for consideration of financial assistance after April 15." i guess they meant financial aid? but it doesn't make sense. you have to decide by april 15th to go there? and know about financial situation after april 15th? anyone else who got into cornell??? maybe i should call them.

Mar 14, 12 8:26 am  · 

enmod-my daughter got the same letter from Cornell and we also wondered how they can expect you to pay a deposit without seeing a financial package beforehand. Please post if you call Cornell and let us know what they say about that!

Mar 14, 12 9:01 am  · 


i got into cornell with the same strange proposal. i think they are looking for people who are interested in going regardless of the money. or they may also be behind schedule with processing financial aid.

the letter i received didn't look very official (no header, no university logo) and i got the feeling that everything is not very well organized... my very own perception! might very well be wrong.

i would also be very interested in hearing what they said if you do call them.

Mar 14, 12 9:03 am  · 

any idea when columbia m.arch1 program decisions will come out??

Mar 14, 12 9:20 am  · 

@sgkerbel, @pillow

i called them. all the scholarships that are available within the department are already distributed in the offer letters(sent to you online) so if you didn't get it in ur email you didn't get merit based scholarhips. but they still have financial aid available from the central university which you will be getting after april 15th.  Cornell AAP told me to contact them about more information. i looked up online i think available ones are almost just loans i think..........but u can call the financial aid department to ask more questions. so pretty much no scholarship for cornell for me. i guess they gave merit based scholarships to the people they really want it.

Mar 14, 12 9:32 am  · 

@enmod thank you

Mar 14, 12 9:39 am  · 

UPenn in two hrs!

Mar 14, 12 9:45 am  · 



FINGERS CROSSED!  good luck to everyone waiting to find out, i expect a flood of good news posts!

Mar 14, 12 9:51 am  · 

Good luck people! Although it is exciting to get surprise emails from schools but I actually like how UPenn is notifying on specific date at specific time and in specific way. It’s very efficient. GSD was def. surprise who knew they would email the results out on March 1st. in other hand I thought MIT’s method was somewhat disappointing. Felt like they were all over the place in sending out decisions, phone calls, mails, status updates, emails…hm I think some schools need better notification method for the applicants.

Mar 14, 12 10:03 am  · 



AGREED!  I'm sick of all the questions starting in January "so when do you hear back"  and there is no way of knowing.  Some schools say decisions will be mailed out BY this date, but that could mean it could come anytime before that as well.

I like Penn's system.  The surprise emails are exciting but can cause havoc.  Example: had a midterm to study for, my phone buzzes with an acceptance letter on a sunday night at to say i got NO studying done that night...too distracted and excited.  If i knew the dates i could have planned accordingly and allowed for time to be either excited or depressed!

Mar 14, 12 10:15 am  · 

Columbia hasn't given me an answer for MSAAD.  Should I be concerned?

Mar 14, 12 10:31 am  · 

in at GSAPP for MSAAD +18k


Think I'm about to put my GSD deposit down though. Think I'm headed to Cambridge

Mar 14, 12 10:45 am  · 


what program at GSD?


Mar 14, 12 11:51 am  · 

Penn decisions are out as of 3 mins ago...waitisted


Mar 14, 12 12:03 pm  · 

I got IN UPenn with $5000 scholarship for this other fin aid mentioned!

Mar 14, 12 12:06 pm  · 

total Tally:

only applied to GSD and Penn:

GSD: in + 30k Grant

Penn: in +5k scholarship

Mar 14, 12 12:12 pm  · 


Your GSD grand was much higher than my offer... are these actually "need based" grants as they claim?  I am completely on my own paying for grad school, so I'm afraid I might not be able to attend.

Mar 14, 12 12:42 pm  · 

in at upenn as well with some scholarship money. very exciting news! good luck to everyone.

Mar 14, 12 12:43 pm  · 



I'm pretty sure they are need based cuz im pretty poor...  its a combination of tier 1 and 2 though...


Mar 14, 12 12:46 pm  · 

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