
the OC

In the office this morning a few of my co-workers have been excitedly talking about the new episode tonight. I've also noticed it mentioned on Archinect before as well.

Do a large portion of architects watch this show?

Jan 6, 05 9:56 am

no it sucks...misha barton is hot though!

Jan 6, 05 10:17 am  · 

My girlfriend is really into it for some reason - I've tried to watch it with her, but couldn't get into it because its just so bad. She threatened me with her Christmas copy of the first season on DVD, but I countered with the original Star Wars trilogy DVD boxed set in widescreen. I barely dodged that bullet...

So yeah, I'd have to pretty much say that it sucks.

Jan 6, 05 10:37 am  · 

it's actually the only other show besides the daily show that i make time for during the week.

Jan 6, 05 10:38 am  · 

Nice topic! What is the world comming to! I thought this was supposed to be a forum dedicated to things higher than this...really sad!

BTW...I watch the strike above.

Jan 6, 05 10:45 am  · 

Misha Barton looks like a coked out whore. Simple truth. Somebody get that girl a cheeseburger!

My girlfriend watches the show religiously. I must admit, there are some witty/well written moments (although they're nearly ruined by the aweful acting), but for the most part, it's a typical, mediocre show.


Jan 6, 05 10:48 am  · 

OC? Oh Crap! Is no wonder why Architecture and the Nurban landscape have turned into a vacuous bowel waiting to be continually crammed with new material. The architectural profession has moved on from being one-time well respected arbiters of taste to now being busy viewing teenage level soap operas.

Jan 6, 05 11:25 am  · 

oh crap suture watch as the architectural profession crumbles down around you.

Jan 6, 05 11:35 am  · 

What? I think that the opening shots of the 8k sf Tile Roofed McMansions is spot on with respects to the "utopian" American Life. Every teen watching wants to drive a 85k Range Rover and live in one of those "luxurious" homes! F*ck Chino, say hi to the "Real World". The show as bad as it is, actually drive the nail the much deeper into the caufin. My favorite part (related to us) is the Evil "Developer" Grandfather...builder of fine McMansions.
I predict once Ryan becomes an architect, he is going to be heavily influenced by his "hood" roots. He an Marissa (Mischa)...aka "Crack Whore" will re-design/build the inner city, bringing a little piece of the OC to those less fortunate!

Jan 6, 05 11:38 am  · 

I don't think watching TV soap operas is turning architecture into a vaucous bowel, Derrida watched crappy TV like a fiend and it didn't devalue his intellect. As I have stated before it is the romantic notion that we are "respected arbiters of taste" that has doomed us to our insignificant corner fighting over the last few museum commissions out there. If anything we should watch more TV and learn.

Jan 6, 05 12:21 pm  · 

other than the daily show, everything else is awful. however, i do find time to catch a good laugh by watching fox news...

Jan 6, 05 1:27 pm  · 

So the show isn't a "realistic" interpetation of life in Orange County, California?!? Say it ain't so.

I fill the void in my life by watching the Food Network. It always makes me hungry but for some reason I just can't turn it off.

Jan 6, 05 1:33 pm  · 

man...i wish i lived in Capeside!

Jan 6, 05 1:36 pm  · 

A, be very weary of what you see/hear on the Food Channel! My roadtrips the past 2 years have involved stops @ Highly recommended places by: "Best Of", "Rachel Ray" (she's hot!), and a few other shows. '03 was great...but '04 brought a whole bunch of crap! worthless establishments.
I've never been to th OC, but from what I hear (close friend from there) the show is pretty realistic.

Jan 6, 05 1:58 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

I work in the o.c. !!

A ~ Food Network's my fav, too. I lurve Iron Chef (anxiously awaiting the premier jan. 16) Good Eats! and sorta The Secret Life of ...

Jan 6, 05 1:58 pm  · 
Israel Kandarian

i watch the show...but i grew up just south of the private school line that divides newport beach from laguna beach...i also enjoy the show. but i probably would not tune in if i did not have a sentimental attachement to orange county.

by the way - anyone watch "house?" the new hospital drama? it is supposed to be a learning hospital for med students. the only problem is that is is supposed to be princeton medical school...princeton does not have a medical school! hahaahaha! also, they use the frist campus center for the exterior shots of the hospital.

Jan 6, 05 2:30 pm  · 

since this thread is turning into a show comparison. whos amped for 24. i think its a great concept and a great way to use television's unique habitual characteristics to tell a story. you could never have a 24 hr movie. and i hear that they dont really figure out all the shows before the season starts. they figure alot of them out as they go along.

the only bad part is if you miss an episode your kinda screwed

Jan 6, 05 2:43 pm  · 

bad for us, great for the tv network. and i agree, pretty good tv, although i only saw the 1st season.

no princeton med- probably why they chose it. usually they try to make up universities... except for the paper chase, which was great.... old times... [i'm not that old, just in south america us 30 somethings got to see really old shows when we were kids]

Jan 6, 05 2:51 pm  · 

I watched the 1st season of 24, not bad, lost intrest after that. Do fondly miss watchin Elish Cuthbert each week. She still on the show?

Rachel Ray is great and the 30 min meals is just what I have time for. Alton Brown knows his shit well too. Being the carnivore that I am Bobby Flay knows his way around a grill. My mouth is watering. Damn, this slow day at the office.

Jan 6, 05 3:59 pm  · 

I heart the OC... but Chino needs to lose the new chick and go back to Marissa. Cohen and Summer are getting annoying, Julie Cooper is a slut without peer and Kirsten should cut off Caleb -- he's gonna be a prison bitch sooner than later.

I can't wait for American Idol to start. woo-hoo!!

Jan 6, 05 7:57 pm  · 
badass japanese cookie

the OC? you must mean Newport Beach.

Jan 6, 05 8:01 pm  · 

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