
Bush Monkey


What do you guys think about this?

Dec 14, 04 3:22 pm

or this


thanks for being my bitches.

Dec 14, 04 3:35 pm  · 
or this

thanks for being my bitches.

Dec 14, 04 3:36 pm  · 

ahh.. the signs are everywhere.. i wonder when it will happen

Dec 14, 04 5:10 pm  · 

So no ones unhappy that an exhibition was closed down because one artist depicted George Bush assembled out of tiny figure of monkeys.... If I had $3Grand I'd buy the painting. You Americans apparently live in a democracy...

Dec 15, 04 4:58 pm  · 

Unhappy, yes. Upset? Not so much, in this case.
1) I don't understand the circumstances.
2) It's a private gallery.
3) The artist has gotten more notice because of this flap than he would have if the exhibit had remained open.

All in all, an ill-advised-but-legal private censorship has blown up and the press has helped make this a public discussion. Democracy at its best.

Dec 15, 04 5:13 pm  · 

...i'm unhappy.
unhappy that the piece of crap was called 'art' in the first place.
it's at best a political cartoon, and not a particularly good or clever one..... what happened to the days when artists actually made statements?

more unhappy with the state of art then this non-incident......

Dec 15, 04 5:26 pm  · 

Maybe I've Gone Bananas, but doesn't the Artist like a Monkey?

Dec 15, 04 5:29 pm  · 

Mr Ward, I guess you are correct.

Dec 15, 04 5:31 pm  · 

But surely the more pathetic response is from the bufoon who originally took offence and gave instructions to close the exhibition down - regardless of whether the art is good, bad or indifferent

Dec 15, 04 5:36 pm  · 


"A portrait of US President George Bush using monkeys to form his image led to the closure of a New York art exhibition amid anguished protests over freedom of expression.

Bush Monkeys, a small acrylic on canvas by Chris Savido, created the stir at the Chelsea Market public space, leading the market's managers to close down the 60-piece show that was scheduled to stay open for the next month.

The show featured art from the upcoming issue of Animal Magazine, a quarterly publication featuring emerging artists.

"We had tons of people, like more than 2000 people, show up for the opening on Thursday night," said show organiser Bucky Turco. "Then this manager saw the piece and the guy just kind of flipped out. 'The show is over. Get this work down or I'm gonna arrest you', he said. It's been kind of wild."

Mr Turco took the show down on Saturday and moved the art work to his small Animal Gallery. Calls to the management of Chelsea Market for comment were not returned.

From afar, the painting offers a likeness of Mr Bush, but when you get closer you see the image is made up of chimpanzees or monkeys swimming in a marsh."

Dec 15, 04 5:37 pm  · 
Tim DeCoster

ah, the age old question of what is art.

I personally think that it is art. It makes a statement and certainly has stirred the pot. It is cleverly crafted in terms of social impact.

It evokes good feelings by some, bitter feelings by others.

If Duchamp's urinal is art, so is this. The currator, undoubtedly was aware of Duchamp's success based on his exhibition experience. In closing the exhibition, he thus probably knew he was doing this artist a big favor by making a fuss.

Dec 15, 04 5:38 pm  · 

Great marketing! I gotta hand it to the kid for doing it.

Stupid of the manager, what did he think would happen?

This type of reaction is common, and yet no one ever learns (usually the conservative exec type, like banning music downloads, and then EVERYONE doing it). It's amusing.

That manager just catapulted this kid into fame, for a minute, anyway.

Dec 15, 04 5:44 pm  · 

duchamp's work was seminal in the dada movement, this kid is just creating a piece of digital imagery and happened to be at the right place at the right time. its been done before, and it will be done again, i can't believe he is actually getting press for this

i guess i am just jealous

Dec 15, 04 6:54 pm  · 

has anyone here read the story 'Nipple Jesus' by Nick Hornby?

Dec 15, 04 7:22 pm  · 

i just see it as a caricature...

bush a money..

Dec 15, 04 7:32 pm  · 


Dec 15, 04 7:32 pm  · 

good call ferplexion... seems very familiar to the bush monkey piece... a little too familiar.. hmm

Dec 15, 04 7:34 pm  · 

.....if you all recall, duchamps urinal wasn't exhibited. the panel deemed it non art and didn't display it.....but i hardly would compare the significance of the readymade to, if the painting was actually done by a chimpanzee, now that would be something.......and even better if it was in people clothes.........

Dec 15, 04 9:26 pm  · 

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