
Scott Peterson gets death penalty


ODR, i think e and I have been on a parallel conversation lately and i seriously doubt e is making a connection between the two in the way you're implying.

Dec 16, 04 2:31 pm  · 

e, thank you for your response. i appreciate you taking the time and i look forward to your next post on the topic. i too have been busy, and i still have a MoMMA topic to get back to for Steven and Stephanie.

I agree that you agree we agree. whew...
There are big picture 'whats' that we can feel similarly about, i think we just differ on the current/future 'hows' and 'whys'.

Certainly you can debunk my worst case scenarios just as i can yours. Although i may get flamed for initial hypothetical short response to your defensive scenario was a simple:

'anything worth shooting once is worth shooting more than once'.

Owning a firearm for the defense of your family and loved ones is perhaps one of the heaviest responsibilities one can bear. It is a matter of life and death. owning a firearm is the first step but it comes with larger and far reaching obligations. You must also change your level of familiarity and training, your feelings toward personal freedom in this nation, and most of all your mindset. You act as you train. If you don't educate and train yourself and your family, you are asking for an accident at best, at worst a tragedy. Some people aren't ready for the responsibility and that's fine.

If the topic of personal safety is like poker, i'd rather walk to the table like instrumentOFaction and be able to lay the cards down like Phil Gordon when i have to, if you catch my drift.

Dec 16, 04 2:57 pm  · 

nice instrument. i respect your need and desire to do what you think is the best way to provide for and protect your family. having that choice is what it's all about. one solution does not work for all. you must find what works best for you.

Dec 16, 04 3:39 pm  · 

agreed. nice website for your company, btw. i've enjoyed it.

Dec 16, 04 3:44 pm  · 

many thanks.

Dec 16, 04 5:02 pm  · 
Item A

: Scott & Lacy Peterson

I dont give a flying fuck about this case. Thousands of people are murdered every year under equally bizarre/meaningless circumstances, and like ieugenei said, no one ever hears about it. There are lots of truly interesting things that happen in this world, amazing incredible stories of human pain and perseverance; why do stories like this or this languish in the back of the back of media nothingness while we have scott and lacy forcefed down our throats?

Let us examine-

[1] they are american.
[2] they are wealthy.
[3] they are attractive.
[4] they are white.
[5] a love triangle is involved.
[5] christmas is involved.
[6] an unborn child is involved.
[7] a severed head is involved.
[8] yay, boating is fun!

e.g. we expect the same from the news as we do a bad made-for-tv-movie.

Items B & C Abortion and Capital Punishment

Murder, killing, is the willful denial of life of a non-consenting human being by another human being. This seems quite simple to me. Whether the denied human happens to have killed one or many other people, or whether they happen not to have breached the cervix quite yet, or whether said denial of life was committed with a laser guided bomb or a fountain pen in the White House rather than with a .38 in a convenience store or bombs strapped to ones chest in a crowded marketplace doesnt seem to me to undo this fundamental definition. But people dont really go by logic do they? Killing is never necessary, its always dumb, and always causes as much trouble as it prettends to solve. Not that I find people who do it to be evil, whatever that means, just terribly weak and uncreative.

Dec 17, 04 4:01 am  · 

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