
mdler and ...tumbleweed...


I like Orhan's suggestion.....make them pay if they want to be silly....hehe...

May 4, 07 11:21 am  · 

Let them get a motel room...

May 4, 07 11:25 am  · 

doesn't anyone else think this whole mdler, tumble bashing is kind of mean...I mean aren't they are friends still?

I understand and agree with the frustration, and things have gotten out of hand. I certainly haven't helped matters either, but if this post was "SuperBeatledud" and called for the same thing with all these posts, I'd be pretty hurt. I agree something has to be done, and a vote maybe wasn't too out of line (if anything but to get the message across) but let's have some sensitivity here.

May 4, 07 11:27 am  · 

it's about time

May 4, 07 11:39 am  · 

I guess my question is who are they hurting? Most importantly where does it stop. I think once we start banning anyone we start sliding down a slippery slope.

May 4, 07 11:45 am  · 
vado retro

why does everyone gravytrain off me? if you all don't like their comments don't read 'em. at least they arent asking what grad school to attend.

May 4, 07 11:47 am  · 

vado, you're the biggest post felon of them all.

May 4, 07 11:48 am  · 

SBD1 - it doesn't seem like there's any bashing going on. this poll was instigated by A LOT of emails we've been receiving with complaints about their activity in the forum. some people are telling us that it has become so annoying that they're not participating anymore. we don't hold any opinions about mdler or tumbleweed. we just want to keep the forum helpful and enjoyable to the majority of the audience.

it's an easy decision for us if we are forced to choose between letting the forum turn into a free-for-all playground or if we should try to moderate the activity so it can remain relatively helpful and fun. we're more interested, however, it getting the feedback of the users to help form a decision.

May 4, 07 11:54 am  · 

Archinect has banned high-profile users before. If someone takes advantage of the open nature of the site, some boundaries need to be set.

Furthermore, I know mdler personally and I almost lived with tumbles. But to most other people they are just other anonymous users, not "friends". I personally have a pretty high tolerance for these things, and they were even starting to annoy me....still, I don't want them to go away, as I believe they are both quite intelligent and have a lot to contribute to the site.

I think that maybe they didn't understand that they were annoying *that many* people. They probably do now.

May 4, 07 11:56 am  · 

Archinect and I are like this, LOL

May 4, 07 11:58 am  · 
vado retro

what's a post felon?

May 4, 07 11:59 am  · 

I don't disagree, i don't know, I'm conflicted with this, that's all.

May 4, 07 12:08 pm  · 

post felon = vado??

May 4, 07 12:11 pm  · 

in the new light, i'm not going to elaborate on this in order to not hijack this sight.

May 4, 07 12:14 pm  · 

Post felon is better than felon, or even pre felon, because then you have all that felon trouble to look forward to. Post felon is good. Admirable.

May 4, 07 12:21 pm  · 

god forbid they annoy anyone.

Welcome to the military state of archinect. A great solution would be for there to be a BIG list of what people can and cannot comment on and what will be the penalty for defying the rules. For example:
How many humorous puns can I make?
What will be my punishment if my pun unintentionally hijacks a thread?
How many threads asking for assistance regarding grad school are allowed to exist?
Will asking what are good restaurants to eat at in different cities be acceptable considering this does not involve architecture?
I also want to know how many people have to be annoyed or emails sent before I can recommend having anyone banned. A LOT and "that many" seems quite arbitrary.

May 4, 07 12:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado, the song above is one of your best efforts yet. Very funny.

May 4, 07 12:25 pm  · 

And heartfelt.

May 4, 07 12:35 pm  · 

agreed with lb, love wilco, but i think you IMPROVED on the lyrics. Dear vado, i think you're in the wrong profession.

May 4, 07 12:35 pm  · 

alfrejas, Im not saying you're wrong, but it seems like you aren't giving Paul and the crew their due diligence. They aren't posting this because they got 1 or 2 emails about this. Nor was it because the culprits hijacked at random a thread here or a thread there, over time.....I suppose (and this is obvious) that because of the # of entries and constant barrage of their flirtatious comments back and forth to one another....well it just got to people. I know that at times people post humorous things and make certain puns, but I suppose that from the shear volume and their constant posts....some people got just a little too much of them.

I think that if it was done over a long stretch of time whereby it wasn't so rampant, we wouldn't have been having this conversation. Nevertheless....the constant flirtations/innuendoes....well that was a bit much.

Again, this does not mean we don't like them (I have met and know mdler personally - hes' a good guy). I guess things just got out of hand.

May 4, 07 12:37 pm  · 


my tolerance is pretty high...but the two of them were taking over
every thread with their and forth...if it was one
thread fine..but they were taking over every thread and starting
new ones.

i'm sure they're great people and fun to be around..but how many
times do i have to read 'hi tumbles'....'hi mdler'. just start emailing
each other already.

it's cool they get along and are hitting it off..but why do the rest of
us have to read all of their interactions?

asking about grad school, restaurants, what this forum
is about..asking for information form like-minded people. it is
architecture-related because the target audience is in/around the
profession. it's small minded to think that architecture has to
solely revolve around building...

May 4, 07 12:39 pm  · 

if anything, this just sends a message. Hope no negative recourse follows.

May 4, 07 12:41 pm  · 

I cannot believe people are complaining about how Archinect is handling this. This is the most fair and even-handed, nondictatorial way to handle this situation I have ever seen!

We are ALL lucky to have access to this great (privately owned, I might add) resource and I applaud the powers that be for involving us all, as equals, in making sure that everybody respects it.

For the record, I voted other. Before it was cool. :P This is also the fourth (and shortest!) response to this thread I have written.

May 4, 07 12:43 pm  · 

Isn't the best way to handle this situation to start a collection to get them a room? Or a weekend away?

May 4, 07 12:46 pm  · 

well, then vote 'other' and enter that!

May 4, 07 12:49 pm  · 
vado retro

hi lars!

May 4, 07 12:50 pm  · 


was per banned?

May 4, 07 12:52 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I'm in Love with a mdler (sung to T-Pain's "I'm in Love with a Stripper")

Got the body of garwondler
Postin' every 5 minutes I see you girl
Droppin Low
She Comin Down from Thread Central
To tha floo
Yea She Know what she doin
Yea yea yea
She doin that Wright thang
Yea yea yea yea ea
I Need to get her over to my Eames chair and do that night thang
Cause I`m N Luv wit a mdler

[Chorus x2]

She poppin she rollin she rollin
She climbin that pole and
Im N Luv with a mdler
She trippin she playin she playin
Im not goin nowhere girl im stayin
Im N Luv with a mdler

[Verse 2]

Out of all the archi-geeks she be the hottest
Like n the way she render in VIZ I see u girl
Stumblin' drunk
And She lookin at me
Right in my trunk
Yea She got my attention
yea yea yea
Did I forget to mention
I Need to get her over to my Eames chair and do that night thang
Cause Im N Luv Wit a mdler

[Chorus x2]

[Verse 3]

She can draw it she can sketch it
Ludwid Mies Van Der Roh down I`m bout to see this sexy girl
In My thread
She don`t know what she is doin
To my head
Yea She turnin tricks on me
Yea Yea Yea
She dont even know me
Yea yea yea ea
I`d have got her over to my Eames chair to do that night thing
Cause I`m N Luv Wit a mdler

May 4, 07 12:54 pm  · 

we had our will stop

May 4, 07 12:58 pm  · 

I kind of like that they bring a little adolescent humor to archinect. Does it really get in peoples' way or irk people so much that they inject some goofiness into a thread? Will this become a forum only for high seriousness?

The nice thing about a discussion board is that reading is a purely voluntary endeavour -- you can choose to ignore their posts. It would be a different story if they were in your office next to you shouting or fondling each other or something. But if you don't like their posts, just skip over them. But I think policing comments sets a bad precedent.

May 4, 07 12:59 pm  · 

i do like squaredsquared's idea, however

May 4, 07 12:59 pm  · 
Gabe Bergeron

Talking architecture and flirting are like two peas in a pod!

I hope there's no fee for cliche metaphores...

May 4, 07 1:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

FRO's comment on thread central inspired me to come here and say this: I think outside of the flirting (which is mildly annoying in huge quantity) both mdler and tumbleweed make contributions to the site that I enjoy and would miss if they disappeared.

I'm not interested in seeing people banned or limited in their interaction. That said, whatever the Ginormous Benevolent Hand of Archinect decides to do will be right, in this as in all issues.

May 4, 07 1:01 pm  · 

Thanks LB...we will stop our flirting.

I make no intention of stopping my smart-ass comments however, nor will I learn to spall any better

May 4, 07 1:04 pm  · 


May 4, 07 1:05 pm  · 
Chili Davis

"Mekka-lekka hi mekka hiney ho!"
"Mekka-lekka hi mekka chahney ho!"
"Mola-mekka chala mekka hola hayla hey!"
May 4, 07 1:07 pm  · 

are you saying that Archinect has turned into Pee-Wee's Playhouse?

May 4, 07 1:09 pm  · 
Chili Davis

No, just Jambi.

May 4, 07 1:12 pm  · 

both tumbles and I have agreeded to release all of the hijacked threads in exchange for Archinect Amnesty

May 4, 07 1:17 pm  · 

I was being VERY sarcastic and I think what I wrote was very stupid but I was trying to make a point. Seems like most reacted correctly to my policing idea. Putting that kind of filter would surely kill archinect.
You are absolutly right larslarson. It is very small minded to think architecture exist in a vacuum. I'm part of this site to share and exchange ideas and commentaries but most importantly to laugh and vent a little with the few people who would understand the underpaid, psyhotic, glorious field we have chosen.

May 4, 07 1:19 pm  · 

you should hold out for the archinect plane.

May 4, 07 1:26 pm  · 
Say No to Student Loans

I don't know why one waits for the other to post before they start posting-

May 4, 07 1:31 pm  · 

Stumblin' drunk
And She lookin at me
Right in my trunk

I lol'ed.

May 4, 07 1:35 pm  · 
vado retro

excellent chili!

hi namby!!!

May 4, 07 1:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

It's only in huge quantity on every thread that the flirting is a problem.

Honestly, without a little flirting, what's the point of living? That's my attitude.

May 4, 07 1:44 pm  · 
It's only in huge quantity on every thread that the flirting is a problem.

Agreed entirely. In fact, I wouldn't even have a problem if they stuck to the threads specifically dedicated to that purpose (such as 'love affair v2.0'), because then those who don't want to read it can skip easily. It's only the mass hijacking I object to.

Thank you two for taking this well. We still love you, and I look forward to meeting tumbles someday. It was just too much all the time.

May 4, 07 1:50 pm  · 
vado retro

hi liberty
hi rationalist

May 4, 07 2:00 pm  · 

Exactly , there are an army of Romans out there, they all are blind for what's right in front of their faces, they complain but still they can't even reconise real arts, they can't emagine the boost a digital aproach enforce, can't emagine glorious houses at a third the cost but there are hope. When the right system take over .

May 4, 07 2:09 pm  · 
Chili Davis


Can Per have his name back?

May 4, 07 2:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yes, good idea, Chili: how about if next Friday's "Archinect Poll of the Week" is whether or not to give per his name back?!?

(Friday is a good day for them because really we're all only working at 10% capacity anyway.)

May 4, 07 2:16 pm  · 

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