
mdler and ...tumbleweed...


CAN you guys Ban Me, I am spending to much time browsing here and reading. Not getting my work done

May 6, 07 12:21 am  · 

HAHA....Like I said BAn EVEYONE.....better yet lets start our own BAN....a ROCK BAN>>>>D...

May 6, 07 12:23 am  · 
vado retro

I feel this is appropriate...

Archinect Pie, by Vado Retro
(To be sung to the melody of Don McLean's classic tune American Pie)

Along long time ago
If I can still remember how his topics used to make smile
And I knew if I had the time, that I would respond in kind
And maybe I'd be happy...for awhile.

But October made me stressed
When I heard about that awful mess...
Bad news in my inbox
Felt a bit like small pox
I don't remember if I got riled
When I read about his exile
I guess that I still don't understand...
The day John Devlin got banned.

Did you attend that ivy school
All the kids thought you were cool
At least you look that way to me...
And do you believe in all this bull
Or are you just tryin to pull some wool
And can you tell me where I can intern for free.

Well I know that you're in love with him
Cuz I saw that blob you call a gym
You got holes in the soles of your shoes
Kid you're really payin your dues.

I was a lonely little pencil neck
Til I got hooked up with Archinect
But I really felt like a major reject
The day John Devlin got banned.

So bye bye
My Archinect Pie
Looked for John Devlin
But John Devlin was nye
And Abracadabra was drinkin warm beer from a can.
Singin “Did you hear that John Devlin got banned?
Yesterday John Devlin got banned.

Now for ten years we been out of school
And 15 since we were considered cool
But that's not how it used to be
When Rita Novel posted like a champ
In a coat she borrowed from Duchamp
In a voice as sexy as a wheelchair ramp.

And while Evil Platypus was looking around
Mystery Man slipped on out of town
The responses were never posted
All the necters were too toasted.
And while Driftwood read a book on Rem
Rationalist went for the higher hem
But nothing really went as planned
The day John Devlin got banned.
We started singin...

Bye bye
My Archinect Pie
Looked for John Devlin
But John Devlin was nye
And Abracadabra was drinkin warm beer from a can.
Singin “Did you hear that John Devlin got banned?
Yesterday John Devlin got banned.

Helter Skelter, Hell yes, I felt her
At the protest for the homeless shelter,
Right now I'm high but crashin' fast.
With talk of cheap wine and good grass
Oh it was such a blast with
Smokety McSmoke Smoke in the shadows
With a flask.

Now for some the summer was quite fun
With pictures posted by almost everyone
Some boys got quite a rush
From Strawbeary, their archinect crush.
But he's a husband and she's a wife
So, we all just better get a life
Because John Devlin's been banned.
We started singin'

Bye bye
My Archinect Pie
Looked for John Devlin
But John Devlin was nye
And Abracadabra was drinkin warm beer from a can.
Singin “Did you hear that John Devlin got banned?
Yesterday John Devlin got banned.

There we were all in one place
A generation lost in cyberspace
With no time to detail our stairs
So come on, create a topic
Or kill a thread. Disagree with all I've said
Frankly, no one really cares.
And as Norm read Nicomacheans views
His face started to turn a lovely shade of blue
No opinions from the right
Are welcomed at this site.
And as the number of his posts began to rise
Pixelwhore just rubbed his eyes
Heterarchy left off where he began
The day John Devlin got banned.
We started singin...

Bye bye
My Archinect Pie
Looked for John Devlin
But John Devlin was nye
And Abracadabra was drinkin warm beer from a can.
Singin “Did you hear that John Devlin got banned?
Yesterday John Devlin got banned.

I met Liberty Bell and she sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news
She just smiled and said “Go away”?
So I went online to that sacred site
Where I'd seen John Devlin just last night.
But the site said JD cannot play
And the three girls that could make me stay
Oana, Stephanie and WonderK
Well they're just humoring me anyway.
The Day John Devlin got banned.

So bye bye
My Archinect Pie
Looked for John Devlin
But John Devlin was nye
And Abracadabra was drinkin warm beer from a can.
Singin “Did you hear that John Devlin got banned?
Yesterday John Devlin got banned.

May 6, 07 12:48 am  · 

i personally voted for giving another chance. i've been annoyed a couple
times especially since they kept it up after paul had already given
them a warning...but i figured they'd take this warning seriously.

May 6, 07 12:54 am  · 
vado retro

hi lars!

May 6, 07 12:55 am  · 

I am still a rookie in this site...

This John Delvin...Guy...why did he get banned.....

and was their a poll..or was he just booted out

May 6, 07 1:23 am  · 

hmmm... archinect didn't specify what the poll results would mean. is it just whichever category gets the most votes wins? or does it have to be at least a 50% consensus? and what if the two non-ban options together get more votes than the ban options? that should mean something, right?

looks like i can vote as many times as i want. i voted and then it went right back to the poll... too bad i don't like pushing buttons much.

May 6, 07 3:26 am  · 

Dif, i do believe that John Devlin is the masked villian otherwise known as THE MDLER

May 6, 07 12:36 pm  · 

All in all such polls shuld be Banned ,realy .
This can be all sorts of joke ; the two are the same person having two nicknames, the poll the same person sending a hypertext coded, Java Whatever, coded "poll" about throwing all the two persons out of a web fora.
Funny these Romans, Sll the time they talk Architecture they would not reconise the real thing, Banning become an issue with no relevance to the list subject Architecture, --- instead of nice houses and capable building methods, the issue are Again social.

All together I find it hopeless Silli, to make an architecture group into a social club ; And realy , who's to blame ; the artists who are to weak to wake the Romans. While they install Silli rules about arts. See fact is, that any random designer, could have come up with the right thing , just by random this could be the guy, you just vote. out who is not Bannes from your favourite cutting edge trendsom architecture Fora.

And that is no good either.

May 6, 07 1:04 pm  · 
won and done williams

i'm all in favor of mdlerweed staying on, but this whole poll is seeming like a bit of a sham. when various individuals are voting multiple times and there's no clear intention laid out for the poll's results (most votes wins? combine categories?), a poll like this doesn't really have any meaning. this whole thread has been both warning and catharsis; it's time to drop it and move on.

May 6, 07 1:05 pm  · 

"who is NOW Bannes from your favourite cutting edge trendsom architecture Fora."

May 6, 07 1:06 pm  · 

"a poll like this doesn't really have any meaning."

Oh yes it have, and the quality of your future handyworks surely depend on it. On what is the choice ; Now just so we agrea what we talk about -- we talk about Banning by poll and grant that way of destruction ? Who do you think future Polls will scam and will it make a difference if the class bullie hold the buttons ?

Now what is an architecture fora about --- Banning a Maybe Troll or brilliant building methods ?

May 6, 07 1:14 pm  · 

Sorry to All -- but Im'e one of those being Banned and I did not bring this up.
So how would you feel, being a good designer with a brilliant Vision -- and when some clever guy invent the absolut building method to work with computers, where would he go and what would he do.

See architcture in my perception ,by searching the instituts and knowing the code today , is CRAP -- crap compared the wonders new perception knowleage to the mashin the tool will ofcaurse bring a guy as Per Corell in conflict in a fora like this. And at first oppotunity the member is jettisoned and Order instaled ; we stay with the old Social building master and uses the new, the promising and Digital, as prygleknape.

So All who doubt if a Poll punishing two guy's who is maybe just one, by You Banning him , think about what you are doing to yourself Roman !

May 6, 07 1:37 pm  · 

Let's be clear- mdler and tumbleweed are NOT one person. Many of us have met mdler personally. Tumbleweed (I believe, I'm too lazy to go back and check) used to be a roomate of a classmate of mine. Thereby, they have each been established in the real physical world as separate entities.

An architecture fora is about discussion, and when other members start leaving or significantly decrease their presence as a result of one or two people's behavior, I think it's a valid thing to consider what options the forum leaders have to fix the problem.

May 6, 07 2:16 pm  · 

Sure .

May 6, 07 2:17 pm  · 

But with my experience being Banned, I find the concept Silli.
You forget what this also mean ; for me who have a very different view about the glitter architecture I carry critics towerds today's software, architects and stararchitects attitude towerds the build works , and not to stay as lazy as any of my oppoments, I share a solution.

Then what are you reading, when Banning ban new thinking and new methods not just two who forgot what architecture is about , give me my name back.

May 6, 07 2:26 pm  · 

Give me My name back.

May 6, 07 2:27 pm  · 
won and done williams

hi rationalist

May 6, 07 3:59 pm  · 
won and done williams

give vindpust his name back

May 6, 07 4:00 pm  · 

i'm feeling like mdler and tumbleweed may have gotten the point...but
vindpust is totally missing it.

May 6, 07 5:37 pm  · 

I need no point at all, it's not me who need something it's architecture, that need something else !

May 6, 07 6:02 pm  · 

where should I go to grad school?

May 6, 07 6:53 pm  · 

Ha ha ha. Getting some last minute discussion in?

Sorry. I hope you don't get booted.

May 6, 07 6:57 pm  · 

who the duff is voting to ban you guys like that?

May 6, 07 7:27 pm  · 
Mark Anthony

They don't bother me =X

May 6, 07 7:44 pm  · 

ok, I swear that my last five votes have been to give you guys another chance, so somebody has to be doing the exact opposite thing here and repeatedly voting to ban you.

May I suggest that archinect put some time limit on this poll so that the back and forth doesn't go on indefinitely?

May 6, 07 8:19 pm  · 
Mark Anthony

I realized I have a different IP at home so I voted to give you guys one more chance. You don't bother me and it seems like you've shaped up. I'd love to see you guys here. I think a ban is a bit extreme for a forum. It's not like your posting racist comment or something. I think you guys realize the lenths that archinect is willing to go to make sure this forum opperates like it is suppose to.

May 6, 07 8:28 pm  · 

The ony way it is possible to vote multiple time is by posting from a different computer on another network (from a different IP range). considering the time it would take to do this, it's doubtful that anyone has submitted more than a few votes.

May 6, 07 9:06 pm  · 

Hi Archinect;)

May 6, 07 9:41 pm  · 

wow this thread has moved to 3 pages already. Its apparent that everyone is passionate about this mdlerweed (funny it took me a while to get that joke - ala Brangelina)

May 6, 07 11:24 pm  · 

Actually, I'm using a municipal wireless that I pay for each month (the library is right next to my apartment) and I've not, but been able to vote multiple times. I guess it's a random IP address each time.

May 6, 07 11:24 pm  · 

seriously people, save THE MDLER and ...tumbleweed...

May 6, 07 11:59 pm  · 

They Should close this poll already....its becomming...a drag

May 7, 07 12:16 am  · 

Waiting to see what the Archinect Community Decides

May 7, 07 12:17 am  · 
el jeffe

poll open until...

i'm disappointed that so many voted to ban.

May 7, 07 12:32 pm  · 

I was admittedly uncertain at first, but seeing as you guys have managed to reign it in for the whole time the poll has been up, now I hope you stay. I hope we get the opportunity to have the old mder and tumbleweed back.

May 7, 07 12:37 pm  · 

yeah, you did. I must not have static IP, either, because though I occasionally get a "Thank you, we have already counted your vote" message, mostly I get, "Thank you for voting!"

May 7, 07 12:44 pm  · 


I will invite you to our party

May 7, 07 12:44 pm  · 

i can't believe that there are really 142 individuals that are voting to ban them. is there any way to check whether one person has voted 70 times or so?

May 7, 07 12:46 pm  · 

this is why electronic voting doesnt work, btw

May 7, 07 12:58 pm  · 

Maybe if there were a paper trail! Ha.

No wait, from my eco-nerd standpoint, that's a waste of paper....d'oh!

I think at this point the voting has run its course, and served its purpose.

Perhaps we should have a contrition ceremony.

"mdler and tumbleweed, do you promise to keep it together, and to email each other when the mood for e-flirting strikes?

Do you promise to not spooge on hallowed fora of Archinect any longer?

-I hearby pronounce you 'not banned'."

...or something like that.

Just saying.

May 7, 07 1:06 pm  · 


May 7, 07 1:07 pm  · 

why is it suprising that 142 people have voted to ban them?

i personally dont think banning is necessary but i definetly have found my self frustrated/put off by the seemingly endless number of, sorry to be so harsh, but idiotic posts by mdler in particular.

i didnt vote to ban, but im not suprised that this has created such a buzz, as mdlers spamming of boards in particular seems a symptom pointing towards the general decline in quality of archinect over the past year or so.

im guessing i am one of a large and increasing number of archinect readers who see this more as a defense of archinect than an attack on mdler and tumbleweed though.

May 7, 07 1:08 pm  · 
Queen of England

Off with their heads.

May 7, 07 1:08 pm  · 

sorry if I helped ruin the vote. I honestly didn't realize it was some secret or supposedly impossible thing to vote multiple times, as it's not like I went to any lengths to do so.

May 7, 07 1:09 pm  · 

lletdownl, I understand what you're saying, and I imagine a lot of people feel that way. As I said earlier, it became pretty annoying to me as well, but I think they've learned their lesson at this point. I am a big fan of inclusion - unless someone has committed some gross and terrible offense against society, I feel most people should be given a second chance. Electronically and otherwise.

I will perform the ceremony if I can wear the cuffs, ha ha.

May 7, 07 1:22 pm  · 

Being the first one to vote on this issue, I would like my vote to be counted null and void. It kinda makes me think back to when I was in highschool when the principal started passing voting slips to individauls as they sat in the bleachers... You know take one and pass them back. I called him on it as a non-democratic process and was told I was a radical student and it was unlikely I would graduate from the school. So I switched schools my last year of high school, went to a place where free thinking was encouraged. Multiple Voting Sucks!

May 7, 07 1:27 pm  · 
vado retro

i just voted for the fourth time! looks like you guys are toast.

May 7, 07 1:36 pm  · 

enough done on my part. i had 2 mechanics registered to archinect so they could vote for you guys to stay on.
hardest part was to explain to shorty and pepe why you guys should stay on.
at one point shorty thought this was a bookie thing...

May 7, 07 1:49 pm  · 

I hope people stop posting stupid shit as well

May 7, 07 1:49 pm  · 

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