Brett Klingler

Brett Klingler

New York, NY, US

Systems of Place: transformative architecture
Systems of Place: transformative architecture
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Thesis-Systems of Place: transformative architecture

One experiences time as a moment with remembrance of the past.  Analyzing systems of place in reference to time can become a generative tool in creating a form that is responsive to a specific location.  This becomes a type of transformative architecture that reflects and materializes the dynamic systems intrinsic to place.

Design Intent:  The design intent is to develop space that captures and conveys the distinct performance of place. Place is reflective of the community that inhabits it and the weathering patterns that define the region. Oqunquit, Maine is derived of cyclical, active components that when combined; intersect, overlap and contribute continuously in a poetic manner denounced through time.  Proposed is an open-air “performance space” that serves as and invokes expression from users, whose sensory experience is enhanced by, but never duplicated by the natural systems of place. Materiality and tectonics provide a visible reference to time, as forces exploit the properties of the materials which respond accordingly.  It is within this exploitation, that the user gains awareness and respect for the beauty around him, leaving a lasting imprint in ones mind.  The additive and subtractive site factors acting upon space develops a hierarchal relationship between structure and site, delineating between transience and permanence. Each seasonal change, combined with user involvement, creates a rejuvenation that is an ever evolving interpretation of place.

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Status: School Project
Location: Ogunquit, ME, US

Case Studies and Analysis
Case Studies and Analysis
Material Research
Material Research
Material Research
Material Research
Final presentation images
Final presentation images
Process: Initial site visit
Process: Initial site visit
Process: Site observation
Process: Site observation
Process: Conceptual study model
Process: Conceptual study model
Process: Initial Design
Process: Initial Design
Process: Sketches
Process: Sketches