Brett Klingler

Brett Klingler

New York, NY, US

Finish: Kitchen and Dining
Finish: Kitchen and Dining
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Private Residence

6,000 sf renovation and new addition.  Central section of home was demolished and replaced with a 2 story, 4 bedroom addition.  A new 3 car garage is connected by a breezeway to the existing art studio in
the southeast corner of the property.

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Status: Built
Location: Wellsboro, PA, US
My Role: Project Manager, produced construction documents including mechanical and structural drawings.
Additional Credits: Ted Strosser

Demo central section of home. Construct new 2 story addition and 3 car garage
Demo central section of home. Construct new 2 story addition and 3 car garage
Existing conditions: Southwest view
Existing conditions: Southwest view
Existing conditions: Northeast view
Existing conditions: Northeast view
Demo: Photo from northwest corner of property
Demo: Photo from northwest corner of property
Construction: Photo from north
Construction: Photo from north
Construction Photo From north
Construction Photo From north
Construction: Garage addition
Construction: Garage addition
Finish: Kitchen and Dining
Finish: Kitchen and Dining
Finish: Kitchen
Finish: Kitchen
Finish: Foyer, Living room beyond
Finish: Foyer, Living room beyond