Brett Klingler

Brett Klingler

New York, NY, US

Article by Paul Kita, MensHealth Magazine, September 2010
Article by Paul Kita, MensHealth Magazine, September 2010
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Men'sHealth Man vs. Machine Cooking Battle

Equipped with my as-scene-on-TV gadgets, I faced off against Joey Campanaro (owner and executive chef for the Little Owl in NYC) in a cooking battle.  His skill was superior to the slap chopping nonsense I brought to the table.  I was easily defeated.  

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
My Role: Challenger
Additional Credits: MensHealth Magazine, Paul Kita, Joey Campanaro

Article by Paul Kita, MensHealth Magazine, September 2010
Article by Paul Kita, MensHealth Magazine, September 2010