Brett Klingler

Brett Klingler

New York, NY, US

Professional work @ Lack + Strosser Architecture
Professional work @ Lack + Strosser Architecture
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ER Expansion

Collaboration between Lack + Strosser Architecture and ConfigureHealth on a $9,000,000 ER expansion.  Site renovations, tight zoning regulations and approval from HARB (Historic Architectural Review Board) had to be taken into consideration during the design process.

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Status: Built
Location: Wellsboro, PA, US
My Role: Project Architect for SD and DD phases.
Additional Credits: Collaborated with ConfigureHealth

SD - Corner of Grant ST. and Central Ave. Rendering
SD - Corner of Grant ST. and Central Ave. Rendering
SD - Grant ST. Sketch
SD - Grant ST. Sketch
SD - Central Ave. Sketch
SD - Central Ave. Sketch
SD - Grant ST. Rendering
SD - Grant ST. Rendering
DD - Central Ave. Rendering
DD - Central Ave. Rendering
DD - Northwest elevation
DD - Northwest elevation