Brett Klingler

Brett Klingler

New York, NY, US

Professional Work @ Howard Kulp Architects
Professional Work @ Howard Kulp Architects
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Student Housing

Schematic design of a 600 bed, student housing complex with underground parking and street level retail.  There are 200, Studio-4 bedroom apartment suites with 24 young professional lofts on the top levels.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Bethlehem, PA, US
My Role: Design Lead responsible for SD and Project presentations.

3rd ST. elevation
3rd ST. elevation
Typical floor plan layout
Typical floor plan layout
Typical room layout
Typical room layout
N-S Section Through Site
N-S Section Through Site
Schematic Design - (Left) South view (Right) North view
Schematic Design - (Left) South view (Right) North view
Preliminary sketches
Preliminary sketches