The A+D blogging platform with a built-in audience.
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  • Thesis Year - Inverting the Host/ Guest Relationship
    By Darian Mason: A blog for an on going MArch Thesis Student
    Thesis is now in progress. This Blog will track the advancement through the program and record the many iterations that it takes to arrive at the final solution.
    My thesis is concerning how architecture can adapt to immigrant cultures and the current mixing of world cultures.
    It will be a fun ride!
    Thesis Year
  • tekton - exploring sculptural and architectural fabrication
    By ncecchi: A blog covering the various processes, methods, and pitfalls involved in designing, producing, and fabricating large scale sculptural and architectural features.
    Demiurge Design LLC
  • the DESIGN MOTIV[AT]E project [...] - A blog of random ellipsis...
    By Brandon Featherstone: The idea of the use of ellipsis emerges from the corresponding use in language, defined as [...] "the act of leaving out one or more words that are not necessary for a phrase to be understood," leaving the potential for an open-ended continuation or discussion of any said topic...The use of the ellipsis can be used at the begging of a phrase, whether it be for a sudden leap from one topic to another, or picking up where the last one left off...this is the idea of the Design Motiv[at]e Project.
    the DESIGN MOTIV[AT]E project [...]
  • For The Time Being - An Architectural Sound Trilogy
    By Mary Edwards: For The Time Being, a sound installation, reflects the conflict of desire and uncertainty that seems to simultaneously haunt intimate (if sometimes interim) spaces, each drawing on the relationship we have with temporality, where the anticipation of travel or movement often overshadows the destinantion. It signifies the essence and impermanence of nature and architecture, evoking both absence and presence through sound.
    For The Time Being
  • Yo quiero ARQUITECTURA! - Much more than Taco Bell!
    By locatix: This new blog relates architecture to the everyday living experience, it will show several new projects related with both: architecture and life.

    ...many times we don't realize how related they are!
    Yo quiero ARQUITECTURA!
  • FIDI NEWS - The Florence Institute of Design International's Web Magazine
    By Marc DiDomenico: Web magazine dedicated to the latest FIDI student and faculty news!
    Florence Institute of Design International
  • Aspire, Inspire, Educate - thoughts on early childhood learning environments
    By dena eaton: Our team of Thought Leaders at Wight & Company is highly experienced and dedicated to designing educational facilities that exceed expectations. We hope that our research and white papers lead others to have aspirations and inspirations to design the best possible environments for early childhood education. In this blog we would like to share our projects, sketches and thoughts on where ECL has come and where it is going and receive inspiration from our readers.
    Wight & Company
    Aspire, Inspire, Educate
  • MegalopolisNow - city talks
    By Donato de Vivo:

    I created this blog to share each other architectural, urban and technological news and thoughts about the new form of city that is developing now: the megalopolis. The future of all us is playing in these urban settings and we must contribute to the debate for a better way of life, more sustainable and beautiful.
  • Arch|Digital - Davide Madeddu's blog on Archinect
    By Davide Madeddu: A blog about digital parametric techniques applied to design and engineer analysis. Experiments, work in progress, and prototipes.
  • Indo Inquisition - 13 weeks in India
    By amlocke: An Indo Inquisition is a thirteen-week train expedition across India. The journey will document the influences of international modernism and British occupation, as well as compare the effects of wealth accumulation, culture, religion, and poverty with economic growth and their effect on the built environment.
    Indo Inquisition
  • Thinking About Architecture by Larry Speck
    By lawrencewspeck: Although it may sound cliched, I live, eat and breathe architecture. I’m currently a principal in the architectural firm of PageSoutherlandPage and a professor, as well as the former dean, in the School of Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin. My teaching and my blog are aimed at educating people on the importance of great architecture in contemporary American culture.
    Thinking About Architecture by Larry Speck
  • M.Arch in a strange land - Musings on the successes and failures of a graduate architecture student.
    By Ryan Panos: A week by week journal of the ups and downs of getting through a master of architecture program in Vancouver Canada.

    The University of British Columbia
    M.Arch in a strange land
  • Bon Voyage - Switzerland - Spain - Portugal - France - Germany - Greece - HK - Argentina
    By Freda Weng Chu: I am a MArch student from Washington University in St. Louis, I am currently studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain for 2 months and then I will be abroad for another 4 months in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I would like to share my traveling and learning experience in Europe and Argentina with others.
    Bon Voyage
  • MARC Architecture - Topics in design and architecture
    By marcarch: My initial blog entries will be historical and current trends in winery design, with special emphasis in Arizona wineries to include environmental appropriate solutions that satisfy stylistic preferences of clients.
    marc architecture
    MARC Architecture
  • The Human Experience - How do the qualities (phenomena) of light, materials, and texture enhance our lives?
    By Christopher Staggs AIA, NCARB: How we feel in a space is often ignored. Let's explore the phenomena of environments and spatial qualities - color, light, texture, movement, through dialogue, stories, narratives, and examples. The goal is to discover opinions and ideas informing our perceptions and perspectives of the human experience of architecture.
    The Human Experience
  • _
    By Michael Koutsoubis:
    AIAS | NYIT Old Westbury
  • Ecopicality - The evaluated truth of the psycho with the eco:::
    By Monte John Latham: Biocities - might be our only hope. Correction, surely; it is our only hope – improved by the cultural sensitivities of simple ecopicality and supporting ecopical ecological principles.

    There is a psyche thing with this. You are very likely to have a plastic switch in a wall near you at the moment; to make an electricity flow. The flick of a switch is a reminder of industry, invention - capacities generally beyond the individual or small community. It is also a bread and butter thing - a r
  • Four buildings in Sarajevo
    By st56ar: Quite simply, it’s about four buildings: the Catholic Cathedral, Serb Orthodox Cathedral, the Synagogue and the Ferhadija Mosque.
    Four buildings in Sarajevo
  • bip arquitetura
    bip arquitetura
    bip arquitetura
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Lizzie) - Projects, lectures, events, and studio life at MIT
    By lizziey: A window into MIT's M.Arch program and other goings-on in the Boston architectural community from the perspective of an incoming student.
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Lizzie)
  • City of Glass - #Vancouverproblems
    By Ekaterina Dovjenko: Vancouver, the City of Glass. It’s a city of shinning skyscrapers and cardboard homes: a city of spectacular natural beauty, crushing rain, award winning livability and a frightening income gap.

    It’s a city of contradiction—and it’s growing.

    This blog will follow Vancouver through its coming of age. It will highlight the city’s search for new forms, its attempts at new urbanism, and its struggles and moments of success within the world of architecture, planning and design.
    City of Glass
  • foreign architects - work in the U.S
    By hossein khajehpoor: who can a foreign architect work in the U.S?
    is exist good future for a foreign architect in the U.S?
    foreign architects
  • Design Sensation - design comes to life
    By Chris Mowen: a look at design's inspiring encounters
    Design Sensation
  • Design Elevates
    By Scott Sivan: How good design elevates commerce and culture.
    Design Elevates
  • The New Solar Architecture
  • Arid Lands Institute - Critiques Pinups Lectures Events
    By jeremy delgado: Coverage of the critiques, pinups, lectures, and events hosted by the Arid Lands Institute. Its an inside look at the events you could not make it to and a peek at works in progress.
    Arid Lands Institute
    Arid Lands Institute

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