Politi Architecture

Politi Architecture

New York, NY


Watertown Comprehensive Plan

Design Concept— Connectivity between people, landscape, and community. 

Our first design moves were to identify all the land-use patterns, as well as the existing vehicle and pedestrian patterns. After defining all these patterns, as well as the functional use of the neighborhood businesses, we inserted key architectural and landscape components that will support the main design concept.

The 3 Key Moves: Architectural and Landscape

The Band Shelter | A multi-functional modern structure that defines a place within the neighborhood for community to gather and socialize. A place for music events, movies in the park, as well as other social events on the Lawn.

Tech Building(s) | Small Sustainable office buildings that frames views to the river and defines both the river’s and street edge. These building also increase the population of the neighborhood between the hours of 8 am – 8 pm which will support the local economy.

The Mound / Restaurant | An ambitious architectural and engineering structure, providing three key elements to the site: Noise reduction for the train, a major focal point for the neighborhood, and a seamless connection to the other sites on the other side of the tracks.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Watertown, NY, US
Firm Role: Architects and Urban Designers
Additional Credits: ELAN Planning, Design & Landscape Architecture, pllc