CM Pravda

CM Pravda

New City, NY, US


1994 Museum Di Galleo

Museum Di Galleo - Proposed Urban Infill (Florence, Italy)

Dedicated to Galileo the Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer & philosopher (1564-1642). His achievements include improvements to the telescope and consequent astronomical observations and support for Copernican-ism. — at Flornce, Italy.

The Sky-silo was later edited to provide a glass floor fountain that allowed the shadows of plaza visitors to adorn the tomb museum of Galleo below. The complex also included 3 townhouses for visiting scholars and a library archive for the teachings and research material related to Galleo's discoveries.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Florence, Italy
My Role: Designer
Additional Credits: Adam Drisen, James Saywell, Evelyn McFarland