
The Implosion of the Democrat Party (hang on while I get some champagne...)


Well Geert. Lord knows I dont want to get into another big row, but that really isnt at all what either I or Barack Obama or the democrats are saying. Im certainly concerned Obama is getting pretty harsh reviews for doing what is historically a remarkable job so far, and from some sectors that may have to do with underlying worries about his race. But most of it is just the way the media works these days, and general unhappiness over unemployment.

Im sure I dont know what you mean by "protected-class citizens", its not an issue of victimhood. Healthcare isnt just for minorities. The stimulus package isnt just for poor people. All the steps so far really are just the practical steps people are taking to fix big structural problems that effect everybody.

Mar 10, 10 9:15 am  · 

If anything, the stimulus package aims for the complete opposite of poor people.

What you would really label as "poor" or "impoverished" in the United States is almost a bizarre concept to explain.

Poor in the "United States" refers to those who are or are about to be "persistently impoverished." Generally, people who fall within the "persistently impoverished" category live within cash economies outside of the general pressures of the economy. Most of these people survively solely off the black market.

There's a lot of people who are both considered "persistently impoverished" and "wealthy" because they don't report any known income and their business activities are solely within the black market itself.

The black market within the United States is approximately $1.3-$2 trillion dollars-- usually thought to be between 8-18 of GDP.

The whole legalizing and adding legitimacy to illegal immigration is to turn that market from a black market to a "gray market." A "gray market" is a market comprised of "legally neutral" activities that aren't de facto illegal or legal. Rather, the cost of pursuing what is considered illegal crime isn't worth the perceived benefit of stopping illegal crime.

Allowing "gray markets" has more benefits than it does drawbacks as gray markets allow for exploitation while resolving other issues of black markets such as organized crime, formation of gangs and so on.

So, by semi-legalizing illegal immigrants we should see a drop in organized crime within the black market. This will also prevent immigrants from falling into "persistent poverty" giving them more opportunities in a long-term outlook.

The harder we fight... the harder they fight back. Like the drug war, human trafficking responds to legislation. So, any attempts to really stop it will be met with more opposition which will lead to escalation.

Mar 10, 10 10:05 am  · 

non-political note -- if man-of-war showed up on a radiohead album id be pretty excited... i remember way way back like 8 years ago or something i heard a boot legged live version of it... terrible quality, but that chorus ... yooooure my man of waaaar... along with greenwoods sweet sweet guitar... still rocked... someone should post a link (if there is one) to a well recorded version (if there is one...)

Mar 10, 10 10:10 am  · 

other side note... man of war could have fit on in rainbows

Mar 10, 10 10:14 am  · 

another side not ... i might rather see a really sprawling permanent daylight ... or fog (baby alligators) ... any one in particular youd like to see FRAC?

Mar 10, 10 10:18 am  · 

Part Two:

While in many aspects the United States is a developed economy, it often functions in terms of a transition to developing economy.

Many local economies outside of the 4 or 5 major metro areas are growth dependent economies. Meaning, they only gain wealth and liquidity with more and more growth.

And that's where illegal (and legal immigration) fills in. Despite consistent economic and population growth, many local and state governments' growth is disproportional to inflation and population growth. This, in part, is thanks to tax shelters, alterations to tax codes favoring certain kinds of developments, "enterprise" zones and outright corruption.

Suburbanization is a primary issue here. It's growth pattern is dependent on new development and constant growth along a linear formulaic line. However, due to the way generations work, it is hard to make growth function linearly as there's always the inevitable period of "inactivity" and "investment" til the age of 18.

Illegal immigration benefits suburbs for this reason. Illegal immigrants quickly add "functioning adults" to communities without providing any sort of individual investment in them-- meaning a lot of them didn't receive any education, healthcare or government assistance before showing up in that community.

It is a shortcut to creating substantial growth. Unless a bunch of Americans start breeding in mass, there's no real way to sustain this growth cycle unless we end these wonky tax benefits, development bonuses and move towards a more advanced economy.

Mar 10, 10 10:26 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

[totally off topic]

hey |letdown| are you talkin' 'bout big boots from the salamanca 2002 show? it's audio only but good quality .. this was the show before hail to the thief where radiohead previewed a bunch of new songs and also played unreleased classics big boots (man-o-war followed by big ideas (nude)

here's a more rockin' version of big boots in milan, 1995 (video!) crazy bends-era version man this tunes been 'round a long time ..

and since 'let down' is my favorite radiohead tunes of all time (*kanye voice* of all time!) check out this sound check version in 1997 before the famous mtv 'live at the 10 spot' show .. good times with some sort of band screw-up after the first verse. and of course what they played that night - let down from the 10 spot show.

lastly, as much as i like radiohead i don't really know the tune 'permanent daylight'. wasn't that a b-side from the bends?

their b-side of 'fog' back in the amnesiac days is probably in my top 10 radiohead songs and they also have released thom's solo version of fog with piano so i don't know why it would be on lp8 ..

personally i'd like to see follow me around (thom solo in toronto, 2000) and FMA from MPIE (full band from you know what documentary) on the next album. definitely not one of their better tunes but i like it and would like a proper studio version.

[/back on topic: return to talking politics and throwing stones]

Mar 10, 10 12:41 pm  · 

The Republicans play a great deal of dirt digging politics, but they do so without a real eye towards progress and without solutions to problems... They hinder progress because of political partisan maneuvering, counter productive gaming driven by ideological motivations rather than practical solutions, and so even when they win, we all lose...

Healthcare, sustainability, education, and financial reform are things which affect not one particular class, these are things which affect the whole country, the economy, and our competitiveness in a global marketplace... It's not about blame, or ideological morality or whatever, it's about what is in the best interest and progress and success of our country...

Mar 10, 10 12:56 pm  · 

FRAC, great let down version...

and im with you, fog is probably my favorite B side, and right up their with some of their best songs period...

here is permenant daylight... i really love the guitar in it...

im also with you on follow me around, id forgotten about that...

a couple of my other favorite radiohead b sides...

Polyethylene 1&2


the classic, killer cars

the lesser known but hauntingly beautiful Stupid Car

and last but certainly not least A Reminder

Mar 10, 10 1:16 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

woah that permanent daylight is a rocker, i like how they slow it down at the end and also switching between 4/4 and 3/4 time signatures but what did they do to thom's voice ?!?

i hear ya on 'polyethylene' and 'a reminder' and basically the entire airbag ep - it's amazing that those were b-sides but hey, if you put out ok computer then the b-side stuff is bound to be almost as amazing (maybe more so .. it just didn't fit in quite right)

kinetic is definitely awesome but i gotta say worrywort really does it for me as far as amnesiac b-sides

and i see your killer cars, stupid car, and raise you ELECTRIC CARS !! (totally ridiculous, t/hom)

Mar 10, 10 1:45 pm  · 

yeah, that signature change is wonderful... not to get too geeky about it, but i think its a really good instance of a half pablo honey half bends song... its got the solid 30 second rock out section like rip cord, i cant or lurgee, combined with the chromatic progression fascination which starts showing up in the bends and really becomes sort of their signature till Kid A...

hahah... that electric cars thing is pretty ridiculous... worrywort is a good one but mostly i prefer my radiohead depressing and/or haunting. alright, we should probably stop hijacking this thread...

Mar 10, 10 2:04 pm  · 

i went to a union rally at the statehouse today, and i am convinced, without any doubt, that if i were to put out a bid package today, for a 2 million square foot concentration camp, i could get a contractor to bid the damn thing. hell, i could even put in the contract that your crew is required to sing "throw the jew down the well" and they'd still sign.

Mar 10, 10 5:01 pm  · 

Can we just rename this The Rare and Beautiful Radiohead Thread?

My very first message board was called Follow Me Around... mmeeeemmmorrrieeeesss... *sings*

And Lift! What ever happened to lift :(

Fog is pretty fantastic, A Reminder and worrywart too, but I think I have to give it to How I Made My Millions.

My fave live performances~

True Love Waits, debut performance in Brussels

Kid A live, with harmonicas!

Talk Show Host, Amnesty International 1998

Mar 10, 10 6:46 pm  · 

It's good to know democrats and republicans alike can agree on at least one thing... Radiohead! New found respect for my Republican brothers (not that I didn't respect you before FRaC, but it's good to know music taste transcends political boundaries...) :P

If only our members of congress would set aside their differences and listen to some good music together- we might actually find common ground... :P

Mar 10, 10 8:39 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?


New York congressman: 'The picture was of me, I sent it'
Weiner admits to 'several inappropriate conversations with women I have met online'


WASHINGTON — New York Rep. Anthony Weiner admitted Monday that he sent a lewd photo from his Twitter account to a young woman. '"The picture was of me, I sent it," he told a room of reporters in Manhattan.


Weiner said he intended to send the picture as a joke, but "I panicked, I took it down and said that I had been hacked."


The congressman, who said he has no intentions of resigning, admitted to additional, questionable online behavior.


Weiner said he has had "several inappropriate conversations with women I have met online," he approximated that there had been "about six women over the past three years."



Jun 6, 11 4:46 pm  · 

you know what my favorite thing about these political themed threads are...


go back and read the stuff we all got worked up about in '09 and '10...


none of it matters even a bit... id forgotten about half the issues brought up in this thread...


that being said... this weiner's weiner thing... pretty...f'ing...hilarious...

Jun 6, 11 5:29 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

after weiner pulls out, the republicans clean up the mess

With the outcome of his own reelection effort 14 difficult months away, President Obama suffered a sharp rebuke Tuesday when voters in New York elected a conservative Republican to represent a Democratic district that has not been in GOP hands since the 1920s.

Bob Turner, the winner, cast the election as a referendum on Obama’s stewardship of the economy and, in the state’s Ninth Congressional District, which has a large population of Orthodox Jewish voters, the president’s position on Israel.
With 75 percent of the precincts reporting at press time, Turner had a commanding lead, with 53 percent of the vote, compared with 47 percent for Weprin.

Turner, 70, a retired cable TV executive who has never served in elective office, defeated Democratic State Assemblyman David Weprin, 55, who has two decades of experience in public service, to fill the seat left vacant when Anthony Weiner (D) resigned in disgrace in June after more than 12 years in the House.

The defeat came as Republicans trounced Democrats in another special House election Tuesday, in northern Nevada, where Republican Mark Amodei led Democrat Kate Marshall, 56 percent to 39 percent almost from the start.



Sep 14, 11 10:03 am  · 

Funny thing is I don't believe either side is doing a lick of good at this point.  They're all too busy lining their pockets with special interest money and making sure their poll numbers stay strong.

Sep 14, 11 10:59 am  · 

Ditto what melt said.  Which doesn't mean I'm not going to wuss out and not vote at all - I'll probably vote a straight Democrat ticket, because frankly I'm rabidly pro-choice.  But they're ALL self-absorbed famewhores as far as I'm concerned.

Except for my local Dem candidate for mayor - she's fucking awesome and I'll vote FOR her, not just against her opponent.

Sep 14, 11 11:17 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

abortion rights is your deciding factor?  really?

Sep 14, 11 11:26 am  · 

Someone pro-choice tends - not always, but very generally - to agree with the other things that are important to me.  So I use abortion rights as a touch point, yes.

Sep 14, 11 11:41 am  · 
won and done williams

The Republicans continue to dig this country deeper and deeper into its economic malaise, if not meltdown, and somehow convince the American people that it's the Democrats' fault. Kudos to their PR people; unfortunately, it's the American people who continue to suffer.

Sep 14, 11 11:44 am  · 

I'm pretty much right there with you Donna.

Sep 14, 11 11:52 am  · 

"after weiner pulls out, the republicans clean up the mess"

In order to support your opinion that republicans intend to 'clean up the mess,' can you show any legislation proposed by the republican party with enough support to get passed into law (which needs the support of the senate and has to be signed by the president)?  Or does 'clean up the mess' simply imply obstructing the legislative process enough that no new policies are enacted?

Sep 14, 11 12:00 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

nah, 'clean up the mess' was pretty much just a stupid pun i was making

but i guess stopping the further slide toward socialistic policies is 'cleaning up the mess'.  also if republicans can take over the senate (they have a good chance) and make obama a 1-term president (they have a great chance) then that mess of a health care bill can be cleaned up and repealed.

even if that doesn't happen the individual mandate is so obviously unconstitutional that the bill signed by a constitutional law professor (lol) is likely to be gutted/killed by the supreme court anyway.

Sep 14, 11 12:12 pm  · 

First, the fact that a republican replaced weiner, just confirms that people in this country are too occupied with their own crap to really pay attention to whats going on in our society. After the past few months, how is any one in their right mind going to vote for a republican?  I can't stand any of these assholes!  They will do anthing to keep this economy down so that they can win in 2012, and also so that they can continue to consolodate wealth and power into the pockets of their corporate owners.  In my opinion this is treason.  The common person is worried about socialism, WTF, it is clear that we are not sliping toward socialism, but rather corporate facism and a state of oligarchy. 

Second, If you are an architect how the hell can you be a republican?  If it was up to them there would be no public institutions!  Republican ideology makes good urbanism impossible.  It also wants to strip away environmental regulations which makes our progress toward sustainable building and urban design useless.  They are anti-progressive and architecture is all about progress.  A conservative architect, artist, or musician is a useless member of society.

Sep 14, 11 12:51 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

i'm conservative and am all about progress.  despite the propaganda from the left (and the hijacking and holding hostage (!) of the word 'progress') the two are not antithetical.

'useless member of society'?  oh, please.

Sep 14, 11 1:09 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

speaking of implosion and 'progress'

White House ignored red flags in loan to failed solar company

By Martin Wolk

The Obama administration committed more than $500 million in taxpayer money to a maker of solar power panels despite repeated red flags about the company’s viability, NBC News’ Lisa Myers reported Wednesday.

The FBI raided the Silicon Valley headquarters of the company, Solyndra, last week, investigating whether the government was misled when it loaned the company $535 million in taxpayer funds. Solyndra officials say they are cooperating with the investigation.

Solyndra received the loan guarantees in 2009 as part of President Barack Obama’s promise to create millions of so-called "green" jobs. But last month, Solyndra declared bankruptcy, laying off all 1,100 workers.

House Republican investigators have unearthed emails -- reviewed by NBC -- which reveal repeated warnings by government staffers about the loan. Days before final approval there was a warning that one model showed the project would run out of cash in September 2011, which it did.

Another memo from the White House Office of Management and Budget, also cited by The Washington Post, questioned the model the government was using, but said "[g]iven the time pressure we are under to sign-off on Solyndra, we don't have time to change the model."

Why the rush? The White House appeared to be pushing to meet political deadlines so Vice President Joe Biden could announce final approval when he spoke at the groundbreaking for the new plant.

A key question is whether Solyndra's political connections were a factor. A big Obama donor associated with the venture, identified by the Post as Tulsa billionaire George Kaiser, repeatedly visited the White House. He has denied using his influence to win approval of the loan.

A White house spokesman says no political influence was involved here, that this was a worthy investment in a company many saw as promising. And, he says, just because this company failed,  we can’t stop investing in new technologies critical to American leadership in a global economy.

Sep 14, 11 1:13 pm  · 

abortion rights is your deciding factor?  really?


well - according to Levitt there's a direct correlation between the legalization of and access to abortions and an overall decrease in crime.


weird, huh?

Sep 14, 11 1:22 pm  · 
On the fence

I'm right there with you too donna. 

Well, except that I am 100% the other direction.  I can tell by several main points (pro-life, pro-capital punishment, pro-gun rights, etc,) that the rest of my parties views will generally fall right in line with mine.  I can most often vote straight republican without much need to do massive research into a candidate or the opponants candidate.  Nothing wrong with this maner in deciding your votes.

Sep 14, 11 1:35 pm  · 
On the fence

"Second, If you are an architect how the hell can you be a republican?"

Probably because most architect firms are small business's and repubs tend to be more small business friendly.  JMHO.  As an intern or employee, you probably don't care all that much about this aspect, but once you start your own business, you may rethink this scenario.

Sep 14, 11 1:38 pm  · 

Well otf I'm a small business owner, as is my husband of a separate business,  and we're both staunchly left.  In my opinion, repubs tend to be UNfriendly to small businesses but super friendly to HUGE ones!

Sep 14, 11 1:52 pm  · 

Of course, both parties are most friendly to whatever business gives them tons of money, which tends to be huge businesses not small.

Sep 14, 11 1:53 pm  · 

I agree Donna! 

I am not a business owner yet, but I do know about politics. I also understand the fact that the republican policies of the Bush era damaged more small business than any democratic policy ever has.  It seems that this is an Obama economy, but it is really a post-Bush economy.  The effects of Bush era policies had a latent effect that we are all seeing now.  Watch the film Inside Job!  it is really interesting. 

FRAC, how can you be aligned with conservatives that deny scientific fact for political and corporate gains, and claim to be progressive?   Republican policy is in fact destructive to the economy.  Did you see what happened with the housing crash?  How is republican policy good for architecture?  We have an unemployment rate of around 40% because of republican policy. 

Sep 14, 11 2:20 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

the housing crash?!?  what?

barney frank in 2005: 'this is not the dot com situation ... you're not going to see the collapse that you see when people talk about a bubble and so, those of us on our committee in particular, will continue to push for home ownership.'

Sep 14, 11 2:29 pm  · 

As far as small business owners being mostly republican, where is that data?  If true it's probably because of a big delusion in our society that one day we will all be part of the super rich.  People vote on the way they see themselves not the way they actually are.  People in poverty really think that they will one day be rich and these policies will be in their interest, it's a delusion of the American dream, and a method of propoganda that is used to gain majority support for policies that help a small minority.

Sep 14, 11 2:34 pm  · 

barney frank may have said that, but it was the deregulation of the banking industry that allowed it to happen.  This deregulation was and still is a core republican ideology. 

Sep 14, 11 2:39 pm  · 

Where are R's more small business friendly?  We keep hearing this, but I have never seen anything.  All I see is that they don't want to touch the "job creators", ie the "rich".  Those aren't the small business owners.

As a small business owner, I havent' seen one proposal, suggestion or idea that will help me come from the right.  If I were super wealthy, then I'd see breaks, but nothing just because I am a small business owner.



And yeah, to those that think abortion is a silly indicator, I am right there too.  I consider myself in the middle, leaning left.  I am pro business, pissed off at a lot of things O's admin has done (or not done), really pissed off as a matter of fact, but until I see something that is actually suggested that will help my business and be beneficial to the economy, I am terrified.  

Calling the fed "treasonous", suggesting that someone without health insurance be allowed to die, pushing for this ridiculous right to carry concealed weapons, everywhere (and I love guns), calling for limiting our rights to choose, declaring massive job cuts as stimulus/job creation, and simply acting like spoiled children...

Until we just get back to discussing what is good for the country and stop catering to the extreme right, then I can't even look elsewhere.



If we were just talking about our country and our well being as a nation, then I'd be open to either side, regardless of party.  

Sep 14, 11 2:47 pm  · 

The housing crisis can be blamed on a ton of people, too many players to just point at one group.


What we need is some type of centrist policy discussions.  LOGIC, please.  This posturing and games are what will take the country down.  Both parties are to blame for this, although clearly the TP pushed things over a cliff.


Sep 14, 11 2:50 pm  · 

Yea, on that point of allowing someone to die without insurance, I am assuming you are refering to the good old Jesus loving Ron Paul M.D.  This is just another  hipocracy among this party.  They claim to be christian, pro-life, etc... but if you have no insurance (in other words if your poor) we will let you die.  And the worst part about this is that Ron Paul is a doctor, and this would violate the hippocratic, or should I say hippocritic oath.  It is insane!!!  What I just do not and never will understand is why anyone in the 99% of the country making less than 250k a year would vote for them.

Sep 14, 11 3:03 pm  · 

the thing about conservatives is that you have to frame an argument so that they can see how it affects themselves rather than how it affects other people.  I think the rest of us tend to understand the bigger picture, but you cannot argue with a conservative using the logic and language of someone who leans altruistic.

Sep 14, 11 3:05 pm  · 

well toasteroven, I totally agree.  It is sad though.  I studied evolutionary biology for a while and there is a concept called "selfish herd theory"  this trys to explain how altruism evoloved in social species.  I think 50% of the population is missing this trait.  We need to explain to people that there is a personal benefit in being part of a strong herd!

Sep 14, 11 3:14 pm  · 

What we need is some type of centrist policy discussions.  LOGIC, please.  This posturing and games are what will take the country down.  

Yes, this.

Sep 14, 11 3:14 pm  · 

well... selfishness is also a biological trait - it's good in some ways so that you don't get taken advantage of (or starve to death) even when you're part of "the herd" - but definitely not all the time.  just like being selfless all the time isn't good either.

Sep 14, 11 3:23 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I'll join you in the middle. Most of the fear and loathing of "the other side", whatever that may be, comes from misinformation and exaggerating extreme views. Aren't 80% of us in the middle anyways?

Sep 14, 11 3:23 pm  · 

socialistic policies

If Republicans are really about stopping socialism, increasing market competition and reducing the tax burden...

I would like the following to happen:

  • Usage fees and tolls along with peak-pricing for every single public road that currently holds an open bond. Yes, that means paying a toll to use a car on your own neighborhood street.
  • I want the price of water to increase 10-fold. That way providing water is no longer an act of socialism and water infrastructure costs will no longer have to be diverted from local, state and federal general funds.
  • Stormwater and drainage leaving a property in any means, surface discharge or underground seep, needs to measured and taxed accordingly. If it's on your property, it's yours and therefore you need to make sure your drainage doesn't infringe on or damage other people's property.
  • I want sensors to be placed in people's sewage meters that determine the composition of their sewage. Penalties assessed for households wishing to disposed of fats, sugars or proteins, in abundance, into their sewer line.
  • Septic tanks completely outlawed.
  • All civil engineering firms must put 100-year warranties on all of their public projects. We can't be "socializing" professions but allowing them to constantly supply subpar work every 5 years.
  • Free parking completely abolished. We all pay for it. All parking spaces converted over to adjustable market rates, publicly or privately owned.
  • No more companies using local and state services without just compensation (OnStar, LifeAlert, Brinks, ADT et cetera). If you want to provide fire, medical and police safety, you must hire your own firemen, EMTs and policemen.
  • No more public bonds ever for private or semi-private entertainment and sporting venues.
  • Deregulation of the TV and radio licensing markets. If someone has enough money to broadcast, they should be able to broadcast.
  • The complete elimination of exclusive public right-of-way leases. No private utility shall be privy by using socialized land and infrastructure in order to maintain a monopoly.
  • Companies using the court systems for intellectual property, copyright and other civil matters must pay the full court costs, including operations, rent and staff, to settle civil disputes.


I think that should end "socialized" anything in thing country and make quite a few billionaire poor by the end of the quarter.

Sep 14, 11 4:06 pm  · 

Yeah, and really most of the policies are down the middle (Clinton, Bush, etc.), but what we have now is this pathetic stalemates as the more extreme take power.  Even though something like 75% of the country favors increasing taxes on the very wealthy, the extreme right (TP) that are in power (and get press) don't seem to care.  Their term "job creators" is down right brilliant, I'll give them that.  Who wants to penalize (=tax) "job creators"??  Good marketing there.

How the D's can't take advantage of this is beyond me.  


To rant for the other side, unions are big business/power, also.  So there is no innocent party speaking real truth, or even what just makes sense.  The salaries that some gov't workers were getting was absurd as well, not to mention what some of the money was going to (in my home town they are building a multi million dollar sidewalk where no one will ever walk, and laying off teachers at the same time...what???)


We need a third party, clearly.  Personally, I think the TP will bring down the R's come election time, but who knows, Obama hasn't shown any balls to really do much, either, and unless there's a big turn around in the economy it'll be a toss up.


Sep 14, 11 4:07 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

To think there aren't very many job creators that make less than $250k is ridiculous. Isn't that where most of the job creators' salaries fall?!?

The Federal government was designed to stalemate, in order to avoid any extremes. That's kinda why I don't get worked up about it, but like to sit back and watch it all.

Sep 14, 11 4:17 pm  · 

I fear one of them winning in 2012.  I didn't like bush, but at the time I didn't really fear him, but now seeing what I see I really fear that one of them will win.  This could really tip our economy over the edge to a point of no return.  Look at how the world reacted to the debt debate.  Imagine if one of these people win. smh.

Sep 14, 11 4:33 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

if you fear one of them will win, be sure to report their mis-truths and attacks to

barack has brought us back from the brink; stop them now before it's too late

Sep 14, 11 4:39 pm  · 

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