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racism is constant and systemic.  it's not a few people saying mean things to you.

if uneameno voted for trump, he's probably to blame for racism.  it's possible he isn't a racist himself, but if he voted for trump, he supports racism, right?  he supports having the brietbart guy as an advisor to the president.  when confronted with the option of supporting someone he knew to be a racist and misogynist, he decided that racism and misogyny is a low priority is a low priority in his value system.  lack of proper record keeping when sorting thousands of emails was a greater priority than preventing the normalization of racism and misogyny.

is the persona non grata, so to speak, intended to test statements that you will then make to your peers if they play out the way you hope here, or are these things you hear in that community, and you're looking for other ways to respond?

Nov 15, 16 7:55 pm  · 

Olaf, you voted 3rd party too? Fucking petulant 4 year old. Pretty sure you voted for yourself.

Real people voted for Trump.Wrong. Real rednecks did.

Nov 15, 16 7:59 pm  · 

Wonderful, all you Trump voters/Trump enables (= 3rd party voters)

Nov 15, 16 8:03 pm  · 

 It's a good point that contributing to racism is different than being a bigot or racist.

is it really  though?

Nov 15, 16 8:50 pm  · 

False equivalence. Clinton wasn't puke. Trump is shit though. 

Nov 15, 16 8:51 pm  · 

"And again, let's not forget that the other side is not completely free of racist campaign tactics " 

What tactics, would you please enlighten us? Please keep in mind that not endorsing the KKK or Aryan Nation is NOT RACISM.

Now please enlighten us.

Nov 15, 16 8:55 pm  · 


Nov 15, 16 9:40 pm  · 

ok z1111, i will simplify, what is your version of racism in this country? ........sod, from what I can tell you are a clueless naive radicalized liberal who only prolongs the inevitable suicide of your kind. unlike you I made a choice outside the brainwashed thread of your existence. now the electoral college should be re done because it did not help the whats your version of racism in this country?

Nov 16, 16 7:17 am  · 

and josh that was funny - titanium bubble, something responsible Americans can build themselves. with Rhino and 3d printers of course.

Nov 16, 16 7:21 am  · 

Well, it is a white house.

Nov 16, 16 8:56 am  · 

Oh hilarious. Clinton was a real w(b)itch, Amirite?! LULZ!

Nov 16, 16 10:02 am  · 

"... most voters are just loyal to their party ..."

Not necessarily disagreeing with the statement, but I know a lot of my republican friends and family that voted third party rather than Trump. These are die hard republicans and they realized the rhetoric Trump was using wasn't what their party is about and voted elsewhere. They still couldn't stomach voting for Clinton so the second part of the statement is particularly apt, " ... Clintons [sic] campaign failed."

Overall though, more people came out to vote for Trump than decided they couldn't vote for him and the votes show it. Many did so either because of, or despite the rhetoric of his campaign ... and that's the issue many people take with it. While one person hears what he is saying and determines they could never vote for him, their neighbor hears it and decides they can overlook it, or worse decides they vote for him because of it.

Nov 16, 16 12:04 pm  · 
Don Kashane

What Rathead will mostly succeed at will be to get even richer, since he and the gang can now directly influence legislation.  Him and the rest of the club - the oil companies, the corporations, the Koch brothers and their ilk - will suck in even more bucks than they have now, all at the expense of the idiot suckers who voted for him.  Carlin's brilliant tirade is even more apropos now than ten years ago.  Listen to it carefully and tell me it hasn't now happened: the club rules our country now, motherfuckers.

My favorite parts:

“It’s a big club....and you ain’t in it.”

The biggest fucking lie Rathead used, the horiest and most tired, the most full of shit, trotted out every election since Nixon, is the "make America great" steaming pile of vomit (worked for Reagan too).  Carlin:

““Good honest hardworking people, white collar, blue collar, doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on, continue – these are people of modest means – continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them.  They don’t give a fuck about you, THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU,  THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU....AT ALL....AT ALL....AT ALL!   And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care.  That’s what they count on, the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red-white-and-blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes every day.”

Enjoy the dick folks, it's going to be there for at least four years.  Ok, go back to sleep now.

Nov 16, 16 3:25 pm  · 

So, you're implying this only relates to one political party? 

How is all that hope and change working out for everyone?  

Both parties have consistently failed to deliver on their promises to these types of people. 

Which is another reason why I'm not worried.  We've been operating like this for a while now.  Nothing major is going to happen with a new President.  It'll all just be same shit different day. (but with a ridiculous hairstyle for entertainment purposes)

Nov 16, 16 4:10 pm  · 
Don Kashane

No, blut,  I was going to add some Dems to the post but wanted to keep it short.  Clinton male fucked both collars over with his deregulations that led to the RE crisis and aftermath.  As Carlin says, the politicians are just the pawns for the big club.

Quondam, the listening to Carlin and generally keeping informed is just to keep an edge, confirm that you're right in certain feelings.  I agree with your statement that the Democratic party should make it very clear what it opposes and not take all of his shit; whether it will I can only guess.  We'll also see what happens in two years in the midterm elections.

Nov 16, 16 6:00 pm  · 

Pelosi, lending legislation  and her husbands company- using wealth and power to eff people over is nothing new.

Nov 16, 16 6:16 pm  · 

Obama sold more copies of his books because he was POTUS. Just saying it isn't limited to only Trump gaining financial advantage from the office. 

Nov 16, 16 7:49 pm  · 

we can keep reminding people that it's not ok to discriminate based on race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.  it's not just trump that's the problem, it's a shift in america's values, which affects all of us, and includes all of us.

Nov 16, 16 10:20 pm  · 
Curtkram, quondam thinks that kind of thinking is simple-minded. It's beneath him to think we have to talk to the other side and begin to change perceptions.
Nov 16, 16 10:25 pm  · 

i think quondam's statement that he doesn't want trump to succeed with specific measures, such as incarceration of certain people based on race or limiting travel of another group based on religion, is appropriate and i think it works well with my hope that we can encourage others to hold on to what's most important during this time of uncertainty.

Nov 16, 16 10:38 pm  · 

For what it's worth: Even though he didn't vote, George Carlin was a great admirer of Hillary Clinton. I'm friends with Carlin's daughter on Facebook, and she's been very clear about where he would've stood in this election. (As you might imagine, she's seen lots of people online twisting her father's words to justify their own political opinions.)

Nov 16, 16 11:56 pm  · 

rick is a peon though. wait i take that back, no one would even peon him, he barely exists.

Nov 17, 16 8:29 am  · 

False accusations? You called what I wrote simple-minded. It's right there on that thread.

Also for the love of all that is holy, my name has an S at the end.

Nov 17, 16 11:55 am  · 

MING! (the Merciless)

Nov 17, 16 11:58 am  · 

rickb-BSMNT, glad to see you're back in your old form now.  i was worried you were actually someone else.  but clearly you're off whatever meds you were taking the past week.  did you get a job yet?  how's the stock plan business?  design any death traps lately?  how's your software business doing?  have any run-ins with the FAA while flying drones?  

i read early you know some state senators.  i can only imagine how much they must dislike you as a constituent.  as always, a thorn in any public servant's side.  

ps.  get a job.

Nov 17, 16 12:46 pm  · 
Don Kashane

So, Rick-B, in your mind the only other option by a private citizen to letting your elected representatives thwart Rathead is violence? And all protestors are "professional protesters that are paid to protest", who don't have day jobs?  No, they're just citizens trying to make their voices and feelings heard, legally.  You are deluded.  You're a peon if you think you are.

Nov 17, 16 1:23 pm  · 

no_form, I think you're right ... Ricky is back to his old self now. 

Rick, even your first DIRECT option is really indirect 1) because you have to count on the person you are voting for to win in order to keep the candidate you are voting against out of office and 2) because you don't actually elect a presidential candidate to the office ... the electoral college does. So really what you are saying is the only direct means to influence a candidate is through violence. Glad to see you're back ... now what do we have to do to get you to leave again?

Nov 17, 16 2:51 pm  · 


If you would limit your posts to 100 words or less it would prevent you from becoming confused and keep you from painting yourself into a logical corner.

Nov 17, 16 3:00 pm  · 
Don Kashane

Protesting at the Pioneer Square in downtown Portland, Oregon isn't going to do squat at the White House or Mar-a-Lago. Just because it gets news coverage doesn't mean it will influence the President-elect to change his plans.

Well, see, that's a crock of shit.  So almost the entire black population marching for equal rights did nothing to change anything (not to mention the suffragette movement before that, the labor marches, etc.).  The anti-war protesting against Vietnam had no effect on Johnson not running for a second term? Really, protest has no effect at all, huh? You better read yourself some fucking history.  If enough people were to come out (and that's the rub), it would damn sure effect some things.

Also, on the Carlin bit, you're honing in on the wrong things he said, like 'they own you', and 'they don't give a shit about you', and 'nobody seems to notice or care' or the dick.  He's saying that shit as a challenge to the audience, a slap in the face to the people who are in fact sheep.  Forget the RWB fick, that's just effect; he also says:

“But I’ll tell you what they don’t want: they don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking; they don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking, they’re not interested in that, that doesn’t help them, that’s against their interest.”

"It's called the American Dream 'cause you have to be asleep to believe it."

So he's implying the question of "where do you lie", are you asleep too or able to think for yourself? Your "only two options" statement is a crock of shit.  Yea, no kidding Rathead doesn't give a shit about me...why, I thought he loved me....duuuuh.  You really are clueless.

Nov 17, 16 4:30 pm  · 

Good to see that you found your bookmark to Wikipedia again. Although you still haven't upped your game in reading comprehension. Clearly the Wikipedia article explains that Nebraska uses the congressional district method to allocate their electoral college votes as well ... not just Maine.

Your argument against protesting is so compelling. Where have you been throughout history to counsel the public about the ineffectiveness of civil disobedience? 

Nov 17, 16 4:46 pm  · 

balkins knows all about protesting.  he never eats his vegetables at dinner but still gets dessert.  

Nov 17, 16 4:49 pm  · 
Don Kashane

Here's a thoughtful take on the election by Jon Stewart, talking to Charlie Rose.  I agree with some of what he says, but he doesn't get it either about the block dismissal of Rathead voters.  Speaking for myself, I don't automatically think that everyone that voted for Rathead is racist or any others of his characteristics, but it does make me question their judgement, because they saw, and read, and heard the same things everyone did, and still voted for him, so now they don't get the benefit of the doubt, because I think they COULD be racists, or misogynists, or xenophobes....but mostly they could be  fucking idiots and I have to share a country with them (really it's little different than what I felt about Bush voters, but multiplied about a gazillion times).

Nov 17, 16 5:01 pm  · 
Don Kashane

And also, about the nation being the same as before the election; yea, it might be the same, but the damage to people and nation that's likely to happen by this idiot is not the same as before.

Nov 17, 16 5:02 pm  · 

i'm with Donna.  If someone repeatedly makes openly racist, misogynist, and xenophobic statements and you choose to vote for that person, you are choosing to agree with their horrid beliefs.  There has been no apology or contraction of the things Trump said before the election.  Therefore, you're agreeing with him and his platform.  He's draining the swamp so he can fill it with solid waste.  

Nov 17, 16 5:07 pm  · 
Don Kashane

On the bright side, Stephen Hawking says the human race has only about 1,000 years left........thank god, this is getting old.

Nov 17, 16 5:25 pm  · 

Oh, Rick's back.

Nov 17, 16 6:45 pm  · 

Rick, I only need to point to how non-violent civil disobedience got the British out of India.

Please, if you feel the need to respond, make it less than 100 words. 50 would be better. 25 would be excellent.

Nov 17, 16 6:54 pm  · 

Rick, why do you assume that those protesting are telling others not to listen and they are only attempting to speak directly to Trump? You don't think the people that represent those street corners in Portland or Seattle in their respective governing bodies are listening to what the protesters are saying?

Nov 17, 16 7:09 pm  · 
I blame myself. I made that joke about Rick being back, and it happened. I'm a bad Archinector.
Nov 17, 16 7:13 pm  · 

A talk show about architecture in Los Angeles...

Nov 17, 16 7:15 pm  · 

tduds your comment made me LOL. So deadpan.

Nov 17, 16 8:31 pm  · 
Don Kashane

Okay, Rick, I got it, you really attached to that Carlin video's ONE POINT about them not giving a fuck...yea, that's all he was saying.  You obviously have no understanding of civil disobedience and protests and their proven historic effect.  Now I know why no one here wants to respond to your talking to a fucking wall.

Nov 17, 16 8:46 pm  · 

Don, sorry, we didnt warn you.

Nov 17, 16 8:49 pm  · 

Rick, thank you for keeping your response short. 29 words. Excellent.

I thought you said that non violent civil disobedience was ineffective.

3 examples where it was effective:

1. getting the British out of India

2. civil rights in this country in the 60s

3. the primary reason LBJ did not seek a 2nd term was protestors chanting outside the WH.


You are correct that writing your congressmen is also effective.  

Nov 17, 16 11:53 pm  · 

^edit congressional representatives

Nov 18, 16 12:10 am  · 

Rick, that was clear and concise.

However, I disagree.

I think Trump is hyper-sensitive to public opinion. Like all bullies he is a pussy.

Nov 18, 16 2:50 am  · 

Today's Washington Post: "The American Institute of Architects pledged to embrace Trump. Then it denied him three times." The article included the Trump quote:  “We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We’re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none,” The horror! I am not sure I can go on.


Nov 18, 16 7:43 am  · 

That's some good looking potting soil they dug up. 

Nov 18, 16 8:51 am  · 

Trump with a shovel.


Nov 18, 16 9:28 am  · 
Don Kashane

Yea, I'm pretty sure I know what they're shoveling in that picture and it ain't dirt. Very apropos.

Nov 18, 16 2:51 pm  · 

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