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well if trump goes the mike pence route, highways will be privatized and owned by foreign corporations.  he already wants the keystone pipeline built.  again, going against what Native people and farmers in that part of the US have told the government.  and it makes a canadian company money.  

anyways, it's all part of his plan to make america great again.  

Nov 14, 16 6:02 pm  · 

AIA Chicago just spoke out against the National statements. Glad I'm in the right chapter.

I can see it now - Trump's gonna be the first president busted for skimming off the top of the federal government.

Nov 14, 16 6:14 pm  · 

haha Josh, but why would he at his $500k+ salary.  Might be the most money he has ever earned without running a legal Ponzi scheme.

now only if he could make the debt go away through a ponzi scheme.  I'd be damn scared if I was China or Saudi Arabia, they may never see any returns on the their US Bonds.  Buy NYC guys, drop the bonds, we NYC architects will gladly build many more 100 story deposit boxes in the sky to cast shadows over central park.

Nov 14, 16 7:06 pm  · 

z1111 - please provide some stats.  for instance.

have cross burnings and lynchings increased since Trump was named president elect?

have illegal immigrants been asked to wear badges and go work in camps?

have arrests for no reasons of various groups been conducted more intensively since 5 days ago then now?

what has changed and will change in the next months?


maybe you can do some useful and document all this so that we can keep tabs on it, or you can just spin the shit out of anything that fits your narrative....

nothing like hearing an older Germans greatest memory finding out you were in the American zone and not Russian post WWII and little cereal packets for breakfast - his fathers 2nd happiest day, after his birth of course.   You're reallly telling my that same America now?  You're telling me if we remotely resembled that world we wouldn't do something about it?

don't erase history from Huck Finn (words) and don't use bad analogies to build up your imaginary world, great disservice to a far worse past.

otherwise, you realize, this is all just the internet, all virtual, nothing real, just venting in the mindscape....

Nov 14, 16 7:24 pm  · 

Olaf spend a little time on the internet and you will find tons of racist vandalism that has happened in the last week. South of Indy a small town an Episcopal church that has welcomed LBGTQ people was spray painted with swastika and the words "fag church" and "heil trump". I don't have stats but it seems there is a spike.

I am grateful that NPR used the term "white supremacists" when discussing the Bannon appointment on the radio this evening. Speak the truth.

Nov 14, 16 7:52 pm  · 
Don Kashane

just spin the shit out of anything that fits your narrative.....

Someone actually thinks you have to "spin" the shit that Rathead says and does to make him look like the nutcake that he is.....

Btw, were any on those "older Germans" at the firebombing of Dresden?  I think more than just cereal packets were dropped...(talk about spin).

Nov 14, 16 7:54 pm  · 

balkins, are you taking meds now?  you're way too calm and reasonable these days.  or maybe a different CIA operative has taken over the account?  

Nov 14, 16 8:24 pm  · 

Ok, Olaf here you go:

Time Magazine

Racist Incidents Are Up Since Donald Trump’s Election. These Are Just a Few of Them

Nov. 13, 2016

The Southern Poverty Law Center received 200 hate crime reports since Election Day

Since the election, we’ve seen a big uptick in incidents of vandalism, threats, intimidation spurred by the rhetoric surrounding Mr. Trump’s election,” Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center told USA Today. “The white supremacists out there are celebrating his victory and many are feeling their oats.”

I won't post the whole article. You can google it if you are interested.

Nov 14, 16 8:51 pm  · 

z1111 thank you for being useful.  Don you're confusing history, so spin spin spin

now are those people our government? that's the point (sorry if that wasn't clear).

Nov 14, 16 9:35 pm  · 

Olaf nothing you write is clear. Jesus. I've been ignoring you lately and think I better just go back to doing it. You're as bad as quondam. Just keep moving those goal posts, little boy.

Nov 14, 16 9:38 pm  · 

Trump to supporters harassing minorities: 'Stop it

it's very confusing all this bull shit, I know Donna, very confusing... all this meaningless political jabber....meaningless.  AIA statement, etc.. meaningless.

the internet.

Nov 14, 16 9:53 pm  · 


seriously though Donna sometimes I'm just testing material here (like personalities and characters) vs real people like yourself.  I think some archinectors already know better.

I like Quondam's stuff, it peaks my interest.

Nov 14, 16 10:03 pm  · 

Olaf, live in your own fucking world if you want to. It works well for you, as you have indicated over the years. A lot of us, who do not have the white male privilege that you do (and it seems, that many on this forum also do), need to live in the real world. As mentioned by Donna and Z, do your own fucking research and find out.

Nov 14, 16 10:19 pm  · 

Olaf, do you actually consider that to be an effective response from Trump?

Maybe if you researched Stephen Bannon you would understand the gravity of that appointment.

Nov 14, 16 10:22 pm  · 

peaks?  or piques?

Nov 14, 16 10:44 pm  · 

you guyzzz... stahp it!  Did you listen to the audio?  He sounds like he's getting his asshole tickled with feathers by Guillani.  Meanwhile - he's assembling his curio cabinet of deplorables and has-beens.  I suspect the hearings are going to be fun times.  "Mr Bannon, soo.... you have a restraining order from your ex-wife... you run a white-supremacist neo-nazi website that is inciting violence - and we should give you security clearance?"  They are openly flaunting their bigotry and incompetence.  It's amazing - it's like these guys are handing us a list of the first people we get to ruthlessly destroy.

oh...oops... I forgot "alt-right" - wifebeating neo-nazi was a joke... can't you get a joke you special snowflake?  stop being so PC.

Nov 14, 16 10:46 pm  · 
It's "piques my interest".

Olaf I know you do characters. And they DID used to pique my interest a lot. Lately they've gotten dull and pointless, not as incisive as they used to be. But whatever, you're not here to entertain me, just yourself, as we all are. You do you.

There's actually a whole lot of posters here I just skip over. Not on TC, but in other threads. And I pretty much never ever look at a portfolio thread!
Nov 15, 16 6:39 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Portfolio treads make me feel old... I had for realsie slides in my undergrad.

Nov 15, 16 8:15 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I miss having slides. I've looked a few of the recent portfolio threads. My first couple of portfolios in school were mostly non-digital. I'm not sure I'm that old though, we had computers but just valued materiality. 

Nov 15, 16 9:06 am  · 

Lauf finally letting the rage out. Gotta be a lot of pent up anger after that advanced degree in ms paint never paid off. 

Nov 15, 16 10:52 am  · 



I'm glad you've shed the shackles of decency. Now we can, too. We can finally tell you that your word salad is meaningless and your images are crimes against the color spectrum.


Oh, wait, I already tried that. All it does is make you call me names like a small child on the playground.

Nov 15, 16 11:40 am  · 

Pete, I'm in this place now that I'm showing total love and protection toward the people I care about and who I fear may be threatened, and letting my un-PC asshole come out against those who obviously need it the least. They voted against PC behavior, so why should I bother being polite to them?

On the other hand, I came into work this morning and noticed one of my African American female coworkers had a white, tough-looking man standing behind her who I didn't recognize - so I stopped, looked at him, looked at her, asked if she was ok and had some small talk just to make sure. 

Turns out the guy I didn't recognize was a contractor and not a threat or problem at all. But I'm going to go ahead and assume that unknown white men are MAGAs and be suspicious of them accordingly.

Welcome to trumpamerica.

Nov 15, 16 12:10 pm  · 

We made jokes all weekend about Trumpmerica. We were hanging out with our close Republican friends. They're upset, too, albeit for different reasons. But my jokes let me down. Instead of helping me cope, they made me more upset.


I can get by. My demographic allows me to blend in to Trumpmerica. A lot of folks I care about can't. This isn't OK. To further the oddity of it all, I have often gotten through using sarcastic, snarky lenses to see the world. Now the opposition is using that to a much more destructive degree. Cynicism and snark have been weaponized.


So now I'm trying to be the calm person I've never really gotten a handle on. Not for me, because, like I said, I look like what Trumpmerica wants everyone to look. Instead, I'm trying to be the calm person so I can learn how to help. Instead of being the flashy facade, I'm trying to learn how to be the stable foundation. 

Nov 15, 16 12:24 pm  · 

I haven't fully learned yet, though.  (Fuck you, Lauf)  :)

Nov 15, 16 12:25 pm  · 

I can blend into Trumpamerica too, but I choose not to do so. Don't really care if it gets me nasty tweets, beaten up, etc... Think I haven't been bullied? That was my entire childhood. I'm used to it. Besides, the worst people are doing on Twitter is calling me fat, and I'm pretty damn aware of that.

Nov 15, 16 12:31 pm  · 

Shit. Your respect. The one thing I always wanted. 

Nov 15, 16 12:43 pm  · 

Did anyone ever stop to think that the left empowered the people who are now causing problems for minorities?  Throughout the campaigning, Trump was labeled the champion of the racist and those of similar ilk.  So, a victory for Trump would mean a victory for those sorts of people. Since the election, what has happened? The left has continued to state that this is a victory for those folks. 

So what has happened? They've acted like they have won a victory.  They've been emboldened.  I'm not saying Trump's actions aren't also to blame, but those who decry him most are also very much to blame. 

If the majority of the public, who we assume to be reasonable human beings, will just act civil, we tend to force such idiots to the extremes.  Sure, they'll have their moments, but it won't be as widespread as you're seeing now.  Giving them a platform to stand on will not help. 

Nov 15, 16 1:51 pm  · 

^ bluto - so, calling out outrageous behavior makes one responsible for that outrageous behavior when it takes place ... interesting logic.

Nov 15, 16 2:08 pm  · 

"Did anyone ever stop to think that the left empowered the people who are now causing problems for minorities?  Throughout the campaigning, Trump was labeled the champion of the racist and those of similar ilk."

What the fuck are you talking about? Trump labeled HIMSELF  the champion of the racist shitheads. How did the left do this?

Nov 15, 16 2:13 pm  · 

senjohnblutarsky, I agree with the tone and general feeling of your message (that we should all be reasonable, civil-acting human beings), but I don't agree that those that decry Trump are to blame for the platform.

You mention that those who decry him are giving him and his folks a platform to stand on. They were already standing on a platform. People might have forgotten that the platform and the people who were standing on it were there because they didn't have much of a voice or position. That was a good thing, because when those people weren't getting much support for their platform, they were likely to be swept under the rug of history and eventually forgotten. Those who decry the platform would have been as loud as they are now if that platform's voice been heard as loud as it is now. It wasn't, so there wasn't much need to be as loud as they are now.

Then the platform was given a more prominent position and voice through Trump's campaign and eventually elevated by his election to a position that has a lot of power and authority. Those who decry him are just pointing out that the platform is still the same as what it was before the election. They are decrying that they don't think the platform is ok. They are just speaking up, as is their right, in opposition to the platform that was always there. The difference is that both sides just got louder.

Nov 15, 16 2:14 pm  · 

I'm not saying calling someone out is a problem.  I'm saying that way it was and is being done is a problem.  You can't continue to say Trump won because... RACISTS!  You're just empowering racists at this point.  Now that Trump has won, we have to find a way to send such people back to the fringes of society.  Again, giving them a platform is not helping. 

Nov 15, 16 2:17 pm  · 

Again, they always had the platform. It just became a lot more prominent because of Trump. Calling it out for what it is isn't elevating it. Pretending like it isn't elevated isn't going to send it back to the fringes.

Nov 15, 16 2:20 pm  · 

How is calling a tree a tree giving a tree a platform?


Facts are static. What one does regarding said facts is what "gives them a platform"

Nov 15, 16 2:20 pm  · 

it's funny how the rational people get lamblasted on this site by the embodied naive liberals.

for an example I'm going to re-write Donna's statement above, just a rational exercise, and change out the race and then will graciously await the brainwashed liberals to explain why culture is not a math problem and they are correct because they say so (you know, just like Trump).

"... I came into work this morning and noticed one of my African American female coworkers had a white, tough-looking man standing behind her who I didn't recognize - so I stopped, looked at him, looked at her, asked if she was ok and had some small talk just to make sure. "

simple switcherooo

"...I came into work this morning and noticed one of my white female coworkers had a black, tough-looking man standing behind her who I didn't recognize - so I stopped, looked at him, looked at her, asked if she was ok and had some small talk just to make sure."

Nov 15, 16 2:24 pm  · 

jla, if you didn't want trump to be your president, you could have voted against him.  instead you threw your vote away, knowing it would make a trump victory over clinton that much closer to possible.  what's the point of a do-over if you're just going to screw it up again?

olaf, if you really don't understand what donna was saying, that doesn't make "the liberals" naive.  also, this site isn't 'embodied' liberals, it would be more appropriate to say 'disembodied,' what with it being the internet and all.  also, we're not all liberals.  some of us are works of fiction.

Nov 15, 16 2:42 pm  · 

Olaf, that is a false equivalency that denies both centuries of history and the current state of the country.

If you made arguments with some sense of proportion they might be taken seriously.  

Nov 15, 16 3:01 pm  · 

z1111, so internal bigotry is not racism, racism is part of a "narrative", right? 

it has nothing to do if you think all shaved head white guys are skinhead racist nazis because you had a bad experience once, but everything to do with what you're taught?

Donna's immediate thought that the white was harassing a black woman is not racist, it's what then? I'm really confused here.  If I see a white guy with a black woman I should think he is harassing her.  Ok, maybe she looked nervous.  Who knows, could be her husband and they go in a fight.

I guess the argument is that because of Trump the racists have come out of the closet?  Which means the racism was always there anyway and therefore since we always knew it was there, we must assume all white people are racist because you just can't know.  Because 150 years ago, not all white people, but many were racist and therefore all their children are racist.

Would love to hear the narrative, I've been out of college for too long and the media, well you know, their explanation for anything, is hot topic crap.

Nov 15, 16 3:41 pm  · 

Oversimplified stupidity parading as Socratic method.

Nov 15, 16 4:12 pm  · 

Olaf, good grief. Again, you are not framing your argument with any sense of proportion or indication of a knowledge of history.

150 years ago?

I don't immediately think anyone with a shaved head is a white nationalist. If they have an 88 tattoo well, yes.

I don't mean to speak for Donna. My understanding of her comment was that with the increase in hate crimes (previous page) it is fundamental and necessary to be extra vigilante at the possibility of violence. In case you haven't been keeping up with current events, these people are out of the shadows and into the mainstream.

Anyway, what do you care? I think you voted 3rd party so that you could sit back and play this abstract parlor game. If Hillary won you would be doing the same thing with the Trump supporters.

Glad you are amused.

Refusing to make a choice is making a choice.

You helped get Trump elected.

Nov 15, 16 4:19 pm  · 

^lol vigilant dang spell checker on archinect

Nov 15, 16 4:21 pm  · 

"...extra vigilante..."? I think the libs here are quite vigilante enough.

Nov 15, 16 4:27 pm  · 

Now is about a good time to introduce the SCANDAL at UVA; quoting Thom Jefferson.  That's racist.

Nov 15, 16 4:38 pm  · 

Olaf you have no understanding AT ALL of race in this country if that's your response.  I don't claim to be incredibly woke (look that up) but I know enough to know that the experience of personal safety of a white woman and a black woman in this country have some similarities but are IN NO WAY equivalent.  I already knew blatant racism existed but this election has woken me up (there's a clue) even further to how truly insidious and constant it is.

I would have worried for a white woman in that situation too because all women have an incredibly complex history of personal safety in this society, but again, my situation is a spa day compared to that of black women. The election, the vocal majority of people who voted for trump and thus announced  *they are totally fine with racism in our society* has just recently made me notice POC more. I fear for them.

And again: reverse racism is not a thing. It's a security blanket scared white people reach for when they are afraid they are being treated the way we white people have treated POC for centuries.

babs, you are so on point with your analysis above I don't even need to add to it.  And z1111 I totally agree with you too.


Nov 15, 16 4:42 pm  · 

Also Josh your comment above made me smile.  Yeah, I don't care if I get called names either anymore. I don't care if assholes like me or not.

Nov 15, 16 4:46 pm  · 
Don Kashane

Very civil, z111, nice calm interpretation of what Donna was saying.  My interpretation is this: Donna probably had images like this one still fresh in her mind:

where the white male appears to be the bigoted, paranoid, mysoginist, xenophobe, philandering, daughter lechering degenerate that he has shown himself to be. The new normal is to give no one any benefit of the doubt, since the leader of the nation in a few months will be a fucking degenerate (unless of course, and I quote Rathead directly "nothing you can do, folks, although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”)  Just like many others now, I'm fucking done with civility and mincing words.

Nov 15, 16 4:55 pm  · 

Don I like your interpretation.

z1111, not sure how to simplify things for you, you do a seem a bit dense on many things.  yeah I voted 3rd party, and even that was tough, I almost just skipped the first line and thought what a joke.

we have a crook cloaked in egalitarian bullshit.

we have a loudmouth backed by angry whatevers...i'm sorry I mean deplorables (not really)

Donna, you are right I have no idea what racism is in this country, even though I'm a citizen.  When I showed up in middle school I found out it was all my fault, because I'm a white male, why some people couldn't get their shit together.  I said some people, so calm down.

You guys rail on Uneameno because he like I showed up, made something of himself, and then finds out it's because he's to blame for the racism.

If you can't see the amazing hypocrisy in your stance, you got the America you deserved.  There is no such thing as reverse racism, but there is racism.  Its a two way street.

Sneakpete, yes, I'm just being philosophical to help the naive and ignorant understand the world they live in, my bad.  go on, keep yelling at each other over shit you were spoon fed in college.

z1111 please clarify the racism narrative in the country for me, forgive me I'm to openminded to accept prepared narratives telling me how to think?

remember real people voted for Trump.

fake people (actors) just about all of them hate Trump.

and if Michelle Obama runs in 2020 assuming my healthcare doesn't go down and infrastructure isn't great, I'd probably vote for her. 

carry on being clueless about your environment, I dare you.

Nov 15, 16 5:36 pm  · 

Olaf, for someone who doesn't like blind assumptions, you seem to have few qualms about making them.

Nov 15, 16 5:39 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Donkey: Whoa. Look at that. Who’d wanna live in a place like that?

Shrek: That would be my home.

Donkey: Oh and it is lovely. You know, you’re really quite a decorator. It’s amazing what you’ve done with such a modest budget. I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder.
Nov 15, 16 5:44 pm  · 

Olaf, since you seem incapable of constructing a substantive counter argument, I will just assume you don't have one.

carry on being clueless about your environment, I dare you.

Says the guy in the self-constructed titanium bubble.


I am done.

Nov 15, 16 5:54 pm  · 

Self-constructed titanium bubble? Olaf, you live in a Gehry house?

Nov 15, 16 6:16 pm  · 

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