Esther Tablado

Esther Tablado

Madrid, ES



The aim of the competition was the refurbishment and expansion of the Outdoor Sculptures’ Museum of Leganés, which is one of the greatest collections of contemporary sculptures in Spain, with a quite limited budget.

This project is located in Leganés, one of the largest towns in the outskirts of Madrid. the museum is located in an L-shaped site, encircling the Human Rights district. Within the site, stands the Cultural Center “Las Dehesillas”, at the east end, and a garden, which contains the Outdoor Sculptures' Museum.

Municipal Center "Las Dehesillas" is built on a former complex of cattle buildings called "The Feedlot". The current layout adopted the limits of the old complex, and preserves the access and a shed. Las Dehesillas is a two-floors building with a central squared courtyard, and a longitudinal nave on the north side. The basement contains the main entrance to the Center, a restaurant called “The Feedlot”, the Municipal Museum, a teaching area and an auditorium. All these areas delimit the central courtyard from which access is given to all departments of the Center. The first floor is devoted to training and employment agencies.

The north nave delimits an arcaded open courtyard, where some sculptures are located. The Outdoor Sculptures' Museum extends from this courtyard to the rest of the garden, but it’s cut off by a pedestrian road, which makes an access to the Human rights district.
The garden is composed of two areas with different treatment: one, parallel to the Doctor Fleming Avenue, with a treatment of terraces; and another, parallel to the Museum Avenue, with organic treatment. The first one is cut off by a road, which is a wheeled access to the Human Rights district.

The accesses to the neighborhood, both pedestrian and wheeled, generate architectural barriers in the Museum, and divide the site in three sectors. The pedestrian street, in turn, makes a difference in elevation of two meters, between the arcaded courtyard of the Cultural Center and the rest of the garden. This is another architectural barrier.



The priority has been to give a correct solution, both urban and formal and functional, taking into account the evidence presented in previous studies, the new needs of the museum, current legislation and the budget. The proposed solution unifies the different parts of the garden with one unique treatment, following a pattern generated by the adjacent road, interacting with their environment through several accesses, connecting with the different orientations of the site and urban routes. The tree parts in which the site is divided, are sewn with a single path.

The garden boundaries are expanded, and the fence unified, to give a single image to the whole complex. The existing terraces of the north part of the garden are preserved, but modified promptly to break the rigidity of the current treatment and integrated into the new plot.
The wheeled road that runs through the garden, becomes a pedestrian street on this section, due to the little traffic that runs across it (it is used almost exclusively for the residents of a few buildings). This traffic is diverted to an inlet located between the building “Las Dehesillas” and an adjacent parking. The pedestrian access is also modified and inserted in the garden traces.
Another operation that aims to unify the group is to connect the courtyard of the Cultural Centre with the Outdoor Sculptures’ Museum, bridging the difference in elevation gradually, turning both into a single unit.

Taking into account urban and economic constraints posed, it was decided to use a part of the existing building (Las Dehesillas) for the new museum program, while the rest of the Centre remains its current functions. In this way, it can be built the required surface at a lower cost. The rest of the new museographic program is located in some new spaces that are built, connected with the Cultural Centre. These new buildings extend the north nave and create a new parallel nave in the south side of the arcade courtyard, enclosing it. These new buildings maintain the sober character of the current Cultural Center, but have a more contemporary look. They are made of polished concrete on their basement, in contrast with the translucent polycarbonate of the first floor.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Leganés, Madrid (ES)