Esther Tablado

Esther Tablado

Madrid, ES




The park stands on one of the water tanks of the Canal de Isabel II of Madrid, in Chamberí district. The project tries to give use to this great surface of the centre of Madrid creating a public space landscaped in it, to offset the lack of green spaces in this area of the city.

The tracing of the park follows the squared traces of the deposit on which it is placed. These traces indicate the trees positions. The squared pattern is broken by the main walk that joins the main entry to the park with the tower, which is a high deposit. The different stays and tours are created by a system of plant and concrete walls that follow the deposit’s axes. The limits of the park consist on small green hills in the north and east sides, and bushes in the south and west sides. The layout offers a responsive playground for all age groups and sectors of the local community. Structured play areas for younger children, sporting facilities and a resting area are provided.

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Status: School Project
Location: Madrid, ES