Esther Tablado

Esther Tablado

Madrid, ES



Segovia is known for its historical character and cultural heritage; but nevertheless the East part of the city doesn’t fit with this image. It is a disorganized industrial park, with a remarkable lack of construction unity and very little character, and nowadays it is in decadence due to the increasing abandon of the industries we can find there. This Masterplan aims to reorganize this part of the city by supporting the industries and providing them with a more modern and unitary character. Also, it aims to introduce new activities, some linked to the industries- like small companies, hotels and a convention’s centre-, and others linked to the adjacent neighbourhoods- a great park and some other public spaces, cultural centre, sports centre...-, etc.

The site has an important ground difference with the west, where the old train station is located. The train railways mark the limit of the site to the west. To the east it borders on a big street which gives access to the city. To the north, a wide street separates the site and the city.

The area is organized in north- and south-orientated bands of activities. The industries are grouped by sizes, placing the minors next to the street and becoming bigger towards the interior. The existing tracing of parallel streets is conserved, but one of them has been removed in order to give more extent to the remaining ones. A group of hotels is placed in the north end of this band, associated with the managerial activity of the development. Towards the south-east end, creating a front to the great street which makes the limit, some endowments are set. A second band is created to the west of the industries and closes to the slope towards the train railways: it is a companies’ fish-pond, of small buildings with wide public spaces. Because of this slope, this fish-pond forms the front of the development towards the city. Completing this band towards the west, in the area which is nearest to the city, some public buildings are set that offset the lack of endowments of the adjacent neighbourhoods, like a cultural centre. One more band is organized in the west end, where the old train railways are set. This band conforms the transition between the city and the industrial park and turns into a great green space, very necessary in this part of the city.

The connection with the city on the north side is made through a wide public square, which receives some different scattering areas. Except in the industrial band, where it is organized a very rational and wide system of routes for the trucks, the rest of the development is accessed through pedestrian streets. It is emphasized the interest to create a great quantity of opened, public and green spaces.

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Status: School Project
Location: Segovia, ES