Esther Tablado

Esther Tablado

Madrid, ES




“F. U. Apartments” is a building that combines living and working in one location. The project consist on 600 one and two-bedrooms apartments for the students of the Freie Universität, and complementary uses. Placed in the environment of the University, the block is situated next to Psychology Faculty, an important facility built by from Candillis, Josic and Woods architects. The block stands close to Fabbeckstrasse and Kandstrasse streets, forming one façade to these streets and leaving in the other side a big open space for different activities that integrate the building in the campus and are isolated from the noise of the traffic.

The building is a continuous line that breaks forming courts. Those that are opened to the streets, act as porches of access to the building, whereas the opposite ones, which are opened to the central space, are meeting courts. In the ground floor are the trades and workshops, whereas in the uppers are the apartments (exempting those for handicapped persons, which are placed in the ground floor). The apartments can be accessed by a corridor and small gangplanks which depart from it to each apartment. By these gangplanks it is established a visual relation between the different floors of the building, and as the same time, it is created a toplit communication space. The corridor expands in certain points to receive several activities, like points of reading, press, coffee… etc

The apartments are south orientated so they receive the most light as possible. There are 60% of one-bedroom apartments, in one floor, 35% of two-bedroom apartments, in 2 floors and 5% of handicapped apartments, in one floor. The different uses of each of them are condensed in the lateral walls in the shape of cupboards, allowing this way a flexible use.

The building presents two different fronts: to the streets (to the north) the building has a closed aspect, with concrete and wood panels, and to the Candillis building (to the south,) the glass area is maximised to gain passive solar energy during colder periods.

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Status: School Project
Location: Berlin, DE