Grub Street interviews Karim Rashid. Topics covered include the difference between style and design, why he finds the design of NYC restaurants unispired and his design philosophies.New York Magazine View full entry
Domusweb launches special website for the Salone with google map and videos. View full entry
"“I HAVE a little spiel I like to give about thread,” Natalie Chanin said the other day. “The ladies laugh at me and call it my Oprah moment, but here’s how it goes: It’s called loving your thread, and it’s all about talking to the thread, coaxing it to take... View full entry sources the interior details from the Apple stores, for those of you who crave more than their sexy computer hardware. Want to work for Eight Inc., the Apple store designers? They are hiring (but you may need to relocate to Hawaii ;). View full entry
Read about hyper-vigilance in the world of hotel room cleanliness, and how the "Pure Room" – free of "bacteria, pollen, dust, dust mites and other possible irritants... from the curtains to the carpeting to the air-conditioning units" – may be coming soon to a structure near you... View full entry
If that sofa in the wrong place or you need a powder room layout, who you gonna call? Design psychologists cometh to rescue. lat. Aren't the design consultants getting too varied? View full entry
Metropolis reviews the same Josef Hoffman show discussed earlier. "Presented for the first time are four interiors taken from Hoffmann’s most fruitful period, re-created with objects original to those rooms: furniture, wall and floor coverings, textiles, lighting, ceramics, glass and... View full entry
Josef Hoffmann's interiors were "total works" of art, detail, and domesticity. "Yet Hoffmann’s vision should not be confused with the cliché of the egocentric architect or designer intent on imposing his will down to every last ashtray." Find out why in this month's ArtForum. View full entry
Rashid talks of , “The world is becoming very visually savvy and info-savvy...If the art world is so flexible, so personalized, so complex and so aesthetic, why not the physical world ?” However after seeing the 3rd photograph of 14, I felt that I had seen it all. what do you think?... View full entry
Los Angeles is the new host to a Vitra showroom. The new showroom is located in the Helms Building in Culver City. This is the fourth Vitra showroom in the US, with others in New York City, Chicago and San Francisco... Culver City, CA – September 21, 2006 â€&ldquo... View full entry
A new archinect member and the owner of contract furnishings bussiness spells out the dark secrets of interior design craft in a discussions thread. An eloquent read for people who want to earn more. By FashionPlate, 09/21/06 10:08 A tad late to the thread, but here's another perspective from... View full entry
"Just because your cubicle has less square footage than your bathroom at home doesn't mean you can't live large." Related products for a better cubicle life and cubicle+decorations flickr. View full entry
Gerhard Richter To Create Window For Cologne Cathedral, a casualty of WW2. read about it at greg and at theresa. View full entry
Eight students from Manhattan's S.V.A. interiors program redesign a Katrina-torn house with kaleidoscopic Clarence House wallpaper (“The swirl kind of really evokes the weather and what you've been through”). newyorker View full entry
This just seems like the greatest idea for wallpaper since the lickable kind. | via View full entry