The Anti-Racist School of Architecture Symposium 2021 will shine a spotlight on the intersection of architecture, race, and education. The Symposium aims to address the following topics: Injustices Black, Indigenous, and People of Color face in the architecture and design education... View full entry
For decades, psychiatric hospitals were grim settings where patients were crowded into common rooms by day and dorms at night. But new research into the health effects of our surroundings is spurring the development of facilities that feel more residential, with welcoming entrances, smaller living units within larger buildings and a variety of gathering spaces. — The New York Times
Architecture and interior design firms have reported an increase in demand for mental health facilities, writes Jane Margolies for The New York Times. "At the design firm Architecture+ in Troy, N.Y., one or two major mental health facilities are typically in the pipeline, with total... View full entry
Kwong Von Glinow, the Chicago-based practice and 2018 Architectural League Prize winner, recently completed an intriguing residential project in the northern section of their hometown. The 3,100-square-foot Ardmore House reverses the conventional section of a three-story home by arranging the... View full entry
India’s supreme court has given approval for a new parliament building that critics have called an “expensive vanity project” for the prime minister, Narendra Modi. [...]
Since the project was announced, it has faced criticism from civil society groups, environmentalists and politicians about its lack of transparency and public consultation and high cost in a time of economic crisis.
— The Guardian
The $3 billion parliament plan, a pet project of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to reshape the country's capital, was officially launched last December with the ceremonial laying of the foundation stone but immediately halted again by India's Supreme Court due to legal challenges over... View full entry
Over 20 years since the Kyoto Protocol, over 10 years since the Global Financial Crisis, and in the first year of the global Coronavirus pandemic, there has been no real change in the architecture of architecture itself. That will only happen when it stops connecting everything with itself, stops beginning with itself. When it admits the revolution into its own citadel. — Volume
Ole Bouman writes a Volume piece on 'Solipsism of Architecture' where he discusses a revolution will not happen in architecture until......Until then, in an inversion of Le Corbusier’s most notorious epigram: Architecture or Revolution. Architecture can be avoided.Previously on Archinect... View full entry
With the sudden outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic early last year, many of the world's cultural activities were impacted with such force that anticipated openings, or re-openings, of major institutions had to be postponed from their originally scheduled 2020 dates. The Art Newspaper has... View full entry
And finally, we're at December, the end of 2020... the year everyone's happy to bid farewell. It's been a melancholic month, with many taking time off from work, some braving the virus to spend time with family, with others staying cautious and remaining at home with family or alone. A vaccine... View full entry
While the news cycle in October was mostly dominated by the upcoming elections and ongoing pandemic, other aspects of life continued. In the world of architecture, these were the stories that captured our collective attention... The Challenges of Academia Lesley Lokko resigns as Dean of CCNY's... View full entry
In fact, America has beautiful and popular non-traditional structures – the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles – and it has crude and soulless classical buildings. Unfortunately, the authors of the order are not completely wrong when they say that some architects have ignored public feeling. — The Guardian
Rowan Moore, architecture critic at The Observer, responds to last week's presidential executive order that makes classical and traditional architecture the preferred style for federal buildings. "If architects don’t want to give ammunition to the repressive thinking behind this order," Moore... View full entry
In cities across Asia, residents and design buffs are rallying to save or document postwar buildings that officials consider too new, too ugly or too unimportant to protect from demolition. Many of the structures were municipal buildings that served as downtown hubs of civic life. The campaigns, in a sense, are an attempt to preserve the collective memories stored inside. — The New York Times
By this time during the year, although hopeful at times, everyone had settled into a period of adjustment as attempts to contain the COVID-19 virus continued to persist. While the U.S. was coming to terms with this accepted sense of pandemic reality the architecture industry continued to press on... View full entry
Architectural news showed no sign of slowing down this August, with surging coronavirus cases around the world continuing to cast uncertainty on economic outlook and day-to-day professional practice. London Bridge Station by Grimshaw. Photo: Paul Raftery. ↑ Autodesk: "We have underinvested in... View full entry
On our year-end show Donna, Ken and I are joined by Frances Anderton. For our Los Angeles listeners, Frances's voice is probably very familiar to you. Frances is the host of DnA, the radio show the focuses on architecture and design on KCRW, the local favorite station among architects in the... View full entry
By the start of July most of the world was more than three months into the COVID-19 pandemic, far surpassing the original hopes that we would have had it contained enough to return back to schools and workplaces. New architecture graduates were a couple of months into a job search at a time when... View full entry
The architecture community continues to respond to Trump's latest executive order promoting classical and traditional architecture as the "preferred style" for federal buildings. After signing the mandate at the tail end of his presidency, institutions and organizations have voiced their... View full entry