of the Serpentine by Alvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura with Cecil Balmond - Arup.
"The Pavilion has been described by Siza as resembling a restless creature like an animal whose legs are firmly attached to the ground, but whose body is tense from hunger with an arched back and taut skin." not.
it's so bad, it goes beyond bad, goes back into good and then past it and into bad again. I'm so disappointed by Souto de Moura...
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"The Pavilion has been described by Siza as resembling a restless creature like an animal whose legs are firmly attached to the ground, but whose body is tense from hunger with an arched back and taut skin."
it's so bad, it goes beyond bad, goes back into good and then past it and into bad again.
I'm so disappointed by Souto de Moura...
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